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absdiff(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element absolute difference between two arrays or between an array and a scalar.
absdiff(Mat, Scalar, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
accumulate(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Adds an image to the accumulator image.
accumulate(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Adds an image to the accumulator image.
accumulateProduct(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Adds the per-element product of two input images to the accumulator image.
accumulateProduct(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Adds the per-element product of two input images to the accumulator image.
accumulateSquare(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Adds the square of a source image to the accumulator image.
accumulateSquare(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Adds the square of a source image to the accumulator image.
accumulateWeighted(Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Updates a running average.
accumulateWeighted(Mat, Mat, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Updates a running average.
activateContoursProcessing(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Activate/desactivate the Parvocellular pathway processing (contours information extraction), by default, it is activated
activateMovingContoursProcessing(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Activate/desactivate the Magnocellular pathway processing (motion information extraction), by default, it is activated
ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
AdaptiveManifoldFilter - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Interface for Adaptive Manifold Filter realizations.
AdaptiveManifoldFilter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.AdaptiveManifoldFilter
adaptiveThreshold(Mat, Mat, double, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies an adaptive threshold to an array.
add(List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Adds descriptors to train a CPU(trainDescCollectionis) or GPU(utrainDescCollectionis) descriptor collection.
add(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWTrainer
Adds descriptors to a training set.
add(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element sum of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
add(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element sum of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
add(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element sum of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
add(Mat, Scalar, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
add(Mat, Scalar, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
add(Mat, Scalar, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
add(legacy_Tracker, Mat, Rect2d) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_MultiTracker
Add a new object to be tracked.
addGraphSegmentation(GraphSegmentation) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Add a new graph segmentation in the list of graph segementations to process.
addImage(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Add a new image in the list of images to process.
addSamplesDataSearchPath(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Override search data path by adding new search location Use this only to override default behavior Passed paths are used in LIFO order.
addSamplesDataSearchSubDirectory(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Append samples search data sub directory General usage is to add OpenCV modules name (&lt;opencv_contrib&gt;/modules/&lt;name&gt;/samples/data -> &lt;name&gt;/samples/data + modules/&lt;name&gt;/samples/data).
addStrategy(SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Add a new strategy in the list of strategy to process.
addStrategy(SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy, float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple
Add a new sub-strategy
addWeighted(Mat, double, Mat, double, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the weighted sum of two arrays.
addWeighted(Mat, double, Mat, double, double, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the weighted sum of two arrays.
adjustROI(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
AffineFeature - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Class for implementing the wrapper which makes detectors and extractors to be affine invariant, described as ASIFT in CITE: YM11 .
AffineFeature(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.AffineFeature
AffineFeature2D - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing affine adaptation for key points.
AffineFeature2D(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.AffineFeature2D
AGAST_5_8 - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
AGAST_7_12d - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
AGAST_7_12s - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
AgastFeatureDetector - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Wrapping class for feature detection using the AGAST method.
AgastFeatureDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
AKAZE - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Class implementing the AKAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in CITE: ANB13.
AKAZE(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
Algorithm - Class in org.opencv.core
This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.
Algorithm(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Algorithm
alignCrop(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
Aligning image to put face on the standard position
AlignExposures - Class in org.opencv.photo
The base class for algorithms that align images of the same scene with different exposures
AlignExposures(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.AlignExposures
AlignMTB - Class in org.opencv.photo
This algorithm converts images to median threshold bitmaps (1 for pixels brighter than median luminance and 0 otherwise) and than aligns the resulting bitmaps using bit operations.
AlignMTB(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
all() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Range
all(double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Scalar
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDouble
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat4
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat6
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt4
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect2d
alloc(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRotatedRect
alreadyUsed - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
AM_FILTER - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
amFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Adaptive Manifold Filter call.
amFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Adaptive Manifold Filter call.
angle - Variable in class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
Computed orientation of the keypoint (-1 if not applicable).
angle - Variable in class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
ANGLE_ROW - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
anisotropicDiffusion(Mat, Mat, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Performs anisotropic diffusion on an image.
ANN_MLP - Class in org.opencv.ml
Artificial Neural Networks - Multi-Layer Perceptrons.
ANN_MLP(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
ANNEAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
apply(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
apply(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGSOC
apply(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorLSBP
apply(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.CLAHE
Equalizes the histogram of a grayscale image using Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization.
apply(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractor
Computes a foreground mask.
apply(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Computes a foreground mask.
apply(Mat, Mat, double) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
apply(Mat, Mat, double) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGSOC
apply(Mat, Mat, double) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorLSBP
apply(Mat, Mat, double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractor
Computes a foreground mask.
apply(Mat, Mat, double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Computes a foreground mask.
applyChannelGains(Mat, Mat, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Implements an efficient fixed-point approximation for applying channel gains, which is the last step of multiple white balance algorithms.
applyColorMap(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a GNU Octave/MATLAB equivalent colormap on a given image.
applyColorMap(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a user colormap on a given image.
applyFastToneMapping(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Method which processes an image in the aim to correct its luminance correct backlight problems, enhance details in shadows.
applyFastToneMapping(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.RetinaFastToneMapping
applies a luminance correction (initially High Dynamic Range (HDR) tone mapping) using only the 2 local adaptation stages of the retina parvocellular channel : photoreceptors level and ganlion cells level.
applyImage(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Specify input image and extract image features
applyImageFeatures(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Specify custom features of input image Customized advanced variant of applyImage() call.
applyImageFeatures(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Specify custom features of input image Customized advanced variant of applyImage() call.
approxPolyDP(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Approximates a polygonal curve(s) with the specified precision.
arcLength(MatOfPoint2f, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates a contour perimeter or a curve length.
area() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect
area() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
area() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Size
ARO_0_45 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
ARO_315_0 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
ARO_315_135 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
ARO_315_45 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
ARO_45_135 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
ARO_45_90 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
ARO_90_135 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
ARO_CTR_HOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
ARO_CTR_VER - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
arrowedLine(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws an arrow segment pointing from the first point to the second one.
arrowedLine(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws an arrow segment pointing from the first point to the second one.
arrowedLine(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws an arrow segment pointing from the first point to the second one.
arrowedLine(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws an arrow segment pointing from the first point to the second one.
arrowedLine(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws an arrow segment pointing from the first point to the second one.
Aruco - Class in org.opencv.aruco
Aruco() - Constructor for class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
ARUCO_CCW_CENTER - Static variable in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
ARUCO_CW_TOP_LEFT_CORNER - Static variable in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
ArucoDetector - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
The main functionality of ArucoDetector class is detection of markers in an image with detectMarkers() method.
ArucoDetector() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
Basic ArucoDetector constructor
ArucoDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
ArucoDetector(Dictionary) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
Basic ArucoDetector constructor
ArucoDetector(Dictionary, DetectorParameters) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
Basic ArucoDetector constructor
ArucoDetector(Dictionary, DetectorParameters, RefineParameters) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
Basic ArucoDetector constructor
ASGD - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
assignTo(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
assignTo(Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
at(Class<T>, int[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
at(Class<T>, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
averageHash(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Calculates img_hash::AverageHash in one call
AverageHash - Class in org.opencv.img_hash
Computes average hash value of the input image This is a fast image hashing algorithm, but only work on simple case.
AverageHash(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.img_hash.AverageHash


BackgroundSubtractor - Class in org.opencv.video
Base class for background/foreground segmentation.
BackgroundSubtractor(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractor
BackgroundSubtractorCNT - Class in org.opencv.bgsegm
Background subtraction based on counting.
BackgroundSubtractorCNT(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
BackgroundSubtractorGMG - Class in org.opencv.bgsegm
Background Subtractor module based on the algorithm given in CITE: Gold2012 .
BackgroundSubtractorGMG(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
BackgroundSubtractorGSOC - Class in org.opencv.bgsegm
Implementation of the different yet better algorithm which is called GSOC, as it was implemented during GSOC and was not originated from any paper.
BackgroundSubtractorGSOC(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGSOC
BackgroundSubtractorKNN - Class in org.opencv.video
K-nearest neighbours - based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm.
BackgroundSubtractorKNN(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
BackgroundSubtractorLSBP - Class in org.opencv.bgsegm
Background Subtraction using Local SVD Binary Pattern.
BackgroundSubtractorLSBP(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorLSBP
BackgroundSubtractorLSBPDesc - Class in org.opencv.bgsegm
This is for calculation of the LSBP descriptors.
BackgroundSubtractorLSBPDesc(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorLSBPDesc
BackgroundSubtractorMOG - Class in org.opencv.bgsegm
Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm.
BackgroundSubtractorMOG(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorMOG
BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 - Class in org.opencv.video
Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm.
BackgroundSubtractorMOG2(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
BACKPROP - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
BadAlign - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadAlphaChannel - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadCallBack - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadCOI - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadDataPtr - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadDepth - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadImageSize - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadModelOrChSeq - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadNumChannel1U - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadNumChannels - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadOffset - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadOrder - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadOrigin - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadROISize - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadStep - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BadTileSize - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
balanceWhite(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.WhiteBalancer
Applies white balancing to the input image
BarcodeDetector - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
BarcodeDetector() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.BarcodeDetector
Initialize the BarcodeDetector.
BarcodeDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.BarcodeDetector
BarcodeDetector(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.BarcodeDetector
Initialize the BarcodeDetector.
BaseCascadeClassifier - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
BaseCascadeClassifier(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.BaseCascadeClassifier
BaseOCR - Class in org.opencv.text
BaseOCR(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.text.BaseOCR
BasicFaceRecognizer - Class in org.opencv.face
BasicFaceRecognizer(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
BATCH - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
batchDistance(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
naive nearest neighbor finder see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest_neighbor_search TODO: document
batchDistance(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
naive nearest neighbor finder see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest_neighbor_search TODO: document
batchDistance(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
naive nearest neighbor finder see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest_neighbor_search TODO: document
batchDistance(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, Mat, int, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
naive nearest neighbor finder see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest_neighbor_search TODO: document
batchDistance(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, Mat, int, int, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
naive nearest neighbor finder see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest_neighbor_search TODO: document
batchDistance(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, Mat, int, int, Mat, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
naive nearest neighbor finder see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest_neighbor_search TODO: document
BEBLID - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing BEBLID (Boosted Efficient Binary Local Image Descriptor), described in CITE: Suarez2020BEBLID .
BEBLID(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BEBLID
BFMatcher - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Brute-force descriptor matcher.
BFMatcher() - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BFMatcher
Brute-force matcher constructor (obsolete).
BFMatcher(int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BFMatcher
Brute-force matcher constructor (obsolete).
BFMatcher(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BFMatcher
Brute-force matcher constructor (obsolete).
BFMatcher(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BFMatcher
Bgsegm - Class in org.opencv.bgsegm
Bgsegm() - Constructor for class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
BIF - Class in org.opencv.face
Implementation of bio-inspired features (BIF) from the paper: Guo, Guodong, et al.
BIF(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.BIF
bilateralFilter(Mat, Mat, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies the bilateral filter to an image.
bilateralFilter(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies the bilateral filter to an image.
bilateralTextureFilter(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the bilateral texture filter to an image.
bilateralTextureFilter(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the bilateral texture filter to an image.
bilateralTextureFilter(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the bilateral texture filter to an image.
bilateralTextureFilter(Mat, Mat, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the bilateral texture filter to an image.
bilateralTextureFilter(Mat, Mat, int, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the bilateral texture filter to an image.
BINARIZATION_NIBLACK - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
BINARIZATION_NICK - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
BINARIZATION_SAUVOLA - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
BINARIZATION_WOLF - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Bioinspired - Class in org.opencv.bioinspired
Bioinspired() - Constructor for class org.opencv.bioinspired.Bioinspired
bitwise_and(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
computes bitwise conjunction of the two arrays (dst = src1 & src2) Calculates the per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
bitwise_and(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
computes bitwise conjunction of the two arrays (dst = src1 & src2) Calculates the per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
bitwise_not(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Inverts every bit of an array.
bitwise_not(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Inverts every bit of an array.
bitwise_or(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
bitwise_or(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
bitwise_xor(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation on two arrays or an array and a scalar.
bitwise_xor(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation on two arrays or an array and a scalar.
blendLinear(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
variant without mask parameter
blobFromImage(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from image.
blobFromImage(Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from image.
blobFromImage(Mat, double, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from image.
blobFromImage(Mat, double, Size, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from image.
blobFromImage(Mat, double, Size, Scalar, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from image.
blobFromImage(Mat, double, Size, Scalar, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from image.
blobFromImage(Mat, double, Size, Scalar, boolean, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from image.
blobFromImages(List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images.
blobFromImages(List<Mat>, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images.
blobFromImages(List<Mat>, double, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images.
blobFromImages(List<Mat>, double, Size, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images.
blobFromImages(List<Mat>, double, Size, Scalar, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images.
blobFromImages(List<Mat>, double, Size, Scalar, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images.
blobFromImages(List<Mat>, double, Size, Scalar, boolean, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images.
blobFromImagesWithParams(List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images with given params.
blobFromImagesWithParams(List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
blobFromImagesWithParams(List<Mat>, Mat, Image2BlobParams) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
blobFromImagesWithParams(List<Mat>, Image2BlobParams) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images with given params.
blobFromImageWithParams(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from image with given params.
blobFromImageWithParams(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
blobFromImageWithParams(Mat, Mat, Image2BlobParams) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
blobFromImageWithParams(Mat, Image2BlobParams) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates 4-dimensional blob from image with given params.
blobRectsToImageRects(MatOfRect, MatOfRect, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
Get rectangle coordinates in original image system from rectangle in blob coordinates.
blobRectToImageRect(Rect, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
Get rectangle coordinates in original image system from rectangle in blob coordinates.
BLOCK_MEAN_HASH_MODE_0 - Static variable in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
BLOCK_MEAN_HASH_MODE_1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
blockMeanHash(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Computes block mean hash of the input image
blockMeanHash(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Computes block mean hash of the input image
BlockMeanHash - Class in org.opencv.img_hash
Image hash based on block mean.
BlockMeanHash(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.img_hash.BlockMeanHash
blur(Mat, Mat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using the normalized box filter.
blur(Mat, Mat, Size, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using the normalized box filter.
blur(Mat, Mat, Size, Point, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using the normalized box filter.
BM3D_STEP1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
BM3D_STEP2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
BM3D_STEPALL - Static variable in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
bm3dDenoising(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Performs image denoising using the Block-Matching and 3D-filtering algorithm <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/BM3D_TIP_2007.pdf> with several computational optimizations.
Board - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
Board of ArUco markers A board is a set of markers in the 3D space with a common coordinate system.
Board(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
Board(List<Mat>, Dictionary, Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
Common Board constructor
Boost - Class in org.opencv.ml
Boosted tree classifier derived from DTrees SEE: REF: ml_intro_boost
Boost(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.Boost
BoostDesc - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing BoostDesc (Learning Image Descriptors with Boosting), described in CITE: Trzcinski13a and CITE: Trzcinski13b.
BoostDesc(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
BORDER_CONSTANT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BORDER_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BORDER_ISOLATED - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BORDER_REFLECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BORDER_REFLECT_101 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BORDER_REFLECT101 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BORDER_REPLICATE - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BORDER_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
BORDER_WRAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
borderInterpolate(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Computes the source location of an extrapolated pixel.
boundingRect() - Method in class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
boundingRect(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the up-right bounding rectangle of a point set or non-zero pixels of gray-scale image.
BOWImgDescriptorExtractor - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Class to compute an image descriptor using the *bag of visual words*.
BOWImgDescriptorExtractor(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
BOWImgDescriptorExtractor(Feature2D, DescriptorMatcher) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
The constructor.
BOWKMeansTrainer - Class in org.opencv.features2d
kmeans -based class to train visual vocabulary using the *bag of visual words* approach.
BOWKMeansTrainer(int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BOWKMeansTrainer
The constructor.
BOWKMeansTrainer(int, TermCriteria) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BOWKMeansTrainer
The constructor.
BOWKMeansTrainer(int, TermCriteria, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BOWKMeansTrainer
The constructor.
BOWKMeansTrainer(int, TermCriteria, int, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BOWKMeansTrainer
The constructor.
BOWKMeansTrainer(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BOWKMeansTrainer
BOWTrainer - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Abstract base class for training the *bag of visual words* vocabulary from a set of descriptors.
BOWTrainer(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BOWTrainer
boxFilter(Mat, Mat, int, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using the box filter.
boxFilter(Mat, Mat, int, Size, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using the box filter.
boxFilter(Mat, Mat, int, Size, Point, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using the box filter.
boxFilter(Mat, Mat, int, Size, Point, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using the box filter.
boxPoints(RotatedRect, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds the four vertices of a rotated rect.
br() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect
br() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
BriefDescriptorExtractor - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class for computing BRIEF descriptors described in CITE: calon2010 .
BriefDescriptorExtractor(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BriefDescriptorExtractor
BRISK - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Class implementing the BRISK keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in CITE: LCS11 .
BRISK(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
broadcast(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Broadcast the given Mat to the given shape.
BRUTE_FORCE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
BRUTEFORCE - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
BRUTEFORCE_HAMMINGLUT - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
BRUTEFORCE_L1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
BRUTEFORCE_SL2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
buildMap(Point) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Prepares a map of optimal paths for the given source point on the image Note: applyImage() / applyImageFeatures() must be called before this call
buildOpticalFlowPyramid(Mat, List<Mat>, Size, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Constructs the image pyramid which can be passed to calcOpticalFlowPyrLK.
buildOpticalFlowPyramid(Mat, List<Mat>, Size, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Constructs the image pyramid which can be passed to calcOpticalFlowPyrLK.
buildOpticalFlowPyramid(Mat, List<Mat>, Size, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Constructs the image pyramid which can be passed to calcOpticalFlowPyrLK.
buildOpticalFlowPyramid(Mat, List<Mat>, Size, int, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Constructs the image pyramid which can be passed to calcOpticalFlowPyrLK.
buildOpticalFlowPyramid(Mat, List<Mat>, Size, int, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Constructs the image pyramid which can be passed to calcOpticalFlowPyrLK.


C - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
C_SVC - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
calc(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.DenseOpticalFlow
Calculates an optical flow.
calc(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparseOpticalFlow
Calculates a sparse optical flow.
calc(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparseOpticalFlow
Calculates a sparse optical flow.
calcBackProject(List<Mat>, MatOfInt, Mat, Mat, MatOfFloat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
calcCovarMatrix(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Note: use #COVAR_ROWS or #COVAR_COLS flag
calcCovarMatrix(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Note: use #COVAR_ROWS or #COVAR_COLS flag
calcError(TrainData, boolean, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
Computes error on the training or test dataset
calcHist(List<Mat>, MatOfInt, Mat, Mat, MatOfInt, MatOfFloat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
this variant supports only uniform histograms.
calcHist(List<Mat>, MatOfInt, Mat, Mat, MatOfInt, MatOfFloat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
this variant supports only uniform histograms.
calcOpticalFlowFarneback(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, int, int, int, int, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Computes a dense optical flow using the Gunnar Farneback's algorithm.
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(Mat, Mat, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfByte, MatOfFloat) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids.
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(Mat, Mat, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfByte, MatOfFloat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids.
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(Mat, Mat, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfByte, MatOfFloat, Size, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids.
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(Mat, Mat, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfByte, MatOfFloat, Size, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids.
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(Mat, Mat, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfByte, MatOfFloat, Size, int, TermCriteria, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids.
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(Mat, Mat, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, MatOfByte, MatOfFloat, Size, int, TermCriteria, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids.
calculateShift(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
Calculates shift between two images, i.
calcUV(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
REF: calc function overload to handle separate horizontal (u) and vertical (v) flow components (to avoid extra splits/merges)
CALIB_CB_ACCURACY - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_CB_CLUSTERING - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_CB_EXHAUSTIVE - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_CB_FILTER_QUADS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_CB_LARGER - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_CB_MARKER - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_CB_PLAIN - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_CB_SYMMETRIC_GRID - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_FOCAL_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_K1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_K2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_K3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_K4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_K5 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_K6 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_S1_S2_S3_S4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_TANGENT_DIST - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_FIX_TAUX_TAUY - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_HAND_EYE_ANDREFF - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_HAND_EYE_DANIILIDIS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_HAND_EYE_HORAUD - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_HAND_EYE_PARK - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_HAND_EYE_TSAI - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_NINTRINSIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_RATIONAL_MODEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_ROBOT_WORLD_HAND_EYE_LI - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_ROBOT_WORLD_HAND_EYE_SHAH - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_SAME_FOCAL_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_THIN_PRISM_MODEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_TILTED_MODEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_USE_EXTRINSIC_GUESS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_USE_LU - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_USE_QR - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calib3d - Class in org.opencv.calib3d
Calib3d() - Constructor for class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
calibrateCamera(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
calibrateCamera(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
calibrateCamera(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
calibrateCameraAruco(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Board, Size, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
It's the same function as #calibrateCameraAruco but without calibration error estimation.
calibrateCameraAruco(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Board, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
It's the same function as #calibrateCameraAruco but without calibration error estimation.
calibrateCameraAruco(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Board, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
It's the same function as #calibrateCameraAruco but without calibration error estimation.
calibrateCameraAruco(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Board, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
It's the same function as #calibrateCameraAruco but without calibration error estimation.
calibrateCameraAruco(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Board, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
It's the same function as #calibrateCameraAruco but without calibration error estimation.
calibrateCameraArucoExtended(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Board, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Calibrate a camera using aruco markers
calibrateCameraArucoExtended(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Board, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Calibrate a camera using aruco markers
calibrateCameraArucoExtended(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Board, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Calibrate a camera using aruco markers
calibrateCameraCharuco(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, CharucoBoard, Size, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
It's the same function as #calibrateCameraCharuco but without calibration error estimation.
calibrateCameraCharuco(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, CharucoBoard, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
It's the same function as #calibrateCameraCharuco but without calibration error estimation.
calibrateCameraCharuco(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, CharucoBoard, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
It's the same function as #calibrateCameraCharuco but without calibration error estimation.
calibrateCameraCharuco(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, CharucoBoard, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
It's the same function as #calibrateCameraCharuco but without calibration error estimation.
calibrateCameraCharuco(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, CharucoBoard, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
It's the same function as #calibrateCameraCharuco but without calibration error estimation.
calibrateCameraCharucoExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, CharucoBoard, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Calibrate a camera using Charuco corners
calibrateCameraCharucoExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, CharucoBoard, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Calibrate a camera using Charuco corners
calibrateCameraCharucoExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, CharucoBoard, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Calibrate a camera using Charuco corners
calibrateCameraExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from several views of a calibration pattern.
calibrateCameraExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from several views of a calibration pattern.
calibrateCameraExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from several views of a calibration pattern.
calibrateCameraRO(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, int, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
calibrateCameraRO(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, int, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
calibrateCameraRO(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, int, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
calibrateCameraROExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, int, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from several views of a calibration pattern.
calibrateCameraROExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, int, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from several views of a calibration pattern.
calibrateCameraROExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, int, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from several views of a calibration pattern.
CalibrateCRF - Class in org.opencv.photo
The base class for camera response calibration algorithms.
CalibrateCRF(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateCRF
CalibrateDebevec - Class in org.opencv.photo
Inverse camera response function is extracted for each brightness value by minimizing an objective function as linear system.
CalibrateDebevec(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateDebevec
calibrateHandEye(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes Hand-Eye calibration: \(_{}^{g}\textrm{T}_c\)
calibrateHandEye(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes Hand-Eye calibration: \(_{}^{g}\textrm{T}_c\)
CalibrateRobertson - Class in org.opencv.photo
Inverse camera response function is extracted for each brightness value by minimizing an objective function as linear system.
CalibrateRobertson(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateRobertson
calibrateRobotWorldHandEye(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes Robot-World/Hand-Eye calibration: \(_{}^{w}\textrm{T}_b\) and \(_{}^{c}\textrm{T}_g\)
calibrateRobotWorldHandEye(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes Robot-World/Hand-Eye calibration: \(_{}^{w}\textrm{T}_b\) and \(_{}^{c}\textrm{T}_g\)
calibrationMatrixValues(Mat, Size, double, double, double[], double[], double[], Point, double[]) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes useful camera characteristics from the camera intrinsic matrix.
CamShift(Mat, Rect, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Finds an object center, size, and orientation.
Canny(Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm CITE: Canny86 .
Canny(Mat, Mat, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm CITE: Canny86 .
Canny(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm CITE: Canny86 .
Canny(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
\overload Finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm with custom image gradient.
Canny(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
\overload Finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm with custom image gradient.
CAP_ANDROID - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_ANY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_ARAVIS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_AVFOUNDATION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_CMU1394 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_DC1394 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_DSHOW - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_FFMPEG - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_FIREWARE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_FIREWIRE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_GIGANETIX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_GPHOTO2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_GSTREAMER - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_IEEE1394 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_IMAGES - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_INTEL_MFX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_INTELPERC - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_GENERATOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_MAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_INTELPERC_GENERATORS_MASK - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_INTELPERC_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_INTELPERC_IMAGE_GENERATOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_INTELPERC_IR_GENERATOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_INTELPERC_IR_MAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_INTELPERC_UVDEPTH_MAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_MSMF - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OBSENSOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OBSENSOR_BGR_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OBSENSOR_DEPTH_GENERATOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OBSENSOR_DEPTH_MAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OBSENSOR_GENERATORS_MASK - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OBSENSOR_IMAGE_GENERATOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OBSENSOR_IR_GENERATOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OBSENSOR_IR_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENCV_MJPEG - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_ASUS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_BGR_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_GENERATOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_GENERATOR_BASELINE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_GENERATOR_FOCAL_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_GENERATOR_PRESENT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_GENERATOR_REGISTRATION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_GENERATOR_REGISTRATION_ON - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_MAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_DISPARITY_MAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_DISPARITY_MAP_32F - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_GENERATORS_MASK - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_GRAY_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_IMAGE_GENERATOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_IMAGE_GENERATOR_OUTPUT_MODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_IMAGE_GENERATOR_PRESENT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_IR_GENERATOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_IR_GENERATOR_PRESENT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_IR_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_POINT_CLOUD_MAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_QVGA_30HZ - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_QVGA_60HZ - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_SXGA_15HZ - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_SXGA_30HZ - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_VALID_DEPTH_MASK - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI_VGA_30HZ - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI2_ASTRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_OPENNI2_ASUS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_APERTURE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_ARAVIS_AUTOTRIGGER - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUDIO_BASE_INDEX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUDIO_DATA_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUDIO_POS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUDIO_SHIFT_NSEC - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUDIO_STREAM - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUDIO_SYNCHRONIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUDIO_TOTAL_CHANNELS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUDIO_TOTAL_STREAMS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUTO_EXPOSURE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUTO_WB - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_AUTOFOCUS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_BACKEND - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_BACKLIGHT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_BITRATE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_BRIGHTNESS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_CHANNEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_CODEC_EXTRADATA_INDEX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_CODEC_PIXEL_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_CONTRAST - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_DC1394_MAX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_DC1394_MODE_AUTO - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_DC1394_MODE_MANUAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_DC1394_MODE_ONE_PUSH_AUTO - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_DC1394_OFF - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_EXPOSUREPROGRAM - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_FOCUS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_FOURCC - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_FPS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_FRAME_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GAIN - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GAMMA - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_HEIGH_MAX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_OFFSET_X - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_OFFSET_Y - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_SENS_HEIGH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_SENS_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_WIDTH_MAX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_COLLECT_MSGS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_FLUSH_MSGS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_PREVIEW - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_RELOAD_CONFIG - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_RELOAD_ON_CHANGE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_WIDGET_ENUMERATE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GSTREAMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_GUID - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_HUE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION_USE_OPENCL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_HW_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_IMAGES_BASE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_IMAGES_LAST - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_FOCAL_LENGTH_HORZ - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_FOCAL_LENGTH_VERT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_LOW_CONFIDENCE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_SATURATION_VALUE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_PROFILE_COUNT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_PROFILE_IDX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_IOS_DEVICE_EXPOSURE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_IOS_DEVICE_FLASH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_IOS_DEVICE_FOCUS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_IOS_DEVICE_TORCH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_IOS_DEVICE_WHITEBALANCE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_IRIS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_ISO_SPEED - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_LRF_HAS_KEY_FRAME - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_MODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_MONOCHROME - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_N_THREADS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OBSENSOR_INTRINSIC_CX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OBSENSOR_INTRINSIC_CY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OBSENSOR_INTRINSIC_FX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OBSENSOR_INTRINSIC_FY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPEN_TIMEOUT_MSEC - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI_APPROX_FRAME_SYNC - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI_BASELINE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI_CIRCLE_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI_FOCAL_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI_FRAME_MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI_GENERATOR_PRESENT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI_MAX_TIME_DURATION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI_OUTPUT_MODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI_REGISTRATION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI_REGISTRATION_ON - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI2_MIRROR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_OPENNI2_SYNC - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_ORIENTATION_AUTO - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_ORIENTATION_META - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_PAN - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_PVAPI_BINNINGX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_PVAPI_BINNINGY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_PVAPI_DECIMATIONHORIZONTAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_PVAPI_DECIMATIONVERTICAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_PVAPI_FRAMESTARTTRIGGERMODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_PVAPI_MULTICASTIP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_READ_TIMEOUT_MSEC - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_RECTIFICATION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_ROLL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_SAR_DEN - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_SAR_NUM - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_SATURATION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_SETTINGS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_SHARPNESS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_SPEED - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_STREAM_OPEN_TIME_USEC - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_TEMPERATURE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_TILT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_TRIGGER - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_TRIGGER_DELAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_VIDEO_STREAM - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_VIDEO_TOTAL_CHANNELS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_VIEWFINDER - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_WB_TEMPERATURE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_WHITE_BALANCE_BLUE_U - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_WHITE_BALANCE_RED_V - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_ACQ_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_ACQ_BUFFER_SIZE_UNIT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_ACQ_FRAME_BURST_COUNT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_ACQ_TIMING_MODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_ACQ_TRANSPORT_BUFFER_COMMIT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_ACQ_TRANSPORT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_AE_MAX_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_AEAG - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_AEAG_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_AEAG_ROI_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_AEAG_ROI_OFFSET_X - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_AEAG_ROI_OFFSET_Y - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_AEAG_ROI_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_AG_MAX_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_APPLY_CMS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_AUTO_BANDWIDTH_CALCULATION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_AUTO_WB - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_AVAILABLE_BANDWIDTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_BINNING_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_BINNING_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_BINNING_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_BINNING_VERTICAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_BPC - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_BUFFER_POLICY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_BUFFERS_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_00 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_01 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_02 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_03 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_10 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_11 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_13 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_20 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_21 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_22 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_23 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_30 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_31 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_32 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CC_MATRIX_33 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CHIP_TEMP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_CMS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_COLOR_FILTER_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_COLUMN_FPN_CORRECTION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_COOLING - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_COUNTER_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_COUNTER_VALUE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DATA_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DEBOUNCE_EN - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DEBOUNCE_POL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DEBOUNCE_T0 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DEBOUNCE_T1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DEBUG_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DECIMATION_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DECIMATION_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DECIMATION_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DECIMATION_VERTICAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DEFAULT_CC_MATRIX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DEVICE_MODEL_ID - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DEVICE_RESET - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DEVICE_SN - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DOWNSAMPLING - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_DOWNSAMPLING_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_EXP_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_EXPOSURE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_EXPOSURE_BURST_COUNT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_FFS_ACCESS_KEY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_FFS_FILE_ID - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_FFS_FILE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_FRAMERATE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_FREE_FFS_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_GAIN - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_GAIN_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_GAMMAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_GAMMAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_GPI_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_GPI_MODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_GPI_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_GPO_MODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_GPO_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_HDR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_HDR_KNEEPOINT_COUNT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_HDR_T1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_HDR_T2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_HOUS_BACK_SIDE_TEMP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_HOUS_TEMP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_HW_REVISION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_IMAGE_BLACK_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_IMAGE_DATA_BIT_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT_RGB32_ALPHA - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_IMAGE_IS_COLOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_IMAGE_PAYLOAD_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_IS_COOLED - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_IS_DEVICE_EXIST - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_KNEEPOINT1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_KNEEPOINT2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LED_MODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LED_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LENS_APERTURE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LENS_FEATURE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LENS_FEATURE_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LENS_FOCAL_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LENS_FOCUS_DISTANCE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LENS_FOCUS_MOVE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LENS_FOCUS_MOVEMENT_VALUE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LENS_MODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LIMIT_BANDWIDTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LUT_EN - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LUT_INDEX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_LUT_VALUE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_MANUAL_WB - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_OFFSET_X - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_OFFSET_Y - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_OUTPUT_DATA_BIT_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_OUTPUT_DATA_PACKING - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_OUTPUT_DATA_PACKING_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_RECENT_FRAME - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_REGION_MODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_REGION_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_ROW_FPN_CORRECTION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_SENSOR_BOARD_TEMP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_SENSOR_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_SENSOR_CLOCK_FREQ_INDEX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_SENSOR_DATA_BIT_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_SENSOR_FEATURE_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_SENSOR_FEATURE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_SENSOR_MODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_SENSOR_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_COUNT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_SENSOR_TAPS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_SHARPNESS - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_SHUTTER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_TARGET_TEMP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_TEST_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_TEST_PATTERN_GENERATOR_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_TRANSPORT_PIXEL_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_TRG_DELAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_TRG_SELECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_TRG_SOFTWARE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_TRG_SOURCE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_TS_RST_MODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_TS_RST_SOURCE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_USED_FFS_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_WB_KB - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_WB_KG - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_WB_KR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_XI_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PROP_ZOOM - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_DECIMATION_2OUTOF16 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_DECIMATION_2OUTOF4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_DECIMATION_2OUTOF8 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_DECIMATION_OFF - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_FSTRIGMODE_FIXEDRATE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_FSTRIGMODE_FREERUN - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_FSTRIGMODE_SOFTWARE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_FSTRIGMODE_SYNCIN1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_FSTRIGMODE_SYNCIN2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_BAYER16 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_BAYER8 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_BGR24 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA32 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_MONO16 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_MONO8 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_RGB24 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_QT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_REALSENSE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_UEYE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_UNICAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_V4L - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_V4L2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_VFW - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_WINRT - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_XIAPI - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
CAP_XINE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
cartToPolar(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the magnitude and angle of 2D vectors.
cartToPolar(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the magnitude and angle of 2D vectors.
CASCADE_DO_CANNY_PRUNING - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
CASCADE_DO_ROUGH_SEARCH - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
CASCADE_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
CascadeClassifier - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
Cascade classifier class for object detection.
CascadeClassifier() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
CascadeClassifier(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
CascadeClassifier(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
Loads a classifier from a file.
CC_STAT_AREA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CC_STAT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CC_STAT_LEFT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CC_STAT_MAX - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CC_STAT_TOP - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CC_STAT_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CCL_BBDT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CCL_BOLELLI - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CCL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CCL_GRANA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CCL_SAUF - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CCL_SPAGHETTI - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CCL_WU - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
center - Variable in class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
CHAIN_APPROX_NONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
channels() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
channels(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CharucoBoard - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
ChArUco board is a planar chessboard where the markers are placed inside the white squares of a chessboard.
CharucoBoard(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
CharucoBoard(Size, float, float, Dictionary) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
CharucoBoard constructor
CharucoBoard(Size, float, float, Dictionary, Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
CharucoBoard constructor
CharucoDetector - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
CharucoDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
CharucoDetector(CharucoBoard) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
Basic CharucoDetector constructor
CharucoDetector(CharucoBoard, CharucoParameters) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
Basic CharucoDetector constructor
CharucoDetector(CharucoBoard, CharucoParameters, DetectorParameters) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
Basic CharucoDetector constructor
CharucoDetector(CharucoBoard, CharucoParameters, DetectorParameters, RefineParameters) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
Basic CharucoDetector constructor
CharucoParameters - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
CharucoParameters() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
CharucoParameters(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
checkCharucoCornersCollinear(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
check whether the ChArUco markers are collinear
checkChessboard(Mat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
checkDetectorSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Checks if detector size equal to descriptor size.
checkHardwareSupport(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns true if the specified feature is supported by the host hardware.
checkRange(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Checks every element of an input array for invalid values.
checkRange(Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Checks every element of an input array for invalid values.
checkRange(Mat, boolean, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Checks every element of an input array for invalid values.
checkRange(Mat, boolean, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Checks every element of an input array for invalid values.
checkVector(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
checkVector(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
checkVector(int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
CHI2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
circle(Mat, Point, int, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a circle.
circle(Mat, Point, int, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a circle.
circle(Mat, Point, int, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a circle.
circle(Mat, Point, int, Scalar, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a circle.
CirclesGridFinderParameters_ASYMMETRIC_GRID - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CirclesGridFinderParameters_SYMMETRIC_GRID - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CLAHE - Class in org.opencv.imgproc
Base class for Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization.
CLAHE(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.CLAHE
class_id - Variable in class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
Object ID, that can be used to cluster keypoints by an object they belong to.
ClassificationModel - Class in org.opencv.dnn
This class represents high-level API for classification models.
ClassificationModel(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.ClassificationModel
ClassificationModel(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.ClassificationModel
Create classification model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
ClassificationModel(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.ClassificationModel
Create classification model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
ClassificationModel(Net) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.ClassificationModel
Create model from deep learning network.
classify(Mat, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.ClassificationModel
clear() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Algorithm
Clears the algorithm state
clear() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWTrainer
clear() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Clears the train descriptor collections.
clearAllBuffers() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
cleans all the buffers of the instance
clearBuffers() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Clears all retina buffers (equivalent to opening the eyes after a long period of eye close ;o) whatchout the temporal transition occuring just after this method call.
clearGraphSegmentations() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Clear the list of graph segmentations to process;
clearImages() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Clear the list of images to process
clearStrategies() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Clear the list of strategy to process;
clearStrategies() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple
Remove all sub-strategies
clipLine(Rect, Point, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
clone() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
clone() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point
clone() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point3
clone() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Range
clone() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect
clone() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
clone() - Method in class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
clone() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Scalar
clone() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Size
clone() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
clone() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Clones the matcher.
clone(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Clones the matcher.
cluster() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWKMeansTrainer
cluster() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWTrainer
cluster(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWKMeansTrainer
cluster(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWTrainer
Clusters train descriptors.
CMP_EQ - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
CMP_GE - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
CMP_GT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
CMP_LE - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
CMP_LT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
CMP_NE - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
CN - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF
COEF - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
col(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
COL_SAMPLE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.Ml
collectGarbage() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.CLAHE
collectGarbage() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DenseOpticalFlow
Releases all inner buffers.
collectGarbage() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.AdaptiveManifoldFilter
COLOR_BayerBG2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBG2BGR_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBG2BGR_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBG2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBG2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBG2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBG2RGB_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBG2RGB_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBG2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBGGR2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBGGR2BGR_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBGGR2BGR_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBGGR2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBGGR2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBGGR2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBGGR2RGB_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBGGR2RGB_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerBGGR2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGB2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGB2BGR_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGB2BGR_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGB2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGB2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGB2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGB2RGB_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGB2RGB_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGB2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGBRG2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGBRG2BGR_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGBRG2BGR_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGBRG2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGBRG2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGBRG2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGBRG2RGB_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGBRG2RGB_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGBRG2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGR2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGR2BGR_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGR2BGR_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGR2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGR2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGR2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGR2RGB_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGR2RGB_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGR2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGRBG2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGRBG2BGR_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGRBG2BGR_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGRBG2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGRBG2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGRBG2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGRBG2RGB_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGRBG2RGB_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerGRBG2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRG2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRG2BGR_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRG2BGR_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRG2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRG2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRG2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRG2RGB_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRG2RGB_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRG2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRGGB2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRGGB2BGR_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRGGB2BGR_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRGGB2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRGGB2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRGGB2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRGGB2RGB_EA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRGGB2RGB_VNG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BayerRGGB2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2BGR555 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2BGR565 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2HLS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2HLS_FULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2HSV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2Lab - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2Luv - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2XYZ - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YCrCb - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YUV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YUV_I420 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YUV_IYUV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YUV_UYNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YUV_UYVY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YUV_Y422 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YUV_YUNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YUV_YUY2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YUV_YUYV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YUV_YV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR2YUV_YVYU - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR5552BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR5552BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR5552GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR5552RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR5552RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR5652BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR5652BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR5652GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR5652RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGR5652RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2BGR555 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2BGR565 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2YUV_I420 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2YUV_IYUV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2YUV_UYNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2YUV_UYVY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2YUV_Y422 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2YUV_YUNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2YUV_YUY2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2YUV_YUYV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2YUV_YV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_BGRA2YUV_YVYU - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_COLORCVT_MAX - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_GRAY2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_GRAY2BGR555 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_GRAY2BGR565 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_GRAY2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_GRAY2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_GRAY2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_HLS2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_HLS2BGR_FULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_HLS2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_HLS2RGB_FULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_HSV2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_HSV2BGR_FULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_HSV2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_HSV2RGB_FULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_Lab2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_Lab2LBGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_Lab2LRGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_Lab2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_LBGR2Lab - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_LBGR2Luv - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_LRGB2Lab - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_LRGB2Luv - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_Luv2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_Luv2LBGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_Luv2LRGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_Luv2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_mRGBA2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2BGR555 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2BGR565 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2HLS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2HLS_FULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2HSV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2HSV_FULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2Lab - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2Luv - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2XYZ - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YCrCb - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YUV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YUV_I420 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YUV_IYUV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YUV_UYNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YUV_UYVY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YUV_Y422 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YUV_YUNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YUV_YUY2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YUV_YUYV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YUV_YV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGB2YUV_YVYU - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2BGR555 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2BGR565 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2mRGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2YUV_I420 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2YUV_IYUV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2YUV_UYNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2YUV_UYVY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2YUV_Y422 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2YUV_YUNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2YUV_YUY2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2YUV_YUYV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2YUV_YV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_RGBA2YUV_YVYU - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_XYZ2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_XYZ2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YCrCb2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YCrCb2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_IYUV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV21 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_UYNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_UYVY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_Y422 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_YUNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_YUY2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_YUYV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_YV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGR_YVYU - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_I420 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_IYUV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_NV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_NV21 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_UYNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_UYVY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_Y422 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_YUNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_YUY2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_YUYV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_YV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2BGRA_YVYU - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_420 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_I420 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_IYUV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_NV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_NV21 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_UYNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_UYVY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_Y422 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_YUNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_YUY2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_YUYV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_YV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2GRAY_YVYU - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_I420 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_IYUV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_NV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_NV21 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_UYNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_UYVY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_Y422 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_YUNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_YUY2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_YUYV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_YV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGB_YVYU - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_I420 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_IYUV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_NV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_NV21 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_UYNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_UYVY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_Y422 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_YUNV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_YUY2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_YUYV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_YV12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV2RGBA_YVYU - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV420p2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV420p2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV420p2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV420p2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV420p2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV420sp2BGR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV420sp2BGRA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV420sp2GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV420sp2RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLOR_YUV420sp2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
colorChange(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Given an original color image, two differently colored versions of this image can be mixed seamlessly.
colorChange(Mat, Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Given an original color image, two differently colored versions of this image can be mixed seamlessly.
colorChange(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Given an original color image, two differently colored versions of this image can be mixed seamlessly.
colorChange(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Given an original color image, two differently colored versions of this image can be mixed seamlessly.
COLORMAP_AUTUMN - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_BONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_CIVIDIS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_COOL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_DEEPGREEN - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_HOT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_HSV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_INFERNO - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_JET - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_MAGMA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_OCEAN - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_PARULA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_PINK - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_PLASMA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_RAINBOW - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_SPRING - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_SUMMER - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_TURBO - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_TWILIGHT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_TWILIGHT_SHIFTED - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_VIRIDIS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
COLORMAP_WINTER - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
colorMatchTemplate(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Compares a color template against overlapped color image regions.
colorMomentHash(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Computes color moment hash of the input, the algorithm is come from the paper "Perceptual Hashing for Color Images Using Invariant Moments"
ColorMomentHash - Class in org.opencv.img_hash
Image hash based on color moments.
ColorMomentHash(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.img_hash.ColorMomentHash
colRange(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
colRange(Range) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
cols() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
compare(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.ImgHashBase
Compare the hash value between inOne and inTwo
compare(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs the per-element comparison of two arrays or an array and scalar value.
compare(Mat, Scalar, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
compareHist(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Compares two histograms.
compareSegments(Size, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.LineSegmentDetector
Draws two groups of lines in blue and red, counting the non overlapping (mismatching) pixels.
compareSegments(Size, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.LineSegmentDetector
Draws two groups of lines in blue and red, counting the non overlapping (mismatching) pixels.
completeState() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
completeSymm(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Copies the lower or the upper half of a square matrix to its another half.
completeSymm(Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Copies the lower or the upper half of a square matrix to its another half.
composeRT(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Combines two rotation-and-shift transformations.
composeRT(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Combines two rotation-and-shift transformations.
composeRT(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Combines two rotation-and-shift transformations.
composeRT(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Combines two rotation-and-shift transformations.
composeRT(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Combines two rotation-and-shift transformations.
composeRT(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Combines two rotation-and-shift transformations.
composeRT(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Combines two rotation-and-shift transformations.
composeRT(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Combines two rotation-and-shift transformations.
composeRT(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Combines two rotation-and-shift transformations.
COMPRESSED_INPUT - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
compute(List<Mat>, List<MatOfKeyPoint>, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
compute(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.face.BIF
Computes features sby input image.
compute(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.ImgHashBase
Computes hash of the input image
compute(Mat, MatOfFloat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Computes HOG descriptors of given image.
compute(Mat, MatOfFloat, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Computes HOG descriptors of given image.
compute(Mat, MatOfFloat, Size, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Computes HOG descriptors of given image.
compute(Mat, MatOfFloat, Size, Size, MatOfPoint) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Computes HOG descriptors of given image.
compute(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
compute(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
Computes the descriptors for a set of keypoints detected in an image (first variant) or image set (second variant).
compute(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
Computes disparity map for the specified stereo pair
computeBadPixelPercent(Mat, Mat, Rect) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Function for computing the percent of "bad" pixels in the disparity map (pixels where error is higher than a specified threshold)
computeBadPixelPercent(Mat, Mat, Rect, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Function for computing the percent of "bad" pixels in the disparity map (pixels where error is higher than a specified threshold)
computeBitmaps(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
Computes median threshold and exclude bitmaps of given image.
computeCorrespondEpilines(Mat, int, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
For points in an image of a stereo pair, computes the corresponding epilines in the other image.
computeDataModulationTerm(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
compute the data modulation term.
computeECC(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Computes the Enhanced Correlation Coefficient value between two images CITE: EP08 .
computeECC(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Computes the Enhanced Correlation Coefficient value between two images CITE: EP08 .
computeGradient(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Computes gradients and quantized gradient orientations.
computeGradient(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Computes gradients and quantized gradient orientations.
computeGradient(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Computes gradients and quantized gradient orientations.
computeMSE(Mat, Mat, Rect) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Function for computing mean square error for disparity maps
computeNMChannels(Mat, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Compute the different channels to be processed independently in the N&M algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
computeNMChannels(Mat, List<Mat>, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Compute the different channels to be processed independently in the N&M algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
computeOrientation(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.StructuredEdgeDetection
The function computes orientation from edge image.
computePhaseMap(List<Mat>, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
Compute a wrapped phase map from sinusoidal patterns.
computePhaseMap(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
Compute a wrapped phase map from sinusoidal patterns.
computePhaseMap(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
Compute a wrapped phase map from sinusoidal patterns.
computeQuadraticFormDistance(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignaturesSQFD
Computes Signature Quadratic Form Distance of two signatures.
computeQuadraticFormDistances(Mat, List<Mat>, MatOfFloat) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignaturesSQFD
Computes Signature Quadratic Form Distance between the reference signature and each of the other image signatures.
computeSignature(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Computes signature of given image.
computeSignatures(List<Mat>, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Computes signatures for multiple images in parallel.
conj() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Scalar
connect(String, String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Connects output of the first layer to input of the second layer.
connectedComponents(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
connectedComponents(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
connectedComponents(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
connectedComponentsWithAlgorithm(Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image image with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total number of labels [0, N-1] where 0 represents the background label.
connectedComponentsWithStats(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
connectedComponentsWithStats(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
connectedComponentsWithStats(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
connectedComponentsWithStatsWithAlgorithm(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image and also produces a statistics output for each label image with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total number of labels [0, N-1] where 0 represents the background label.
contains(Point) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect
contains(Point) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
contourArea(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates a contour area.
contourArea(Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates a contour area.
ContourFitting - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Class for ContourFitting algorithms.
ContourFitting(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.ContourFitting
CONTOURS_MATCH_I1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CONTOURS_MATCH_I2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CONTOURS_MATCH_I3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
contourSampling(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Contour sampling .
convert(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
Converters - Class in org.opencv.utils
Converters() - Constructor for class org.opencv.utils.Converters
convertFp16(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Converts an array to half precision floating number.
convertMaps(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Converts image transformation maps from one representation to another.
convertMaps(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Converts image transformation maps from one representation to another.
convertPointsFromHomogeneous(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Converts points from homogeneous to Euclidean space.
convertPointsToHomogeneous(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Converts points from Euclidean to homogeneous space.
convertScaleAbs(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Scales, calculates absolute values, and converts the result to 8-bit.
convertScaleAbs(Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Scales, calculates absolute values, and converts the result to 8-bit.
convertScaleAbs(Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Scales, calculates absolute values, and converts the result to 8-bit.
convertTo(Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
convertTo(Mat, int, double) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
convertTo(Mat, int, double, double) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
convexHull(MatOfPoint, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds the convex hull of a point set.
convexHull(MatOfPoint, MatOfInt, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds the convex hull of a point set.
convexityDefects(MatOfPoint, MatOfInt, MatOfInt4) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds the convexity defects of a contour.
copyMakeBorder(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Forms a border around an image.
copyMakeBorder(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, int, int, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Forms a border around an image.
copySize(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
copyTo(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
copyTo(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
copyTo(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience (python) Copies the matrix to another one.
Core - Class in org.opencv.core
Core() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Core
Core.MinMaxLocResult - Class in org.opencv.core
CORNER_REFINE_APRILTAG - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
CORNER_REFINE_CONTOUR - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
CORNER_REFINE_NONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
CORNER_REFINE_SUBPIX - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
cornerEigenValsAndVecs(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of image blocks for corner detection.
cornerEigenValsAndVecs(Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of image blocks for corner detection.
cornerHarris(Mat, Mat, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Harris corner detector.
cornerHarris(Mat, Mat, int, int, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Harris corner detector.
cornerMinEigenVal(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the minimal eigenvalue of gradient matrices for corner detection.
cornerMinEigenVal(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the minimal eigenvalue of gradient matrices for corner detection.
cornerMinEigenVal(Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the minimal eigenvalue of gradient matrices for corner detection.
cornerSubPix(Mat, Mat, Size, Size, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Refines the corner locations.
correct(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
Updates the predicted state from the measurement.
CORRECT_LEVEL_H - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
CORRECT_LEVEL_L - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
CORRECT_LEVEL_M - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
CORRECT_LEVEL_Q - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
correctMatches(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Refines coordinates of corresponding points.
COUNT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
The maximum number of iterations or elements to compute
countNonZero(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Counts non-zero array elements.
COV_MAT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.EM
COV_MAT_DIAGONAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.EM
COV_MAT_GENERIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.EM
COV_MAT_SPHERICAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.EM
COV_POLISHER - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
COVAR_COLS - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
COVAR_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
COVAR_ROWS - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
COVAR_SCALE - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
COVAR_SCRAMBLED - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
COVAR_USE_AVG - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
covarianceEstimation(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Computes the estimated covariance matrix of an image using the sliding window forumlation.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
Creates StereoBM object disparity from 0 (default minimum disparity) to numDisparities.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object rectification algorithms can shift images, so this parameter needs to be adjusted accordingly.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
Empty constructor for python
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.face.BIF
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.face.EigenFaceRecognizer
Component Analysis.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.face.FisherFaceRecognizer
Discriminant Analysis with the Fisherfaces criterion.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
radius, the smoother the image but more spatial information you can get.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.face.MACE
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.face.StandardCollector
Static constructor
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BFMatcher
Brute-force matcher create method.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor keypoint.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.FlannBasedMatcher
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
Full constructor for %MSER detector
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
The ORB constructor pyramid, where each next level has 4x less pixels than the previous, but such a big scale factor will degrade feature matching scores dramatically.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
(measured in SIFT algorithm as the local contrast) number of octaves is computed automatically from the image resolution.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.AverageHash
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.BlockMeanHash
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.ColorMomentHash
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.MarrHildrethHash
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.PHash
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.RadialVarianceHash
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
Creates empty model Use StatModel::train to train the model, Algorithm::load<ANN_MLP>(filename) to load the pre-trained model.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
Creates the empty model.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
Creates the empty model The static method creates empty decision tree with the specified parameters.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Creates empty %EM model.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
Creates the empty model The static method creates empty %KNearest classifier.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
Creates empty model.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.NormalBayesClassifier
Creates empty model Use StatModel::train to train the model after creation.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
Creates a ParamGrid Ptr that can be given to the %SVM::trainAuto method
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
Creates the empty model.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Creates empty model.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
Creates empty model.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
Creates an instance of the OCRTesseract class.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerBoosting
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerCSRT
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerKCF
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMedianFlow
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMIL
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMOSSE
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerTLD
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT
Create CSRT tracker instance
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF
Create KCF tracker instance
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Creates an instance of DISOpticalFlow
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL
Create MIL tracker instance
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
Creates an instance of VariationalRefinement
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BriefDescriptorExtractor
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
Creates a new implementation instance.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LUCID
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Creates PCTSignatures algorithm using sample and seed count.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignaturesSQFD
Creates the algorithm instance using selected distance function, similarity function and similarity function parameter.
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
64-element descriptors).
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.AdaptiveManifoldFilter
create() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
Create pointer to the Ridge detection filter.
create(boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
The KAZE constructor
create(boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
create(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
The KAZE constructor
create(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
create(boolean, boolean, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
The KAZE constructor
create(boolean, boolean, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
create(boolean, boolean, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
The KAZE constructor
create(boolean, boolean, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
create(boolean, boolean, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
The KAZE constructor
create(boolean, boolean, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
The KAZE constructor
create(boolean, boolean, float, int, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
create(double) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.StandardCollector
Static constructor
create(double) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.RadialVarianceHash
create(double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
Creates a ParamGrid Ptr that can be given to the %SVM::trainAuto method
create(double) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
create(double) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
create(double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
Creates a ParamGrid Ptr that can be given to the %SVM::trainAuto method
create(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
Creates a ParamGrid Ptr that can be given to the %SVM::trainAuto method
create(double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.RadialVarianceHash
create(double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
create(double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
create(double, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
create(double, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
create(double, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
create(double, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
create(double, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
create(double, int, int, boolean, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
create(double, int, int, boolean, float, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
create(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.MarrHildrethHash
create(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BEBLID
Creates the BEBLID descriptor.
create(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
create(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TEBLID
Creates the TEBLID descriptor.
create(float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.MarrHildrethHash
create(float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BEBLID
Creates the BEBLID descriptor.
create(float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
create(float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TEBLID
Creates the TEBLID descriptor.
create(float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
create(float, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
create(float, int, int, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
create(float, int, int, int, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
create(float, int, int, int, Mat, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
Creates StereoBM object
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.BIF
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.EigenFaceRecognizer
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.FisherFaceRecognizer
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.MACE
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
The AKAZE constructor
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BFMatcher
Brute-force matcher create method.
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
Full constructor for %MSER detector
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
The ORB constructor
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.BlockMeanHash
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Creates an instance of DISOpticalFlow
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BriefDescriptorExtractor
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
Creates a new implementation instance.
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LUCID
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Creates PCTSignatures algorithm using sample and seed count.
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignaturesSQFD
Creates the algorithm instance using selected distance function, similarity function and similarity function parameter.
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
create(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
Create pointer to the Ridge detection filter.
create(int[], int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
create(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
create(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BFMatcher
Brute-force matcher create method.
create(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
create(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
create(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BriefDescriptorExtractor
create(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
create(int, boolean, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
create(int, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
create(int, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
create(int, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
create(int, boolean, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
create(int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.EigenFaceRecognizer
create(int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.FisherFaceRecognizer
create(int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
create(int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
create(int, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
create(int, double, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
create(int, double, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
create(int, double, boolean, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
create(int, double, boolean, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
create(int, double, boolean, int, int, int, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
create(int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
create(int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
create(int, double, double, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
create(int, double, double, int, boolean, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
create(int, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
create(int, double, double, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
create(int, double, double, int, int, boolean, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
create(int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
The ORB constructor
create(int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
Creates a new implementation instance.
create(int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
create(int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
create(int, float, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
create(int, float, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
create(int, float, boolean, boolean, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
create(int, float, boolean, boolean, float, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
create(int, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
Creates a new implementation instance.
create(int, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
create(int, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
Creates a new implementation instance.
create(int, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
create(int, float, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
Creates a new implementation instance.
create(int, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
The ORB constructor
create(int, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
The ORB constructor
create(int, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
The ORB constructor
create(int, float, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
The ORB constructor
create(int, float, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
The ORB constructor
create(int, float, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
The ORB constructor
create(int, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
The ORB constructor
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
Creates StereoBM object
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.BIF
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
The AKAZE constructor
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
Full constructor for %MSER detector
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.structured_light.GrayCodePattern
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LUCID
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Creates PCTSignatures algorithm using sample and seed count.
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignaturesSQFD
Creates the algorithm instance using selected distance function, similarity function and similarity function parameter.
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
Create pointer to the Ridge detection filter.
create(int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
create(int, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
create(int, int, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
create(int, int, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
create(int, int, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
Create SIFT with specified descriptorType.
create(int, int, double, double, double, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
Create SIFT with specified descriptorType.
create(int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor
create(int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignaturesSQFD
Creates the algorithm instance using selected distance function, similarity function and similarity function parameter.
create(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object
create(int, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
create(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
create(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
The AKAZE constructor
create(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
Full constructor for %MSER detector
create(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
create(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Creates PCTSignatures algorithm using sample and seed count.
create(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
create(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
Create pointer to the Ridge detection filter.
create(int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
Full constructor for %MSER detector
create(int, int, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
Full constructor for %MSER detector
create(int, int, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
Full constructor for %MSER detector
create(int, int, int, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
Full constructor for %MSER detector
create(int, int, int, double, double, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
Full constructor for %MSER detector
create(int, int, int, double, double, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
Full constructor for %MSER detector
create(int, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
The AKAZE constructor
create(int, int, int, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
The AKAZE constructor
create(int, int, int, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
The AKAZE constructor
create(int, int, int, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
The AKAZE constructor
create(int, int, int, float, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
The AKAZE constructor
create(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object
create(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
create(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
create(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
create(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
Create pointer to the Ridge detection filter.
create(int, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
create(int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
create(int, int, int, int, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
create(int, int, int, int, float, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
create(int, int, int, int, float, int, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
create(int, int, int, int, float, int, float, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
create(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object
create(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
create(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
Create pointer to the Ridge detection filter.
create(int, int, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
Create pointer to the Ridge detection filter.
create(int, int, int, int, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
Create pointer to the Ridge detection filter.
create(int, int, int, int, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
Create pointer to the Ridge detection filter.
create(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object
create(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object
create(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object
create(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object
create(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object
create(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
Creates StereoSGBM object
create(int, int, MatOfFloat, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor for a custom pattern, detection threshold and octaves
create(int, int, MatOfFloat, MatOfInt, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor for a custom pattern, detection threshold and octaves
create(int, int, MatOfFloat, MatOfInt, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor for a custom pattern, detection threshold and octaves
create(int, int, MatOfFloat, MatOfInt, float, float, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor for a custom pattern, detection threshold and octaves
create(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Creates a descriptor matcher of a given type with the default parameters (using default constructor).
create(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
Creates an instance of the OCRTesseract class.
create(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
Creates an instance of this class with given parameters
create(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
Creates an instance of the OCRTesseract class.
create(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.TextDetectorCNN
create(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
Creates an instance of this class with given parameters
create(String, String, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
Creates an instance of this class with given parameters
create(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
Creates an instance of the OCRTesseract class.
create(String, String, String, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
Creates an instance of the OCRTesseract class.
create(String, String, String, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
Creates an instance of the OCRTesseract class.
create(String, String, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
Creates an instance of the OCRHMMDecoder class.
create(String, String, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
Creates an instance of the OCRHMMDecoder class.
create(String, String, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
Creates an instance of the OCRHMMDecoder class.
create(String, String, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Creates an instance of face detector class with given parameters
create(String, String, Size, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Creates an instance of face detector class with given parameters
create(String, String, Size, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Creates an instance of face detector class with given parameters
create(String, String, Size, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Creates an instance of face detector class with given parameters
create(String, String, Size, float, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Creates an instance of face detector class with given parameters
create(String, String, Size, float, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Creates an instance of face detector class with given parameters
create(String, MatOfByte, MatOfByte, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
create(String, MatOfByte, MatOfByte, Size, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
create(String, MatOfByte, MatOfByte, Size, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
create(String, MatOfByte, MatOfByte, Size, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
create(String, MatOfByte, MatOfByte, Size, float, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
create(String, MatOfByte, MatOfByte, Size, float, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
create(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
Creates Plot2d object
create(MatOfFloat, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor for a custom pattern
create(MatOfFloat, MatOfInt, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor for a custom pattern
create(MatOfFloat, MatOfInt, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor for a custom pattern
create(MatOfFloat, MatOfInt, float, float, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
The BRISK constructor for a custom pattern
create(MatOfPoint2f, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Creates PCTSignatures algorithm using pre-generated sampling points and number of clusterization seeds.
create(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Creates PCTSignatures algorithm using pre-generated sampling points and clusterization seeds indexes.
create(Mat, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Creates training data from in-memory arrays.
create(Mat, int, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Creates training data from in-memory arrays.
create(Mat, int, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Creates training data from in-memory arrays.
create(Mat, int, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Creates training data from in-memory arrays.
create(Mat, int, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Creates training data from in-memory arrays.
create(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
Creates Plot2d object
create(Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
create(Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.RetinaFastToneMapping
create(Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
create(Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
create(Size, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Constructors from standardized interfaces : retreive a smart pointer to a Retina instance
create(Size, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Constructors from standardized interfaces : retreive a smart pointer to a Retina instance
create(Size, boolean, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Constructors from standardized interfaces : retreive a smart pointer to a Retina instance
create(Size, boolean, int, boolean, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Constructors from standardized interfaces : retreive a smart pointer to a Retina instance
create(Size, boolean, int, boolean, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Constructors from standardized interfaces : retreive a smart pointer to a Retina instance
create(Size, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
create(Size, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
create(Size, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
create(Size, int, TermCriteria, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
create(Size, int, TermCriteria, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
create(Feature2D) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AffineFeature
create(Feature2D, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AffineFeature
create(Feature2D, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AffineFeature
create(Feature2D, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AffineFeature
create(Feature2D, int, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AffineFeature
create(SimpleBlobDetector_Params) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector
create(QRCodeEncoder_Params) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
create(HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params) - Static method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping
create(SinusoidalPattern_Params) - Static method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
create(OCRBeamSearchDecoder_ClassifierCallback, String, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder
Creates an instance of the OCRBeamSearchDecoder class.
create(OCRBeamSearchDecoder_ClassifierCallback, String, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder
Creates an instance of the OCRBeamSearchDecoder class.
create(OCRBeamSearchDecoder_ClassifierCallback, String, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder
Creates an instance of the OCRBeamSearchDecoder class.
create(OCRHMMDecoder_ClassifierCallback, String, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
Creates an instance of the OCRHMMDecoder class.
create(OCRHMMDecoder_ClassifierCallback, String, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
Creates an instance of the OCRHMMDecoder class.
create(TrackerCSRT_Params) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT
Create CSRT tracker instance
create(TrackerKCF_Params) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF
Create KCF tracker instance
create(TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN
create(TrackerGOTURN_Params) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN
create(TrackerMIL_Params) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL
Create MIL tracker instance
create(TrackerNano_Params) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano
create(TrackerVit_Params) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit
createAlignMTB() - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates AlignMTB object usually good enough (31 and 63 pixels shift respectively).
createAlignMTB(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates AlignMTB object
createAlignMTB(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates AlignMTB object
createAlignMTB(int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates AlignMTB object
createAMFilter(double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of AdaptiveManifoldFilter and produce some initialization routines.
createAMFilter(double, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of AdaptiveManifoldFilter and produce some initialization routines.
createBackgroundSubtractorCNT() - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates a CNT Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorCNT(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates a CNT Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorCNT(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates a CNT Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorCNT(int, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates a CNT Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorCNT(int, boolean, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates a CNT Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorGMG() - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates a GMG Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorGMG(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates a GMG Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorGMG(int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates a GMG Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC() - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC(int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC(int, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC(int, int, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC(int, int, float, float, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC(int, int, float, float, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC(int, int, float, float, int, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC(int, int, float, float, int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC(int, int, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC(int, int, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorKNN() - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Creates KNN Background Subtractor whether a pixel is close to that sample.
createBackgroundSubtractorKNN(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Creates KNN Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorKNN(int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Creates KNN Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorKNN(int, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Creates KNN Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP() - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int, int, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int, int, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP(int, int, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm.
createBackgroundSubtractorMOG() - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates mixture-of-gaussian background subtractor means some automatic value.
createBackgroundSubtractorMOG(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates mixture-of-gaussian background subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorMOG(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates mixture-of-gaussian background subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorMOG(int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates mixture-of-gaussian background subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorMOG(int, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates mixture-of-gaussian background subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2() - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Creates MOG2 Background Subtractor to decide whether a pixel is well described by the background model.
createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Creates MOG2 Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2(int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Creates MOG2 Background Subtractor
createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2(int, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Creates MOG2 Background Subtractor
createCalibrateDebevec() - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates CalibrateDebevec object response.
createCalibrateDebevec(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates CalibrateDebevec object
createCalibrateDebevec(int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates CalibrateDebevec object
createCalibrateDebevec(int, float, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates CalibrateDebevec object
createCalibrateRobertson() - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates CalibrateRobertson object
createCalibrateRobertson(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates CalibrateRobertson object
createCalibrateRobertson(int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates CalibrateRobertson object
createCLAHE() - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a cv::CLAHE class and initializes it.
createCLAHE(double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a cv::CLAHE class and initializes it.
createCLAHE(double, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a cv::CLAHE class and initializes it.
createContourFitting() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
create ContourFitting algorithm object
createContourFitting(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
create ContourFitting algorithm object
createContourFitting(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
create ContourFitting algorithm object
createDisparityWLSFilter(StereoMatcher) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Convenience factory method that creates an instance of DisparityWLSFilter and sets up all the relevant filter parameters automatically based on the matcher instance.
createDisparityWLSFilterGeneric(boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
More generic factory method, create instance of DisparityWLSFilter and execute basic initialization routines.
createDTFilter(Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of DTFilter and produce initialization routines.
createDTFilter(Mat, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of DTFilter and produce initialization routines.
createDTFilter(Mat, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of DTFilter and produce initialization routines.
createEdgeAwareInterpolator() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method that creates an instance of the EdgeAwareInterpolator.
createEdgeBoxes() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float, float, float, float, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float, float, float, float, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeBoxes(float, float, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a Edgeboxes
createEdgeDrawing() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a EdgeDrawing object and initializes it
createERFilterNM1(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Reads an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm from the provided path e.g.
createERFilterNM1(String, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Reads an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm from the provided path e.g.
createERFilterNM1(String, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Reads an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm from the provided path e.g.
createERFilterNM1(String, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Reads an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm from the provided path e.g.
createERFilterNM1(String, int, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Reads an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm from the provided path e.g.
createERFilterNM1(String, int, float, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Reads an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm from the provided path e.g.
createERFilterNM1(String, int, float, float, float, boolean, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Reads an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm from the provided path e.g.
createERFilterNM1(ERFilter_Callback) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Create an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
createERFilterNM1(ERFilter_Callback, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Create an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
createERFilterNM1(ERFilter_Callback, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Create an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
createERFilterNM1(ERFilter_Callback, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Create an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
createERFilterNM1(ERFilter_Callback, int, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Create an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
createERFilterNM1(ERFilter_Callback, int, float, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Create an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
createERFilterNM1(ERFilter_Callback, int, float, float, float, boolean, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Create an Extremal Region Filter for the 1st stage classifier of N&M algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
createERFilterNM2(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Reads an Extremal Region Filter for the 2nd stage classifier of N&M algorithm from the provided path e.g.
createERFilterNM2(String, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Reads an Extremal Region Filter for the 2nd stage classifier of N&M algorithm from the provided path e.g.
createERFilterNM2(ERFilter_Callback) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Create an Extremal Region Filter for the 2nd stage classifier of N&M algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
createERFilterNM2(ERFilter_Callback, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Create an Extremal Region Filter for the 2nd stage classifier of N&M algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
createFacemarkAAM() - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
createFacemarkKazemi() - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
createFacemarkLBF() - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
createFastBilateralSolverFilter(Mat, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of FastBilateralSolverFilter and execute the initialization routines.
createFastBilateralSolverFilter(Mat, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of FastBilateralSolverFilter and execute the initialization routines.
createFastBilateralSolverFilter(Mat, double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of FastBilateralSolverFilter and execute the initialization routines.
createFastBilateralSolverFilter(Mat, double, double, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of FastBilateralSolverFilter and execute the initialization routines.
createFastGlobalSmootherFilter(Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of FastGlobalSmootherFilter and execute the initialization routines.
createFastGlobalSmootherFilter(Mat, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of FastGlobalSmootherFilter and execute the initialization routines.
createFastGlobalSmootherFilter(Mat, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of FastGlobalSmootherFilter and execute the initialization routines.
createFastLineDetector() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a FastLineDetector object and initializes it segment farther than this will be regarded as an outlier If zero, Canny() is not applied and the input image is taken as an edge image.
createFastLineDetector(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a FastLineDetector object and initializes it
createFastLineDetector(int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a FastLineDetector object and initializes it
createFastLineDetector(int, float, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a FastLineDetector object and initializes it
createFastLineDetector(int, float, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a FastLineDetector object and initializes it
createFastLineDetector(int, float, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a FastLineDetector object and initializes it
createFastLineDetector(int, float, double, double, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a FastLineDetector object and initializes it
createGeneralizedHoughBallard() - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a cv::GeneralizedHoughBallard class and initializes it.
createGeneralizedHoughGuil() - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a cv::GeneralizedHoughGuil class and initializes it.
createGraphSegmentation() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a graph based segmentor
createGraphSegmentation(double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a graph based segmentor
createGraphSegmentation(double, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a graph based segmentor
createGraphSegmentation(double, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Creates a graph based segmentor
createGrayworldWB() - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Creates an instance of GrayworldWB
createGuidedFilter(Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method, create instance of GuidedFilter and produce initialization routines.
createHanningWindow(Mat, Size, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
This function computes a Hanning window coefficients in two dimensions.
createJFrame(String, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
createLearningBasedWB() - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Creates an instance of LearningBasedWB
createLearningBasedWB(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Creates an instance of LearningBasedWB
createLineSegmentDetector() - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a LineSegmentDetector object and initializes it.
createLineSegmentDetector(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a LineSegmentDetector object and initializes it.
createLineSegmentDetector(int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a LineSegmentDetector object and initializes it.
createLineSegmentDetector(int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a LineSegmentDetector object and initializes it.
createLineSegmentDetector(int, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a LineSegmentDetector object and initializes it.
createLineSegmentDetector(int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a LineSegmentDetector object and initializes it.
createLineSegmentDetector(int, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a LineSegmentDetector object and initializes it.
createLineSegmentDetector(int, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a LineSegmentDetector object and initializes it.
createLineSegmentDetector(int, double, double, double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Creates a smart pointer to a LineSegmentDetector object and initializes it.
createMergeDebevec() - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates MergeDebevec object
createMergeMertens() - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates MergeMertens object
createMergeMertens(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates MergeMertens object
createMergeMertens(float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates MergeMertens object
createMergeMertens(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates MergeMertens object
createMergeRobertson() - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates MergeRobertson object
createOCRHMMTransitionsTable(String, List<String>) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Utility function to create a tailored language model transitions table from a given list of words (lexicon).
createQuaternionImage(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
creates a quaternion image.
createRFFeatureGetter() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
createRICInterpolator() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Factory method that creates an instance of the RICInterpolator.
createRightMatcher(StereoMatcher) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Convenience method to set up the matcher for computing the right-view disparity map that is required in case of filtering with confidence.
createScanSegment(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Initializes a ScanSegment object.
createScanSegment(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Initializes a ScanSegment object.
createScanSegment(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Initializes a ScanSegment object.
createSelectiveSearchSegmentation() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Create a new SelectiveSearchSegmentation class.
createSelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyColor() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Create a new color-based strategy
createSelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyFill() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Create a new fill-based strategy
createSelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Create a new multiple strategy
createSelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple(SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Create a new multiple strategy and set one subtrategy
createSelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple(SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy, SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Create a new multiple strategy and set two subtrategies, with equal weights
createSelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple(SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy, SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy, SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Create a new multiple strategy and set three subtrategies, with equal weights
createSelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple(SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy, SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy, SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy, SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Create a new multiple strategy and set four subtrategies, with equal weights
createSelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategySize() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Create a new size-based strategy
createSelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyTexture() - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Create a new size-based strategy
createSimpleWB() - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Creates an instance of SimpleWB
createStructuredEdgeDetection(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
createStructuredEdgeDetection(String, RFFeatureGetter) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
createSuperpixelLSC(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Class implementing the LSC (Linear Spectral Clustering) superpixels
createSuperpixelLSC(Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Class implementing the LSC (Linear Spectral Clustering) superpixels
createSuperpixelLSC(Mat, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Class implementing the LSC (Linear Spectral Clustering) superpixels
createSuperpixelSEEDS(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Initializes a SuperpixelSEEDS object.
createSuperpixelSEEDS(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Initializes a SuperpixelSEEDS object.
createSuperpixelSEEDS(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Initializes a SuperpixelSEEDS object.
createSuperpixelSEEDS(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Initializes a SuperpixelSEEDS object.
createSuperpixelSLIC(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Initialize a SuperpixelSLIC object
createSuperpixelSLIC(Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Initialize a SuperpixelSLIC object
createSuperpixelSLIC(Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Initialize a SuperpixelSLIC object
createSuperpixelSLIC(Mat, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Initialize a SuperpixelSLIC object
createSyntheticSequenceGenerator(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of SyntheticSequenceGenerator.
createSyntheticSequenceGenerator(Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of SyntheticSequenceGenerator.
createSyntheticSequenceGenerator(Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of SyntheticSequenceGenerator.
createSyntheticSequenceGenerator(Mat, Mat, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of SyntheticSequenceGenerator.
createSyntheticSequenceGenerator(Mat, Mat, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
Creates an instance of SyntheticSequenceGenerator.
createTonemap() - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates simple linear mapper with gamma correction equal to 2.2f is suitable for most displays.
createTonemap(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates simple linear mapper with gamma correction
createTonemapDrago() - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapDrago object than 1 increase saturation and values less than 1 decrease it.
createTonemapDrago(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapDrago object
createTonemapDrago(float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapDrago object
createTonemapDrago(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapDrago object
createTonemapDurand() - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Creates TonemapDurand object You need to set the OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE option in cmake to use those.
createTonemapDurand(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Creates TonemapDurand object You need to set the OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE option in cmake to use those.
createTonemapDurand(float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Creates TonemapDurand object You need to set the OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE option in cmake to use those.
createTonemapDurand(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Creates TonemapDurand object You need to set the OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE option in cmake to use those.
createTonemapDurand(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Creates TonemapDurand object You need to set the OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE option in cmake to use those.
createTonemapDurand(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
Creates TonemapDurand object You need to set the OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE option in cmake to use those.
createTonemapMantiuk() - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapMantiuk object dynamic range.
createTonemapMantiuk(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapMantiuk object
createTonemapMantiuk(float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapMantiuk object
createTonemapMantiuk(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapMantiuk object
createTonemapReinhard() - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapReinhard object value, if 0 it's global, otherwise it's a weighted mean of this two cases.
createTonemapReinhard(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapReinhard object
createTonemapReinhard(float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapReinhard object
createTonemapReinhard(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapReinhard object
createTonemapReinhard(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Creates TonemapReinhard object
cross(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
cross(Point3) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point3
cubeRoot(float) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Computes the cube root of an argument.
CUSTOM - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
CUSTOM - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF
CV_16F - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16FC(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16FC1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16FC2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16FC3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16FC4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16S - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16SC(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16SC1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16SC2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16SC3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16SC4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16U - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16UC(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16UC1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16UC2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16UC3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_16UC4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32F - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32FC(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32FC1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32FC2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32FC3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32FC4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32S - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32SC(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32SC1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32SC2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32SC3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_32SC4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_64F - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_64FC(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_64FC1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_64FC2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_64FC3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_64FC4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8S - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8SC(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8SC1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8SC2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8SC3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8SC4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8U - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8UC(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8UC1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8UC2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8UC3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_8UC4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
CV_BILATERAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_BLUR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_BLUR_NO_SCALE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_CANNY_L2_GRADIENT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_CHAIN_CODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_CLOCKWISE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_COMP_CHISQR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_COMP_CHISQR_ALT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_COMP_CORREL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_COMP_HELLINGER - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_COMP_INTERSECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_COMP_KL_DIV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_C - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_FAIR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_HUBER - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_L1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_L12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_L2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_LABEL_CCOMP - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_LABEL_PIXEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_MASK_3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_MASK_5 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_MASK_PRECISE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_USER - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DIST_WELSCH - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_DLS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CV_EPNP - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CV_GAUSSIAN - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_HOUGH_MULTI_SCALE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_HOUGH_STANDARD - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_ITERATIVE - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CV_LINK_RUNS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_MAX_SOBEL_KSIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_MEDIAN - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_mRGBA2RGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_P3P - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CV_POLY_APPROX_DP - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_RGBA2mRGBA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_SCHARR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_SHAPE_CROSS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_SHAPE_RECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_USRTYPE1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.CvType
please use CvType.CV_16F
CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CV_WARP_INVERSE_MAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
CvException - Exception in org.opencv.core
CvException(String) - Constructor for exception org.opencv.core.CvException
CvFeatureParams_HAAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
CvFeatureParams_HOG - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
CvFeatureParams_LBP - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
CvLevMarq_CALC_J - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CvLevMarq_CHECK_ERR - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CvLevMarq_DONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
CvLevMarq_STARTED - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
cvtColor(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Converts an image from one color space to another.
cvtColor(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Converts an image from one color space to another.
cvtColorTwoPlane(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Converts an image from one color space to another where the source image is stored in two planes.
CvType - Class in org.opencv.core
CvType() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.CvType


