class | AffineBasedEstimator |
| Affine transformation based estimator. More...
class | AffineBestOf2NearestMatcher |
| Features matcher similar to cv::detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher which finds two best matches for each feature and leaves the best one only if the ratio between descriptor distances is greater than the threshold match_conf. More...
class | AffineWarper |
| Affine warper that uses rotations and translations. More...
class | BasicVectorRef |
class | BestOf2NearestMatcher |
| Features matcher which finds two best matches for each feature and leaves the best one only if the ratio between descriptor distances is greater than the threshold match_conf. More...
class | BestOf2NearestRangeMatcher |
class | Blender |
| Base class for all blenders. More...
class | BlocksChannelsCompensator |
| Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image block on each channel. More...
class | BlocksCompensator |
| Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image blocks. More...
class | BlocksGainCompensator |
| Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image block intensities, see [216] for details. More...
class | BundleAdjusterAffine |
| Bundle adjuster that expects affine transformation represented in homogeneous coordinates in R for each camera param. Implements camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares. More...
class | BundleAdjusterAffinePartial |
| Bundle adjuster that expects affine transformation with 4 DOF represented in homogeneous coordinates in R for each camera param. Implements camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares. More...
class | BundleAdjusterBase |
| Base class for all camera parameters refinement methods. More...
class | BundleAdjusterRay |
| Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the distances between the rays passing through the camera center and a feature. : More...
class | BundleAdjusterReproj |
| Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares. More...
struct | CameraParams |
| Describes camera parameters. More...
class | ChannelsCompensator |
| Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image intensities on each channel independently. More...
struct | CompileArgTag |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::GKernelPackage > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::GLookupOrder > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::graph_dump_path > |
struct | CompileArgTag< GFluidOutputRois > |
struct | CompressedRectilinearPortraitProjector |
class | CompressedRectilinearPortraitWarper |
struct | CompressedRectilinearProjector |
class | CompressedRectilinearWarper |
struct | CylindricalPortraitProjector |
class | CylindricalPortraitWarper |
struct | CylindricalProjector |
class | CylindricalWarper |
| Warper that maps an image onto the x*x + z*z = 1 cylinder. More...
class | CylindricalWarperGpu |
class | DisjointSets |
class | DpSeamFinder |
class | Estimator |
| Rotation estimator base class. More...
class | ExposureCompensator |
| Base class for all exposure compensators. More...
class | FeatherBlender |
| Simple blender which mixes images at its borders. More...
class | FeaturesMatcher |
| Feature matchers base class. More...
struct | FisheyeProjector |
class | FisheyeWarper |
struct | fluid_get_in |
struct | fluid_get_in< cv::GMat > |
struct | fluid_get_in< cv::GScalar > |
struct | FluidCallHelper |
struct | FluidCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... >, UseScratch > |
class | GainCompensator |
| Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image intensities, see [28] and [239] for details. More...
class | GArrayU |
struct | GCompoundCallHelper |
struct | GCompoundCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > |
struct | GCompoundContext |
class | GCompoundKernel |
class | GCompoundKernelImpl |
struct | get_border_helper |
struct | get_border_helper< false, Impl, Ins... > |
struct | get_border_helper< true, Impl, Ins... > |
struct | get_compound_in |
struct | get_compound_in< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | get_in |
struct | get_in< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | get_in< cv::GMat > |
struct | get_in< cv::GScalar > |
struct | get_out |
struct | get_out< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | get_out< cv::GMat > |
struct | get_out< cv::GScalar > |
class | Graph |
class | GraphCutSeamFinder |
| Minimum graph cut-based seam estimator. See details in [114] . More...
class | GraphCutSeamFinderBase |
| Base class for all minimum graph-cut-based seam estimators. More...
struct | GraphEdge |
struct | GTypeOf |
struct | GTypeOf< cv::gapi::own::Mat > |
struct | GTypeOf< cv::gapi::own::Scalar > |
struct | GTypeOf< cv::Mat > |
struct | GTypeOf< cv::Scalar > |
struct | GTypeOf< std::vector< U > > |
struct | GTypeTraits |
struct | GTypeTraits< cv::GArray< T > > |
struct | GTypeTraits< cv::GMat > |
struct | GTypeTraits< cv::GScalar > |
struct | has_custom_wrap |
class | HomographyBasedEstimator |
| Homography based rotation estimator. More...
