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Open Source Computer Vision
▼Ncv | "black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk |
Naruco | |
Nbgsegm | |
Nbioinspired | |
Nccalib | |
Ncnn_3dobj | |
Ncuda | |
Ncudacodec | |
▼Ncudev | |
Nfunctional_detail | |
Nvec_math_detail | |
Ndatasets | |
Ndetail | |
▼Ndirectx | |
Nocl | |
▼Ndnn | |
Ndetails | |
Ndnn_objdetect | |
Ndpm | |
NError | |
Nface | |
Nfisheye | The methods in this namespace use a so-called fisheye camera model |
Nflann | |
Nfreetype | |
Nft | |
▼Ngapi | |
Ncompound | |
►Ncore | |
Ncpu | |
Nfluid | |
►Nimgproc | |
Nocl | |
►Nown | |
Ngimpl | |
Nhal | |
Nhdf | |
Nhfs | |
Nimg_hash | |
Ninstr | |
Ninternal | |
Nkinfu | |
Nline_descriptor | |
Nlinemod | |
Nml | |
Nmotempl | |
Nmulticalib | |
Nocl | |
▼Nogl | |
Nocl | |
▼Nomnidir | |
Ninternal | |
Noptflow | |
Novis | |
Nphase_unwrapping | |
Nplot | |
Nppf_match_3d | |
▼Nquality | |
Nquality_utils | |
Nrandpattern | |
Nreg | |
Nrgbd | |
Nsaliency | |
Nsamples | |
Nsfm | |
Nstereo | |
Nstructured_light | |
Nsuperres | |
Ntext | |
Ntld | |
Ntracking | |
Ntraits | |
▼Nutil | |
Ndetail | |
▼Nutils | |
Nfs | |
►Nlogging | |
Ntrace | |
▼Nva_intel | |
Nocl | |
Nvideoio_registry | |
Nvideostab | |
Nviz | |
Nxfeatures2d | |
▼Nximgproc | |
Nrl | |
Nsegmentation | |
Nxobjdetect | |
Nxphoto | |
▼Ncvflann | |
Nanyimpl | |
Nlsh | |
▼Ncvv | |
Nimpl | |
NNcvCTprep |