DAISY - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing DAISY descriptor, described in CITE: Tola10 radius radius of the descriptor at the initial scale q_radius amount of radial range division quantity q_theta amount of angular range division quantity q_hist amount of gradient orientations range division quantity norm choose descriptors normalization type, where DAISY::NRM_NONE will not do any normalization (default), DAISY::NRM_PARTIAL mean that histograms are normalized independently for L2 norm equal to 1.0, DAISY::NRM_FULL mean that descriptors are normalized for L2 norm equal to 1.0, DAISY::NRM_SIFT mean that descriptors are normalized for L2 norm equal to 1.0 but no individual one is bigger than 0.154 as in SIFT H optional 3x3 homography matrix used to warp the grid of daisy but sampling keypoints remains unwarped on image interpolation switch to disable interpolation for speed improvement at minor quality loss use_orientation sample patterns using keypoints orientation, disabled by default.
DAISY(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
dataAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
dct(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs a forward or inverse discrete Cosine transform of 1D or 2D array.
dct(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs a forward or inverse discrete Cosine transform of 1D or 2D array.
DCT_INVERSE - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
DCT_ROWS - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
dctDenoising(Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
The function implements simple dct-based denoising <http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2011/ys-dct/>.
dctDenoising(Mat, Mat, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
The function implements simple dct-based denoising <http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2011/ys-dct/>.
decode(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Decodes graphical code in image once it's found by the detect() method.
decode(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Decodes graphical code in image once it's found by the detect() method.
DECODE_3D_UNDERWORLD - Static variable in class org.opencv.structured_light.Structured_light
decodeCurved(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
Decodes QR code on a curved surface in image once it's found by the detect() method.
decodeCurved(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
Decodes QR code on a curved surface in image once it's found by the detect() method.
decodeMulti(Mat, Mat, List<String>) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Decodes graphical codes in image once it's found by the detect() method.
decodeMulti(Mat, Mat, List<String>, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Decodes graphical codes in image once it's found by the detect() method.
decodeWithType(Mat, Mat, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.BarcodeDetector
Decodes barcode in image once it's found by the detect() method.
decolor(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Transforms a color image to a grayscale image.
DECOMP_CHOLESKY - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
DECOMP_EIG - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
DECOMP_LU - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
DECOMP_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
DECOMP_QR - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
DECOMP_SVD - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
decomposeEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Decompose an essential matrix to possible rotations and translation.
decomposeHomographyMat(Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Decompose a homography matrix to rotation(s), translation(s) and plane normal(s).
decomposeProjectionMatrix(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Decomposes a projection matrix into a rotation matrix and a camera intrinsic matrix.
decomposeProjectionMatrix(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Decomposes a projection matrix into a rotation matrix and a camera intrinsic matrix.
decomposeProjectionMatrix(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Decomposes a projection matrix into a rotation matrix and a camera intrinsic matrix.
decomposeProjectionMatrix(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Decomposes a projection matrix into a rotation matrix and a camera intrinsic matrix.
decomposeProjectionMatrix(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Decomposes a projection matrix into a rotation matrix and a camera intrinsic matrix.
DEFAULT_MAX_ITERS - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.EM
DEFAULT_NCLUSTERS - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.EM
DEFAULT_NLEVELS - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
defaultNorm() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
defaultNorm() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
DEGREE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
demosaicing(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
main function for all demosaicing processes
demosaicing(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
main function for all demosaicing processes
denoise_TVL1(List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Primal-dual algorithm is an algorithm for solving special types of variational problems (that is, finding a function to minimize some functional).
denoise_TVL1(List<Mat>, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Primal-dual algorithm is an algorithm for solving special types of variational problems (that is, finding a function to minimize some functional).
denoise_TVL1(List<Mat>, Mat, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Primal-dual algorithm is an algorithm for solving special types of variational problems (that is, finding a function to minimize some functional).
DenseOpticalFlow - Class in org.opencv.video
Base class for dense optical flow algorithms
DenseOpticalFlow(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.DenseOpticalFlow
depth() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
depth(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
DESCR_FORMAT_COL_BY_COL - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
DESCR_FORMAT_ROW_BY_ROW - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
DESCRIPTOR_KAZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
DESCRIPTOR_KAZE_UPRIGHT - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
DESCRIPTOR_MLDB - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
DESCRIPTOR_MLDB_UPRIGHT - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
DescriptorMatcher - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Abstract base class for matching keypoint descriptors.
DescriptorMatcher(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
descriptorsCount() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWTrainer
Returns the count of all descriptors stored in the training set.
descriptorSize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
Returns an image descriptor size if the vocabulary is set.
descriptorSize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
descriptorSize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
descriptorType() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
Returns an image descriptor type.
descriptorType() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
destroyAllWindows() - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
destroyWindow(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
detailEnhance(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
This filter enhances the details of a particular image.
detailEnhance(Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
This filter enhances the details of a particular image.
detailEnhance(Mat, Mat, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
This filter enhances the details of a particular image.
detect(List<Mat>, List<MatOfKeyPoint>) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
detect(List<Mat>, List<MatOfKeyPoint>, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
detect(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel
detect(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, MatOfFloat) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel
Performs detection Given the input frame, prepare network input, run network inference, post-process network output and return result detections.
detect(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
detect(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.LineSegmentDetector
Finds lines in the input image.
detect(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Detects faces in the input image.
detect(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Detects graphical code in image and returns the quadrangle containing the code.
detect(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastLineDetector
Finds lines in the input image.
detect(Mat, MatOfInt, MatOfFloat, MatOfRect) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DetectionModel
Given the input frame, create input blob, run net and return result detections.
detect(Mat, MatOfInt, MatOfFloat, MatOfRect, float) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DetectionModel
Given the input frame, create input blob, run net and return result detections.
detect(Mat, MatOfInt, MatOfFloat, MatOfRect, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DetectionModel
Given the input frame, create input blob, run net and return result detections.
detect(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
Detects keypoints in an image (first variant) or image set (second variant).
detect(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
Detects keypoints in an image (first variant) or image set (second variant).
detect(Mat, MatOfPoint, MatOfDouble) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Performs object detection without a multi-scale window.
detect(Mat, MatOfPoint, MatOfDouble, double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Performs object detection without a multi-scale window.
detect(Mat, MatOfPoint, MatOfDouble, double, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Performs object detection without a multi-scale window.
detect(Mat, MatOfPoint, MatOfDouble, double, Size, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Performs object detection without a multi-scale window.
detect(Mat, MatOfPoint, MatOfDouble, double, Size, Size, MatOfPoint) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Performs object detection without a multi-scale window.
detect(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfFloat) - Method in class org.opencv.text.TextDetector
Method that provides a quick and simple interface to detect text inside an image
detect(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfFloat) - Method in class org.opencv.text.TextDetectorCNN
detect(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
detect(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.LineSegmentDetector
Finds lines in the input image.
detect(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
detect(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.LineSegmentDetector
Finds lines in the input image.
detect(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
detect(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.LineSegmentDetector
Finds lines in the input image.
detectAndCompute(Mat, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
Detects keypoints and computes the descriptors
detectAndCompute(Mat, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
Detects keypoints and computes the descriptors
detectAndDecode(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Both detects and decodes graphical code
detectAndDecode(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
Both detects and decodes QR code.
detectAndDecode(Mat, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
Both detects and decodes QR code.
detectAndDecode(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Both detects and decodes graphical code
detectAndDecode(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Both detects and decodes graphical code
detectAndDecodeCurved(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
Both detects and decodes QR code on a curved surface
detectAndDecodeCurved(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
Both detects and decodes QR code on a curved surface
detectAndDecodeCurved(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
Both detects and decodes QR code on a curved surface
detectAndDecodeMulti(Mat, List<String>) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Both detects and decodes graphical codes
detectAndDecodeMulti(Mat, List<String>, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Both detects and decodes graphical codes
detectAndDecodeMulti(Mat, List<String>, Mat, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Both detects and decodes graphical codes
detectAndDecodeWithType(Mat, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.BarcodeDetector
Both detects and decodes barcode
detectAndDecodeWithType(Mat, List<String>, List<String>, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.BarcodeDetector
Both detects and decodes barcode
detectBoard(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
detect aruco markers and interpolate position of ChArUco board corners
detectBoard(Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
detect aruco markers and interpolate position of ChArUco board corners
detectBoard(Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
detect aruco markers and interpolate position of ChArUco board corners
detectCharucoDiamond(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, float, List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use CharucoDetector::detectDiamonds
detectCharucoDiamond(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, float, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use CharucoDetector::detectDiamonds
detectCharucoDiamond(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, float, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use CharucoDetector::detectDiamonds
detectCharucoDiamond(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, float, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Dictionary) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use CharucoDetector::detectDiamonds
detectDiamonds(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
Detect ChArUco Diamond markers
detectDiamonds(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
Detect ChArUco Diamond markers
detectDiamonds(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
Detect ChArUco Diamond markers
detectEdges(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
Detects edges in a grayscale image and prepares them to detect lines and ellipses.
detectEdges(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.StructuredEdgeDetection
The function detects edges in src and draw them to dst.
detectEllipses(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
Detects circles and ellipses.
DetectionBasedTracker_DETECTED - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DetectionBasedTracker_DETECTED_NOT_SHOWN_YET - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DetectionBasedTracker_DETECTED_TEMPORARY_LOST - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DetectionBasedTracker_WRONG_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DetectionModel - Class in org.opencv.dnn
This class represents high-level API for object detection networks.
DetectionModel(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.DetectionModel
DetectionModel(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.DetectionModel
Create detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
DetectionModel(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.DetectionModel
Create detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
DetectionModel(Net) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.DetectionModel
Create model from deep learning network.
detectLines(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
Detects lines.
detectMarkers(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
Basic marker detection
detectMarkers(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
Basic marker detection
detectMarkers(Mat, Dictionary, List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use class ArucoDetector::detectMarkers
detectMarkers(Mat, Dictionary, List<Mat>, Mat, DetectorParameters) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use class ArucoDetector::detectMarkers
detectMarkers(Mat, Dictionary, List<Mat>, Mat, DetectorParameters, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use class ArucoDetector::detectMarkers
detectMulti(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
Detects graphical codes in image and returns the vector of the quadrangles containing the codes.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, double, int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, double, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, double, int, int, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, double, int, int, Size, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfDouble) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfDouble, double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfDouble, double, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfDouble, double, Size, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfDouble, double, Size, Size, double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfDouble, double, Size, Size, double, double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfDouble, double, Size, Size, double, double, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image.
detectMultiScale2(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
detectMultiScale2(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
detectMultiScale2(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, double, int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
detectMultiScale2(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, double, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
detectMultiScale2(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, double, int, int, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
detectMultiScale2(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, double, int, int, Size, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
detectMultiScale3(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, MatOfDouble) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
This function allows you to retrieve the final stage decision certainty of classification.
detectMultiScale3(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, MatOfDouble, double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
This function allows you to retrieve the final stage decision certainty of classification.
detectMultiScale3(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, MatOfDouble, double, int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
This function allows you to retrieve the final stage decision certainty of classification.
detectMultiScale3(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, MatOfDouble, double, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
This function allows you to retrieve the final stage decision certainty of classification.
detectMultiScale3(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, MatOfDouble, double, int, int, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
This function allows you to retrieve the final stage decision certainty of classification.
detectMultiScale3(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, MatOfDouble, double, int, int, Size, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
This function allows you to retrieve the final stage decision certainty of classification.
detectMultiScale3(Mat, MatOfRect, MatOfInt, MatOfDouble, double, int, int, Size, Size, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
This function allows you to retrieve the final stage decision certainty of classification.
DetectorParameters - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
struct DetectorParameters is used by ArucoDetector
DetectorParameters() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
DetectorParameters(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
detectRegions(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, MatOfRect) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
Detect %MSER regions
detectRegions(Mat, ERFilter, ERFilter, List<MatOfPoint>) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Converts MSER contours (vector<Point>) to ERStat regions.
detectRegions(Mat, ERFilter, ERFilter, MatOfRect) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Extracts text regions from image.
detectRegions(Mat, ERFilter, ERFilter, MatOfRect, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Extracts text regions from image.
detectRegions(Mat, ERFilter, ERFilter, MatOfRect, int, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Extracts text regions from image.
detectRegions(Mat, ERFilter, ERFilter, MatOfRect, int, String, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Extracts text regions from image.
detectTextRectangles(Mat, MatOfRotatedRect) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel
detectTextRectangles(Mat, MatOfRotatedRect, MatOfFloat) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel
Performs detection Given the input frame, prepare network input, run network inference, post-process network output and return result detections.
detectTextSWT(Mat, MatOfRect, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Applies the Stroke Width Transform operator followed by filtering of connected components of similar Stroke Widths to return letter candidates.
detectTextSWT(Mat, MatOfRect, boolean, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Applies the Stroke Width Transform operator followed by filtering of connected components of similar Stroke Widths to return letter candidates.
detectTextSWT(Mat, MatOfRect, boolean, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Applies the Stroke Width Transform operator followed by filtering of connected components of similar Stroke Widths to return letter candidates.
determinant(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns the determinant of a square floating-point matrix.
dft(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs a forward or inverse Discrete Fourier transform of a 1D or 2D floating-point array.
dft(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs a forward or inverse Discrete Fourier transform of a 1D or 2D floating-point array.
dft(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs a forward or inverse Discrete Fourier transform of a 1D or 2D floating-point array.
DFT_COMPLEX_INPUT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
DFT_INVERSE - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
DFT_REAL_OUTPUT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
DFT_ROWS - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
DFT_SCALE - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
diag() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
diag(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
diag(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
DICT_4X4_100 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_4X4_1000 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_4X4_250 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_4X4_50 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_5X5_100 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_5X5_1000 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_5X5_250 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_5X5_50 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_6X6_100 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_6X6_1000 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_6X6_250 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_6X6_50 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_7X7_100 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_7X7_1000 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_7X7_250 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_7X7_50 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_APRILTAG_16h5 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_APRILTAG_25h9 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_APRILTAG_36h10 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_APRILTAG_36h11 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_ARUCO_MIP_36h12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Dictionary - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
Dictionary is a set of unique ArUco markers of the same size bytesList storing as 2-dimensions Mat with 4-th channels (CV_8UC4 type was used) and contains the marker codewords where: - bytesList.rows is the dictionary size - each marker is encoded using nbytes = ceil(markerSize*markerSize/8.) bytes - each row contains all 4 rotations of the marker, so its length is 4*nbytes - the byte order in the bytesList[i] row: //bytes without rotation/bytes with rotation 1/bytes with rotation 2/bytes with rotation 3// So bytesList.ptr(i)[k*nbytes + j] is the j-th byte of i-th marker, in its k-th rotation.
Dictionary() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
Dictionary(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
Dictionary(Mat, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
Basic ArUco dictionary constructor
Dictionary(Mat, int, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
Basic ArUco dictionary constructor
DictValue - Class in org.opencv.dnn
This struct stores the scalar value (or array) of one of the following type: double, cv::String or int64.
DictValue(double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
DictValue(int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
DictValue(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
DictValue(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
DIFF_CHARBONNIER - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
DIFF_PM_G1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
DIFF_PM_G2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
DIFF_WEICKERT - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
dilate(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
dilate(Mat, Mat, Mat, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
dilate(Mat, Mat, Mat, Point, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
dilate(Mat, Mat, Mat, Point, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
dilate(Mat, Mat, Mat, Point, int, int, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
dims() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
DISCRETE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
DISOpticalFlow - Class in org.opencv.video
DIS optical flow algorithm.
DISOpticalFlow(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
DISP_SCALE - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
DISP_SHIFT - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
DisparityFilter - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Main interface for all disparity map filters.
DisparityFilter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityFilter
DisparityWLSFilter - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Disparity map filter based on Weighted Least Squares filter (in form of Fast Global Smoother that is a lot faster than traditional Weighted Least Squares filter implementations) and optional use of left-right-consistency-based confidence to refine the results in half-occlusions and uniform areas.
DisparityWLSFilter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
DIST_C - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_FAIR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_HUBER - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_L1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_L12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_L2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_LABEL_CCOMP - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_LABEL_PIXEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_MASK_3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_MASK_5 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_MASK_PRECISE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_USER - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
DIST_WELSCH - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
distance - Variable in class org.opencv.core.DMatch
distanceTransform(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
distanceTransform(Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
distanceTransformWithLabels(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the distance to the closest zero pixel for each pixel of the source image.
distanceTransformWithLabels(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the distance to the closest zero pixel for each pixel of the source image.
divide(double, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
divide(double, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
divide(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs per-element division of two arrays or a scalar by an array.
divide(Mat, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs per-element division of two arrays or a scalar by an array.
divide(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs per-element division of two arrays or a scalar by an array.
divide(Mat, Scalar, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
divide(Mat, Scalar, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
divide(Mat, Scalar, Mat, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
divSpectrums(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs the per-element division of the first Fourier spectrum by the second Fourier spectrum.
divSpectrums(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs the per-element division of the first Fourier spectrum by the second Fourier spectrum.
DMatch - Class in org.opencv.core
Structure for matching: query descriptor index, train descriptor index, train image index and distance between descriptors.
DMatch() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.DMatch
DMatch(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.DMatch
DMatch(int, int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.DMatch
Dnn - Class in org.opencv.dnn
Dnn() - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_BACKEND_CANN - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_BACKEND_CUDA - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_BACKEND_HALIDE - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_BACKEND_TIMVX - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_BACKEND_VKCOM - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_BACKEND_WEBNN - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_LAYOUT_NCDHW - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_LAYOUT_NCHW - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_LAYOUT_ND - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_LAYOUT_NDHWC - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_LAYOUT_NHWC - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_LAYOUT_PLANAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_PMODE_CROP_CENTER - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_PMODE_LETTERBOX - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_PMODE_NULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Dnn_superres - Class in org.opencv.dnn_superres
Dnn_superres() - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn_superres.Dnn_superres
DNN_TARGET_CPU - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_TARGET_CPU_FP16 - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_TARGET_CUDA - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_TARGET_CUDA_FP16 - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_TARGET_FPGA - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_TARGET_HDDL - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_TARGET_NPU - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_TARGET_OPENCL - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16 - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DNN_TARGET_VULKAN - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
DnnSuperResImpl - Class in org.opencv.dnn_superres
A class to upscale images via convolutional neural networks.
DnnSuperResImpl(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
dot(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
dot(Point) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point
dot(Point3) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point3
drawChessboardCorners(Mat, Size, MatOfPoint2f, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Renders the detected chessboard corners.
drawContours(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, int, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws contours outlines or filled contours.
drawContours(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, int, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws contours outlines or filled contours.
drawContours(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, int, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws contours outlines or filled contours.
drawContours(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, int, Scalar, int, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws contours outlines or filled contours.
drawContours(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, int, Scalar, int, int, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws contours outlines or filled contours.
drawContours(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, int, Scalar, int, int, Mat, int, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws contours outlines or filled contours.
drawDetectedCornersCharuco(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Draws a set of Charuco corners
drawDetectedCornersCharuco(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Draws a set of Charuco corners
drawDetectedCornersCharuco(Mat, Mat, Mat, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Draws a set of Charuco corners
drawDetectedDiamonds(Mat, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Draw a set of detected ChArUco Diamond markers
drawDetectedDiamonds(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Draw a set of detected ChArUco Diamond markers
drawDetectedDiamonds(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Draw a set of detected ChArUco Diamond markers
drawDetectedMarkers(Mat, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Draw detected markers in image
drawDetectedMarkers(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Draw detected markers in image
drawDetectedMarkers(Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Draw detected markers in image
drawFacemarks(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
Utility to draw the detected facial landmark points
drawFacemarks(Mat, Mat, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
Utility to draw the detected facial landmark points
drawFrameAxes(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Draw axes of the world/object coordinate system from pose estimation.
drawFrameAxes(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Draw axes of the world/object coordinate system from pose estimation.
drawKeypoints(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
Draws keypoints.
drawKeypoints(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
Draws keypoints.
drawKeypoints(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
Draws keypoints.
drawMarker(Mat, Point, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a marker on a predefined position in an image.
drawMarker(Mat, Point, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a marker on a predefined position in an image.
drawMarker(Mat, Point, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a marker on a predefined position in an image.
drawMarker(Mat, Point, Scalar, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a marker on a predefined position in an image.
drawMarker(Mat, Point, Scalar, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a marker on a predefined position in an image.
drawMatches(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images.
drawMatches(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
drawMatches(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, Mat, int, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
drawMatches(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, Mat, int, Scalar, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
drawMatches(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, Mat, int, Scalar, Scalar, MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
drawMatches(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, Mat, int, Scalar, Scalar, MatOfByte, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
drawMatches(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, Mat, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images.
drawMatches(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, Mat, Scalar, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images.
drawMatches(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, Mat, Scalar, Scalar, MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images.
drawMatches(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, Mat, Scalar, Scalar, MatOfByte, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images.
DrawMatchesFlags_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
DrawMatchesFlags_DRAW_OVER_OUTIMG - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
DrawMatchesFlags_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
DrawMatchesFlags_NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
drawMatchesKnn(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, List<MatOfDMatch>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
drawMatchesKnn(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, List<MatOfDMatch>, Mat, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
drawMatchesKnn(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, List<MatOfDMatch>, Mat, Scalar, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
drawMatchesKnn(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, List<MatOfDMatch>, Mat, Scalar, Scalar, List<MatOfByte>) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
drawMatchesKnn(Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, Mat, MatOfKeyPoint, List<MatOfDMatch>, Mat, Scalar, Scalar, List<MatOfByte>, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
drawPlanarBoard(Board, Size, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use Board::generateImage
drawSegments(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.LineSegmentDetector
Draws the line segments on a given image.
drawSegments(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastLineDetector
Draws the line segments on a given image.
drawSegments(Mat, Mat, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastLineDetector
Draws the line segments on a given image.
drawSegments(Mat, Mat, boolean, Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastLineDetector
Draws the line segments on a given image.
drawSegments(Mat, Mat, boolean, Scalar, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastLineDetector
Draws the line segments on a given image.
drawSignature(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Draws signature in the source image and outputs the result.
drawSignature(Mat, Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Draws signature in the source image and outputs the result.
drawSignature(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Draws signature in the source image and outputs the result.
DTF_IC - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
DTF_NC - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
DTF_RF - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
dtFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Domain Transform filter call.
dtFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Domain Transform filter call.
dtFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Domain Transform filter call.
DTFilter - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Interface for realizations of Domain Transform filter.
DTFilter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.DTFilter
DTrees - Class in org.opencv.ml
The class represents a single decision tree or a collection of decision trees.
DTrees(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
dump() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
dump() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Dump net to String
dumpToFile(String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Dump net structure, hyperparameters, backend, target and fusion to dot file