struct | ImageFeatures |
| Structure containing image keypoints and descriptors. More...
struct | is_gmat_type |
struct | is_meta_descr |
struct | is_meta_descr< GArrayDesc > |
struct | is_meta_descr< GMatDesc > |
struct | is_meta_descr< GScalarDesc > |
struct | last_type |
struct | last_type< T > |
struct | last_type< T, Ts... > |
struct | MatchesInfo |
| Structure containing information about matches between two images. More...
struct | MercatorProjector |
class | MercatorWarper |
struct | MetaHelper |
struct | MetaHelper< K, std::tuple< Ins... >, Out > |
struct | MetaHelper< K, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > |
struct | MetaType |
struct | MetaType< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | MetaType< cv::GMat > |
struct | MetaType< cv::GScalar > |
class | MultiBandBlender |
| Blender which uses multi-band blending algorithm (see [31]). More...
class | NoBundleAdjuster |
| Stub bundle adjuster that does nothing. More...
class | NoExposureCompensator |
| Stub exposure compensator which does nothing. More...
class | NoSeamFinder |
| Stub seam estimator which does nothing. More...
struct | ocl_get_in |
struct | ocl_get_in< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | ocl_get_in< cv::GMat > |
struct | ocl_get_in< cv::GScalar > |
struct | ocl_get_out |
struct | ocl_get_out< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | ocl_get_out< cv::GMat > |
struct | ocl_get_out< cv::GScalar > |
struct | OCLCallHelper |
struct | OCLCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > |
struct | OCVCallHelper |
struct | OCVCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > |
class | PairwiseSeamFinder |
| Base class for all pairwise seam estimators. More...
struct | PaniniPortraitProjector |
class | PaniniPortraitWarper |
struct | PaniniProjector |
class | PaniniWarper |
struct | PlanePortraitProjector |
class | PlanePortraitWarper |
struct | PlaneProjector |
class | PlaneWarper |
| Warper that maps an image onto the z = 1 plane. More...
class | PlaneWarperGpu |
struct | ProjectorBase |
| Base class for warping logic implementation. More...
struct | ProtoToMeta |
struct | ProtoToMeta< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | ProtoToMeta< cv::GMat > |
struct | ProtoToMeta< cv::GScalar > |
struct | ProtoToParam |
struct | ProtoToParam< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | ProtoToParam< cv::GMat > |
struct | ProtoToParam< cv::GScalar > |
class | RotationWarper |
| Rotation-only model image warper interface. More...
class | RotationWarperBase |
| Base class for rotation-based warper using a detail::ProjectorBase_ derived class. More...
struct | scalar_wrapper |
struct | scalar_wrapper_ocl |
struct | scratch_helper |
struct | scratch_helper< false, Impl, Ins... > |
struct | scratch_helper< true, Impl, Ins... > |
class | SeamFinder |
| Base class for a seam estimator. More...
struct | SphericalPortraitProjector |
class | SphericalPortraitWarper |
struct | SphericalProjector |
class | SphericalWarper |
| Warper that maps an image onto the unit sphere located at the origin. More...
class | SphericalWarperGpu |
struct | StereographicProjector |
class | StereographicWarper |
class | Timelapser |
class | TimelapserCrop |
struct | tracked_cv_mat |
struct | tracked_cv_umat |
struct | TransverseMercatorProjector |
class | TransverseMercatorWarper |
struct | tuple_wrap_helper |
struct | tuple_wrap_helper< std::tuple< Objs... > > |
class | VectorRef |
class | VectorRefT |
class | VoronoiSeamFinder |
| Voronoi diagram-based seam estimator. More...
struct | WrapValue |
struct | WrapValue< T, typename std::enable_if< has_custom_wrap< T >::value >::type > |