Class VolumeSettings

  • public class VolumeSettings
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Detail

      • nativeObj

        protected final long nativeObj
    • Constructor Detail

      • VolumeSettings

        protected VolumeSettings​(long addr)
      • VolumeSettings

        public VolumeSettings​(int volumeType)
        Constructor of settings for custom Volume type.
        volumeType - volume type.
      • VolumeSettings

        public VolumeSettings()
        Constructor of settings for custom Volume type.
    • Method Detail

      • getNativeObjAddr

        public long getNativeObjAddr()
      • __fromPtr__

        public static VolumeSettings __fromPtr__​(long addr)
      • setIntegrateWidth

        public void setIntegrateWidth​(int val)
        Sets the width of the image for integration.
        val - input value.
      • getIntegrateWidth

        public int getIntegrateWidth()
        Returns the width of the image for integration.
        automatically generated
      • setIntegrateHeight

        public void setIntegrateHeight​(int val)
        Sets the height of the image for integration.
        val - input value.
      • getIntegrateHeight

        public int getIntegrateHeight()
        Returns the height of the image for integration.
        automatically generated
      • setRaycastWidth

        public void setRaycastWidth​(int val)
        Sets the width of the raycasted image, used when user does not provide it at raycast() call.
        val - input value.
      • getRaycastWidth

        public int getRaycastWidth()
        Returns the width of the raycasted image, used when user does not provide it at raycast() call.
        automatically generated
      • setRaycastHeight

        public void setRaycastHeight​(int val)
        Sets the height of the raycasted image, used when user does not provide it at raycast() call.
        val - input value.
      • getRaycastHeight

        public int getRaycastHeight()
        Returns the height of the raycasted image, used when user does not provide it at raycast() call.
        automatically generated
      • setDepthFactor

        public void setDepthFactor​(float val)
        Sets depth factor, witch is the number for depth scaling.
        val - input value.
      • getDepthFactor

        public float getDepthFactor()
        Returns depth factor, witch is the number for depth scaling.
        automatically generated
      • setVoxelSize

        public void setVoxelSize​(float val)
        Sets the size of voxel.
        val - input value.
      • getVoxelSize

        public float getVoxelSize()
        Returns the size of voxel.
        automatically generated
      • setTsdfTruncateDistance

        public void setTsdfTruncateDistance​(float val)
        Sets TSDF truncation distance. Distances greater than value from surface will be truncated to 1.0.
        val - input value.
      • getTsdfTruncateDistance

        public float getTsdfTruncateDistance()
        Returns TSDF truncation distance. Distances greater than value from surface will be truncated to 1.0.
        automatically generated
      • setMaxDepth

        public void setMaxDepth​(float val)
        Sets threshold for depth truncation in meters. Truncates the depth greater than threshold to 0.
        val - input value.
      • getMaxDepth

        public float getMaxDepth()
        Returns threshold for depth truncation in meters. Truncates the depth greater than threshold to 0.
        automatically generated
      • setMaxWeight

        public void setMaxWeight​(int val)
        Sets max number of frames to integrate per voxel. Represents the max number of frames over which a running average of the TSDF is calculated for a voxel.
        val - input value.
      • getMaxWeight

        public int getMaxWeight()
        Returns max number of frames to integrate per voxel. Represents the max number of frames over which a running average of the TSDF is calculated for a voxel.
        automatically generated
      • setRaycastStepFactor

        public void setRaycastStepFactor​(float val)
        Sets length of single raycast step. Describes the percentage of voxel length that is skipped per march.
        val - input value.
      • getRaycastStepFactor

        public float getRaycastStepFactor()
        Returns length of single raycast step. Describes the percentage of voxel length that is skipped per march.
        automatically generated
      • setVolumePose

        public void setVolumePose​(Mat val)
        Sets volume pose.
        val - input value.
      • getVolumePose

        public void getVolumePose​(Mat val)
        Sets volume pose.
        val - output value.
      • setVolumeResolution

        public void setVolumeResolution​(Mat val)
        Resolution of voxel space. Number of voxels in each dimension. Applicable only for TSDF Volume. HashTSDF volume only supports equal resolution in all three dimensions.
        val - input value.
      • getVolumeResolution

        public void getVolumeResolution​(Mat val)
        Resolution of voxel space. Number of voxels in each dimension. Applicable only for TSDF Volume. HashTSDF volume only supports equal resolution in all three dimensions.
        val - output value.
      • getVolumeStrides

        public void getVolumeStrides​(Mat val)
        Returns 3 integers representing strides by x, y and z dimension. Can be used to iterate over raw volume unit data.
        val - output value.
      • setCameraIntegrateIntrinsics

        public void setCameraIntegrateIntrinsics​(Mat val)
        Sets intrinsics of camera for integrations. Format of input: [ fx 0 cx ] [ 0 fy cy ] [ 0 0 1 ] where fx and fy are focus points of Ox and Oy axises, and cx and cy are central points of Ox and Oy axises.
        val - input value.
      • getCameraIntegrateIntrinsics

        public void getCameraIntegrateIntrinsics​(Mat val)
        Returns intrinsics of camera for integrations. Format of output: [ fx 0 cx ] [ 0 fy cy ] [ 0 0 1 ] where fx and fy are focus points of Ox and Oy axises, and cx and cy are central points of Ox and Oy axises.
        val - output value.
      • setCameraRaycastIntrinsics

        public void setCameraRaycastIntrinsics​(Mat val)
        Sets camera intrinsics for raycast image which, used when user does not provide them at raycast() call. Format of input: [ fx 0 cx ] [ 0 fy cy ] [ 0 0 1 ] where fx and fy are focus points of Ox and Oy axises, and cx and cy are central points of Ox and Oy axises.
        val - input value.
      • getCameraRaycastIntrinsics

        public void getCameraRaycastIntrinsics​(Mat val)
        Returns camera intrinsics for raycast image, used when user does not provide them at raycast() call. Format of output: [ fx 0 cx ] [ 0 fy cy ] [ 0 0 1 ] where fx and fy are focus points of Ox and Oy axises, and cx and cy are central points of Ox and Oy axises.
        val - output value.
      • finalize

        protected void finalize()
                         throws java.lang.Throwable
        finalize in class java.lang.Object