ECI_UTF8 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
EdgeAwareInterpolator - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Sparse match interpolation algorithm based on modified locally-weighted affine estimator from CITE: Revaud2015 and Fast Global Smoother as post-processing filter.
EdgeAwareInterpolator(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
EdgeBoxes - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Class implementing EdgeBoxes algorithm from CITE: ZitnickECCV14edgeBoxes :
EdgeBoxes(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
EdgeDrawing - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Class implementing the ED (EdgeDrawing) CITE: topal2012edge, EDLines CITE: akinlar2011edlines, EDPF CITE: akinlar2012edpf and EDCircles CITE: akinlar2013edcircles algorithms
EdgeDrawing(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
EdgeDrawing_Params - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
EdgeDrawing_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
EdgeDrawing_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
edgeDst(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns the edge destination.
edgeDst(int, Point) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns the edge destination.
edgeOrg(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns the edge origin.
edgeOrg(int, Point) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns the edge origin.
edgePreservingFilter(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Filtering is the fundamental operation in image and video processing.
edgePreservingFilter(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Filtering is the fundamental operation in image and video processing.
edgePreservingFilter(Mat, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Smoothes an image using the Edge-Preserving filter.
edgePreservingFilter(Mat, Mat, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Filtering is the fundamental operation in image and video processing.
edgePreservingFilter(Mat, Mat, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Filtering is the fundamental operation in image and video processing.
edgesNms(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.StructuredEdgeDetection
The function edgenms in edge image and suppress edges where edge is stronger in orthogonal direction.
edgesNms(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.StructuredEdgeDetection
The function edgenms in edge image and suppress edges where edge is stronger in orthogonal direction.
edgesNms(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.StructuredEdgeDetection
The function edgenms in edge image and suppress edges where edge is stronger in orthogonal direction.
edgesNms(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int, float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.StructuredEdgeDetection
The function edgenms in edge image and suppress edges where edge is stronger in orthogonal direction.
edgesNms(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int, float, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.StructuredEdgeDetection
The function edgenms in edge image and suppress edges where edge is stronger in orthogonal direction.
eigen(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix.
eigen(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix.
EigenFaceRecognizer - Class in org.opencv.face
EigenFaceRecognizer(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.EigenFaceRecognizer
eigenNonSymmetric(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a non-symmetric matrix (real eigenvalues only).
ELEM_SIZE(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
elemSize() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
elemSize1() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
ellipse(Mat, Point, Size, double, double, double, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector.
ellipse(Mat, Point, Size, double, double, double, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector.
ellipse(Mat, Point, Size, double, double, double, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector.
ellipse(Mat, Point, Size, double, double, double, Scalar, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector.
ellipse(Mat, RotatedRect, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
ellipse(Mat, RotatedRect, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
ellipse(Mat, RotatedRect, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
ellipse2Poly(Point, Size, int, int, int, int, MatOfPoint) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Approximates an elliptic arc with a polyline.
EM - Class in org.opencv.ml
The class implements the Expectation Maximization algorithm.
EM(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.EM
EMD(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Computes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurations.
EMD(Mat, Mat, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Computes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurations.
EMD(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Computes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurations.
empty() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Algorithm
Returns true if the Algorithm is empty (e.g.
empty() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
empty() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Range
empty() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect
empty() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
empty() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Size
empty() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns true if there are no layers in the network.
empty() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Returns true if there are no train descriptors in the both collections.
empty() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
empty() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
empty() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
Checks whether the classifier has been loaded.
enableFusion(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Enables or disables layer fusion in the network.
enableWinograd(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
enableWinograd(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Enables or disables the Winograd compute branch.
encode(String, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
Generates QR code from input string.
encodeStructuredAppend(String, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
Generates QR code from input string in Structured Append mode.
end - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Range
enforceLabelConnectivity() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelLSC
Enforce label connectivity.
enforceLabelConnectivity() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSLIC
Enforce label connectivity.
enforceLabelConnectivity(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelLSC
Enforce label connectivity.
enforceLabelConnectivity(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSLIC
Enforce label connectivity.
EPS - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
The desired accuracy threshold or change in parameters at which the iterative algorithm is terminated.
EPS_SVR - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
epsilon - Variable in class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
equalizeHist(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Equalizes the histogram of a grayscale image.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point3
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Range
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Scalar
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Size
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
ERFilter - Class in org.opencv.text
Base class for 1st and 2nd stages of Neumann and Matas scene text detection algorithm CITE: Neumann12.
ERFilter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.text.ERFilter
ERFilter_Callback - Class in org.opencv.text
Callback with the classifier is made a class.
ERFilter_Callback(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.text.ERFilter_Callback
ERFILTER_NM_IHSGrad - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
ERFILTER_NM_RGBLGrad - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
erGrouping(Mat, Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, MatOfRect) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Find groups of Extremal Regions that are organized as text blocks.
erGrouping(Mat, Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, MatOfRect, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Find groups of Extremal Regions that are organized as text blocks.
erGrouping(Mat, Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, MatOfRect, int, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Find groups of Extremal Regions that are organized as text blocks.
erGrouping(Mat, Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, MatOfRect, int, String, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Find groups of Extremal Regions that are organized as text blocks.
ERGROUPING_ORIENTATION_ANY - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
ERGROUPING_ORIENTATION_HORIZ - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
erode(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
erode(Mat, Mat, Mat, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
erode(Mat, Mat, Mat, Point, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
erode(Mat, Mat, Mat, Point, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
erode(Mat, Mat, Mat, Point, int, int, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
estimate(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.KeypointsModel
Given the input frame, create input blob, run net
estimate(Mat, float) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.KeypointsModel
Given the input frame, create input blob, run net
estimateAffine2D(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffine2D(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffine2D(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffine2D(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffine2D(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, long) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffine2D(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, long, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffine2D(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, long, double, long) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffine2D(Mat, Mat, Mat, UsacParams) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
estimateAffine3D(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 3D point sets.
estimateAffine3D(Mat, Mat, double[]) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 3D point sets.
estimateAffine3D(Mat, Mat, double[], boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 3D point sets.
estimateAffine3D(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 3D point sets.
estimateAffine3D(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 3D point sets.
estimateAffine3D(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 3D point sets.
estimateAffinePartial2D(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal limited affine transformation with 4 degrees of freedom between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffinePartial2D(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal limited affine transformation with 4 degrees of freedom between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffinePartial2D(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal limited affine transformation with 4 degrees of freedom between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffinePartial2D(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal limited affine transformation with 4 degrees of freedom between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffinePartial2D(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, long) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal limited affine transformation with 4 degrees of freedom between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffinePartial2D(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, long, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal limited affine transformation with 4 degrees of freedom between two 2D point sets.
estimateAffinePartial2D(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, long, double, long) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal limited affine transformation with 4 degrees of freedom between two 2D point sets.
estimateChessboardSharpness(Mat, Size, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Estimates the sharpness of a detected chessboard.
estimateChessboardSharpness(Mat, Size, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Estimates the sharpness of a detected chessboard.
estimateChessboardSharpness(Mat, Size, Mat, float, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Estimates the sharpness of a detected chessboard.
estimateChessboardSharpness(Mat, Size, Mat, float, boolean, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Estimates the sharpness of a detected chessboard.
EstimateParameters - Class in org.opencv.aruco
Pose estimation parameters pattern Defines center this system and axes direction (default PatternPositionType::ARUCO_CCW_CENTER).
EstimateParameters() - Constructor for class org.opencv.aruco.EstimateParameters
EstimateParameters(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.aruco.EstimateParameters
estimatePoseBoard(List<Mat>, Mat, Board, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use cv::solvePnP
estimatePoseBoard(List<Mat>, Mat, Board, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use cv::solvePnP
estimatePoseCharucoBoard(Mat, Mat, CharucoBoard, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Pose estimation for a ChArUco board given some of their corners
estimatePoseCharucoBoard(Mat, Mat, CharucoBoard, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Pose estimation for a ChArUco board given some of their corners
estimatePoseSingleMarkers(List<Mat>, float, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use cv::solvePnP
estimatePoseSingleMarkers(List<Mat>, float, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use cv::solvePnP
estimatePoseSingleMarkers(List<Mat>, float, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, EstimateParameters) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use cv::solvePnP
estimateTransformation(Mat, Mat, Mat, double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ContourFitting
Fit two closed curves using fourier descriptors.
estimateTransformation(Mat, Mat, Mat, double[], boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ContourFitting
Fit two closed curves using fourier descriptors.
estimateTranslation3D(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal translation between two 3D point sets.
estimateTranslation3D(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal translation between two 3D point sets.
estimateTranslation3D(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an optimal translation between two 3D point sets.
exp(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the exponent of every array element.
extendDictionary(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Extend base dictionary by new nMarkers
extendDictionary(int, int, Dictionary) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Extend base dictionary by new nMarkers
extendDictionary(int, int, Dictionary, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Extend base dictionary by new nMarkers
extractChannel(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Extracts a single channel from src (coi is 0-based index)
extractSimpleFeatures(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.LearningBasedWB
Implements the feature extraction part of the algorithm.
eye(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
eye(Size, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Mat


Face - Class in org.opencv.face
Face() - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.Face
FaceDetectorYN - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
DNN-based face detector model download link: https://github.com/opencv/opencv_zoo/tree/master/models/face_detection_yunet
FaceDetectorYN(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Facemark - Class in org.opencv.face
Abstract base class for all facemark models To utilize this API in your program, please take a look at the REF: tutorial_table_of_content_facemark ### Description Facemark is a base class which provides universal access to any specific facemark algorithm.
Facemark(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.Facemark
FacemarkAAM - Class in org.opencv.face
FacemarkAAM(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.FacemarkAAM
FacemarkKazemi - Class in org.opencv.face
FacemarkKazemi(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.FacemarkKazemi
FacemarkLBF - Class in org.opencv.face
FacemarkLBF(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.FacemarkLBF
FacemarkTrain - Class in org.opencv.face
Abstract base class for trainable facemark models To utilize this API in your program, please take a look at the REF: tutorial_table_of_content_facemark ### Description The AAM and LBF facemark models in OpenCV are derived from the abstract base class FacemarkTrain, which provides a unified access to those facemark algorithms in OpenCV.
FacemarkTrain(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.FacemarkTrain
FaceRecognizer - Class in org.opencv.face
Abstract base class for all face recognition models All face recognition models in OpenCV are derived from the abstract base class FaceRecognizer, which provides a unified access to all face recongition algorithms in OpenCV.
FaceRecognizer(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
FaceRecognizerSF - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
DNN-based face recognizer model download link: https://github.com/opencv/opencv_zoo/tree/master/models/face_recognition_sface
FaceRecognizerSF(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
FAPS - Static variable in class org.opencv.structured_light.Structured_light
FarnebackOpticalFlow - Class in org.opencv.video
Class computing a dense optical flow using the Gunnar Farneback's algorithm.
FarnebackOpticalFlow(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
FAST_N - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
FAST_SCORE - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
fastAtan2(float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the angle of a 2D vector in degrees.
fastBilateralSolverFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Fast Bilateral Solver filter call.
fastBilateralSolverFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Fast Bilateral Solver filter call.
fastBilateralSolverFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Fast Bilateral Solver filter call.
fastBilateralSolverFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Fast Bilateral Solver filter call.
fastBilateralSolverFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Fast Bilateral Solver filter call.
fastBilateralSolverFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Fast Bilateral Solver filter call.
fastBilateralSolverFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Fast Bilateral Solver filter call.
FastBilateralSolverFilter - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Interface for implementations of Fast Bilateral Solver.
FastBilateralSolverFilter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastBilateralSolverFilter
FastFeatureDetector - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Wrapping class for feature detection using the FAST method.
FastFeatureDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
fastGlobalSmootherFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Fast Global Smoother filter call.
fastGlobalSmootherFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Fast Global Smoother filter call.
fastGlobalSmootherFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Fast Global Smoother filter call.
FastGlobalSmootherFilter - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Interface for implementations of Fast Global Smoother filter.
FastGlobalSmootherFilter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastGlobalSmootherFilter
FastHoughTransform(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Calculates 2D Fast Hough transform of an image.
FastHoughTransform(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Calculates 2D Fast Hough transform of an image.
FastHoughTransform(Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Calculates 2D Fast Hough transform of an image.
FastHoughTransform(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Calculates 2D Fast Hough transform of an image.
FastLineDetector - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Class implementing the FLD (Fast Line Detector) algorithm described in CITE: Lee14 .
FastLineDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastLineDetector
fastNlMeansDenoising(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Perform image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm <http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/bcm_non_local_means_denoising/> with several computational optimizations.
fastNlMeansDenoising(Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Perform image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm <http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/bcm_non_local_means_denoising/> with several computational optimizations.
fastNlMeansDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Perform image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm <http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/bcm_non_local_means_denoising/> with several computational optimizations.
fastNlMeansDenoising(Mat, Mat, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Perform image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm <http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/bcm_non_local_means_denoising/> with several computational optimizations.
fastNlMeansDenoising(Mat, Mat, MatOfFloat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Perform image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm <http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/bcm_non_local_means_denoising/> with several computational optimizations.
fastNlMeansDenoising(Mat, Mat, MatOfFloat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Perform image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm <http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/bcm_non_local_means_denoising/> with several computational optimizations.
fastNlMeansDenoising(Mat, Mat, MatOfFloat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Perform image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm <http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/bcm_non_local_means_denoising/> with several computational optimizations.
fastNlMeansDenoising(Mat, Mat, MatOfFloat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Perform image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm <http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/bcm_non_local_means_denoising/> with several computational optimizations.
fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored images
fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored images
fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(Mat, Mat, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored images
fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(Mat, Mat, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored images
fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(Mat, Mat, float, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored images
fastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti function for colored images sequences
fastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti function for colored images sequences
fastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti function for colored images sequences
fastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti function for colored images sequences
fastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int, float, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti function for colored images sequences
fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for images sequence where consecutive images have been captured in small period of time.
fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for images sequence where consecutive images have been captured in small period of time.
fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for images sequence where consecutive images have been captured in small period of time.
fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for images sequence where consecutive images have been captured in small period of time.
fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int, MatOfFloat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for images sequence where consecutive images have been captured in small period of time.
fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int, MatOfFloat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for images sequence where consecutive images have been captured in small period of time.
fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int, MatOfFloat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for images sequence where consecutive images have been captured in small period of time.
fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(List<Mat>, Mat, int, int, MatOfFloat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for images sequence where consecutive images have been captured in small period of time.
feature(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
Extracting face feature from aligned image
Feature2D - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Abstract base class for 2D image feature detectors and descriptor extractors
Feature2D(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
Features2d - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Features2d() - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.Features2d
FHT_ADD - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
FHT_AVE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
FHT_MAX - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
FHT_MIN - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
fillConvexPoly(Mat, MatOfPoint, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills a convex polygon.
fillConvexPoly(Mat, MatOfPoint, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills a convex polygon.
fillConvexPoly(Mat, MatOfPoint, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills a convex polygon.
FILLED - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
FILLED - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
fillPoly(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills the area bounded by one or more polygons.
fillPoly(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills the area bounded by one or more polygons.
fillPoly(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills the area bounded by one or more polygons.
fillPoly(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, Scalar, int, int, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills the area bounded by one or more polygons.
filter(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.AdaptiveManifoldFilter
Apply high-dimensional filtering using adaptive manifolds.
filter(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DTFilter
Produce domain transform filtering operation on source image.
filter(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastGlobalSmootherFilter
Apply smoothing operation to the source image.
filter(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GuidedFilter
Apply Guided Filter to the filtering image.
filter(Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DTFilter
Produce domain transform filtering operation on source image.
filter(Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GuidedFilter
Apply Guided Filter to the filtering image.
filter(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.AdaptiveManifoldFilter
Apply high-dimensional filtering using adaptive manifolds.
filter(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityFilter
Apply filtering to the disparity map.
filter(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastBilateralSolverFilter
Apply smoothing operation to the source image.
filter(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityFilter
Apply filtering to the disparity map.
filter(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Rect) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityFilter
Apply filtering to the disparity map.
filter(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Rect, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityFilter
Apply filtering to the disparity map.
FILTER_SCHARR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
filter2D(Mat, Mat, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Convolves an image with the kernel.
filter2D(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Convolves an image with the kernel.
filter2D(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Point, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Convolves an image with the kernel.
filter2D(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Point, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Convolves an image with the kernel.
filterHomographyDecompByVisibleRefpoints(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Filters homography decompositions based on additional information.
filterHomographyDecompByVisibleRefpoints(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Filters homography decompositions based on additional information.
filterSpeckles(Mat, double, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Filters off small noise blobs (speckles) in the disparity map
filterSpeckles(Mat, double, int, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Filters off small noise blobs (speckles) in the disparity map
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.aruco.EstimateParameters
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGSOC
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorLSBP
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorLSBPDesc
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorMOG
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.SyntheticSequenceGenerator
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.RetinaFastToneMapping
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Algorithm
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.ClassificationModel
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DetectionModel
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.KeypointsModel
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Layer
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.SegmentationModel
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_EAST
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.BIF
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.EigenFaceRecognizer
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.Facemark
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.FacemarkAAM
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.FacemarkKazemi
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.FacemarkLBF
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.FacemarkTrain
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.FisherFaceRecognizer
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.MACE
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.PredictCollector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.face.StandardCollector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AffineFeature
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BFMatcher
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWKMeansTrainer
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWTrainer
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.FlannBasedMatcher
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.AverageHash
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.BlockMeanHash
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.ColorMomentHash
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.ImgHashBase
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.MarrHildrethHash
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.PHash
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.RadialVarianceHash
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.CLAHE
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughBallard
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.LineSegmentDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.NormalBayesClassifier
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.BarcodeDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.BaseCascadeClassifier
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GridBoard
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.PhaseUnwrapping
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignExposures
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateCRF
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateDebevec
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateRobertson
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeDebevec
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeExposures
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeMertens
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeRobertson
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.Tonemap
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapDrago
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapMantiuk
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapReinhard
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.GrayCodePattern
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.StructuredLightPattern
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.text.BaseOCR
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.text.ERFilter_Callback
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.text.ERFilter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder_ClassifierCallback
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder_ClassifierCallback
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.text.TextDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.text.TextDetectorCNN
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_MultiTracker
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_Tracker
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerBoosting
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerCSRT
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerKCF
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMedianFlow
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMIL
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMOSSE
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerTLD
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractor
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DenseOpticalFlow
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparseOpticalFlow
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.Tracker
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.AffineFeature2D
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BEBLID
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BriefDescriptorExtractor
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LUCID
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignaturesSQFD
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TEBLID
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.AdaptiveManifoldFilter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ContourFitting
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityFilter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DTFilter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastBilateralSolverFilter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastGlobalSmootherFilter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastLineDetector
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GraphSegmentation
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GuidedFilter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RFFeatureGetter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ScanSegment
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyColor
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyFill
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategySize
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyTexture
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SparseMatchInterpolator
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.StructuredEdgeDetection
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelLSC
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSEEDS
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSLIC
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.GrayworldWB
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.LearningBasedWB
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.TonemapDurand
finalize() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.WhiteBalancer
finalize(List<Mat>, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Layer
Computes and sets internal parameters according to inputs, outputs and blobs.
find4QuadCornerSubpix(Mat, Mat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findChessboardCorners(Mat, Size, MatOfPoint2f) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard.
findChessboardCorners(Mat, Size, MatOfPoint2f, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard.
findChessboardCornersSB(Mat, Size, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findChessboardCornersSB(Mat, Size, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findChessboardCornersSBWithMeta(Mat, Size, Mat, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard using a sector based approach.
findCirclesGrid(Mat, Size, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findCirclesGrid(Mat, Size, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findContours(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds contours in a binary image.
findContours(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, Mat, int, int, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds contours in a binary image.
findEllipses(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Finds ellipses fastly in an image using projective invariant pruning.
findEllipses(Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Finds ellipses fastly in an image using projective invariant pruning.
findEllipses(Mat, Mat, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Finds ellipses fastly in an image using projective invariant pruning.
findEllipses(Mat, Mat, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Finds ellipses fastly in an image using projective invariant pruning.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, double, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, double, Point, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, double, Point, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, double, Point, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, double, Point, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, double, Point, int, double, double, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, double, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images from potentially two different cameras.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images from potentially two different cameras.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images from potentially two different cameras.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images from potentially two different cameras.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images from potentially two different cameras.
findEssentialMat(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, UsacParams) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findFile(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Try to find requested data file Search directories: 1.
findFile(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Try to find requested data file Search directories: 1.
findFile(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Try to find requested data file Search directories: 1.
findFileOrKeep(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
findFileOrKeep(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
findFundamentalMat(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findFundamentalMat(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findFundamentalMat(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findFundamentalMat(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findFundamentalMat(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates a fundamental matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
findFundamentalMat(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, int, double, double, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates a fundamental matrix from the corresponding points in two images.
findFundamentalMat(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, int, double, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findFundamentalMat(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, UsacParams) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findHomography(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds a perspective transformation between two planes.
findHomography(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds a perspective transformation between two planes.
findHomography(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds a perspective transformation between two planes.
findHomography(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, int, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds a perspective transformation between two planes.
findHomography(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, int, double, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds a perspective transformation between two planes.
findHomography(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, int, double, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds a perspective transformation between two planes.
findHomography(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, UsacParams) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
findNearest(Mat, int, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
Finds the neighbors and predicts responses for input vectors.
findNearest(Mat, int, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
Finds the neighbors and predicts responses for input vectors.
findNearest(Mat, int, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
Finds the neighbors and predicts responses for input vectors.
findNearest(Point) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Finds the subdivision vertex closest to the given point.
findNearest(Point, Point) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Finds the subdivision vertex closest to the given point.
findNonZero(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns the list of locations of non-zero pixels Given a binary matrix (likely returned from an operation such as threshold(), compare(), >, ==, etc, return all of the non-zero indices as a cv::Mat or std::vector<cv::Point> (x,y) For example: cv::Mat binaryImage; // input, binary image cv::Mat locations; // output, locations of non-zero pixels cv::findNonZero(binaryImage, locations); // access pixel coordinates Point pnt = locations.at<Point>(i); or cv::Mat binaryImage; // input, binary image vector<Point> locations; // output, locations of non-zero pixels cv::findNonZero(binaryImage, locations); // access pixel coordinates Point pnt = locations[i];
findProCamMatches(Mat, Mat, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
Find correspondences between the two devices thanks to unwrapped phase maps.
findTransformECC(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
findTransformECC(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
findTransformECC(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
findTransformECC(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, TermCriteria, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
findTransformECC(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, TermCriteria, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Finds the geometric transform (warp) between two images in terms of the ECC criterion CITE: EP08 .
FisherFaceRecognizer - Class in org.opencv.face
FisherFaceRecognizer(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.FisherFaceRecognizer
fisheye_CALIB_CHECK_COND - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_CALIB_FIX_FOCAL_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_CALIB_FIX_K1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_CALIB_FIX_K2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_CALIB_FIX_K3 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_CALIB_FIX_K4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_CALIB_FIX_SKEW - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_CALIB_RECOMPUTE_EXTRINSIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_calibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Performs camera calibration
fisheye_calibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Performs camera calibration
fisheye_calibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Performs camera calibration
fisheye_distortPoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Distorts 2D points using fisheye model.
fisheye_distortPoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Distorts 2D points using fisheye model.
fisheye_estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Estimates new camera intrinsic matrix for undistortion or rectification.
fisheye_estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Estimates new camera intrinsic matrix for undistortion or rectification.
fisheye_estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, double, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Estimates new camera intrinsic matrix for undistortion or rectification.
fisheye_estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, double, Size, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Estimates new camera intrinsic matrix for undistortion or rectification.
fisheye_initUndistortRectifyMap(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, int, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes undistortion and rectification maps for image transform by #remap.
fisheye_projectPoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_projectPoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_projectPoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
fisheye_stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Performs stereo calibration
fisheye_stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Performs stereo calibration
fisheye_stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Performs stereo calibration
fisheye_stereoRectify(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Stereo rectification for fisheye camera model
fisheye_stereoRectify(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Stereo rectification for fisheye camera model
fisheye_stereoRectify(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, Size, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Stereo rectification for fisheye camera model
fisheye_stereoRectify(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, Size, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Stereo rectification for fisheye camera model
fisheye_undistortImage(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Transforms an image to compensate for fisheye lens distortion.
fisheye_undistortImage(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Transforms an image to compensate for fisheye lens distortion.
fisheye_undistortImage(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Transforms an image to compensate for fisheye lens distortion.
fisheye_undistortPoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Undistorts 2D points using fisheye model
fisheye_undistortPoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Undistorts 2D points using fisheye model
fisheye_undistortPoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Undistorts 2D points using fisheye model
fisheye_undistortPoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Undistorts 2D points using fisheye model
fit(Mat, MatOfRect, List<MatOfPoint2f>) - Method in class org.opencv.face.Facemark
Detect facial landmarks from an image.
fitEllipse(MatOfPoint2f) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points.
fitEllipseAMS(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points.
fitEllipseDirect(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points.
fitLine(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fits a line to a 2D or 3D point set.
flag - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
FLANNBASED - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
FlannBasedMatcher - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Flann-based descriptor matcher.
FlannBasedMatcher() - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.FlannBasedMatcher
FlannBasedMatcher(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.FlannBasedMatcher
flip(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Flips a 2D array around vertical, horizontal, or both axes.
flipND(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Flips a n-dimensional at given axis
floodFill(Mat, Mat, Point, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills a connected component with the given color.
floodFill(Mat, Mat, Point, Scalar, Rect) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills a connected component with the given color.
floodFill(Mat, Mat, Point, Scalar, Rect, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills a connected component with the given color.
floodFill(Mat, Mat, Point, Scalar, Rect, Scalar, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills a connected component with the given color.
floodFill(Mat, Mat, Point, Scalar, Rect, Scalar, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Fills a connected component with the given color.
FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
FM_7POINT - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
FM_8POINT - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
FM_LMEDS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
FM_RANSAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_COMPLEX - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_SIMPLEX - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
FONT_ITALIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Formatter_FMT_C - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Formatter_FMT_CSV - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Formatter_FMT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Formatter_FMT_MATLAB - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Formatter_FMT_NUMPY - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Formatter_FMT_PYTHON - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
forward() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name outputName.
forward(String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name outputName.
forward(List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name outputName.
forward(List<Mat>, String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name outputName.
forward(List<Mat>, List<String>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Runs forward pass to compute outputs of layers listed in outBlobNames.
fourcc(char, char, char, char) - Static method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
Concatenates 4 chars to a fourcc code
fourierDescriptor(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Fourier descriptors for planed closed curves For more details about this implementation, please see CITE: PersoonFu1977
fourierDescriptor(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Fourier descriptors for planed closed curves For more details about this implementation, please see CITE: PersoonFu1977
fourierDescriptor(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Fourier descriptors for planed closed curves For more details about this implementation, please see CITE: PersoonFu1977
FR_COSINE - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
FR_NORM_L2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
frame - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
FREAK - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing the FREAK (*Fast Retina Keypoint*) keypoint descriptor, described in CITE: AOV12 .
FREAK(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
fromArray(byte...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
fromArray(double...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDouble
fromArray(float...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat
fromArray(float...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat4
fromArray(float...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat6
fromArray(int...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt
fromArray(int...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt4
fromArray(int, int, byte...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
fromArray(DMatch...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch
fromArray(KeyPoint...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint
fromArray(Point...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint
fromArray(Point...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f
fromArray(Point3...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3
fromArray(Point3...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
fromArray(Rect...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
fromArray(Rect2d...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect2d
fromArray(RotatedRect...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRotatedRect
fromList(List<Byte>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
fromList(List<Double>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDouble
fromList(List<Float>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat
fromList(List<Float>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat4
fromList(List<Float>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat6
fromList(List<Integer>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt
fromList(List<Integer>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt4
fromList(List<DMatch>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch
fromList(List<KeyPoint>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint
fromList(List<Point>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint
fromList(List<Point>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f
fromList(List<Point3>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3
fromList(List<Point3>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
fromList(List<Rect>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
fromList(List<Rect2d>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect2d
fromList(List<RotatedRect>) - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRotatedRect
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDouble
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat4
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat6
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt4
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect2d
fromNativeAddr(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRotatedRect
FTP - Static variable in class org.opencv.structured_light.Structured_light


