OpenCV  4.10.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
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Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

Detailed Description


class  cv::DualQuat< _Tp >
class  cv::Quat< _Tp >
class  cv::QuatEnum


using cv::DualQuatd = DualQuat< double >
using cv::DualQuatf = DualQuat< float >
using cv::Quatd = Quat< double >
using cv::Quatf = Quat< float >


enum  cv::QuatAssumeType {
 Unit quaternion flag. More...


template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::acos (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::acosh (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::asin (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::asinh (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::atan (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::atanh (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::cos (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::cosh (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::crossProduct (const Quat< T > &p, const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::exp (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::inv (const Quat< T > &q, QuatAssumeType assumeUnit=QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::log (const Quat< T > &q, QuatAssumeType assumeUnit=QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::operator* (const Quat< T > &, const T)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::operator* (const T, const Quat< T > &)
template<typename _Tp >
std::ostream & cv::operator<< (std::ostream &, const DualQuat< _Tp > &)
template<typename _Tp >
std::ostream & cv::operator<< (std::ostream &, const Quat< _Tp > &)
template<typename S >
std::ostream & cv::operator<< (std::ostream &, const Quat< S > &)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::power (const Quat< T > &q, const Quat< T > &p, QuatAssumeType assumeUnit=QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::power (const Quat< T > &q, const T x, QuatAssumeType assumeUnit=QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::sin (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::sinh (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename S >
Quat< S > cv::sqrt (const Quat< S > &q, QuatAssumeType assumeUnit=QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::tan (const Quat< T > &q)
template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::tanh (const Quat< T > &q)

Typedef Documentation

◆ DualQuatd

using cv::DualQuatd = typedef DualQuat<double>

◆ DualQuatf

using cv::DualQuatf = typedef DualQuat<float>

◆ Quatd

using cv::Quatd = typedef Quat<double>

◆ Quatf

using cv::Quatf = typedef Quat<float>

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ QuatAssumeType

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

Unit quaternion flag.


This flag is specified by default. If this flag is specified, the input quaternions are assumed to be not unit quaternions. It can guarantee the correctness of the calculations, although the calculation speed will be slower than the flag QUAT_ASSUME_UNIT.


If this flag is specified, the input quaternions are assumed to be unit quaternions which will save some computations. However, if this flag is specified without unit quaternion, the program correctness of the result will not be guaranteed.

Function Documentation

◆ acos()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::acos ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[\arccos(q) = -\frac{\boldsymbol{v}}{||\boldsymbol{v}||}arccosh(q)\]

where \(\boldsymbol{v} = [x, y, z].\)

qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Definition quaternion.hpp:211
Quat< T > acos(const Quat< T > &q)

◆ acosh()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::acosh ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[arccosh(q) = \ln(q + \sqrt{q^2 - 1})\]


qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Quat< T > acosh(const Quat< T > &q)

◆ asin()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::asin ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[\arcsin(q) = -\frac{\boldsymbol{v}}{||\boldsymbol{v}||}arcsinh(q\frac{\boldsymbol{v}}{||\boldsymbol{v}||})\]

where \(\boldsymbol{v} = [x, y, z].\)

qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Quat< T > asin(const Quat< T > &q)

◆ asinh()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::asinh ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[arcsinh(q) = \ln(q + \sqrt{q^2 + 1})\]


qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Quat< T > asinh(const Quat< T > &q)

◆ atan()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::atan ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[\arctan(q) = -\frac{\boldsymbol{v}}{||\boldsymbol{v}||}arctanh(q\frac{\boldsymbol{v}}{||\boldsymbol{v}||})\]

where \(\boldsymbol{v} = [x, y, z].\)

qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Quat< T > atan(const Quat< T > &q)

◆ atanh()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::atanh ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[arctanh(q) = \frac{\ln(q + 1) - \ln(1 - q)}{2}\]


qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Quat< T > atanh(const Quat< T > &q)

◆ cos()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::cos ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[\cos(p) = \cos(w) * \cosh(||\boldsymbol{v}||) - \sin(w)\frac{\boldsymbol{v}}{||\boldsymbol{v}||}\sinh(||\boldsymbol{v}||)\]

where \(\boldsymbol{v} = [x, y, z].\)

qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Quat< T > cos(const Quat< T > &q)

◆ cosh()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::cosh ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[\cosh(p) = \cosh(w) * \cos(||\boldsymbol{v}||) + \sinh(w)\frac{\boldsymbol{v}}{||\boldsymbol{v}||}\sin(||\boldsymbol{v}||)\]

where \(\boldsymbol{v} = [x, y, z].\)

qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Quat< T > cosh(const Quat< T > &q)

◆ crossProduct()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::crossProduct ( const Quat< T > &  p,
const Quat< T > &  q 

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[p \times q = \frac{pq- qp}{2}\]

\[p \times q = \boldsymbol{u} \times \boldsymbol{v}\]

\[p \times q = (cz-dy)i + (dx-bz)j + (by-xc)k \]

For example

Quatd q{1,2,3,4};
Quatd p{5,6,7,8};
Quat< T > crossProduct(const Quat< T > &p, const Quat< T > &q)
Quat< double > Quatd
Definition quaternion.hpp:1688

◆ exp()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::exp ( const Quat< T > &  q)
cv.exp(src[, dst]) -> dst

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[\exp(q) = e^w (\cos||\boldsymbol{v}||+ \frac{v}{||\boldsymbol{v}||})\sin||\boldsymbol{v}||\]

where \(\boldsymbol{v} = [x, y, z].\)

qa quaternion.

For example:

Quatd q{1,2,3,4};
cout << exp(q) << endl;
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ inv()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::inv ( const Quat< T > &  q,
QuatAssumeType  assumeUnit = QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT 

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

qa quaternion.
assumeUnitif QUAT_ASSUME_UNIT, quaternion q assume to be a unit quaternion and this function will save some computations.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
q = q.normalize();
inv(q, assumeUnit);//This assumeUnit means p is a unit quaternion
Quat< T > inv(const Quat< T > &q, QuatAssumeType assumeUnit=QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT)
Unit quaternion flag.
Definition quaternion.hpp:39
Definition quaternion.hpp:52

◆ log()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::log ( const Quat< T > &  q,
QuatAssumeType  assumeUnit = QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT 
cv.log(src[, dst]) -> dst

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[\ln(q) = \ln||q|| + \frac{\boldsymbol{v}}{||\boldsymbol{v}||}\arccos\frac{w}{||q||}.\]

where \(\boldsymbol{v} = [x, y, z].\)

qa quaternion.
assumeUnitif QUAT_ASSUME_UNIT, q assume to be a unit quaternion and this function will save some computations.

For example

Quatd q1{1,2,3,4};
cout << log(q1) << endl;
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::operator* ( const Quat< T > &  ,
const T   

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::operator* ( const T  ,
const Quat< T > &   

◆ operator<<() [1/3]

template<typename _Tp >
std::ostream & cv::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const DualQuat< _Tp > &   

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

template<typename _Tp >
std::ostream & cv::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const Quat< _Tp > &   

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

template<typename S >
std::ostream & cv::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const Quat< S > &   

◆ power() [1/2]

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::power ( const Quat< T > &  q,
const Quat< T > &  p,
QuatAssumeType  assumeUnit = QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT 

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[p^q = e^{q\ln(p)}.\]

pbase quaternion of power function.
qindex quaternion of power function.
assumeUnitif QUAT_ASSUME_UNIT, quaternion \(p\) assume to be a unit quaternion and this function will save some computations.

For example

Quatd p(1,2,3,4);
Quatd q(5,6,7,8);
power(p, q);
p = p.normalize();
power(p, q, assumeUnit); //This assumeUnit means p is a unit quaternion
Quat< T > power(const Quat< T > &q, const Quat< T > &p, QuatAssumeType assumeUnit=QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT)

◆ power() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::power ( const Quat< T > &  q,
const T  x,
QuatAssumeType  assumeUnit = QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT 

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[q^x = ||q||(cos(x\theta) + \boldsymbol{u}sin(x\theta))).\]

qa quaternion.
xindex of exponentiation.
assumeUnitif QUAT_ASSUME_UNIT, quaternion q assume to be a unit quaternion and this function will save some computations.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
power(q, 2.0);
double angle = CV_PI;
Vec3d axis{0, 0, 1};
Quatd q1 = Quatd::createFromAngleAxis(angle, axis); //generate a unit quat by axis and angle
power(q1, 2.0, assumeUnit);//This assumeUnit means q1 is a unit quaternion.
static Quat< _Tp > createFromAngleAxis(const _Tp angle, const Vec< _Tp, 3 > &axis)
from an angle, axis. Axis will be normalized in this function. And it generates
#define CV_PI
Definition cvdef.h:380
the type of the index should be the same as the quaternion.

◆ sin()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::sin ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[\sin(p) = \sin(w) * \cosh(||\boldsymbol{v}||) + \cos(w)\frac{\boldsymbol{v}}{||\boldsymbol{v}||}\sinh(||\boldsymbol{v}||)\]

where \(\boldsymbol{v} = [x, y, z].\)

qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Quat< T > sin(const Quat< T > &q)

◆ sinh()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::sinh ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[\sinh(p) = \sin(w)\cos(||\boldsymbol{v}||) + \cosh(w)\frac{v}{||\boldsymbol{v}||}\sin||\boldsymbol{v}||\]

where \(\boldsymbol{v} = [x, y, z].\)

qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Quat< T > sinh(const Quat< T > &q)

◆ sqrt()

template<typename S >
Quat< S > cv::sqrt ( const Quat< S > &  q,
QuatAssumeType  assumeUnit = QUAT_ASSUME_NOT_UNIT 
cv.sqrt(src[, dst]) -> dst

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tan()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::tan ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[\tan(q) = \frac{\sin(q)}{\cos(q)}.\]

qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Quat< T > tan(const Quat< T > &q)

◆ tanh()

template<typename T >
Quat< T > cv::tanh ( const Quat< T > &  q)

#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

\[ \tanh(q) = \frac{\sinh(q)}{\cosh(q)}.\]

qa quaternion.

For example

Quatd q(1,2,3,4);
Quat< T > tanh(const Quat< T > &q)
See also
sinh, cosh