GAMMA - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
GAUSSIAN - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
GAUSSIAN - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
GaussianBlur(Mat, Mat, Size, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using a Gaussian filter.
GaussianBlur(Mat, Mat, Size, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using a Gaussian filter.
GaussianBlur(Mat, Mat, Size, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using a Gaussian filter.
GC_BGD - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
GC_EVAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
GC_EVAL_FREEZE_MODEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
GC_FGD - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
GC_INIT_WITH_MASK - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
GC_INIT_WITH_RECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
GC_PR_BGD - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
GC_PR_FGD - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
gemm(Mat, Mat, double, Mat, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs generalized matrix multiplication.
gemm(Mat, Mat, double, Mat, double, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs generalized matrix multiplication.
GEMM_1_T - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
GEMM_2_T - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
GEMM_3_T - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
GeneralizedHough - Class in org.opencv.imgproc
finds arbitrary template in the grayscale image using Generalized Hough Transform
GeneralizedHough(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
GeneralizedHoughBallard - Class in org.opencv.imgproc
finds arbitrary template in the grayscale image using Generalized Hough Transform Detects position only without translation and rotation CITE: Ballard1981 .
GeneralizedHoughBallard(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughBallard
GeneralizedHoughGuil - Class in org.opencv.imgproc
finds arbitrary template in the grayscale image using Generalized Hough Transform Detects position, translation and rotation CITE: Guil1999 .
GeneralizedHoughGuil(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
generate(List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.StructuredLightPattern
Generates the structured light pattern to project.
generateImage(Size, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
Draw a planar board
generateImage(Size, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
Draw a planar board
generateImage(Size, Mat, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
Draw a planar board
generateImageMarker(int, int, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
Generate a canonical marker image
generateImageMarker(int, int, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
Generate a canonical marker image
generateImageMarker(Dictionary, int, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Generate a canonical marker image
generateImageMarker(Dictionary, int, int, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Generate a canonical marker image
generateInitPoints(MatOfPoint2f, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Generates initial sampling points according to selected point distribution.
GENTLE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
get(int) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Returns the specified VideoCapture property
get(int) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
Returns the specified VideoWriter property
get(int[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get(int[], byte[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get(int[], double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get(int[], float[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get(int[], short[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy
Return the score between two regions (between 0 and 1)
get(int, int, byte[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get(int, int, double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get(int, int, float[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get(int, int, int[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get(int, int, short[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
get_0() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple2
get_0() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple3
get_0() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple4
get_1() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple2
get_1() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple3
get_1() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple4
get_2() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple3
get_2() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple4
get_3() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple4
get_adaptiveThreshConstant() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_admm_iterations() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_AnchorThresholdValue() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_aprilTagCriticalRad() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_aprilTagDeglitch() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_aprilTagMaxLineFitMse() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_aprilTagMaxNmaxima() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_aprilTagMinClusterPixels() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_aprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_aprilTagQuadDecimate() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_aprilTagQuadSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_backbone() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
get_backend() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
get_backend() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
get_backend() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
get_background_ratio() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_blobs() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Layer
get_blockSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_blockStride() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_borderValue() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
get_bytesList() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
get_cameraMatrix() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
get_cellSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_cheb_attenuation() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_checkAllOrders() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
get_collectContours() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_compress_feature() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_compressed_size() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_confidence() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_controlMatrix() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
get_cornerRefinementMaxIterations() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_cornerRefinementMethod() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_cornerRefinementMinAccuracy() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_cornerRefinementWinSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_ddepth() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
get_derivAperture() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_desc_npca() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_desc_pca() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_detect_thresh() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_detectInvertedMarker() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_distCoeffs() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
get_EdgeDetectionOperator() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_errorCorrectionRate() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_errorCorrectionRate() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
get_errorCovPost() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
get_errorCovPre() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
get_extended() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
get_featureSetNumFeatures() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
get_filter_lr() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_filterByArea() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_filterByCircularity() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_filterByColor() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_filterByConvexity() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_filterByInertia() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_final_polisher() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_final_polisher_iterations() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_gain() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
get_gammaCorrection() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_GradientThresholdValue() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_gsl_sigma() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_height() - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
get_height() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
get_hessianThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
get_histogram_bins() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_histogram_lr() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_histogramNormType() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_histThresh() - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
get_hog_clip() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_hog_orientations() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_horizontal() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
get_interp_factor() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_isParallel() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_kaiser_alpha() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_kernel_cls1() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
get_kernel_r1() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
get_keypointsRatio() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
get_L2HysThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_lambda() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_learnt_thetas() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
This function returns the trained parameters arranged across rows.
get_LineFitErrorThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_logStep() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
get_loIterations() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_loMethod() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_loSampleSize() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_m00() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_m01() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_m02() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_m03() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_m10() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_m11() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_m12() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_m20() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_m21() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_m30() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_markerBorderBits() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_markerSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
get_max_patch_size() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_maxArea() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_maxCircularity() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_maxColorsMismatch() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
get_maxConvexity() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_maxCorrectionBits() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
get_MaxDistanceBetweenTwoLines() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_MaxErrorThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_maxInertiaRatio() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_maxIterations() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_maxMarkerPerimeterRate() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_maxModuleSizeMismatch() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
get_maxPenalties() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
get_maxRotation() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
get_maxThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_maxTimingPatternMismatch() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
get_maxVal() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
get_mean() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
get_meanvalue() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
get_measurementMatrix() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
get_measurementNoiseCov() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
get_methodId() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
get_minArea() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_minCircularity() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_minConvexity() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_minCornerDistanceRate() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_minDistanceToBorder() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_minDistBetweenBlobs() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_minGroupDistance() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_minInertiaRatio() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_MinLineLength() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_minMarkerDistanceRate() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_minMarkerLengthRatioOriginalImg() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_minMarkerPerimeterRate() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_minMarkers() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
get_minModuleSizeInPyramid() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
get_minOtsuStdDev() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_MinPathLength() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_minRepDistance() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
get_minRepeatability() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_minSideLengthCanonicalImg() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_minThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_minVal() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
get_model() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
get_modelBin() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN_Params
get_modelTxt() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN_Params
get_mu02() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_mu03() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_mu11() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_mu12() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_mu20() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_mu21() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_mu30() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_name() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Layer
get_nbins() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_nbrOfLargeBins() - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
get_nbrOfPeriods() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
get_nbrOfPixelsBetweenMarkers() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
get_nbrOfSmallBins() - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
get_neckhead() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
get_neighborsSearch() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_net() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
get_NFAValidation() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_nlevels() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_nOctaveLayers() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
get_nOctaves() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
get_nu02() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_nu03() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_nu11() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_nu12() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_nu20() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_nu21() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_nu30() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
get_num_hog_channels_used() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_number_of_scales() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_output_sigma_factor() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_padding() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_pca_learning_rate() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_PFmode() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_polygonalApproxAccuracyRate() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_preferableTarget() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Layer
get_processNoiseCov() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
get_psr_threshold() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_randomGeneratorState() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_relativeCornerRefinmentWinSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_resize() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_sampler() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_samplerInitInRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
get_samplerInitMaxNegNum() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
get_samplerSearchWinSize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
get_samplerTrackInRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
get_samplerTrackMaxNegNum() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
get_samplerTrackMaxPosNum() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
get_scale_lr() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_scale_model_max_area() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_scale_sigma_factor() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_scale_step() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_scalefactor() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
get_scaleTimingPatternScore() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
get_ScanInterval() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_score() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_setMarkers() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
get_shiftValue() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
get_sigma() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_Sigma() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_signedGradient() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_size() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
get_solvePnPMethod() - Method in class org.opencv.aruco.EstimateParameters
get_split_coeff() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
get_statePost() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
get_statePre() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
get_stdvalue() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
get_structure_number() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder_Params
get_SumFlag() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
get_svmDetector() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_swapRB() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
get_target() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
get_target() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
get_target() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
get_template_size() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_threshold() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
get_thresholdStep() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
get_transitionMatrix() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
get_tryRefineMarkers() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
get_type() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Layer
get_upright() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
get_use_channel_weights() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_use_color_names() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_use_gray() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_use_hog() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_use_rgb() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_use_segmentation() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_useAruco3Detection() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
get_useExtrinsicGuess() - Method in class org.opencv.aruco.EstimateParameters
get_version() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder_Params
get_weights_lr() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_width() - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
get_width() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
get_window_function() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
get_winSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_winSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
get_wrap_kernel() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
getActiveVarCount() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
SEE: setActiveVarCount
getAffineTransform(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
Returns the scale factor of the model:
getAlgorithmType() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
SEE: setAlgorithmType
getAlpha() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.MarrHildrethHash
self explain
getAlpha() - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
Weight of the smoothness term SEE: setAlpha
getAlpha() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns the step size of sliding window search.
getAlpha() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setAlpha SEE: setAlpha
getAngleEpsilon() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
getAngleStep() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
getAngleThresh() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
getAnnealCoolingRatio() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setAnnealCoolingRatio
getAnnealFinalT() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setAnnealFinalT
getAnnealInitialT() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setAnnealInitialT
getAnnealItePerStep() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setAnnealItePerStep
getAreaThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
getAvailableTargets(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
getAvgTimeMilli() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
getAvgTimeSec() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
getBackendName() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Returns used backend API name Note: Stream should be opened.
getBackendName() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
Returns used backend API name Note: Stream should be opened.
getBackendName(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
Returns backend API name or "UnknownVideoAPI(xxx)"
getBackgroundImage(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
getBackgroundImage(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGSOC
getBackgroundImage(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorLSBP
getBackgroundImage(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractor
Computes a background image.
getBackgroundPrior() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Returns the prior probability that each individual pixel is a background pixel.
getBackgroundRatio() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorMOG
getBackgroundRatio() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Returns the "background ratio" parameter of the algorithm If a foreground pixel keeps semi-constant value for about backgroundRatio\*history frames, it's considered background and added to the model as a center of a new component.
getBackpropMomentumScale() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setBackpropMomentumScale
getBackpropWeightScale() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setBackpropWeightScale
getBeta() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns the nms threshold for object proposals.
getBias() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapDrago
getBinaryThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
getBitsFromByteList(Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
Transform list of bytes to matrix of bits
getBlobContours() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector
getBlockSize() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
getBlockSize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
getBlurKernel() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LUCID
getBoard() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
getBoardObjectAndImagePoints(Board, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use Board::matchImagePoints
getBoostType() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
SEE: setBoostType
getBoundingBoxes(Mat, Mat, MatOfRect) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns array containing proposal boxes.
getBoundingBoxes(Mat, Mat, MatOfRect, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns array containing proposal boxes.
getBuildInformation() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns full configuration time cmake output.
getByteListFromBits(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
Transform matrix of bits to list of bytes with 4 marker rotations
getBytes() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
getC() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
SEE: setC
getCalculateVarImportance() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
SEE: setCalculateVarImportance
getCameraBackendPluginVersion(int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
Returns description and ABI/API version of videoio plugin's camera interface
getCannyHighThresh() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
getCannyLowThresh() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
getCatCount(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getCatMap() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getCatOfs() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getCharucoParameters() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
getChessboardCorners() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
get CharucoBoard::chessboardCorners
getChessboardSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
getClassLabels() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Returns the vector of class labels The function returns vector of unique labels occurred in the responses.
getClassWeights() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
SEE: setClassWeights
getClipLimit() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.CLAHE
getClusterMinMag() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns the cluster min magnitude.
getClusterMinSize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
This parameter multiplied by the index of iteration gives lower limit for cluster size.
getClustersNumber() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
SEE: setClustersNumber
getCoef0() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
SEE: setCoef0
getColorAdaptation() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapReinhard
getComplexityReductionThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Returns the complexity reduction threshold This parameter defines the number of samples needed to accept to prove the component exists.
getComputeOrientation() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
getConfidenceMap() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
Get the confidence map that was used in the last filter call.
getConfidenceThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_EAST
Get the detection confidence threshold
getContour(Point, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Extracts optimal contour for the given target point on the image Note: buildMap() must be called before this call
getContour(Point, Mat, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Extracts optimal contour for the given target point on the image Note: buildMap() must be called before this call
getContrast() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.TonemapDurand
getContrastThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
getContrastWeight() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeMertens
getCornThresh() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
getCounter() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
getCovarianceMatrixType() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
SEE: setCovarianceMatrixType
getCovs(List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Returns covariation matrices Returns vector of covariation matrices.
getCPUFeaturesLine() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns list of CPU features enabled during compilation.
getCPUTickCount() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns the number of CPU ticks.
getCtrSize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ContourFitting
getCut() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
getCVFolds() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
SEE: setCVFolds
getDaimlerPeopleDetector() - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Returns coefficients of the classifier trained for people detection (for 48x96 windows).
getDecisionFunction(int, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Retrieves the decision function
getDecisionThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Returns the value of decision threshold.
getDecodeType() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
Get the decoding method
getDefaultGridPtr(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Generates a grid for %SVM parameters.
getDefaultK() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
SEE: setDefaultK
getDefaultLearningRate() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Returns the learning rate of the algorithm.
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Algorithm
Returns the algorithm string identifier.
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AffineFeature
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BEBLID
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BriefDescriptorExtractor
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LUCID
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TEBLID
getDefaultName() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
getDefaultNewCameraMatrix(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Returns the default new camera matrix.
getDefaultNewCameraMatrix(Mat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Returns the default new camera matrix.
getDefaultNewCameraMatrix(Mat, Size, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Returns the default new camera matrix.
getDefaultPeopleDetector() - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Returns coefficients of the classifier trained for people detection (for 64x128 windows).
getDefaultSubstValues() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getDegree() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
SEE: setDegree
getDelta() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
getDelta() - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
Weight of the color constancy term SEE: setDelta
getDepthDiscontinuityRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
DepthDiscontinuityRadius is a parameter used in confidence computation.
getDerivKernels(Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Returns filter coefficients for computing spatial image derivatives.
getDerivKernels(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Returns filter coefficients for computing spatial image derivatives.
getDerivKernels(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Returns filter coefficients for computing spatial image derivatives.
getDescriptorChannels() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
getDescriptors() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWTrainer
Returns a training set of descriptors.
getDescriptorSize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
getDescriptorSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Returns the number of coefficients required for the classification.
getDescriptorSize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BriefDescriptorExtractor
getDescriptorType() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
getDetectorParameters() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
getDetectorParameters() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
getDetectorParameters() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco
Detector parameters getter.
getDetectShadows() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Returns the shadow detection flag If true, the algorithm detects shadows and marks them.
getDetectShadows() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Returns the shadow detection flag If true, the algorithm detects shadows and marks them.
getDictionary() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
getDictionary() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
return the Dictionary of markers employed for this board
getDiffusivity() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
getDiffusivity() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
getDisp12MaxDiff() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
getDisparityVis(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Function for creating a disparity map visualization (clamped CV_8U image)
getDisparityVis(Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Function for creating a disparity map visualization (clamped CV_8U image)
getDist2Threshold() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Returns the threshold on the squared distance between the pixel and the sample The threshold on the squared distance between the pixel and the sample to decide whether a pixel is close to a data sample.
getDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Distance function selector used for measuring distance between two points in k-means.
getDistanceToId(Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
Returns Hamming distance of the input bits to the specific id.
getDistanceToId(Mat, int, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
Returns Hamming distance of the input bits to the specific id.
getDOGThresh() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
getDp() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
getDropThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Remove centroids in k-means whose weight is lesser or equal to given threshold.
getEdge(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns one of the edges related to the given edge.
getEdgeBlurSize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
getEdgeImage(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
returns Edge Image prepared by detectEdges() function.
getEdgeList(MatOfFloat4) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns a list of all edges.
getEdgeMergeThr() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns the edge merge threshold.
getEdgeMinMag() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns the edge min magnitude.
getEdgeThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
getEdgeThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
getEigenValues() - Method in class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
getEigenVectors() - Method in class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
getEmax() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
SEE: setEmax
getEnableSoftmaxPostProcessing() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.ClassificationModel
Get enable/disable softmax post processing option.
getEta() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns adaptation rate for nms threshold.
getExceptionMode() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
getExcludeRange() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
getExposureWeight() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeMertens
getExtended() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
getExtended() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
getFacesHAAR(Mat, Mat, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
Default face detector This function is mainly utilized by the implementation of a Facemark Algorithm.
getFastPyramids() - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
getFastThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
getFDSize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ContourFitting
getFeatures(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RFFeatureGetter
getFeatureType() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
getFGSLambda() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
SEE: setFGSLambda
getFGSLambda() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setFGSLambda SEE: setFGSLambda
getFGSSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
SEE: setFGSLambda
getFGSSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setFGSSigma SEE: setFGSSigma
getFinestScale() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Finest level of the Gaussian pyramid on which the flow is computed (zero level corresponds to the original image resolution).
getFirstLevel() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
getFixedPointIterations() - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
Number of outer (fixed-point) iterations in the minimization procedure.
getFlags() - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
getFlags() - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
getFLOPS(int, List<MatOfInt>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
getFLOPS(int, MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
getFLOPS(List<MatOfInt>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Computes FLOP for whole loaded model with specified input shapes.
getFLOPS(MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
getFontScaleFromHeight(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the font-specific size to use to achieve a given height in pixels.
getFontScaleFromHeight(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the font-specific size to use to achieve a given height in pixels.
getFPS() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
getGaborKernel(Size, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Returns Gabor filter coefficients.
getGaborKernel(Size, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Returns Gabor filter coefficients.
getGaborKernel(Size, double, double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Returns Gabor filter coefficients.
getGamma() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
SEE: setGamma
getGamma() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.Tonemap
getGamma() - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
Weight of the gradient constancy term SEE: setGamma
getGamma() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns the affinity sensitivity.
getGaussianKernel(int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Returns Gaussian filter coefficients.
getGaussianKernel(int, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Returns Gaussian filter coefficients.
getGradientDescentIterations() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Maximum number of gradient descent iterations in the patch inverse search stage.
getGradientImage(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
returns Gradient Image prepared by detectEdges() function.
getGradientSize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
getGrayscaleBits() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Color resolution of the greyscale bitmap represented in allocated bits (i.e., value 4 means that 16 shades of grey are used).
getGridSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GridBoard
getGridX() - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
SEE: setGridX
getGridY() - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
SEE: setGridY
getH() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
getHalfSSDsize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
getHardwareFeatureName(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns feature name by ID Returns empty string if feature is not defined
getHarrisDetector() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
getHessianThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
getHistBinNum() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.LearningBasedWB
Defines the size of one dimension of a three-dimensional RGB histogram that is used internally by the algorithm.
getHistograms() - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
getHistory() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorMOG
getHistory() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Returns the number of last frames that affect the background model
getHistory() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Returns the number of last frames that affect the background model
getIds() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
vector of the identifiers of the markers in the board (should be the same size as objPoints)
getImagesForShadowMasks(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.GrayCodePattern
Generates the all-black and all-white images needed for shadowMasks computation.
getInferenceEngineBackendType() - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
getInferenceEngineCPUType() - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Returns Inference Engine CPU type.
getInferenceEngineVPUType() - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Returns Inference Engine VPU type.
getInitialStepSize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
SEE: setInitialStepSize
getInitSeedCount() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Number of initial seeds (initial number of clusters) for the k-means algorithm.
getInitSeedIndexes() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Initial seeds (initial number of clusters) for the k-means algorithm.
getInputDetails(MatOfFloat, MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns input scale and zeropoint for a quantized Net.
getInputMax() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
Input image range maximum value SEE: setInputMax
getInputMin() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
Input image range minimum value SEE: setInputMin
getInputSize() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Retreive retina input buffer size
getInputSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
getIntensity() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapReinhard
getInterpolation() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
getIntValue() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
getIntValue(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
getInverseReliabilityMap(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping
Get the reliability map computed from the wrapped phase map.
getIppVersion() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
getIsClassifier() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
SEE: setIsClassifier
getIsParallel() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
Returns if we're parallelizing the algorithm.
getIterationCount() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Number of iterations of the k-means clustering.
getIterations() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
SEE: setIterations
getJoiningDistance() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Threshold euclidean distance between two centroids.
getK() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
getK() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
SEE: setK
getK() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GraphSegmentation
getK() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setK SEE: setK
getKappa() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns the scale sensitivity.
getKernelType() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Type of a %SVM kernel.
getKNN() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
getkNNSamples() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Returns the number of neighbours, the k in the kNN.
getLabelContourMask(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ScanSegment
Returns the mask of the superpixel segmentation stored in the ScanSegment object.
getLabelContourMask(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelLSC
Returns the mask of the superpixel segmentation stored in SuperpixelLSC object.
getLabelContourMask(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSEEDS
Returns the mask of the superpixel segmentation stored in SuperpixelSEEDS object.
getLabelContourMask(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSLIC
Returns the mask of the superpixel segmentation stored in SuperpixelSLIC object.
getLabelContourMask(Mat, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ScanSegment
Returns the mask of the superpixel segmentation stored in the ScanSegment object.
getLabelContourMask(Mat, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelLSC
Returns the mask of the superpixel segmentation stored in SuperpixelLSC object.
getLabelContourMask(Mat, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSEEDS
Returns the mask of the superpixel segmentation stored in SuperpixelSEEDS object.
getLabelContourMask(Mat, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSLIC
Returns the mask of the superpixel segmentation stored in SuperpixelSLIC object.
getLabelInfo(int) - Method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
Gets string information by label.
getLabels() - Method in class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
getLabels() - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
getLabels(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ScanSegment
Returns the segmentation labeling of the image.
getLabels(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelLSC
Returns the segmentation labeling of the image.
getLabels(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSEEDS
Returns the segmentation labeling of the image.
getLabels(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSLIC
Returns the segmentation labeling of the image.
getLabelsByString(String) - Method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
Gets vector of labels by string.
getLambda() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateDebevec
getLambda() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
Lambda is a parameter defining the amount of regularization during filtering.
getLambda() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
SEE: setLambda
getLayer(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns pointer to layer with specified id or name which the network use.
getLayer(String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Use int getLayerId(const String &layer)
getLayer(DictValue) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
to be removed
getLayerId(String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Converts string name of the layer to the integer identifier.
getLayerNames() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
getLayersCount(String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns count of layers of specified type.
getLayerSizes() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
Integer vector specifying the number of neurons in each layer including the input and output layers.
getLayerTypes(List<String>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns list of types for layer used in model.
getLayout() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getLeadingEdgeList(MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns a list of the leading edge ID connected to each triangle.
getLearningRate() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
SEE: setLearningRate
getLegacyPattern() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
getLevels() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughBallard
getLevels() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
getLightAdaptation() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapReinhard
getLineThresholdBinarized() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
getLineThresholdProjected() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
getLRCthresh() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
LRCthresh is a threshold of disparity difference used in left-right-consistency check during confidence map computation.
getLucidKernel() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LUCID
getMagno(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Accessor of the motion channel of the retina (models peripheral vision).
getMagnoRAW() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
getMagnoRAW(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Accessor of the motion channel of the retina (models peripheral vision).
getMarginRegularization() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
SEE: setMarginRegularization
getMarginType() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
SEE: setMarginType
getMarkerLength() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
getMarkerLength() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GridBoard
getMarkerSeparation() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GridBoard
getMaxAngle() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
getMaxArea() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
getMaxAreaRelative() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
getMaxAspectRatio() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns the max aspect ratio of boxes.
getMaxBits() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
getMaxBoxes() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns the max number of boxes to detect.
getMaxBufferSize() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
getMaxCandidates() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
getMaxCategories() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
SEE: setMaxCategories
getMaxClustersCount() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Maximal number of generated clusters.
getMaxCorners() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
getMaxDepth() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
SEE: setMaxDepth
getMaxEvolution() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
getMaxFeatures() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Returns total number of distinct colors to maintain in histogram.
getMaxFeatures() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
getMaxFeatures() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
getMaxFlow() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setMaxFlow SEE: setMaxFlow
getMaxIter() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateRobertson
getMaxLevel() - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
getMaxPixelStability() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
Returns maximum allowed credit for a pixel in history.
getMaxPoints() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
getMaxScale() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
getMaxSize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
getMaxVal() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Returns the maximum value taken on by pixels in image sequence.
getMaxVariation() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
getMean() - Method in class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
getMean() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.BlockMeanHash
getMeans() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Returns the cluster centers (means of the Gaussian mixture) Returns matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of mixtures and number of columns equal to the space dimensionality.
getMemoryConsumption(int, List<MatOfInt>, long[], long[]) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
getMemoryConsumption(int, MatOfInt, long[], long[]) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
getMemoryConsumption(MatOfInt, long[], long[]) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
getMinAngle() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
getMinArea() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
getMinArea() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
getMinBoxArea() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns the minimum area of boxes.
getMinDisparity() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
getMinDist() - Method in class org.opencv.face.StandardCollector
Returns minimal distance value
getMinDist() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
getMinDistance() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
getMinDiversity() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
getMinEigThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
getMiniBatchSize() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
SEE: setMiniBatchSize
getMinLabel() - Method in class org.opencv.face.StandardCollector
Returns label with minimal distance
getMinMargin() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
getMinPixelStability() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
Returns number of frames with same pixel color to consider stable.
getMinSampleCount() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
SEE: setMinSampleCount
getMinScale() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
getMinScore() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Returns the min score of boxes to detect.
getMinSize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GraphSegmentation
getMinVal() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Returns the minimum value taken on by pixels in image sequence.
getMissing() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getMode() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
getModelIter() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setModelIter SEE: setModelIter
getNAllVars() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getNames(List<String>) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Returns vector of symbolic names captured in loadFromCSV()
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.aruco.EstimateParameters
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorLSBPDesc
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Algorithm
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.face.PredictCollector
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWTrainer
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.text.BaseOCR
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.text.ERFilter_Callback
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder_ClassifierCallback
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder_ClassifierCallback
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.text.TextDetector
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.video.Tracker
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
getNativeObjAddr() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
getNeighbors() - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
SEE: setNeighbors
getNextFrame(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.SyntheticSequenceGenerator
Obtain the next frame in the sequence.
getNFeatures() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
getNLevels() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
getNMixtures() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorMOG
getNMixtures() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Returns the number of gaussian components in the background model
getNmsAcrossClasses() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DetectionModel
Getter for nmsAcrossClasses.
getNmsRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
getNmsScaleRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
getNMSThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_EAST
Get the detection confidence threshold
getNMSThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
getNOctaveLayers() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
getNOctaveLayers() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
getNOctaveLayers() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
getNOctaveLayers() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
getNOctaves() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
getNOctaves() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
getNOctaves() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
getNOctaves() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
getNoiseSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorMOG
getNonmaxSuppression() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
getNonmaxSuppression() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
getNorm() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
getNormCatResponses() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getNSamples() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getNSamples() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Returns the number of data samples in the background model
getNScales() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
getNScales() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
getNTestSamples() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getNTrainSamples() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getNu() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
SEE: setNu
getNumBands() - Method in class org.opencv.face.BIF
getNumberOfCPUs() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns the number of logical CPUs available for the process.
getNumberOfPatternImages() - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.GrayCodePattern
Get the number of pattern images needed for the graycode pattern.
getNumberOfSuperpixels() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ScanSegment
Returns the actual superpixel segmentation from the last image processed using iterate.
getNumberOfSuperpixels() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelLSC
Calculates the actual amount of superpixels on a given segmentation computed and stored in SuperpixelLSC object.
getNumberOfSuperpixels() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSEEDS
Calculates the superpixel segmentation on a given image stored in SuperpixelSEEDS object.
getNumberOfSuperpixels() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSLIC
Calculates the actual amount of superpixels on a given segmentation computed and stored in SuperpixelSLIC object.
getNumComponents() - Method in class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
SEE: setNumComponents
getNumDisparities() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
getNumFrames() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Returns the number of frames used to initialize background model.
getNumIters() - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
getNumLayers() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
getNumLevels() - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
getNumOctaves() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
getNumOfAngleLine() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.RadialVarianceHash
getNumRotations() - Method in class org.opencv.face.BIF
getNumThreads() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns the number of threads used by OpenCV for parallel regions.
getNVars() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getObjects() - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_MultiTracker
Returns a reference to a storage for the tracked objects, each object corresponds to one tracker algorithm
getObjPoints() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
return array of object points of all the marker corners in the board.
getOctaves() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
getOmega() - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
Relaxation factor in SOR SEE: setOmega
getOOBError() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
Returns the OOB error value, computed at the training stage when calcOOBError is set to true.
getOptimalDFTSize(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns the optimal DFT size for a given vector size.
getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(Mat, Mat, Size, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Returns the new camera intrinsic matrix based on the free scaling parameter.
getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(Mat, Mat, Size, double, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Returns the new camera intrinsic matrix based on the free scaling parameter.
getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(Mat, Mat, Size, double, Size, Rect) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Returns the new camera intrinsic matrix based on the free scaling parameter.
getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(Mat, Mat, Size, double, Size, Rect, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Returns the new camera intrinsic matrix based on the free scaling parameter.
getOrientationNormalized() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
getOriginalWindowSize() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
getOutputDetails(MatOfFloat, MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns output scale and zeropoint for a quantized Net.
getOutputMax() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
Output image range maximum value SEE: setOutputMax
getOutputMin() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
Output image range minimum value SEE: setOutputMin
getOutputSize() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Retreive retina output buffer size that can be different from the input if a spatial log transformation is applied
getP() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
SEE: setP
getP() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
Percent of top/bottom values to ignore SEE: setP
getP1() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
getP2() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
getParam(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns parameter blob of the layer.
getParam(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns parameter blob of the layer.
getParam(String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
getParam(String, int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
getParams() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector
getParvo(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Accessor of the details channel of the retina (models foveal vision).
getParvoRAW() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
getParvoRAW(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Accessor of the details channel of the retina (models foveal vision).
getPass2Only() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
getPatchRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
getPatchSize() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
getPatchSize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Size of an image patch for matching (in pixels).
getPatchStride() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Stride between neighbor patches.
getPatternScale() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
getPatternScale() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
getPerfProfile(MatOfDouble) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns overall time for inference and timings (in ticks) for layers.
getPerspectiveTransform(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates a perspective transform from four pairs of the corresponding points.
getPerspectiveTransform(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates a perspective transform from four pairs of the corresponding points.
getPolygonThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
getPolyN() - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
getPolySigma() - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
getPosThresh() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
getPredefinedDictionary(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
Returns one of the predefined dictionaries referenced by DICT_*.
getPreFilterCap() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
getPreFilterCap() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
getPreFilterSize() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
getPreFilterType() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
getPriors() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
SEE: setPriors
getProjections() - Method in class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
getProjPixel(List<Mat>, int, int, Point) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.GrayCodePattern
For a (x,y) pixel of a camera returns the corresponding projector pixel.
getPyrScale() - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
getQHist() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
getQRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
getQTheta() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
getQualityLevel() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
getQuantizationLevels() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Returns the parameter used for quantization of color-space.
getRadiance() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateRobertson
getRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
SEE: setRadius
getRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
getRandom() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateDebevec
getRangeMaxVal() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.LearningBasedWB
Maximum possible value of the input image (e.g.
getRealValue() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
getRealValue(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
getRectSubPix(Mat, Size, Point, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Retrieves a pixel rectangle from an image with sub-pixel accuracy.
getRectSubPix(Mat, Size, Point, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Retrieves a pixel rectangle from an image with sub-pixel accuracy.
getRefineModels() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setRefineModels SEE: setRefineModels
getRefineParameters() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
getRefineParameters() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
getRegressionAccuracy() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
SEE: setRegressionAccuracy
getRegularization() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
SEE: setRegularization
getResponses() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getResponseThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
getResponseType() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getRidgeFilteredImage(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
Apply Ridge detection filter on input image.
getRightBottomCorner() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
get coordinate of the bottom right corner of the board, is set when calling the function create()
getROI() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
Get the ROI used in the last filter call
getROI1() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
getROI2() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
getRotationInvariance() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
getRotationMatrix2D(Point, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates an affine matrix of 2D rotation.
getRpropDW0() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setRpropDW0
getRpropDWMax() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setRpropDWMax
getRpropDWMin() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setRpropDWMin
getRpropDWMinus() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setRpropDWMinus
getRpropDWPlus() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setRpropDWPlus
getSample(Mat, int, float) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getSampleCount() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Number of initial samples taken from the image.
getSamples() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getSamples() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateDebevec
getSampleWeights() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getSamplingPoints() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Initial samples taken from the image.
getSaturation() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapDrago
getSaturation() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapMantiuk
getSaturation() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.TonemapDurand
getSaturationThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.GrayworldWB
Maximum saturation for a pixel to be included in the gray-world assumption SEE: setSaturationThreshold
getSaturationThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.LearningBasedWB
Threshold that is used to determine saturated pixels, i.e.
getSaturationWeight() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeMertens
getScale() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
Returns the scale factor of the model:
getScale() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.MarrHildrethHash
self explain
getScale() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapMantiuk
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BEBLID
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
getScaleNormalized() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
getScaleStep() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
getScaleThresh() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
getScoreThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
getScoreType() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
getSearchAreaRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
getSegmentationPicture(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
access function return the last segmentation result: a boolean picture which is resampled between 0 and 255 for a display purpose
getSegmentIndicesOfLines() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
Returns for each line found in detectLines() its edge segment index in getSegments()
getSegments() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
Returns std::vector<std::vector<Point>> of detected edge segments, see detectEdges()
getShadowThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Returns the shadow threshold A shadow is detected if pixel is a darker version of the background.
getShadowThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Returns the shadow threshold A shadow is detected if pixel is a darker version of the background.
getShadowValue() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Returns the shadow value Shadow value is the value used to mark shadows in the foreground mask.
getShadowValue() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Returns the shadow value Shadow value is the value used to mark shadows in the foreground mask.
getShift() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
getSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
getSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.RadialVarianceHash
getSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
getSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
getSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
SEE: setSigma
getSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GraphSegmentation
getSigmaColor() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
SigmaColor is a parameter defining how sensitive the filtering process is to source image edges.
getSigmaColor() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.TonemapDurand
getSigmaSpace() - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.TonemapDurand
getSize() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
return the sze of the manage input and output images
getSmallerBlockSize() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
getSmoothingRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Returns the kernel radius used for morphological operations
getSorIterations() - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
Number of inner successive over-relaxation (SOR) iterations in the minimization procedure to solve the respective linear system.
getSpeckleRange() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
getSpeckleWindowSize() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
getSquareLength() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
getStepDecreasingPower() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
SEE: setStepDecreasingPower
getStreamBackendPluginVersion(int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
Returns description and ABI/API version of videoio plugin's stream capture interface
getStringValue() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
getStringValue(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
getStructuringElement(int, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Returns a structuring element of the specified size and shape for morphological operations.
getStructuringElement(int, Size, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Returns a structuring element of the specified size and shape for morphological operations.
getSubMatrix(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Extract from matrix rows/cols specified by passed indexes.
getSubVector(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Extract from 1D vector elements specified by passed indexes.
getSuperpixelMode() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setSuperpixelMode SEE: setSuperpixelMode
getSuperpixelNNCnt() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setSuperpixelNNCnt SEE: setSuperpixelNNCnt
getSuperpixelRuler() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setSuperpixelRuler SEE: setSuperpixelRuler
getSuperpixelSize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setSuperpixelSize SEE: setSuperpixelSize
getSupportVectors() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Retrieves all the support vectors The method returns all the support vectors as a floating-point matrix, where support vectors are stored as matrix rows.
getSuppressNonmaxSize() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
getSvmsgdType() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
SEE: setSvmsgdType
getTermCriteria() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SEE: setTermCriteria
getTermCriteria() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
SEE: setTermCriteria
getTermCriteria() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
SEE: setTermCriteria
getTermCriteria() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
SEE: setTermCriteria
getTermCriteria() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
SEE: setTermCriteria
getTermCriteria() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
SEE: setTermCriteria
getTermCriteria() - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
getTestNormCatResponses() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getTestResponses() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getTestSampleIdx() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getTestSamples() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Returns matrix of test samples
getTestSampleWeights() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getTextSize(String, int, double, int, int[]) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
getTextureThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
getThreadNum() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Current implementation doesn't corresponding to this documentation. The exact meaning of the return value depends on the threading framework used by OpenCV library:
  • TBB - Unsupported with current 4.1 TBB release. Maybe will be supported in future.
  • OpenMP - The thread number, within the current team, of the calling thread.
  • Concurrency - An ID for the virtual processor that the current context is executing on (0 for master thread and unique number for others, but not necessary 1,2,3,...).
  • GCD - System calling thread's ID. Never returns 0 inside parallel region.
  • C= - The index of the current parallel task. SEE: setNumThreads, getNumThreads
getThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
SEE: setThreshold
getThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
SEE: setThreshold
getThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
getThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
getThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
getThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
getThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
getThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateRobertson
getThSaliency() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
getTickCount() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns the number of ticks.
getTickFrequency() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns the number of ticks per second.
getTilesGridSize() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.CLAHE
getTimeMicro() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
getTimeMilli() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
getTimeSec() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
getTimeTicks() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
getTopK() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
getTrackingScore() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN
Return tracking score
getTrackingScore() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano
Return tracking score
getTrackingScore() - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit
Return tracking score
getTrainDescriptors() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Returns a constant link to the train descriptor collection trainDescCollection .
getTrainMethod() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
Returns current training method
getTrainMethod() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
SEE: setTrainMethod
getTrainNormCatResponses() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Returns the vector of normalized categorical responses The function returns vector of responses.
getTrainResponses() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Returns the vector of responses The function returns ordered or the original categorical responses.
getTrainSampleIdx() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getTrainSamples() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Returns matrix of train samples transposed.
getTrainSamples(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Returns matrix of train samples
getTrainSamples(int, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Returns matrix of train samples
getTrainSamples(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Returns matrix of train samples
getTrainSampleWeights() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getTriangleList(MatOfFloat6) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns a list of all triangles.
getTruncatePrunedTree() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
SEE: setTruncatePrunedTree
getType() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
getType() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
getType() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
SEE: setType
getUnclipRatio() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
getUncompressedSupportVectors() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Retrieves all the uncompressed support vectors of a linear %SVM The method returns all the uncompressed support vectors of a linear %SVM that the compressed support vector, used for prediction, was derived from.
getUnconnectedOutLayers() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns indexes of layers with unconnected outputs.
getUnconnectedOutLayersNames() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns names of layers with unconnected outputs.
getUniquenessRatio() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
getUniquenessRatio() - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
getUpdateBackgroundModel() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Returns the status of background model update
getUpright() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
getUpright() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
getUse1SERule() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
SEE: setUse1SERule
getUseGlobalSmootherFilter() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setUseGlobalSmootherFilter SEE: setUseGlobalSmootherFilter
getUseHistory() - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
Returns if we're giving a pixel credit for being stable for a long time.
getUseMeanNormalization() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Whether to use mean-normalization of patches when computing patch distance.
getUseNormalizeDescriptor() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
getUseNormalizeImage() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
getUseOrientation() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BriefDescriptorExtractor
getUseOrientation() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
getUsePostProcessing() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
SEE: setUsePostProcessing
getUseScaleOrientation() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
getUseScaleOrientation() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
getUseSpatialPropagation() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Whether to use spatial propagation of good optical flow vectors.
getUseSurrogates() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
SEE: setUseSurrogates
getUseVariationalRefinement() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
setUseVariationalRefinement SEE: setUseVariationalRefinement
getV() - Method in interface org.opencv.core.Mat.Atable
getV2c() - Method in interface org.opencv.core.Mat.Atable
getV3c() - Method in interface org.opencv.core.Mat.Atable
getV4c() - Method in interface org.opencv.core.Mat.Atable
getValidDisparityROI(Rect, Rect, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
getValues(int, Mat, float) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getVarCount() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
Returns the number of variables in training samples
getVariationalRefinementAlpha() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Weight of the smoothness term SEE: setVariationalRefinementAlpha
getVariationalRefinementDelta() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Weight of the color constancy term SEE: setVariationalRefinementDelta
getVariationalRefinementGamma() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Weight of the gradient constancy term SEE: setVariationalRefinementGamma
getVariationalRefinementIterations() - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
Number of fixed point iterations of variational refinement per scale.
getVarIdx() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getVarImportance() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
Returns the variable importance array.
getVarInit() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Returns the initial variance of each gaussian component
getVarMax() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
getVarMin() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
getVarSymbolFlags() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getVarThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Returns the variance threshold for the pixel-model match The main threshold on the squared Mahalanobis distance to decide if the sample is well described by the background model or not.
getVarThresholdGen() - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Returns the variance threshold for the pixel-model match used for new mixture component generation Threshold for the squared Mahalanobis distance that helps decide when a sample is close to the existing components (corresponds to Tg in the paper).
getVarType() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
getVersionMajor() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns major library version
getVersionMinor() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns minor library version
getVersionRevision() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns revision field of the library version
getVersionString() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns library version string For example "3.4.1-dev".
getVertex(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns vertex location from vertex ID.
getVertex(int, int[]) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns vertex location from vertex ID.
getViewParams(MatOfFloat, MatOfFloat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AffineFeature
getVocabulary() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
Get the vocabulary for recognition.
getVocabulary() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
Returns the set vocabulary.
getVoronoiFacetList(MatOfInt, List<MatOfPoint2f>, MatOfPoint2f) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns a list of all Voronoi facets.
getVotes(Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
Returns the result of each individual tree in the forest.
getVotesThreshold() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughBallard
getWeakCount() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
SEE: setWeakCount
getWeightA() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
getWeightB() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
getWeightContrast() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
getWeightEntropy() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
getWeightL() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
getWeights() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Returns weights of the mixtures Returns vector with the number of elements equal to the number of mixtures.
getWeights() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
getWeights(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getWeightTrimRate() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
SEE: setWeightTrimRate
getWeightX() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
getWeightY() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
getWindowRadius() - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Size of the texture sampling window used to compute contrast and entropy (center of the window is always in the pixel selected by x,y coordinates of the corresponding feature sample).
getWinSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Returns winSigma value
getWinSize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
getWinSize() - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
getWriterBackendPluginVersion(int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
Returns description and ABI/API version of videoio plugin's writer interface
getWTA_K() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
getXi() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
GFTTDetector - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Wrapping class for feature detection using the goodFeaturesToTrack function.
GFTTDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
goodFeaturesToTrack(Mat, MatOfPoint, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Determines strong corners on an image.
goodFeaturesToTrack(Mat, MatOfPoint, int, double, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Determines strong corners on an image.
goodFeaturesToTrack(Mat, MatOfPoint, int, double, double, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Determines strong corners on an image.
goodFeaturesToTrack(Mat, MatOfPoint, int, double, double, Mat, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Determines strong corners on an image.
goodFeaturesToTrack(Mat, MatOfPoint, int, double, double, Mat, int, boolean, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Determines strong corners on an image.
goodFeaturesToTrack(Mat, MatOfPoint, int, double, double, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
goodFeaturesToTrack(Mat, MatOfPoint, int, double, double, Mat, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
goodFeaturesToTrack(Mat, MatOfPoint, int, double, double, Mat, int, int, boolean, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
goodFeaturesToTrackWithQuality(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Same as above, but returns also quality measure of the detected corners.
goodFeaturesToTrackWithQuality(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Same as above, but returns also quality measure of the detected corners.
goodFeaturesToTrackWithQuality(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Same as above, but returns also quality measure of the detected corners.
goodFeaturesToTrackWithQuality(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, Mat, Mat, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Same as above, but returns also quality measure of the detected corners.
goodFeaturesToTrackWithQuality(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, Mat, Mat, int, int, boolean, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Same as above, but returns also quality measure of the detected corners.
GpuApiCallError - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
GpuNotSupported - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
grab() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Grabs the next frame from video file or capturing device.
grabCut(Mat, Mat, Rect, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Runs the GrabCut algorithm.
grabCut(Mat, Mat, Rect, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Runs the GrabCut algorithm.
GradientDericheX(Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies X Deriche filter to an image.
GradientDericheY(Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies Y Deriche filter to an image.
GraphicalCodeDetector - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
GraphicalCodeDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
GraphSegmentation - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Graph Based Segmentation Algorithm.
GraphSegmentation(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.GraphSegmentation
GRAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF
GrayCodePattern - Class in org.opencv.structured_light
Class implementing the Gray-code pattern, based on CITE: UNDERWORLD.
GrayCodePattern(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.structured_light.GrayCodePattern
GrayworldWB - Class in org.opencv.xphoto
Gray-world white balance algorithm This algorithm scales the values of pixels based on a gray-world assumption which states that the average of all channels should result in a gray image.
GrayworldWB(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xphoto.GrayworldWB
GridBoard - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
Planar board with grid arrangement of markers More common type of board.
GridBoard(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.GridBoard
GridBoard(Size, float, float, Dictionary) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.GridBoard
GridBoard constructor
GridBoard(Size, float, float, Dictionary, Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.GridBoard
GridBoard constructor
groupRectangles(MatOfRect, MatOfInt, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
groupRectangles(MatOfRect, MatOfInt, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
GUIDED_FILTER - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
guidedFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Guided Filter call.
guidedFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Simple one-line Guided Filter call.
GuidedFilter - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Interface for realizations of Guided Filter.
GuidedFilter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.GuidedFilter


HAAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
HARD_MARGIN - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
HARRIS_SCORE - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing the Harris-Laplace feature detector as described in CITE: Mikolajczyk2004.
HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
hasBackend(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
Returns true if backend is available
hashCode() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point
hashCode() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point3
hashCode() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Range
hashCode() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect
hashCode() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
hashCode() - Method in class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
hashCode() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Scalar
hashCode() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Size
hashCode() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
hasNonZero(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Checks for the presence of at least one non-zero array element.
haveImageReader(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Returns true if the specified image can be decoded by OpenCV
haveImageWriter(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Returns true if an image with the specified filename can be encoded by OpenCV
hconcat(List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
std::vector<cv::Mat> matrices = { cv::Mat(4, 1, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(1)), cv::Mat(4, 1, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(2)), cv::Mat(4, 1, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(3)),}; cv::Mat out; cv::hconcat( matrices, out ); //out: //[1, 2, 3; // 1, 2, 3; // 1, 2, 3; // 1, 2, 3]
HDO_DESKEW - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
HDO_RAW - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
HeaderIsNull - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
height - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Rect
height - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
height - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Size
height - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
height() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
HESSIAN_ROW - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
HEURISTIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
HighGui - Class in org.opencv.highgui
This class was designed for use in Java applications to recreate the OpenCV HighGui functionalities.
HighGui() - Constructor for class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
HISTCMP_BHATTACHARYYA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HISTCMP_CHISQR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HISTCMP_CHISQR_ALT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HISTCMP_CORREL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HISTCMP_HELLINGER - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HISTCMP_INTERSECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HISTCMP_KL_DIV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HistogramPhaseUnwrapping - Class in org.opencv.phase_unwrapping
Class implementing two-dimensional phase unwrapping based on CITE: histogramUnwrapping This algorithm belongs to the quality-guided phase unwrapping methods.
HistogramPhaseUnwrapping(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping
HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params - Class in org.opencv.phase_unwrapping
Parameters of phaseUnwrapping constructor.
HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
HOGDescriptor - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
Implementation of HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) descriptor and object detector.
HOGDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Creates the HOG descriptor and detector with default parameters.
HOGDescriptor(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
HOGDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Creates the HOG descriptor and detector and loads HOGDescriptor parameters and coefficients for the linear SVM classifier from a file.
HOGDescriptor(Size, Size, Size, Size, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
HOGDescriptor(Size, Size, Size, Size, int, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
HOGDescriptor(Size, Size, Size, Size, int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
HOGDescriptor(Size, Size, Size, Size, int, int, double, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
HOGDescriptor(Size, Size, Size, Size, int, int, double, int, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
HOGDescriptor(Size, Size, Size, Size, int, int, double, int, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
HOGDescriptor(Size, Size, Size, Size, int, int, double, int, double, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
HOGDescriptor(Size, Size, Size, Size, int, int, double, int, double, boolean, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
HOUGH_GRADIENT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HOUGH_GRADIENT_ALT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HOUGH_MULTI_SCALE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HOUGH_STANDARD - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
HoughCircles(Mat, Mat, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transform.
HoughCircles(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transform.
HoughCircles(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transform.
HoughCircles(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transform.
HoughCircles(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transform.
HoughLines(Mat, Mat, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform.
HoughLines(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform.
HoughLines(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform.
HoughLines(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform.
HoughLines(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform.
HoughLinesP(Mat, Mat, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds line segments in a binary image using the probabilistic Hough transform.
HoughLinesP(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds line segments in a binary image using the probabilistic Hough transform.
HoughLinesP(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds line segments in a binary image using the probabilistic Hough transform.
HoughLinesPointSet(Mat, Mat, int, int, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds lines in a set of points using the standard Hough transform.
HoughLinesWithAccumulator(Mat, Mat, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform and get accumulator.
HoughLinesWithAccumulator(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform and get accumulator.
HoughLinesWithAccumulator(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform and get accumulator.
HoughLinesWithAccumulator(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform and get accumulator.
HoughLinesWithAccumulator(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform and get accumulator.
HuMoments(Moments, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc


idct(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the inverse Discrete Cosine Transform of a 1D or 2D array.
idct(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the inverse Discrete Cosine Transform of a 1D or 2D array.
identify(Mat, int[], int[], double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
Given a matrix of bits.
IDENTITY - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
idft(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform of a 1D or 2D array.
idft(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform of a 1D or 2D array.
idft(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform of a 1D or 2D array.
illuminationChange(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Applying an appropriate non-linear transformation to the gradient field inside the selection and then integrating back with a Poisson solver, modifies locally the apparent illumination of an image.
illuminationChange(Mat, Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Applying an appropriate non-linear transformation to the gradient field inside the selection and then integrating back with a Poisson solver, modifies locally the apparent illumination of an image.
illuminationChange(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Applying an appropriate non-linear transformation to the gradient field inside the selection and then integrating back with a Poisson solver, modifies locally the apparent illumination of an image.
Image2BlobParams - Class in org.opencv.dnn
Processing params of image to blob.
Image2BlobParams() - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
Image2BlobParams(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
Image2BlobParams(Scalar) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
Image2BlobParams(Scalar, Size) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
Image2BlobParams(Scalar, Size, Scalar) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
Image2BlobParams(Scalar, Size, Scalar, boolean) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
Image2BlobParams(Scalar, Size, Scalar, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
Image2BlobParams(Scalar, Size, Scalar, boolean, int, Scalar) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
imagesFromBlob(Mat, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Parse a 4D blob and output the images it contains as 2D arrays through a simpler data structure (std::vector<cv::Mat>).
ImageWindow - Class in org.opencv.highgui
This class was designed to create and manipulate the Windows to be used by the HighGui class.
ImageWindow(String, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
ImageWindow(String, Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
imcount(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Returns the number of images inside the give file The function imcount will return the number of pages in a multi-page image, or 1 for single-page images
imcount(String, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Returns the number of images inside the give file The function imcount will return the number of pages in a multi-page image, or 1 for single-page images
imdecode(Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Reads an image from a buffer in memory.
imdecodemulti(Mat, int, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Reads a multi-page image from a buffer in memory.
imdecodemulti(Mat, int, List<Mat>, Range) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Reads a multi-page image from a buffer in memory.
imencode(String, Mat, MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Encodes an image into a memory buffer.
imencode(String, Mat, MatOfByte, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Encodes an image into a memory buffer.
img - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
Img_hash - Class in org.opencv.img_hash
Img_hash() - Constructor for class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Imgcodecs - Class in org.opencv.imgcodecs
Imgcodecs() - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
ImgHashBase - Class in org.opencv.img_hash
The base class for image hash algorithms
ImgHashBase(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.img_hash.ImgHashBase
imgIdx - Variable in class org.opencv.core.DMatch
Train image index.
Imgproc - Class in org.opencv.imgproc
Imgproc() - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
imgToBeResized - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
imread(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Loads an image from a file.
imread(String, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Loads an image from a file.
IMREAD_ANYCOLOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_ANYDEPTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_COLOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_GRAYSCALE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_LOAD_GDAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_REDUCED_COLOR_2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_REDUCED_COLOR_4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_REDUCED_COLOR_8 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_REDUCED_GRAYSCALE_2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_REDUCED_GRAYSCALE_4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_REDUCED_GRAYSCALE_8 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMREAD_UNCHANGED - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
imreadmulti(String, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Loads a multi-page image from a file.
imreadmulti(String, List<Mat>, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Loads a multi-page image from a file.
imreadmulti(String, List<Mat>, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Loads a of images of a multi-page image from a file.
imreadmulti(String, List<Mat>, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Loads a of images of a multi-page image from a file.
imshow(String, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
imwrite(String, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Saves an image to a specified file.
imwrite(String, Mat, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
Saves an image to a specified file.
IMWRITE_AVIF_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_AVIF_QUALITY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_AVIF_SPEED - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_B44 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_B44A - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_DWAA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_DWAB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_NO - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_PIZ - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_PXR24 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_RLE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_ZIP - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_ZIPS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_DWA_COMPRESSION_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE_HALF - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_HDR_COMPRESSION - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_HDR_COMPRESSION_NONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_HDR_COMPRESSION_RLE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_CHROMA_QUALITY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_LUMA_QUALITY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_OPTIMIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_PROGRESSIVE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_RST_INTERVAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_SAMPLING_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_SAMPLING_FACTOR_411 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_SAMPLING_FACTOR_420 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_SAMPLING_FACTOR_422 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_SAMPLING_FACTOR_440 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG_SAMPLING_FACTOR_444 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_JPEG2000_COMPRESSION_X1000 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PAM_FORMAT_BLACKANDWHITE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PAM_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PAM_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PAM_FORMAT_NULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PAM_FORMAT_RGB - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PAM_FORMAT_RGB_ALPHA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PAM_TUPLETYPE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PNG_BILEVEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY_FILTERED - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY_FIXED - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY_HUFFMAN_ONLY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY_RLE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_PXM_BINARY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_TIFF_COMPRESSION - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_TIFF_RESUNIT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_TIFF_XDPI - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_TIFF_YDPI - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
IMWRITE_WEBP_QUALITY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
imwritemulti(String, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
imwritemulti(String, List<Mat>, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs
init() - Method in class org.opencv.osgi.OpenCVNativeLoader
init(Mat, Rect) - Method in class org.opencv.video.Tracker
Initialize the tracker with a known bounding box that surrounded the target
init(Mat, Rect2d) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_Tracker
Initialize the tracker with a known bounding box that surrounded the target
initCameraMatrix2D(List<MatOfPoint3f>, List<MatOfPoint2f>, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an initial camera intrinsic matrix from 3D-2D point correspondences.
initCameraMatrix2D(List<MatOfPoint3f>, List<MatOfPoint2f>, Size, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an initial camera intrinsic matrix from 3D-2D point correspondences.
initDelaunay(Rect) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Creates a new empty Delaunay subdivision
initInverseRectificationMap(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, int, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes the projection and inverse-rectification transformation map.
initUndistortRectifyMap(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, int, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes the undistortion and rectification transformation map.
inpaint(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Restores the selected region in an image using the region neighborhood.
inpaint(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
The function implements different single-image inpainting algorithms.
INPAINT_FSR_BEST - Static variable in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
INPAINT_FSR_FAST - Static variable in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
INPAINT_NS - Static variable in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
INPAINT_SHIFTMAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
INPAINT_TELEA - Static variable in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
inRange(Mat, Scalar, Scalar, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Checks if array elements lie between the elements of two other arrays.
insert(MatOfPoint2f) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Insert multiple points into a Delaunay triangulation.
insert(Point) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Insert a single point into a Delaunay triangulation.
insertChannel(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Inserts a single channel to dst (coi is 0-based index)
inside(Rect) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point
integral(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
integral(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
integral2(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
integral2(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
integral2(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
integral3(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the integral of an image.
integral3(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the integral of an image.
integral3(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the integral of an image.
IntelligentScissorsMB - Class in org.opencv.imgproc
Intelligent Scissors image segmentation This class is used to find the path (contour) between two points which can be used for image segmentation.
IntelligentScissorsMB() - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
IntelligentScissorsMB(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
INTER - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
INTER_AREA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTER_BITS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTER_BITS2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTER_CUBIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTER_LANCZOS4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTER_LINEAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTER_LINEAR_EXACT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTER_MAX - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTER_NEAREST - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTER_NEAREST_EXACT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTER_TAB_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTER_TAB_SIZE2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
interpolate(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SparseMatchInterpolator
Interpolate input sparse matches.
interpolateCornersCharuco(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, CharucoBoard, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use CharucoDetector::detectBoard
interpolateCornersCharuco(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, CharucoBoard, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use CharucoDetector::detectBoard
interpolateCornersCharuco(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, CharucoBoard, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use CharucoDetector::detectBoard
interpolateCornersCharuco(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, CharucoBoard, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use CharucoDetector::detectBoard
INTERSECT_FULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTERSECT_NONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
INTERSECT_PARTIAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
intersectConvexConvex(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds intersection of two convex polygons
intersectConvexConvex(Mat, Mat, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds intersection of two convex polygons
intersection(Range) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Range
inv() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
inv(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
invert(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Finds the inverse or pseudo-inverse of a matrix.
invert(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Finds the inverse or pseudo-inverse of a matrix.
invertAffineTransform(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Inverts an affine transformation.
isBackendBuiltIn(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
Returns true if backend is built in (false if backend is used as plugin)
isClassifier() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
Returns true if the model is classifier
isContinuous() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
isContourConvex(MatOfPoint) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Tests a contour convexity.
isInt() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
isInteger(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
isMaskSupported() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Returns true if the descriptor matcher supports masking permissible matches.
isOldFormatCascade() - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
isOpened() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Returns true if video capturing has been initialized already.
isOpened() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
Returns true if video writer has been successfully initialized.
isReal() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Scalar
isReal() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
isString() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
isSubmatrix() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
isTrained() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
Returns true if the model is trained
iterate() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelLSC
Calculates the superpixel segmentation on a given image with the initialized parameters in the SuperpixelLSC object.
iterate() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSLIC
Calculates the superpixel segmentation on a given image with the initialized parameters in the SuperpixelSLIC object.
iterate(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelLSC
Calculates the superpixel segmentation on a given image with the initialized parameters in the SuperpixelLSC object.
iterate(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSLIC
Calculates the superpixel segmentation on a given image with the initialized parameters in the SuperpixelSLIC object.
iterate(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ScanSegment
Calculates the superpixel segmentation on a given image with the initialized parameters in the ScanSegment object.
iterate(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSEEDS
Calculates the superpixel segmentation on a given image with the initialized parameters in the SuperpixelSEEDS object.
iterate(Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSEEDS
Calculates the superpixel segmentation on a given image with the initialized parameters in the SuperpixelSEEDS object.


jointBilateralFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the joint bilateral filter to an image.
jointBilateralFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the joint bilateral filter to an image.


KalmanFilter - Class in org.opencv.video
Kalman filter class.
KalmanFilter() - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
KalmanFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
KalmanFilter(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
KalmanFilter(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
KalmanFilter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
KAZE - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Class implementing the KAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in CITE: ABD12 .
KAZE(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
KDTREE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
keepAspectRatioSize(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
KeyPoint - Class in org.opencv.core
KeyPoint() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
KeyPoint(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
KeyPoint(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
KeyPoint(float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
KeyPoint(float, float, float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
KeyPoint(float, float, float, float, float, int, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
KeypointsModel - Class in org.opencv.dnn
This class represents high-level API for keypoints models KeypointsModel allows to set params for preprocessing input image.
KeypointsModel(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.KeypointsModel
KeypointsModel(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.KeypointsModel
Create keypoints model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
KeypointsModel(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.KeypointsModel
Create keypoints model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
KeypointsModel(Net) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.KeypointsModel
Create model from deep learning network.
kmeans(Mat, int, Mat, TermCriteria, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Finds centers of clusters and groups input samples around the clusters.
kmeans(Mat, int, Mat, TermCriteria, int, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Finds centers of clusters and groups input samples around the clusters.
KMEANS_PP_CENTERS - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
KNearest - Class in org.opencv.ml
The class implements K-Nearest Neighbors model SEE: REF: ml_intro_knn
KNearest(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
knnMatch(Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
knnMatch(Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, int, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
knnMatch(Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, int, List<Mat>, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
knnMatch(Mat, Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Finds the k best matches for each descriptor from a query set.
knnMatch(Mat, Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, int, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Finds the k best matches for each descriptor from a query set.
knnMatch(Mat, Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, int, Mat, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Finds the k best matches for each descriptor from a query set.


L_INFINITY - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
L0_25 - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
L0_5 - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
l0Smooth(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Global image smoothing via L0 gradient minimization.
l0Smooth(Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Global image smoothing via L0 gradient minimization.
l0Smooth(Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Global image smoothing via L0 gradient minimization.
L1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
L2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
L2Hys - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
L2SQUARED - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
L5 - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Laplacian(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the Laplacian of an image.
Laplacian(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the Laplacian of an image.
Laplacian(Mat, Mat, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the Laplacian of an image.
Laplacian(Mat, Mat, int, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the Laplacian of an image.
Laplacian(Mat, Mat, int, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the Laplacian of an image.
LAPLACIAN_ROW - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
latch - Static variable in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
LATCH - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
latch Class for computing the LATCH descriptor.
LATCH(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
Layer - Class in org.opencv.dnn
This interface class allows to build new Layers - are building blocks of networks.
Layer(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Layer
lbl - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
LBPHFaceRecognizer - Class in org.opencv.face
LBPHFaceRecognizer(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
LDR_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
LEAKYRELU - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
LearningBasedWB - Class in org.opencv.xphoto
More sophisticated learning-based automatic white balance algorithm.
LearningBasedWB(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xphoto.LearningBasedWB
legacy_MultiTracker - Class in org.opencv.tracking
This class is used to track multiple objects using the specified tracker algorithm.
legacy_MultiTracker() - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_MultiTracker
legacy_MultiTracker(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_MultiTracker
legacy_Tracker - Class in org.opencv.tracking
Base abstract class for the long-term tracker:
legacy_Tracker(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_Tracker
legacy_TrackerBoosting - Class in org.opencv.tracking
the Boosting tracker This is a real-time object tracking based on a novel on-line version of the AdaBoost algorithm.
legacy_TrackerBoosting(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerBoosting
legacy_TrackerCSRT - Class in org.opencv.tracking
the CSRT tracker The implementation is based on CITE: Lukezic_IJCV2018 Discriminative Correlation Filter with Channel and Spatial Reliability
legacy_TrackerCSRT(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerCSRT
legacy_TrackerKCF - Class in org.opencv.tracking
the KCF (Kernelized Correlation Filter) tracker KCF is a novel tracking framework that utilizes properties of circulant matrix to enhance the processing speed.
legacy_TrackerKCF(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerKCF
legacy_TrackerMedianFlow - Class in org.opencv.tracking
the Median Flow tracker Implementation of a paper CITE: MedianFlow .
legacy_TrackerMedianFlow(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMedianFlow
legacy_TrackerMIL - Class in org.opencv.tracking
The MIL algorithm trains a classifier in an online manner to separate the object from the background.
legacy_TrackerMIL(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMIL
legacy_TrackerMOSSE - Class in org.opencv.tracking
the MOSSE (Minimum Output Sum of Squared %Error) tracker The implementation is based on CITE: MOSSE Visual Object Tracking using Adaptive Correlation Filters Note: this tracker works with grayscale images, if passed bgr ones, they will get converted internally.
legacy_TrackerMOSSE(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMOSSE
legacy_TrackerTLD - Class in org.opencv.tracking
the TLD (Tracking, learning and detection) tracker TLD is a novel tracking framework that explicitly decomposes the long-term tracking task into tracking, learning and detection.
legacy_TrackerTLD(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerTLD
legacy_upgradeTrackingAPI(legacy_Tracker) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
lessThan(DMatch) - Method in class org.opencv.core.DMatch
line(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a line segment connecting two points.
line(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a line segment connecting two points.
line(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a line segment connecting two points.
line(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a line segment connecting two points.
LINE_4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
LINE_8 - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
LINE_AA - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
LINEAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
linearPolar(Mat, Mat, Point, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
This function produces same result as cv::warpPolar(src, dst, src.size(), center, maxRadius, flags) Transform the source image using the following transformation (See REF: polar_remaps_reference_image "Polar remaps reference image c)"): \(\begin{array}{l} dst( \rho , \phi ) = src(x,y) \\ dst.size() \leftarrow src.size() \end{array}\) where \(\begin{array}{l} I = (dx,dy) = (x - center.x,y - center.y) \\ \rho = Kmag \cdot \texttt{magnitude} (I) ,\\ \phi = angle \cdot \texttt{angle} (I) \end{array}\) and \(\begin{array}{l} Kx = src.cols / maxRadius \\ Ky = src.rows / 2\Pi \end{array}\)
LineSegmentDetector - Class in org.opencv.imgproc
Line segment detector class following the algorithm described at CITE: Rafael12 .
LineSegmentDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.LineSegmentDetector
LMEDS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
load(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.MACE
load(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
Loads and creates a serialized ANN from a file Use ANN::save to serialize and store an ANN to disk.
load(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
Loads and creates a serialized Boost from a file Use Boost::save to serialize and store an RTree to disk.
load(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
Loads and creates a serialized DTrees from a file Use DTree::save to serialize and store an DTree to disk.
load(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Loads and creates a serialized EM from a file Use EM::save to serialize and store an EM to disk.
load(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
Loads and creates a serialized knearest from a file Use KNearest::save to serialize and store an KNearest to disk.
load(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
Loads and creates a serialized LogisticRegression from a file Use LogisticRegression::save to serialize and store an LogisticRegression to disk.
load(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.NormalBayesClassifier
Loads and creates a serialized NormalBayesClassifier from a file Use NormalBayesClassifier::save to serialize and store an NormalBayesClassifier to disk.
load(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
Loads and creates a serialized RTree from a file Use RTree::save to serialize and store an RTree to disk.
load(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Loads and creates a serialized svm from a file Use SVM::save to serialize and store an SVM to disk.
load(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
Loads and creates a serialized SVMSGD from a file Use SVMSGD::save to serialize and store an SVMSGD to disk.
load(String) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
Loads a classifier from a file.
load(String) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
loads HOGDescriptor parameters and coefficients for the linear SVM classifier from a file
load(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.MACE
load(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
Loads and creates a serialized Boost from a file Use Boost::save to serialize and store an RTree to disk.
load(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
Loads and creates a serialized DTrees from a file Use DTree::save to serialize and store an DTree to disk.
load(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Loads and creates a serialized EM from a file Use EM::save to serialize and store an EM to disk.
load(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
Loads and creates a serialized LogisticRegression from a file Use LogisticRegression::save to serialize and store an LogisticRegression to disk.
load(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.NormalBayesClassifier
Loads and creates a serialized NormalBayesClassifier from a file Use NormalBayesClassifier::save to serialize and store an NormalBayesClassifier to disk.
load(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
Loads and creates a serialized RTree from a file Use RTree::save to serialize and store an RTree to disk.
load(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
Loads and creates a serialized SVMSGD from a file Use SVMSGD::save to serialize and store an SVMSGD to disk.
load(String, String) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
loads HOGDescriptor parameters and coefficients for the linear SVM classifier from a file
loadClassifierNM1(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Allow to implicitly load the default classifier when creating an ERFilter object.
loadClassifierNM2(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Allow to implicitly load the default classifier when creating an ERFilter object.
loadDatasetList(String, String, List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
A utility to load list of paths to training image and annotation file.
loadFacePoints(String, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
A utility to load facial landmark information from a given file.
loadFacePoints(String, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
A utility to load facial landmark information from a given file.
loadModel(String) - Method in class org.opencv.face.Facemark
A function to load the trained model before the fitting process.
loadOCRBeamSearchClassifierCNN(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Allow to implicitly load the default character classifier when creating an OCRBeamSearchDecoder object.
loadOCRHMMClassifier(String, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
Allow to implicitly load the default character classifier when creating an OCRHMMDecoder object.
loadOCRHMMClassifierCNN(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
use loadOCRHMMClassifier instead
loadOCRHMMClassifierNM(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.Text
loadOCRHMMClassifier instead
loadTrainingData(String, String, List<String>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
A utility to load facial landmark information from the dataset.
loadTrainingData(String, String, List<String>, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
A utility to load facial landmark information from the dataset.
loadTrainingData(String, List<String>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
A utility to load facial landmark dataset from a single file.
loadTrainingData(String, List<String>, Mat, char) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
A utility to load facial landmark dataset from a single file.
loadTrainingData(String, List<String>, Mat, char, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
A utility to load facial landmark dataset from a single file.
loadTrainingData(List<String>, List<MatOfPoint2f>, List<String>) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Face
This function extracts the data for training from .txt files which contains the corresponding image name and landmarks.
LOCAL_OPTIM_GC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
LOCAL_OPTIM_INNER_AND_ITER_LO - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
LOCAL_OPTIM_INNER_LO - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
LOCAL_OPTIM_NULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
LOCAL_OPTIM_SIGMA - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
locate(Point, int[], int[]) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns the location of a point within a Delaunay triangulation.
locateROI(Size, Point) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
log(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the natural logarithm of every array element.
LogisticRegression - Class in org.opencv.ml
Implements Logistic Regression classifier.
LogisticRegression(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
LOGIT - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
logPolar(Mat, Mat, Point, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
This function produces same result as cv::warpPolar(src, dst, src.size(), center, maxRadius, flags+WARP_POLAR_LOG); Transform the source image using the following transformation (See REF: polar_remaps_reference_image "Polar remaps reference image d)"): \(\begin{array}{l} dst( \rho , \phi ) = src(x,y) \\ dst.size() \leftarrow src.size() \end{array}\) where \(\begin{array}{l} I = (dx,dy) = (x - center.x,y - center.y) \\ \rho = M \cdot log_e(\texttt{magnitude} (I)) ,\\ \phi = Kangle \cdot \texttt{angle} (I) \\ \end{array}\) and \(\begin{array}{l} M = src.cols / log_e(maxRadius) \\ Kangle = src.rows / 2\Pi \\ \end{array}\) The function emulates the human "foveal" vision and can be used for fast scale and rotation-invariant template matching, for object tracking and so forth.
LSBP_CAMERA_MOTION_COMPENSATION_LK - Static variable in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
LSBP_CAMERA_MOTION_COMPENSATION_NONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.bgsegm.Bgsegm
LSD - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
LSD_REFINE_ADV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
LSD_REFINE_NONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
LSD_REFINE_STD - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
LSQ_POLISHER - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
LUCID - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing the locally uniform comparison image descriptor, described in CITE: LUCID An image descriptor that can be computed very fast, while being about as robust as, for example, SURF or BRIEF.
LUCID(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LUCID
LUT(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs a look-up table transform of an array.


m00 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
m01 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
m02 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
m03 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
m10 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
m11 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
m12 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
m20 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
m21 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
m30 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
MACE - Class in org.opencv.face
Minimum Average Correlation Energy Filter useful for authentication with (cancellable) biometrical features.
MACE(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.MACE
magnitude(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the magnitude of 2D vectors.
MAGSAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Mahalanobis(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the Mahalanobis distance between two vectors.
makeType(int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType
MARKER_CROSS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MARKER_DIAMOND - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MARKER_SQUARE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MARKER_STAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MARKER_TILTED_CROSS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MARKER_TRIANGLE_DOWN - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MARKER_TRIANGLE_UP - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
marrHildrethHash(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Computes average hash value of the input image
marrHildrethHash(Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Computes average hash value of the input image
marrHildrethHash(Mat, Mat, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Computes average hash value of the input image
MarrHildrethHash - Class in org.opencv.img_hash
Marr-Hildreth Operator Based Hash, slowest but more discriminative.
MarrHildrethHash(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.img_hash.MarrHildrethHash
MaskIsTiled - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Mat - Class in org.opencv.core
Mat() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(int[], int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(int[], int, Scalar) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(int, int, int, ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(int, int, int, ByteBuffer, long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(int, int, int, Scalar) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(Mat, Range) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(Mat, Range[]) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(Mat, Range, Range) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(Mat, Rect) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(Size, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat(Size, int, Scalar) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat
Mat_to_vector_char(Mat, List<Byte>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_DMatch(Mat, List<DMatch>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_double(Mat, List<Double>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_float(Mat, List<Float>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_int(Mat, List<Integer>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_KeyPoint(Mat, List<KeyPoint>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_Mat(Mat, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_Point(Mat, List<Point>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_Point2d(Mat, List<Point>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_Point2f(Mat, List<Point>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_Point3(Mat, List<Point3>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_Point3d(Mat, List<Point3>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_Point3f(Mat, List<Point3>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_Point3i(Mat, List<Point3>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_Rect(Mat, List<Rect>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_Rect2d(Mat, List<Rect2d>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_RotatedRect(Mat, List<RotatedRect>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_uchar(Mat, List<Byte>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_vector_char(Mat, List<List<Byte>>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_vector_DMatch(Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_vector_KeyPoint(Mat, List<MatOfKeyPoint>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_vector_Point(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_vector_Point2f(Mat, List<MatOfPoint2f>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat_to_vector_vector_Point3f(Mat, List<MatOfPoint3f>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
Mat.Atable<T> - Interface in org.opencv.core
Mat.Tuple2<T> - Class in org.opencv.core
Mat.Tuple3<T> - Class in org.opencv.core
Mat.Tuple4<T> - Class in org.opencv.core
match(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
Calculating the distance between two face features
match(Mat, MatOfDMatch) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
match(Mat, MatOfDMatch, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
match(Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
Calculating the distance between two face features
match(Mat, Mat, MatOfDMatch) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Finds the best match for each descriptor from a query set.
match(Mat, Mat, MatOfDMatch, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Finds the best match for each descriptor from a query set.
matchGMS(Size, Size, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, MatOfDMatch) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.Xfeatures2d
GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) feature matching strategy described in CITE: Bian2017gms .
matchGMS(Size, Size, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, MatOfDMatch, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.Xfeatures2d
GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) feature matching strategy described in CITE: Bian2017gms .
matchGMS(Size, Size, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, MatOfDMatch, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.Xfeatures2d
GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) feature matching strategy described in CITE: Bian2017gms .
matchGMS(Size, Size, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfDMatch, MatOfDMatch, boolean, boolean, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.Xfeatures2d
GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) feature matching strategy described in CITE: Bian2017gms .
matchImagePoints(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
Given a board configuration and a set of detected markers, returns the corresponding image points and object points, can be used in solvePnP()
matchLOGOS(MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfKeyPoint, MatOfInt, MatOfInt, MatOfDMatch) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.Xfeatures2d
LOGOS (Local geometric support for high-outlier spatial verification) feature matching strategy described in CITE: Lowry2018LOGOSLG .
matchShapes(Mat, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Compares two shapes.
matchTemplate(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Compares a template against overlapped image regions.
matchTemplate(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Compares a template against overlapped image regions.
matMul(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
Matrix multiplication
matMulDeriv(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes partial derivatives of the matrix product for each multiplied matrix.
MatOfByte - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfByte() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
MatOfByte(byte...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
MatOfByte(int, int, byte...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
MatOfByte(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
MatOfByte(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
MatOfDMatch - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfDMatch() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch
MatOfDMatch(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch
MatOfDMatch(DMatch...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch
MatOfDMatch(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch
MatOfDouble - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfDouble() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfDouble
MatOfDouble(double...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfDouble
MatOfDouble(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfDouble
MatOfDouble(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfDouble
MatOfFloat - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfFloat() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat
MatOfFloat(float...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat
MatOfFloat(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat
MatOfFloat(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat
MatOfFloat4 - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfFloat4() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat4
MatOfFloat4(float...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat4
MatOfFloat4(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat4
MatOfFloat4(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat4
MatOfFloat6 - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfFloat6() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat6
MatOfFloat6(float...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat6
MatOfFloat6(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat6
MatOfFloat6(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat6
MatOfInt - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfInt() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt
MatOfInt(int...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt
MatOfInt(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt
MatOfInt(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt
MatOfInt4 - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfInt4() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt4
MatOfInt4(int...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt4
MatOfInt4(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt4
MatOfInt4(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt4
MatOfKeyPoint - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfKeyPoint() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint
MatOfKeyPoint(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint
MatOfKeyPoint(KeyPoint...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint
MatOfKeyPoint(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint
MatOfPoint - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfPoint() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint
MatOfPoint(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint
MatOfPoint(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint
MatOfPoint(Point...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint
MatOfPoint2f - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfPoint2f() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f
MatOfPoint2f(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f
MatOfPoint2f(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f
MatOfPoint2f(Point...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f
MatOfPoint3 - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfPoint3() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3
MatOfPoint3(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3
MatOfPoint3(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3
MatOfPoint3(Point3...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3
MatOfPoint3f - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfPoint3f() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
MatOfPoint3f(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
MatOfPoint3f(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
MatOfPoint3f(Point3...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
MatOfRect - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfRect() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
MatOfRect(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
MatOfRect(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
MatOfRect(Rect...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
MatOfRect2d - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfRect2d() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect2d
MatOfRect2d(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect2d
MatOfRect2d(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect2d
MatOfRect2d(Rect2d...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect2d
MatOfRotatedRect - Class in org.opencv.core
MatOfRotatedRect() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRotatedRect
MatOfRotatedRect(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRotatedRect
MatOfRotatedRect(Mat) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRotatedRect
MatOfRotatedRect(RotatedRect...) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.MatOfRotatedRect
max(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates per-element maximum of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
max(Mat, Scalar, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
MAX_ITER - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
The maximum number of iterations or elements to compute
maxCount - Variable in class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
maxLoc - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Core.MinMaxLocResult
maxVal - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Core.MinMaxLocResult
mean(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates an average (mean) of array elements.
mean(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates an average (mean) of array elements.
meanShift(Mat, Rect, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Finds an object on a back projection image.
meanStdDev(Mat, MatOfDouble, MatOfDouble) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates a mean and standard deviation of array elements.
meanStdDev(Mat, MatOfDouble, MatOfDouble, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates a mean and standard deviation of array elements.
medianBlur(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using the median filter.
merge(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy
Inform the strategy that two regions will be merged
merge(List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
MergeDebevec - Class in org.opencv.photo
The resulting HDR image is calculated as weighted average of the exposures considering exposure values and camera response.
MergeDebevec(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.MergeDebevec
MergeExposures - Class in org.opencv.photo
The base class algorithms that can merge exposure sequence to a single image.
MergeExposures(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.MergeExposures
MergeMertens - Class in org.opencv.photo
Pixels are weighted using contrast, saturation and well-exposedness measures, than images are combined using laplacian pyramids.
MergeMertens(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.MergeMertens
MergeRobertson - Class in org.opencv.photo
The resulting HDR image is calculated as weighted average of the exposures considering exposure values and camera response.
MergeRobertson(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.MergeRobertson
min(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates per-element minimum of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
min(Mat, Scalar, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
minAreaRect(MatOfPoint2f) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds a rotated rectangle of the minimum area enclosing the input 2D point set.
minEnclosingCircle(MatOfPoint2f, Point, float[]) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds a circle of the minimum area enclosing a 2D point set.
minEnclosingTriangle(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds a triangle of minimum area enclosing a 2D point set and returns its area.
MINI_BATCH - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
minLoc - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Core.MinMaxLocResult
minMaxLoc(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
minMaxLoc(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
MinMaxLocResult() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Core.MinMaxLocResult
MINUS - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
minVal - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Core.MinMaxLocResult
mixChannels(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
MIXED_CLONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Ml - Class in org.opencv.ml
Ml() - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.Ml
MODE_ALPHANUMERIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
MODE_AUTO - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
MODE_BYTE - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
MODE_ECI - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
MODE_HH - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
MODE_HH4 - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
MODE_KANJI - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
MODE_NUMERIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
MODE_SGBM - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
MODE_SGBM_3WAY - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
MODE_STRUCTURED_APPEND - Static variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
Model - Class in org.opencv.dnn
This class is presented high-level API for neural networks.
Model(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Model(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Create model from deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats.
Model(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Create model from deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats.
Model(Net) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Create model from deep learning network.
moments(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shape.
moments(Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shape.
Moments - Class in org.opencv.imgproc
Moments() - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
Moments(double[]) - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
Moments(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
MONOCHROME_TRANSFER - Static variable in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
MORPH_BLACKHAT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MORPH_CLOSE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MORPH_CROSS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MORPH_DILATE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MORPH_ELLIPSE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MORPH_ERODE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MORPH_GRADIENT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MORPH_HITMISS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MORPH_OPEN - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MORPH_RECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
MORPH_TOPHAT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
morphologyEx(Mat, Mat, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs advanced morphological transformations.
morphologyEx(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs advanced morphological transformations.
morphologyEx(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Point, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs advanced morphological transformations.
morphologyEx(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Point, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs advanced morphological transformations.
morphologyEx(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Point, int, int, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs advanced morphological transformations.
MOTION_AFFINE - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
MOTION_EUCLIDEAN - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
MOTION_TRANSLATION - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
moveWindow(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
MSDDetector - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing the MSD (*Maximal Self-Dissimilarity*) keypoint detector, described in CITE: Tombari14.
MSDDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
MSER - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Maximally stable extremal region extractor The class encapsulates all the parameters of the %MSER extraction algorithm (see [wiki article](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximally_stable_extremal_regions)).
MSER(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
MSLIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
mu02 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
mu03 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
mu11 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
mu12 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
mu20 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
mu21 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
mu30 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
mul(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
Element-wise multiplication
mul(Mat, double) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
Element-wise multiplication with scale factor
mul(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Scalar
mul(Scalar, double) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Scalar
mulSpectrums(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs the per-element multiplication of two Fourier spectrums.
mulSpectrums(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs the per-element multiplication of two Fourier spectrums.
multiply(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element scaled product of two arrays.
multiply(Mat, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element scaled product of two arrays.
multiply(Mat, Mat, Mat, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element scaled product of two arrays.
multiply(Mat, Scalar, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
multiply(Mat, Scalar, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
multiply(Mat, Scalar, Mat, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
mulTransposed(Mat, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the product of a matrix and its transposition.
mulTransposed(Mat, Mat, boolean, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the product of a matrix and its transposition.
mulTransposed(Mat, Mat, boolean, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the product of a matrix and its transposition.
mulTransposed(Mat, Mat, boolean, Mat, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the product of a matrix and its transposition.


n_closed_windows - Static variable in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
name - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
namedWindow(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
namedWindow(String, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.aruco.EstimateParameters
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorLSBPDesc
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Algorithm
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Mat
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.face.PredictCollector
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWTrainer
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.text.BaseOCR
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.text.ERFilter_Callback
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder_ClassifierCallback
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder_ClassifierCallback
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.text.TextDetector
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.video.Tracker
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
nativeObj - Variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
NEIGH_FLANN_KNN - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
NEIGH_FLANN_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
NEIGH_GRID - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Net - Class in org.opencv.dnn
This class allows to create and manipulate comprehensive artificial neural networks.
Net() - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Net(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.Net
NEXT_AROUND_DST - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
NEXT_AROUND_LEFT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
NEXT_AROUND_ORG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
NEXT_AROUND_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
nextEdge(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns next edge around the edge origin.
niBlackThreshold(Mat, Mat, double, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Performs thresholding on input images using Niblack's technique or some of the popular variations it inspired.
niBlackThreshold(Mat, Mat, double, int, int, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Performs thresholding on input images using Niblack's technique or some of the popular variations it inspired.
niBlackThreshold(Mat, Mat, double, int, int, double, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Performs thresholding on input images using Niblack's technique or some of the popular variations it inspired.
NMSBoxes(MatOfRect2d, MatOfFloat, float, float, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Performs non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores.
NMSBoxes(MatOfRect2d, MatOfFloat, float, float, MatOfInt, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Performs non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores.
NMSBoxes(MatOfRect2d, MatOfFloat, float, float, MatOfInt, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Performs non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores.
NMSBoxesBatched(MatOfRect2d, MatOfFloat, MatOfInt, float, float, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Performs batched non maximum suppression on given boxes and corresponding scores across different classes.
NMSBoxesBatched(MatOfRect2d, MatOfFloat, MatOfInt, float, float, MatOfInt, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Performs batched non maximum suppression on given boxes and corresponding scores across different classes.
NMSBoxesBatched(MatOfRect2d, MatOfFloat, MatOfInt, float, float, MatOfInt, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Performs batched non maximum suppression on given boxes and corresponding scores across different classes.
NMSBoxesRotated(MatOfRotatedRect, MatOfFloat, float, float, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
NMSBoxesRotated(MatOfRotatedRect, MatOfFloat, float, float, MatOfInt, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
NMSBoxesRotated(MatOfRotatedRect, MatOfFloat, float, float, MatOfInt, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
NO_INPUT_SCALE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
NO_OUTPUT_SCALE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
NONE_POLISHER - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
NONMAX_SUPPRESSION - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
NONMAX_SUPPRESSION - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
norm(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the absolute norm of an array.
norm(Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the absolute norm of an array.
norm(Mat, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the absolute norm of an array.
norm(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates an absolute difference norm or a relative difference norm.
norm(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates an absolute difference norm or a relative difference norm.
norm(Mat, Mat, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates an absolute difference norm or a relative difference norm.
NORM_HAMMING - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
NORM_HAMMING2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
NORM_INF - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
NORM_L1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
NORM_L2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
NORM_L2SQR - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
NORM_MINMAX - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
NORM_RELATIVE - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
NORM_TYPE_MASK - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
NORMAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
NORMAL_CLONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
NormalBayesClassifier - Class in org.opencv.ml
Bayes classifier for normally distributed data.
NormalBayesClassifier(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.NormalBayesClassifier
normalize(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Normalizes the norm or value range of an array.
normalize(Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Normalizes the norm or value range of an array.
normalize(Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Normalizes the norm or value range of an array.
normalize(Mat, Mat, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Normalizes the norm or value range of an array.
normalize(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Normalizes the norm or value range of an array.
normalize(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Normalizes the norm or value range of an array.
NORMCONV_FILTER - Static variable in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
NRM_FULL - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
NRM_NONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
NRM_PARTIAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
NRM_SIFT - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
NU - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
NU_SVC - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
NU_SVR - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
nu02 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
nu03 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
nu11 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
nu12 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
nu20 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
nu21 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
nu30 - Variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments


OAST_9_16 - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
Objdetect - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
Objdetect() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect
OCR_CNN_CLASSIFIER - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
OCR_DECODER_VITERBI - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
OCR_KNN_CLASSIFIER - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
OCR_LEVEL_TEXTLINE - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
OCR_LEVEL_WORD - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
OCRBeamSearchDecoder - Class in org.opencv.text
OCRBeamSearchDecoder class provides an interface for OCR using Beam Search algorithm.
OCRBeamSearchDecoder(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder
OCRBeamSearchDecoder_ClassifierCallback - Class in org.opencv.text
Callback with the character classifier is made a class.
OCRBeamSearchDecoder_ClassifierCallback(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder_ClassifierCallback
OCRHMMDecoder - Class in org.opencv.text
OCRHMMDecoder class provides an interface for OCR using Hidden Markov Models.
OCRHMMDecoder(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
OCRHMMDecoder_ClassifierCallback - Class in org.opencv.text
Callback with the character classifier is made a class.
OCRHMMDecoder_ClassifierCallback(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder_ClassifierCallback
OCRTesseract - Class in org.opencv.text
OCRTesseract class provides an interface with the tesseract-ocr API (v3.02.02) in C++.
OCRTesseract(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
octave - Variable in class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
Octave (pyramid layer), from which the keypoint has been extracted.
OCTAVE_ROW - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
OEM_CUBE_ONLY - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
OEM_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
OEM_TESSERACT_CUBE_COMBINED - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
oilPainting(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
oilPainting See the book CITE: Holzmann1988 for details.
oilPainting(Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto
oilPainting See the book CITE: Holzmann1988 for details.
ONE_CLASS - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
ones(int[], int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
ones(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
ones(Size, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
open(int) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a camera for video capturing Parameters are same as the constructor VideoCapture(int index, int apiPreference = CAP_ANY)
open(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a camera for video capturing Parameters are same as the constructor VideoCapture(int index, int apiPreference = CAP_ANY)
open(int, int, MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a camera for video capturing with API Preference and parameters The params parameter allows to specify extra parameters encoded as pairs (paramId_1, paramValue_1, paramId_2, paramValue_2, ...).
open(String) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a video file or a capturing device or an IP video stream for video capturing.
open(String, int) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a video file or a capturing device or an IP video stream for video capturing.
open(String, int, double, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
Initializes or reinitializes video writer.
open(String, int, double, Size, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
Initializes or reinitializes video writer.
open(String, int, double, Size, MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
open(String, int, int, double, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
open(String, int, int, double, Size, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
open(String, int, int, double, Size, MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
open(String, int, MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a video file or a capturing device or an IP video stream for video capturing with API Preference and parameters The params parameter allows to specify extra parameters encoded as pairs (paramId_1, paramValue_1, paramId_2, paramValue_2, ...).
OpenCLApiCallError - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
OpenCLDoubleNotSupported - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
OpenCLInitError - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
OpenCLNoAMDBlasFft - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
OpenCVInterface - Interface in org.opencv.osgi
Dummy interface to allow some integration testing within OSGi implementation.
OpenCVNativeLoader - Class in org.opencv.osgi
This class is intended to provide a convenient way to load OpenCV's native library from the Java bundle.
OpenCVNativeLoader() - Constructor for class org.opencv.osgi.OpenCVNativeLoader
OpenGlApiCallError - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
OpenGlNotSupported - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
OPTFLOW_FARNEBACK_GAUSSIAN - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
OPTFLOW_LK_GET_MIN_EIGENVALS - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
ORB - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Class implementing the ORB (*oriented BRIEF*) keypoint detector and descriptor extractor described in CITE: RRKB11 .
ORB(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
org.opencv.aruco - package org.opencv.aruco
org.opencv.bgsegm - package org.opencv.bgsegm
org.opencv.bioinspired - package org.opencv.bioinspired
org.opencv.calib3d - package org.opencv.calib3d
org.opencv.core - package org.opencv.core
org.opencv.dnn - package org.opencv.dnn
org.opencv.dnn_superres - package org.opencv.dnn_superres
org.opencv.face - package org.opencv.face
org.opencv.features2d - package org.opencv.features2d
org.opencv.highgui - package org.opencv.highgui
org.opencv.img_hash - package org.opencv.img_hash
org.opencv.imgcodecs - package org.opencv.imgcodecs
org.opencv.imgproc - package org.opencv.imgproc
org.opencv.ml - package org.opencv.ml
org.opencv.objdetect - package org.opencv.objdetect
org.opencv.osgi - package org.opencv.osgi
org.opencv.phase_unwrapping - package org.opencv.phase_unwrapping
org.opencv.photo - package org.opencv.photo
org.opencv.plot - package org.opencv.plot
org.opencv.structured_light - package org.opencv.structured_light
org.opencv.text - package org.opencv.text
org.opencv.tracking - package org.opencv.tracking
org.opencv.utils - package org.opencv.utils
org.opencv.video - package org.opencv.video
org.opencv.videoio - package org.opencv.videoio
org.opencv.wechat_qrcode - package org.opencv.wechat_qrcode
org.opencv.xfeatures2d - package org.opencv.xfeatures2d
org.opencv.ximgproc - package org.opencv.ximgproc
org.opencv.xphoto - package org.opencv.xphoto
outputNameToIndex(String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Layer
Returns index of output blob in output array.


P - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Param_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Param_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Param_FLOAT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Param_INT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Param_MAT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Param_MAT_VECTOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Param_REAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Param_SCALAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Param_STRING - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Param_UCHAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Param_UINT64 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Param_UNSIGNED_INT - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
ParamGrid - Class in org.opencv.ml
The structure represents the logarithmic grid range of statmodel parameters.
ParamGrid(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
patchNaNs(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Replaces NaNs by given number
patchNaNs(Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Replaces NaNs by given number
PCA_DATA_AS_COL - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
PCA_DATA_AS_ROW - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
PCA_USE_AVG - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
PCABackProject(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
wrap PCA::backProject
PCACompute(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
wrap PCA::operator()
PCACompute(Mat, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
wrap PCA::operator()
PCACompute(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
wrap PCA::operator()
PCACompute2(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
wrap PCA::operator() and add eigenvalues output parameter
PCACompute2(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
wrap PCA::operator() and add eigenvalues output parameter
PCACompute2(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
wrap PCA::operator() and add eigenvalues output parameter
PCAProject(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
wrap PCA::project
PCTSignatures - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing PCT (position-color-texture) signature extraction as described in CITE: KrulisLS16.
PCTSignatures(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
PCTSignaturesSQFD - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing Signature Quadratic Form Distance (SQFD).
PCTSignaturesSQFD(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignaturesSQFD
PeiLinNormalization(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
pencilSketch(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Pencil-like non-photorealistic line drawing
pencilSketch(Mat, Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Pencil-like non-photorealistic line drawing
pencilSketch(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Pencil-like non-photorealistic line drawing
pencilSketch(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Pencil-like non-photorealistic line drawing
perspectiveTransform(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs the perspective matrix transformation of vectors.
phase(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the rotation angle of 2D vectors.
phase(Mat, Mat, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the rotation angle of 2D vectors.
Phase_unwrapping - Class in org.opencv.phase_unwrapping
Phase_unwrapping() - Constructor for class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.Phase_unwrapping
phaseCorrelate(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
The function is used to detect translational shifts that occur between two images.
phaseCorrelate(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
The function is used to detect translational shifts that occur between two images.
phaseCorrelate(Mat, Mat, Mat, double[]) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
The function is used to detect translational shifts that occur between two images.
PhaseUnwrapping - Class in org.opencv.phase_unwrapping
Abstract base class for phase unwrapping.
PhaseUnwrapping(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.PhaseUnwrapping
pHash(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Computes pHash value of the input image
PHash - Class in org.opencv.img_hash
pHash Slower than average_hash, but tolerant of minor modifications This algorithm can combat more variation than averageHash, for more details please refer to CITE: lookslikeit
PHash(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.img_hash.PHash
Photo - Class in org.opencv.photo
Photo() - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Plot - Class in org.opencv.plot
Plot() - Constructor for class org.opencv.plot.Plot
Plot2d - Class in org.opencv.plot
plot Plot function for Mat data
Plot2d(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
Point - Class in org.opencv.core
Point() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Point
Point(double[]) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Point
Point(double, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Point
Point3 - Class in org.opencv.core
Point3() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Point3
Point3(double[]) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Point3
Point3(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Point3
Point3(Point) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Point3
pointPolygonTest(MatOfPoint2f, Point, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs a point-in-contour test.
points(Point[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
polarToCart(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates x and y coordinates of 2D vectors from their magnitude and angle.
polarToCart(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates x and y coordinates of 2D vectors from their magnitude and angle.
POLY - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
polylines(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, boolean, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws several polygonal curves.
polylines(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, boolean, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws several polygonal curves.
polylines(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, boolean, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws several polygonal curves.
polylines(Mat, List<MatOfPoint>, boolean, Scalar, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws several polygonal curves.
positionToBeChanged - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
pow(Mat, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Raises every array element to a power.
preCornerDetect(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates a feature map for corner detection.
preCornerDetect(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates a feature map for corner detection.
predict() - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
Computes a predicted state.
predict(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Returns posterior probabilities for the provided samples
predict(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
Predicts responses for input samples and returns a float type.
predict(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
Predicts response(s) for the provided sample(s)
predict(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
Computes a predicted state.
predict(Mat, int[], double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
Predicts a label and associated confidence (e.g.
predict(Mat, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Given the input frame, create input blob, run net and return the output blobs.
predict(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Returns posterior probabilities for the provided samples
predict(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
Predicts responses for input samples and returns a float type.
predict(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
Predicts response(s) for the provided sample(s)
predict(Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Returns posterior probabilities for the provided samples
predict(Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
Predicts responses for input samples and returns a float type.
predict(Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
Predicts response(s) for the provided sample(s)
PREDICT_AUTO - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
predict_collect(Mat, PredictCollector) - Method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
if implemented - send all result of prediction to collector that can be used for somehow custom result handling
predict_label(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
PREDICT_MASK - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
PREDICT_MAX_VOTE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
PREDICT_SUM - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
predict2(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Returns a likelihood logarithm value and an index of the most probable mixture component for the given sample.
PredictCollector - Class in org.opencv.face
Abstract base class for all strategies of prediction result handling
PredictCollector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.PredictCollector
predictProb(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.NormalBayesClassifier
Predicts the response for sample(s).
predictProb(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.NormalBayesClassifier
Predicts the response for sample(s).
PREFILTER_NORMALIZED_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
PREFILTER_XSOBEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
PREPROCESSED_INPUT - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
PRESET_FAST - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
PRESET_MEDIUM - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
PRESET_ULTRAFAST - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
pressedKey - Static variable in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
PREV_AROUND_DST - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
PREV_AROUND_LEFT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
PREV_AROUND_ORG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
PREV_AROUND_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
PREWITT - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
printSetup() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Outputs a string showing the used parameters setup
printSetup() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
parameters setup display method
process(List<Mat>, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
Short version of process, that doesn't take extra arguments.
process(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignExposures
Aligns images
process(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
process(List<Mat>, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeMertens
Short version of process, that doesn't take extra arguments.
process(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateCRF
Recovers inverse camera response.
process(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeDebevec
process(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeRobertson
process(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeDebevec
process(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeExposures
Merges images.
process(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeMertens
process(List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeRobertson
process(MatOfRect) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Based on all images, graph segmentations and stragies, computes all possible rects and return them
process(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.Tonemap
Tonemaps image
processImage(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GraphSegmentation
Segment an image and store output in dst
PROJ_SPHERICAL_EQRECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
PROJ_SPHERICAL_ORTHO - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
projectPoints(MatOfPoint3f, Mat, Mat, Mat, MatOfDouble, MatOfPoint2f) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Projects 3D points to an image plane.
projectPoints(MatOfPoint3f, Mat, Mat, Mat, MatOfDouble, MatOfPoint2f, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Projects 3D points to an image plane.
projectPoints(MatOfPoint3f, Mat, Mat, Mat, MatOfDouble, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Projects 3D points to an image plane.
PSM_AUTO - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
PSM_AUTO_ONLY - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
PSM_AUTO_OSD - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
PSM_CIRCLE_WORD - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
PSM_OSD_ONLY - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK_VERT_TEXT - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
PSM_SINGLE_CHAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
PSM_SINGLE_COLUMN - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
PSM_SINGLE_LINE - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
PSM_SINGLE_WORD - Static variable in class org.opencv.text.Text
PSNR(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Computes the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) image quality metric.
PSNR(Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Computes the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) image quality metric.
PSP - Static variable in class org.opencv.structured_light.Structured_light
pt - Variable in class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
Coordinates of the keypoint.
PTLOC_ERROR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
PTLOC_INSIDE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
PTLOC_ON_EDGE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
PTLOC_OUTSIDE_RECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
PTLOC_VERTEX - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
push_back(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int[], byte[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int[], double...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int[], float[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int[], short[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int, int, byte[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int, int, double...) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int, int, float[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int, int, int[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
put(int, int, short[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
putText(Mat, String, Point, int, double, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a text string.
putText(Mat, String, Point, int, double, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a text string.
putText(Mat, String, Point, int, double, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a text string.
putText(Mat, String, Point, int, double, Scalar, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a text string.
pyrDown(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image and downsamples it.
pyrDown(Mat, Mat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image and downsamples it.
pyrDown(Mat, Mat, Size, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image and downsamples it.
pyrMeanShiftFiltering(Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs initial step of meanshift segmentation of an image.
pyrMeanShiftFiltering(Mat, Mat, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs initial step of meanshift segmentation of an image.
pyrMeanShiftFiltering(Mat, Mat, double, double, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs initial step of meanshift segmentation of an image.
pyrUp(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Upsamples an image and then blurs it.
pyrUp(Mat, Mat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Upsamples an image and then blurs it.
pyrUp(Mat, Mat, Size, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Upsamples an image and then blurs it.


qconj(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
calculates conjugate of a quaternion image.
qdft(Mat, Mat, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Performs a forward or inverse Discrete quaternion Fourier transform of a 2D quaternion array.
qmultiply(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Calculates the per-element quaternion product of two arrays
QRCodeDetector - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
QRCodeDetector() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
QRCodeDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
QRCodeDetectorAruco - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
QRCodeDetectorAruco() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco
QRCodeDetectorAruco(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco
QRCodeDetectorAruco(QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco
QR code detector constructor for Aruco-based algorithm.
QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
QRCodeEncoder - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
Groups the object candidate rectangles.
QRCodeEncoder(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
QRCodeEncoder_Params - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
QR code encoder parameters.
QRCodeEncoder_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder_Params
QRCodeEncoder_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder_Params
quantize(List<Mat>, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns a quantized Net from a floating-point Net.
quantize(List<Mat>, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Returns a quantized Net from a floating-point Net.
queryIdx - Variable in class org.opencv.core.DMatch
Query descriptor index.
qunitary(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
divides each element by its modulus.


radialVarianceHash(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Computes radial variance hash of the input image
radialVarianceHash(Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Computes radial variance hash of the input image
radialVarianceHash(Mat, Mat, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.Img_hash
Computes radial variance hash of the input image
RadialVarianceHash - Class in org.opencv.img_hash
Image hash based on Radon transform.
RadialVarianceHash(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.img_hash.RadialVarianceHash
radiusMatch(Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
radiusMatch(Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, float, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
radiusMatch(Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, float, List<Mat>, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
radiusMatch(Mat, Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
For each query descriptor, finds the training descriptors not farther than the specified distance.
radiusMatch(Mat, Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, float, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
For each query descriptor, finds the training descriptors not farther than the specified distance.
radiusMatch(Mat, Mat, List<MatOfDMatch>, float, Mat, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
For each query descriptor, finds the training descriptors not farther than the specified distance.
RadonTransform(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Calculate Radon Transform of an image.
RadonTransform(Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Calculate Radon Transform of an image.
RadonTransform(Mat, Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Calculate Radon Transform of an image.
RadonTransform(Mat, Mat, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Calculate Radon Transform of an image.
RadonTransform(Mat, Mat, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Calculate Radon Transform of an image.
RadonTransform(Mat, Mat, double, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Calculate Radon Transform of an image.
randn(Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Fills the array with normally distributed random numbers.
randShuffle(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Shuffles the array elements randomly.
randShuffle(Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Shuffles the array elements randomly.
randu(Mat, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Generates a single uniformly-distributed random number or an array of random numbers.
Range - Class in org.opencv.core
Range() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Range
Range(double[]) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Range
Range(int, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Range
RANSAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
RAW_OUTPUT - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
RBF - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
read(String) - Method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
Loads a FaceRecognizer and its model state.
read(String) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
read(String) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
read(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Grabs, decodes and returns the next video frame.
readFromModelOptimizer(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Create a network from Intel's Model Optimizer intermediate representation (IR).
readFromModelOptimizer(MatOfByte, MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Create a network from Intel's Model Optimizer in-memory buffers with intermediate representation (IR).
readGT(String, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Function for reading ground truth disparity maps.
readModel(String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
Read the model from the given path
readNet(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Read deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats.
readNet(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Read deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats.
readNet(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Read deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats.
readNet(String, MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Read deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats.
readNet(String, MatOfByte, MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Read deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats.
readNetFromCaffe(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org">Caffe</a> framework's format.
readNetFromCaffe(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org">Caffe</a> framework's format.
readNetFromCaffe(MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in Caffe model in memory.
readNetFromCaffe(MatOfByte, MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in Caffe model in memory.
readNetFromDarknet(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="https://pjreddie.com/darknet/">Darknet</a> model files.
readNetFromDarknet(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="https://pjreddie.com/darknet/">Darknet</a> model files.
readNetFromDarknet(MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="https://pjreddie.com/darknet/">Darknet</a> model files.
readNetFromDarknet(MatOfByte, MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="https://pjreddie.com/darknet/">Darknet</a> model files.
readNetFromModelOptimizer(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Load a network from Intel's Model Optimizer intermediate representation.
readNetFromModelOptimizer(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Load a network from Intel's Model Optimizer intermediate representation.
readNetFromModelOptimizer(MatOfByte, MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Load a network from Intel's Model Optimizer intermediate representation.
readNetFromONNX(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model <a href="https://onnx.ai/">ONNX</a>.
readNetFromONNX(MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model from <a href="https://onnx.ai/">ONNX</a> in-memory buffer.
readNetFromTensorflow(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="https://www.tensorflow.org/">TensorFlow</a> framework's format.
readNetFromTensorflow(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="https://www.tensorflow.org/">TensorFlow</a> framework's format.
readNetFromTensorflow(MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="https://www.tensorflow.org/">TensorFlow</a> framework's format.
readNetFromTensorflow(MatOfByte, MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="https://www.tensorflow.org/">TensorFlow</a> framework's format.
readNetFromTFLite(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="https://www.tensorflow.org/lite">TFLite</a> framework's format.
readNetFromTFLite(MatOfByte) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="https://www.tensorflow.org/lite">TFLite</a> framework's format.
readNetFromTorch(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="http://torch.ch">Torch7</a> framework's format.
readNetFromTorch(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="http://torch.ch">Torch7</a> framework's format.
readNetFromTorch(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Reads a network model stored in <a href="http://torch.ch">Torch7</a> framework's format.
readOpticalFlow(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Read a .flo file
readTensorFromONNX(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Creates blob from .pb file.
readTorchBlob(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Loads blob which was serialized as torch.Tensor object of Torch7 framework.
readTorchBlob(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Loads blob which was serialized as torch.Tensor object of Torch7 framework.
REAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
recognize(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
Given the input frame, create input blob, run net and return recognition result
recognize(Mat, List<Mat>, List<String>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
Given the input frame, create input blob, run net and return recognition result
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, Point, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Recovers the relative camera rotation and the translation from an estimated essential matrix and the corresponding points in two images, using chirality check.
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Recovers the relative camera rotation and the translation from an estimated essential matrix and the corresponding points in two images, using chirality check.
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Recovers the relative camera rotation and the translation from corresponding points in two images from two different cameras, using cheirality check.
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Recovers the relative camera rotation and the translation from corresponding points in two images from two different cameras, using cheirality check.
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Recovers the relative camera rotation and the translation from corresponding points in two images from two different cameras, using cheirality check.
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Recovers the relative camera rotation and the translation from corresponding points in two images from two different cameras, using cheirality check.
recoverPose(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Recovers the relative camera rotation and the translation from corresponding points in two images from two different cameras, using cheirality check.
Rect - Class in org.opencv.core
Rect() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Rect
Rect(double[]) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Rect
Rect(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Rect
Rect(Point, Point) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Rect
Rect(Point, Size) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Rect
Rect2d - Class in org.opencv.core
Rect2d() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
Rect2d(double[]) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
Rect2d(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
Rect2d(Point, Point) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
Rect2d(Point, Size) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
rectangle(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a simple, thick, or filled up-right rectangle.
rectangle(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a simple, thick, or filled up-right rectangle.
rectangle(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a simple, thick, or filled up-right rectangle.
rectangle(Mat, Point, Point, Scalar, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Draws a simple, thick, or filled up-right rectangle.
rectangle(Mat, Rect, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
use rec parameter as alternative specification of the drawn rectangle: `r.tl() and r.br()-Point(1,1)` are opposite corners
rectangle(Mat, Rect, Scalar, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
use rec parameter as alternative specification of the drawn rectangle: `r.tl() and r.br()-Point(1,1)` are opposite corners
rectangle(Mat, Rect, Scalar, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
use rec parameter as alternative specification of the drawn rectangle: `r.tl() and r.br()-Point(1,1)` are opposite corners
rectangle(Mat, Rect, Scalar, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
use rec parameter as alternative specification of the drawn rectangle: `r.tl() and r.br()-Point(1,1)` are opposite corners
rectify3Collinear(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, double, Size, Rect, Rect, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
RECURS_FILTER - Static variable in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
reduce(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Reduces a matrix to a vector.
reduce(Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Reduces a matrix to a vector.
REDUCE_AVG - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
REDUCE_MAX - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
REDUCE_MIN - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
REDUCE_SUM - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
REDUCE_SUM2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
reduceArgMax(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Finds indices of max elements along provided axis Note: - If input or output array is not continuous, this function will create an internal copy.
reduceArgMax(Mat, Mat, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Finds indices of max elements along provided axis Note: - If input or output array is not continuous, this function will create an internal copy.
reduceArgMin(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Finds indices of min elements along provided axis Note: - If input or output array is not continuous, this function will create an internal copy.
reduceArgMin(Mat, Mat, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Finds indices of min elements along provided axis Note: - If input or output array is not continuous, this function will create an internal copy.
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use class ArucoDetector::refineDetectedMarkers
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
Refine not detected markers based on the already detected and the board layout
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use class ArucoDetector::refineDetectedMarkers
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
Refine not detected markers based on the already detected and the board layout
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use class ArucoDetector::refineDetectedMarkers
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
Refine not detected markers based on the already detected and the board layout
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use class ArucoDetector::refineDetectedMarkers
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use class ArucoDetector::refineDetectedMarkers
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use class ArucoDetector::refineDetectedMarkers
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, float, float, boolean, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use class ArucoDetector::refineDetectedMarkers
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, float, float, boolean, Mat, DetectorParameters) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use class ArucoDetector::refineDetectedMarkers
refineDetectedMarkers(Mat, Board, List<Mat>, Mat, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
Refine not detected markers based on the already detected and the board layout
RefineParameters - Class in org.opencv.objdetect
struct RefineParameters is used by ArucoDetector
RefineParameters() - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
RefineParameters(float) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
RefineParameters(float, float) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
RefineParameters(float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
RefineParameters(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
REG_DISABLE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
REG_L1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
REG_L2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
REGULAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
release() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
release() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Closes video file or capturing device.
release() - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
Closes the video writer.
releaseHDDLPlugin() - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Release a HDDL plugin.
RELU - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
remap(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.
remap(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.
remap(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.
render(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
repeat(Mat, int, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Fills the output array with repeated copies of the input array.
reprojectImageTo3D(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Reprojects a disparity image to 3D space.
reprojectImageTo3D(Mat, Mat, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Reprojects a disparity image to 3D space.
reprojectImageTo3D(Mat, Mat, Mat, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Reprojects a disparity image to 3D space.
reset() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
resetMyriadDevice() - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Release a Myriad device (binded by OpenCV).
reshape(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
reshape(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
reshape(int, int[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
resize(Mat, Mat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Resizes an image.
resize(Mat, Mat, Size, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Resizes an image.
resize(Mat, Mat, Size, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Resizes an image.
resize(Mat, Mat, Size, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Resizes an image.
resizeWindow(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
response - Variable in class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
The response, by which the strongest keypoints have been selected.
Retina - Class in org.opencv.bioinspired
class which allows the Gipsa/Listic Labs model to be used with OpenCV.
Retina(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
RETINA_COLOR_BAYER - Static variable in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Bioinspired
RETINA_COLOR_DIAGONAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Bioinspired
RETINA_COLOR_RANDOM - Static variable in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Bioinspired
RetinaFastToneMapping - Class in org.opencv.bioinspired
a wrapper class which allows the tone mapping algorithm of Meylan&al(2007) to be used with OpenCV.
RetinaFastToneMapping(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.bioinspired.RetinaFastToneMapping
RETR_CCOMP - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
RETR_EXTERNAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
RETR_FLOODFILL - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
RETR_LIST - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
RETR_TREE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
retrieve(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Decodes and returns the grabbed video frame.
retrieve(Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Decodes and returns the grabbed video frame.
RFFeatureGetter - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Jun 17, 2014
RFFeatureGetter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.RFFeatureGetter
RHO - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
RICInterpolator - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Sparse match interpolation algorithm based on modified piecewise locally-weighted affine estimator called Robust Interpolation method of Correspondences or RIC from CITE: Hu2017 and Variational and Fast Global Smoother as post-processing filter.
RICInterpolator(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
RidgeDetectionFilter - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Applies Ridge Detection Filter to an input image.
RidgeDetectionFilter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
RNG_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
RNG_UNIFORM - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
Rodrigues(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Converts a rotation matrix to a rotation vector or vice versa.
Rodrigues(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Converts a rotation matrix to a rotation vector or vice versa.
rollingGuidanceFilter(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the rolling guidance filter to an image.
rollingGuidanceFilter(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the rolling guidance filter to an image.
rollingGuidanceFilter(Mat, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the rolling guidance filter to an image.
rollingGuidanceFilter(Mat, Mat, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the rolling guidance filter to an image.
rollingGuidanceFilter(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the rolling guidance filter to an image.
rollingGuidanceFilter(Mat, Mat, int, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies the rolling guidance filter to an image.
rotate(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Rotates a 2D array in multiples of 90 degrees.
ROTATE_180 - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
RotatedRect - Class in org.opencv.core
RotatedRect() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
RotatedRect(double[]) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
RotatedRect(Point, Size, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
rotatedRectangleIntersection(RotatedRect, RotatedRect, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Finds out if there is any intersection between two rotated rectangles.
rotateEdge(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Returns another edge of the same quad-edge.
row(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
ROW_SAMPLE - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.Ml
rowRange(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
rowRange(Range) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
rows() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
ROWS_COUNT - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
RPROP - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
RQDecomp3x3(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an RQ decomposition of 3x3 matrices.
RQDecomp3x3(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an RQ decomposition of 3x3 matrices.
RQDecomp3x3(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an RQ decomposition of 3x3 matrices.
RQDecomp3x3(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes an RQ decomposition of 3x3 matrices.
RTrees - Class in org.opencv.ml
The class implements the random forest predictor.
RTrees(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
run(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Layer
This method will be removed in the future release.
run(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Method which allows retina to be applied on an input image, after run, encapsulated retina module is ready to deliver its outputs using dedicated acccessors, see getParvo and getMagno methods
run(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
main processing method, get result using methods getSegmentationPicture()
run(Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
main processing method, get result using methods getSegmentationPicture()
run(Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder
Recognize text using Beam Search.
run(Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
Recognize text using HMM.
run(Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
Recognize text using the tesseract-ocr API.
run(Mat, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder
Recognize text using Beam Search.
run(Mat, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
Recognize text using HMM.
run(Mat, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
Recognize text using the tesseract-ocr API.
run(Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder
run(Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
run(Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
run(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder
run(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
run(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract


salt(String) - Method in class org.opencv.face.MACE
optionally encrypt images with random convolution
same(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.face.MACE
correlate query img and threshold to min class value
SAMPLING_NAPSAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SAMPLING_PROGRESSIVE_NAPSAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SAMPLING_PROSAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SAMPLING_UNIFORM - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
sampsonDistance(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calculates the Sampson Distance between two points.
save(String) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Algorithm
Saves the algorithm to a file.
save(String) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
saves HOGDescriptor parameters and coefficients for the linear SVM classifier to a file
save(String, String) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
saves HOGDescriptor parameters and coefficients for the linear SVM classifier to a file
Scalar - Class in org.opencv.core
Scalar(double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Scalar
Scalar(double[]) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Scalar
Scalar(double, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Scalar
Scalar(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Scalar
Scalar(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Scalar
scaleAdd(Mat, double, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the sum of a scaled array and another array.
ScanSegment - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Class implementing the F-DBSCAN (Accelerated superpixel image segmentation with a parallelized DBSCAN algorithm) superpixels algorithm by Loke SC, et al.
ScanSegment(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.ScanSegment
Scharr(Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first x- or y- image derivative using Scharr operator.
Scharr(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first x- or y- image derivative using Scharr operator.
Scharr(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first x- or y- image derivative using Scharr operator.
Scharr(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first x- or y- image derivative using Scharr operator.
SCHARR - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
SCORE_METHOD_LMEDS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SCORE_METHOD_MAGSAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SCORE_METHOD_MSAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SCORE_METHOD_RANSAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
seamlessClone(Mat, Mat, Mat, Point, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Image editing tasks concern either global changes (color/intensity corrections, filters, deformations) or local changes concerned to a selection.
segment(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.SegmentationModel
Given the input frame, create input blob, run net
SegmentationModel - Class in org.opencv.dnn
This class represents high-level API for segmentation models SegmentationModel allows to set params for preprocessing input image.
SegmentationModel(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.SegmentationModel
SegmentationModel(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.SegmentationModel
Create segmentation model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
SegmentationModel(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.SegmentationModel
Create segmentation model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
SegmentationModel(Net) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.SegmentationModel
Create model from deep learning network.
SelectiveSearchSegmentation - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Selective search segmentation algorithm The class implements the algorithm described in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
SelectiveSearchSegmentation(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Strategie for the selective search segmentation algorithm The class implements a generic stragery for the algorithm described in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyColor - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Color-based strategy for the selective search segmentation algorithm The class is implemented from the algorithm described in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyColor(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyColor
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyFill - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Fill-based strategy for the selective search segmentation algorithm The class is implemented from the algorithm described in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyFill(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyFill
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Regroup multiple strategies for the selective search segmentation algorithm
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategySize - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Size-based strategy for the selective search segmentation algorithm The class is implemented from the algorithm described in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategySize(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategySize
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyTexture - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Texture-based strategy for the selective search segmentation algorithm The class is implemented from the algorithm described in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyTexture(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyTexture
sepFilter2D(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a separable linear filter to an image.
sepFilter2D(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Mat, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a separable linear filter to an image.
sepFilter2D(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Mat, Point, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a separable linear filter to an image.
sepFilter2D(Mat, Mat, int, Mat, Mat, Point, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a separable linear filter to an image.
set(double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point
set(double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point3
set(double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Range
set(double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect
set(double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
set(double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
set(double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Scalar
set(double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Size
set(double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
set(double[]) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set(int, double) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Sets a property in the VideoCapture.
set(int, double) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
Sets a property in the VideoWriter.
set_adaptiveThreshConstant(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_admm_iterations(int) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_AnchorThresholdValue(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_aprilTagCriticalRad(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_aprilTagDeglitch(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_aprilTagMaxLineFitMse(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_aprilTagMaxNmaxima(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_aprilTagMinClusterPixels(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_aprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_aprilTagQuadDecimate(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_aprilTagQuadSigma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_backbone(String) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
set_backend(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
set_backend(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
set_backend(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
set_background_ratio(int) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_blobs(List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Layer
set_borderValue(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
set_bytesList(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
set_cameraMatrix(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
set_cheb_attenuation(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_checkAllOrders(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
set_collectContours(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_compress_feature(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_compressed_size(int) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_confidence(double) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_controlMatrix(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
set_cornerRefinementMaxIterations(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_cornerRefinementMethod(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_cornerRefinementMinAccuracy(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_cornerRefinementWinSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_ddepth(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
set_desc_npca(int) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_desc_pca(int) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_detect_thresh(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_detectInvertedMarker(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_distCoeffs(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
set_EdgeDetectionOperator(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_errorCorrectionRate(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_errorCorrectionRate(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
set_errorCovPost(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
set_errorCovPre(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
set_featureSetNumFeatures(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
set_filter_lr(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_filterByArea(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_filterByCircularity(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_filterByColor(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_filterByConvexity(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_filterByInertia(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_final_polisher(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_final_polisher_iterations(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_gain(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
set_GradientThresholdValue(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_gsl_sigma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_height(int) - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
set_height(int) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
set_histogram_bins(int) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_histogram_lr(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_histThresh(float) - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
set_hog_clip(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_hog_orientations(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_horizontal(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
set_interp_factor(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_isParallel(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_kaiser_alpha(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_kernel_cls1(String) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
set_kernel_r1(String) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
set_lambda(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_LineFitErrorThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_logStep(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
set_loIterations(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_loMethod(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_loSampleSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_m00(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_m01(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_m02(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_m03(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_m10(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_m11(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_m12(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_m20(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_m21(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_m30(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_markerBorderBits(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_markerSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
set_max_patch_size(int) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_maxArea(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_maxCircularity(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_maxColorsMismatch(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
set_maxConvexity(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_maxCorrectionBits(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
set_MaxDistanceBetweenTwoLines(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_MaxErrorThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_maxInertiaRatio(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_maxIterations(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_maxMarkerPerimeterRate(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_maxModuleSizeMismatch(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
set_maxPenalties(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
set_maxRotation(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
set_maxThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_maxTimingPatternMismatch(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
set_maxVal(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
set_mean(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
set_meanvalue(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
set_measurementMatrix(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
set_measurementNoiseCov(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
set_methodId(int) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
set_minArea(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_minCircularity(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_minConvexity(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_minCornerDistanceRate(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_minDistanceToBorder(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_minDistBetweenBlobs(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_minGroupDistance(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_minInertiaRatio(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_MinLineLength(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_minMarkerDistanceRate(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_minMarkerLengthRatioOriginalImg(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_minMarkerPerimeterRate(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_minMarkers(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
set_minModuleSizeInPyramid(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
set_minOtsuStdDev(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_MinPathLength(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_minRepDistance(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
set_minRepeatability(long) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_minSideLengthCanonicalImg(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_minThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_minVal(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
set_model(String) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
set_modelBin(String) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN_Params
set_modelTxt(String) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN_Params
set_mu02(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_mu03(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_mu11(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_mu12(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_mu20(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_mu21(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_mu30(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_nbrOfLargeBins(int) - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
set_nbrOfPeriods(int) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
set_nbrOfPixelsBetweenMarkers(int) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
set_nbrOfSmallBins(int) - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
set_neckhead(String) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
set_neighborsSearch(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_net(String) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
set_NFAValidation(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_nu02(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_nu03(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_nu11(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_nu12(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_nu20(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_nu21(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_nu30(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
set_num_hog_channels_used(int) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_number_of_scales(int) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_output_sigma_factor(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_padding(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_pca_learning_rate(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_PFmode(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_polygonalApproxAccuracyRate(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_processNoiseCov(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
set_psr_threshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_randomGeneratorState(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_relativeCornerRefinmentWinSize(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_resize(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_sampler(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_samplerInitInRadius(float) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
set_samplerInitMaxNegNum(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
set_samplerSearchWinSize(float) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
set_samplerTrackInRadius(float) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
set_samplerTrackMaxNegNum(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
set_samplerTrackMaxPosNum(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
set_scale_lr(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_scale_model_max_area(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_scale_sigma_factor(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_scale_step(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_scalefactor(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
set_scaleTimingPatternScore(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
set_ScanInterval(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_score(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_setMarkers(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
set_shiftValue(float) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
set_sigma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_Sigma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_size(Size) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
set_solvePnPMethod(int) - Method in class org.opencv.aruco.EstimateParameters
set_split_coeff(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
set_statePost(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
set_statePre(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
set_stdvalue(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
set_structure_number(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder_Params
set_SumFlag(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
set_swapRB(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
set_target(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
set_target(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
set_target(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
set_template_size(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_threshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
set_thresholdStep(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
set_transitionMatrix(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
set_tryRefineMarkers(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
set_use_channel_weights(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_use_color_names(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_use_gray(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_use_hog(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_use_rgb(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_use_segmentation(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_useAruco3Detection(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
set_useExtrinsicGuess(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.aruco.EstimateParameters
set_version(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder_Params
set_weights_lr(float) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_width(int) - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
set_width(int) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
set_window_function(String) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
set_wrap_kernel(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
setActivationFunction(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
Initialize the activation function for each neuron.
setActivationFunction(int, double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
Initialize the activation function for each neuron.
setActivationFunction(int, double, double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
Initialize the activation function for each neuron.
setActiveVarCount(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
getActiveVarCount SEE: getActiveVarCount
setAlgorithmType(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
getAlgorithmType SEE: getAlgorithmType
setAlpha() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Alpha is a parameter defining a global weight for transforming geodesic distance into weight.
setAlpha(float) - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
getAlpha SEE: getAlpha
setAlpha(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets the step size of sliding window search.
setAlpha(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Alpha is a parameter defining a global weight for transforming geodesic distance into weight.
setAngleEpsilon(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
setAngleStep(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
setAngleThresh(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
setAnnealCoolingRatio(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getAnnealCoolingRatio SEE: getAnnealCoolingRatio
setAnnealFinalT(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getAnnealFinalT SEE: getAnnealFinalT
setAnnealInitialT(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getAnnealInitialT SEE: getAnnealInitialT
setAnnealItePerStep(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getAnnealItePerStep SEE: getAnnealItePerStep
setAreaThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
setBackgroundPrior(double) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Sets the prior probability that each individual pixel is a background pixel.
setBackgroundRatio(double) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorMOG
setBackgroundRatio(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Sets the "background ratio" parameter of the algorithm
setBackpropMomentumScale(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getBackpropMomentumScale SEE: getBackpropMomentumScale
setBackpropWeightScale(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getBackpropWeightScale SEE: getBackpropWeightScale
setBaseImage(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Set a image used by switch* functions to initialize the class
setBeta(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets the nms threshold for object proposals.
setBias(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapDrago
setBinaryThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
setBlackThreshold(long) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.GrayCodePattern
Sets the value for black threshold, needed for decoding (shadowsmasks computation).
setBlockSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
setBlockSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
setBlurKernel(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LUCID
setBoard(CharucoBoard) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
setBoostType(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
getBoostType SEE: getBoostType
setBytes(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
setC(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
getC SEE: getC
setCalculateVarImportance(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
getCalculateVarImportance SEE: getCalculateVarImportance
setCannyHighThresh(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
setCannyLowThresh(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
setCharucoParameters(CharucoParameters) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
setClassWeights(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
getClassWeights SEE: getClassWeights
setClipLimit(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.CLAHE
Sets threshold for contrast limiting.
setClusterMinMag(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets the cluster min magnitude.
setClusterMinSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
This parameter multiplied by the index of iteration gives lower limit for cluster size.
setClustersNumber(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
getClustersNumber SEE: getClustersNumber
setCoef0(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
getCoef0 SEE: getCoef0
setColorAdaptation(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapReinhard
setColorSaturation() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Activate color saturation as the final step of the color demultiplexing process -> this saturation is a sigmoide function applied to each channel of the demultiplexed image.
setColorSaturation(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Activate color saturation as the final step of the color demultiplexing process -> this saturation is a sigmoide function applied to each channel of the demultiplexed image.
setColorSaturation(boolean, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Activate color saturation as the final step of the color demultiplexing process -> this saturation is a sigmoide function applied to each channel of the demultiplexed image.
setComplexityReductionThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Sets the complexity reduction threshold
setComputeOrientation(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
setConfidenceThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_EAST
Set the detection confidence threshold
setContrast(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.TonemapDurand
setContrastThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
setContrastWeight(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeMertens
setCornThresh(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
setCostMap(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
Interface to provide a more elaborated cost map, i.e.
setCostMap(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Interface to provide a more elaborated cost map, i.e.
setCovarianceMatrixType(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
getCovarianceMatrixType SEE: getCovarianceMatrixType
setCtrSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ContourFitting
set number of Fourier descriptors used in estimateTransformation
setCut(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
setCVFolds(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
getCVFolds SEE: getCVFolds
setDecisionThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Sets the value of decision threshold.
setDecodeOptsCTCPrefixBeamSearch(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
Set the decoding method options for "CTC-prefix-beam-search" decode usage
setDecodeOptsCTCPrefixBeamSearch(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
Set the decoding method options for "CTC-prefix-beam-search" decode usage
setDecodeType(String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
Set the decoding method of translating the network output into string
setDefaultK(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
getDefaultK SEE: getDefaultK
setDefaultLearningRate(double) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Sets the learning rate of the algorithm.
setDegree(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
getDegree SEE: getDegree
setDelta(float) - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
getDelta SEE: getDelta
setDelta(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
setDepthDiscontinuityRadius(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
SEE: getDepthDiscontinuityRadius
setDescriptorChannels(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
setDescriptorSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
setDescriptorSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BriefDescriptorExtractor
setDescriptorType(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
setDetectorParameters(DetectorParameters) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
setDetectorParameters(DetectorParameters) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
setDetectorParameters(QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco
Detector parameters setter.
setDetectShadows(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Enables or disables shadow detection
setDetectShadows(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Enables or disables shadow detection
setDictionary(Dictionary) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
setDiffusivity(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
setDiffusivity(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
setDisp12MaxDiff(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
setDist2Threshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Sets the threshold on the squared distance
setDistanceFunction(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Distance function selector used for measuring distance between two points in k-means.
setDOGThresh(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
setDp(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
setDropThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Remove centroids in k-means whose weight is lesser or equal to given threshold.
setEdgeBlurSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double, double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Switch edge feature extractor to use Canny edge detector Note: "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" feature extractor is used by default (following to original article) SEE: Canny
setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double, double, int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Switch edge feature extractor to use Canny edge detector Note: "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" feature extractor is used by default (following to original article) SEE: Canny
setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Switch edge feature extractor to use Canny edge detector Note: "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" feature extractor is used by default (following to original article) SEE: Canny
setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Switch to "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" edge feature extractor and specify its parameters This feature extractor is used by default according to article.
setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters(float) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Switch to "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" edge feature extractor and specify its parameters This feature extractor is used by default according to article.
setEdgeMergeThr(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets the edge merge threshold.
setEdgeMinMag(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets the edge min magnitude.
setEdgeThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
setEdgeThreshold(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
setEmax(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
getEmax SEE: getEmax
setEnableSoftmaxPostProcessing(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.ClassificationModel
Set enable/disable softmax post processing option.
setEpsX(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
sets the epsilon used during the horizontal scan of QR code stop marker detection.
setEpsY(double) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
sets the epsilon used during the vertical scan of QR code stop marker detection.
setErrorVerbosity(boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
setEta(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets the adaptation rate for nms threshold.
setExceptionMode(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Switches exceptions mode methods raise exceptions if not successful instead of returning an error code
setExcludeRange(int) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
setExposureWeight(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeMertens
setExtended(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
setExtended(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
setFastPyramids(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
setFastThreshold(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
setFDSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ContourFitting
set number of Fourier descriptors when estimateTransformation used vector<Point>
setFGSLambda() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Sets the respective fastGlobalSmootherFilter() parameter.
setFGSLambda(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
Sets the respective fastGlobalSmootherFilter() parameter.
setFGSLambda(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Sets the respective fastGlobalSmootherFilter() parameter.
setFGSSigma() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Sets the respective fastGlobalSmootherFilter() parameter.
setFGSSigma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
SEE: setFGSLambda
setFGSSigma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Sets the respective fastGlobalSmootherFilter() parameter.
setFinestScale(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
getFinestScale SEE: getFinestScale
setFirstLevel(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
setFixedPointIterations(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
getFixedPointIterations SEE: getFixedPointIterations
setFlags(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
setFlags(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
setFrameLabelVisible(JFrame, JLabel) - Method in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
setGamma(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
getGamma SEE: getGamma
setGamma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.Tonemap
setGamma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
getGamma SEE: getGamma
setGamma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets the affinity sensitivity
setGradientDescentIterations(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
getGradientDescentIterations SEE: getGradientDescentIterations
setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Specify gradient magnitude max value threshold Zero limit value is used to disable gradient magnitude thresholding (default behavior, as described in original article).
setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit(float) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Specify gradient magnitude max value threshold Zero limit value is used to disable gradient magnitude thresholding (default behavior, as described in original article).
setGradientSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
setGrayscaleBits(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Color resolution of the greyscale bitmap represented in allocated bits (i.e., value 4 means that 16 shades of grey are used).
setGridLinesNumber(int) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setGridX(int) - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
getGridX SEE: getGridX
setGridY(int) - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
getGridY SEE: getGridY
setH(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
setHalfSSDsize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
setHalideScheduler(String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Compile Halide layers.
setHarrisDetector(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
setHessianThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
setHistBinNum(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.LearningBasedWB
getHistBinNum SEE: getHistBinNum
setHistory(int) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorMOG
setHistory(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Sets the number of last frames that affect the background model
setHistory(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Sets the number of last frames that affect the background model
setIdentity(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Initializes a scaled identity matrix.
setIdentity(Mat, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Initializes a scaled identity matrix.
setImage(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy
Set a initial image, with a segmentation.
setImage(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy
Set a initial image, with a segmentation.
setInferenceEngineBackendType(String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
setInitialMask(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerCSRT
setInitialMask(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT
setInitialStepSize(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
getInitialStepSize SEE: getInitialStepSize
setInitSeedIndexes(MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Initial seed indexes for the k-means algorithm.
setInput(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Sets the new input value for the network
setInput(Mat, String) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Sets the new input value for the network
setInput(Mat, String, double) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Sets the new input value for the network
setInput(Mat, String, double, Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Sets the new input value for the network
setInputCrop(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Set flag crop for frame.
setInputMax(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
getInputMax SEE: getInputMax
setInputMean(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Set mean value for frame.
setInputMin(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
getInputMin SEE: getInputMin
setInputParams() - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
setInputParams(double) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
setInputParams(double, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
setInputParams(double, Size, Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
setInputParams(double, Size, Scalar, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
setInputParams(double, Size, Scalar, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Set preprocessing parameters for frame.
setInputScale(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Set scalefactor value for frame.
setInputShape(String, MatOfInt) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Specify shape of network input.
setInputSize(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
setInputSize(Size) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Set input size for frame.
setInputSize(Size) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Set the size for the network input, which overwrites the input size of creating model.
setInputsNames(List<String>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Sets outputs names of the network input pseudo layer.
setInputSwapRB(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
Set flag swapRB for frame.
setIntensity(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapReinhard
setInterpolation(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
setInvertOrientation(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setIsClassifier(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
getIsClassifier SEE: getIsClassifier
setIsParallel(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
Sets if we're parallelizing the algorithm.
setIterationCount(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Number of iterations of the k-means clustering.
setIterations(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
getIterations SEE: getIterations
setJoiningDistance(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Threshold euclidean distance between two centroids.
setK() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
K is a number of nearest-neighbor matches considered, when fitting a locally affine model for a superpixel segment.
setK(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
setK(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GraphSegmentation
setK(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
K is a number of nearest-neighbor matches considered, when fitting a locally affine model.
setK(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
K is a number of nearest-neighbor matches considered, when fitting a locally affine model for a superpixel segment.
setKappa(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets the scale sensitivity.
setKernel(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Initialize with one of predefined kernels.
setKernelParam(float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.MarrHildrethHash
Set Mh kernel parameters
setKNN(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
setkNNSamples(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Sets the k in the kNN.
setLabelInfo(int, String) - Method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
Sets string info for the specified model's label.
setLambda(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
SEE: getLambda
setLambda(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateDebevec
setLambda(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
Lambda is a parameter defining the weight of the edge-aware term in geodesic distance, should be in the range of 0 to 1000.
setLayerSizes(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
Integer vector specifying the number of neurons in each layer including the input and output layers.
setLearningRate(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
getLearningRate SEE: getLearningRate
setLegacyPattern(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
set legacy chessboard pattern.
setLevels(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughBallard
setLevels(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
setLightAdaptation(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapReinhard
setLineThresholdBinarized(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
setLineThresholdProjected(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
setLRCthresh(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
SEE: getLRCthresh
setLucidKernel(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LUCID
setMarginRegularization(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
getMarginRegularization SEE: getMarginRegularization
setMarginType(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
getMarginType SEE: getMarginType
setMat(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
setMaxAngle(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
setMaxArea(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
setMaxAreaRelative(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
setMaxAspectRatio(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets the max aspect ratio of boxes.
setMaxBits(int) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
setMaxBoxes(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets max number of boxes to detect.
setMaxBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
setMaxCandidates(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
setMaxCategories(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
getMaxCategories SEE: getMaxCategories
setMaxClustersCount(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Maximal number of generated clusters.
setMaxCorners(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
setMaxDepth(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
getMaxDepth SEE: getMaxDepth
setMaxEvolution(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
setMaxFeatures(int) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Sets total number of distinct colors to maintain in histogram.
setMaxFeatures(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
setMaxFeatures(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
setMaxFlow() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
MaxFlow is a threshold to validate the predictions using a certain piece-wise affine model.
setMaxFlow(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
MaxFlow is a threshold to validate the predictions using a certain piece-wise affine model.
setMaxIter(int) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateRobertson
setMaxLevel(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
setMaxPixelStability(int) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
Sets the maximum allowed credit for a pixel in history.
setMaxPoints(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
setMaxScale(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
setMaxSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
setMaxVal(double) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Sets the maximum value taken on by pixels in image sequence.
setMaxVariation(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
setMaxX(double) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setMaxY(double) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setMinAngle(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
setMinArea(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
setMinArea(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
setMinBoxArea(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets the minimum area of boxes.
setMinDisparity(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
setMinDist(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
setMinDistance(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
setMinDiversity(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
setMinEigThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
setMiniBatchSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
getMiniBatchSize SEE: getMiniBatchSize
setMinMargin(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
setMinPixelStability(int) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
Sets the number of frames with same pixel color to consider stable.
setMinSampleCount(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
getMinSampleCount SEE: getMinSampleCount
setMinScale(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
setMinScore(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
Sets the min score of boxes to detect.
setMinSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GraphSegmentation
setMinVal(double) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Sets the minimum value taken on by pixels in image sequence.
setMinX(double) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setMinY(double) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setMode(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
setMode(int) - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.BlockMeanHash
Create BlockMeanHash object
setModel(String, int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
Set desired model
setModelIter() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter defining the number of iterations for piece-wise affine model estimation.
setModelIter(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter defining the number of iterations for piece-wise affine model estimation.
setNeedPlotLine(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
Switches data visualization mode
setNeighbors(int) - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
getNeighbors SEE: getNeighbors
setNewDimension(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
setNewPosition(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
setNFeatures(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
setNLevels(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
setNMixtures(int) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorMOG
setNMixtures(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Sets the number of gaussian components in the background model.
setNmsAcrossClasses(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.DetectionModel
nmsAcrossClasses defaults to false, such that when non max suppression is used during the detect() function, it will do so per-class.
setNmsRadius(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
setNmsScaleRadius(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
setNMSThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_EAST
Set the detection NMS filter threshold
setNMSThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Set the Non-maximum-suppression threshold to suppress bounding boxes that have IoU greater than the given value
setNOctaveLayers(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
setNOctaveLayers(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
setNOctaveLayers(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
setNOctaveLayers(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
setNOctaves(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
setNOctaves(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
setNOctaves(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
setNOctaves(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
setNoiseSigma(double) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorMOG
setNonmaxSuppression(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
setNonmaxSuppression(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
setNorm(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
setNSamples(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Sets the number of data samples in the background model.
setNScales(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
setNScales(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
setNu(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
getNu SEE: getNu
setNumComponents(int) - Method in class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
getNumComponents SEE: getNumComponents
setNumDisparities(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
setNumFrames(int) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Sets the number of frames used to initialize background model.
setNumIters(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
setNumLayers(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
setNumLevels(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
setNumOctaves(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
setNumOfAngleLine(int) - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.RadialVarianceHash
setNumThreads(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
OpenCV will try to set the number of threads for subsequent parallel regions.
setOctaves(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
Set detection octaves.
setOmega(float) - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
getOmega SEE: getOmega
setOptimalParameters() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
Function sets optimal parameters values for chosen SVM SGD model.
setOptimalParameters(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
Function sets optimal parameters values for chosen SVM SGD model.
setOptimalParameters(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
Function sets optimal parameters values for chosen SVM SGD model.
setOrientationNormalized(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
setOutputMax(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
getOutputMax SEE: getOutputMax
setOutputMin(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
getOutputMin SEE: getOutputMin
setP(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
getP SEE: getP
setP(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
getP SEE: getP
setP1(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
setP2(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
setParam(int, int, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Sets the new value for the learned param of the layer.
setParam(String, int, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
setParams(SimpleBlobDetector_Params) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector
setParams(EdgeDrawing_Params) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
sets parameters.
setPass2Only(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
setPatchRadius(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
setPatchSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
setPatchSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
getPatchSize SEE: getPatchSize
setPatchStride(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
getPatchStride SEE: getPatchStride
setPatternScale(double) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
setPatternScale(float) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
Set detection patternScale.
setPlotAxisColor(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setPlotBackgroundColor(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setPlotGridColor(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setPlotLineColor(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setPlotLineWidth(int) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setPlotSize(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setPlotTextColor(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setPointIdxToPrint(int) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
Sets the index of a point which coordinates will be printed on the top left corner of the plot (if ShowText flag is true).
setPolygonThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
setPolyN(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
setPolySigma(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
setPosThresh(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
setPreferableBackend(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
Set computation backend
setPreferableBackend(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
setPreferableBackend(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Ask network to use specific computation backend where it supported.
setPreferableTarget(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
Set computation target
setPreferableTarget(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
setPreferableTarget(int) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
Ask network to make computations on specific target device.
setPreFilterCap(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
setPreFilterCap(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
setPreFilterSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
setPreFilterType(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
setPriors(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
getPriors SEE: getPriors
setPyrScale(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
setQHist(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
setQRadius(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
setQTheta(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
setQualityLevel(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
setQuantizationLevels(int) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Sets the parameter used for quantization of color-space
setRadius(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
setRadius(int) - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
getRadius SEE: getRadius
setRandom(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateDebevec
setRangeMaxVal(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.LearningBasedWB
getRangeMaxVal SEE: getRangeMaxVal
setRefineModels() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter to choose wether additional refinement of the piece-wise affine models is employed.
setRefineModels(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter to choose wether additional refinement of the piece-wise affine models is employed.
setRefineParameters(RefineParameters) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
setRefineParameters(RefineParameters) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
setRegressionAccuracy(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
getRegressionAccuracy SEE: getRegressionAccuracy
setRegularization(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
getRegularization SEE: getRegularization
setResponseThreshold(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
setRNGSeed(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Sets state of default random number generator.
setROI1(Rect) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
setROI2(Rect) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
setRotationInvariance(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
setRpropDW0(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getRpropDW0 SEE: getRpropDW0
setRpropDWMax(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getRpropDWMax SEE: getRpropDWMax
setRpropDWMin(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getRpropDWMin SEE: getRpropDWMin
setRpropDWMinus(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getRpropDWMinus SEE: getRpropDWMinus
setRpropDWPlus(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getRpropDWPlus SEE: getRpropDWPlus
setSamples(int) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateDebevec
setSamplingPoints(MatOfPoint2f) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Sets sampling points used to sample the input image.
setSaturation(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapDrago
setSaturation(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapMantiuk
setSaturation(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.TonemapDurand
setSaturationThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.GrayworldWB
getSaturationThreshold SEE: getSaturationThreshold
setSaturationThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.LearningBasedWB
getSaturationThreshold SEE: getSaturationThreshold
setSaturationWeight(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeMertens
setScale(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapMantiuk
setScaleFactor(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
setScaleFactor(float) - Method in class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
set scale factor QR code detector use neural network to detect QR.
setScaleFactor(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BEBLID
setScaleFactor(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
setScaleFactor(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
setScaleFactor(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
setScaleFactor(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
setScaleNormalized(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
setScaleStep(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
setScaleThresh(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
setScoreThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Set the score threshold to filter out bounding boxes of score less than the given value
setScoreType(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
setSearchAreaRadius(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
setShadowThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Sets the shadow threshold
setShadowThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Sets the shadow threshold
setShadowValue(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
Sets the shadow value
setShadowValue(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Sets the shadow value
setShowGrid(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setShowText(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
setSigma(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
setSigma(double) - Method in class org.opencv.img_hash.RadialVarianceHash
setSigma(double) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
setSigma(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GraphSegmentation
setSigma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
setSigma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
Sigma is a parameter defining how fast the weights decrease in the locally-weighted affine fitting.
setSigmaColor(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
SEE: getSigmaColor
setSigmaColor(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.TonemapDurand
setSigmaSpace(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xphoto.TonemapDurand
setSmallerBlockSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
setSmoothingRadius(int) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Sets the kernel radius used for morphological operations
setSorIterations(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
getSorIterations SEE: getSorIterations
setSpeckleRange(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
setSpeckleWindowSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
setStepDecreasingPower(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
getStepDecreasingPower SEE: getStepDecreasingPower
setSuperpixelMode() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter to choose superpixel algorithm variant to use: - cv::ximgproc::SLICType SLIC segments image using a desired region_size (value: 100) - cv::ximgproc::SLICType SLICO will optimize using adaptive compactness factor (value: 101) - cv::ximgproc::SLICType MSLIC will optimize using manifold methods resulting in more content-sensitive superpixels (value: 102).
setSuperpixelMode(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter to choose superpixel algorithm variant to use: - cv::ximgproc::SLICType SLIC segments image using a desired region_size (value: 100) - cv::ximgproc::SLICType SLICO will optimize using adaptive compactness factor (value: 101) - cv::ximgproc::SLICType MSLIC will optimize using manifold methods resulting in more content-sensitive superpixels (value: 102).
setSuperpixelNNCnt() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter defines the number of nearest-neighbor matches for each superpixel considered, when fitting a locally affine model.
setSuperpixelNNCnt(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter defines the number of nearest-neighbor matches for each superpixel considered, when fitting a locally affine model.
setSuperpixelRuler() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter to tune enforcement of superpixel smoothness factor used for oversegmentation.
setSuperpixelRuler(float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter to tune enforcement of superpixel smoothness factor used for oversegmentation.
setSuperpixelSize() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Get the internal cost, i.e.
setSuperpixelSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Get the internal cost, i.e.
setSuppressNonmaxSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
setSVMDetector(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
Sets coefficients for the linear SVM classifier.
setSvmsgdType(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
getSvmsgdType SEE: getSvmsgdType
setTemplate(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
setTemplate(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
setTemplate(Mat, Mat, Mat, Point) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
setTemplate(Mat, Point) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
setTermCriteria(TermCriteria) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
getTermCriteria SEE: getTermCriteria
setTermCriteria(TermCriteria) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
getTermCriteria SEE: getTermCriteria
setTermCriteria(TermCriteria) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
getTermCriteria SEE: getTermCriteria
setTermCriteria(TermCriteria) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
getTermCriteria SEE: getTermCriteria
setTermCriteria(TermCriteria) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
getTermCriteria SEE: getTermCriteria
setTermCriteria(TermCriteria) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
getTermCriteria SEE: getTermCriteria
setTermCriteria(TermCriteria) - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
setTextureThreshold(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
setThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
getThreshold SEE: getThreshold
setThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
getThreshold SEE: getThreshold
setThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
setThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
setThreshold(float) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateRobertson
setThreshold(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
setThreshold(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
Set detection threshold.
setThreshold(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
setThSaliency(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
setTilesGridSize(Size) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.CLAHE
Sets size of grid for histogram equalization.
setTo(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
setTo(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
setTo(Scalar) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
setTo(Scalar, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
setTopK(int) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
Set the number of bounding boxes preserved before NMS
setTrainMethod(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
Sets training method and common parameters.
setTrainMethod(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
getTrainMethod SEE: getTrainMethod
setTrainMethod(int, double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
Sets training method and common parameters.
setTrainMethod(int, double, double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
Sets training method and common parameters.
setTrainTestSplit(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Splits the training data into the training and test parts SEE: TrainData::setTrainTestSplitRatio
setTrainTestSplit(int, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Splits the training data into the training and test parts SEE: TrainData::setTrainTestSplitRatio
setTrainTestSplitRatio(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Splits the training data into the training and test parts The function selects a subset of specified relative size and then returns it as the training set.
setTrainTestSplitRatio(double, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
Splits the training data into the training and test parts The function selects a subset of specified relative size and then returns it as the training set.
setTranslation(int, float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Translations of the individual axes of the feature space.
setTranslations(MatOfFloat) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Translations of the individual axes of the feature space.
setTruncatePrunedTree(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
getTruncatePrunedTree SEE: getTruncatePrunedTree
setType(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
setType(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
setType(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
getType SEE: getType
setUnclipRatio(double) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
setUniquenessRatio(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
setUniquenessRatio(int) - Method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
setup() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Try to open an XML retina parameters file to adjust current retina instance setup if the xml file does not exist, then default setup is applied warning, Exceptions are thrown if read XML file is not valid You can retrieve the current parameters structure using the method Retina::getParameters and update it before running method Retina::setup.
setup() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.RetinaFastToneMapping
updates tone mapping behaviors by adjusing the local luminance computation area (default is 1, see reference paper)
setup() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
try to open an XML segmentation parameters file to adjust current segmentation instance setup if the xml file does not exist, then default setup is applied warning, Exceptions are thrown if read XML file is not valid
setup(float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.RetinaFastToneMapping
updates tone mapping behaviors by adjusing the local luminance computation area
setup(float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.RetinaFastToneMapping
updates tone mapping behaviors by adjusing the local luminance computation area
setup(float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.RetinaFastToneMapping
updates tone mapping behaviors by adjusing the local luminance computation area
setup(String) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Try to open an XML retina parameters file to adjust current retina instance setup if the xml file does not exist, then default setup is applied warning, Exceptions are thrown if read XML file is not valid
setup(String) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
try to open an XML segmentation parameters file to adjust current segmentation instance setup if the xml file does not exist, then default setup is applied warning, Exceptions are thrown if read XML file is not valid
setup(String, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Try to open an XML retina parameters file to adjust current retina instance setup if the xml file does not exist, then default setup is applied warning, Exceptions are thrown if read XML file is not valid
setup(String, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
try to open an XML segmentation parameters file to adjust current segmentation instance setup if the xml file does not exist, then default setup is applied warning, Exceptions are thrown if read XML file is not valid
setUpdateBackgroundModel(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
Sets the status of background model update
setupIPLMagnoChannel() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Set parameters values for the Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL) magnocellular channel this channel processes signals output from OPL processing stage in peripheral vision, it allows motion information enhancement.
setupIPLMagnoChannel(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Set parameters values for the Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL) magnocellular channel this channel processes signals output from OPL processing stage in peripheral vision, it allows motion information enhancement.
setupIPLMagnoChannel(boolean, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Set parameters values for the Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL) magnocellular channel this channel processes signals output from OPL processing stage in peripheral vision, it allows motion information enhancement.
setupIPLMagnoChannel(boolean, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Set parameters values for the Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL) magnocellular channel this channel processes signals output from OPL processing stage in peripheral vision, it allows motion information enhancement.
setupIPLMagnoChannel(boolean, float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Set parameters values for the Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL) magnocellular channel this channel processes signals output from OPL processing stage in peripheral vision, it allows motion information enhancement.
setupIPLMagnoChannel(boolean, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Set parameters values for the Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL) magnocellular channel this channel processes signals output from OPL processing stage in peripheral vision, it allows motion information enhancement.
setupIPLMagnoChannel(boolean, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Set parameters values for the Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL) magnocellular channel this channel processes signals output from OPL processing stage in peripheral vision, it allows motion information enhancement.
setupIPLMagnoChannel(boolean, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Set parameters values for the Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL) magnocellular channel this channel processes signals output from OPL processing stage in peripheral vision, it allows motion information enhancement.
setupIPLMagnoChannel(boolean, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Set parameters values for the Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL) magnocellular channel this channel processes signals output from OPL processing stage in peripheral vision, it allows motion information enhancement.
setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel() - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Setup the OPL and IPL parvo channels (see biologocal model) OPL is referred as Outer Plexiform Layer of the retina, it allows the spatio-temporal filtering which withens the spectrum and reduces spatio-temporal noise while attenuating global luminance (low frequency energy) IPL parvo is the OPL next processing stage, it refers to a part of the Inner Plexiform layer of the retina, it allows high contours sensitivity in foveal vision.
setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Setup the OPL and IPL parvo channels (see biologocal model) OPL is referred as Outer Plexiform Layer of the retina, it allows the spatio-temporal filtering which withens the spectrum and reduces spatio-temporal noise while attenuating global luminance (low frequency energy) IPL parvo is the OPL next processing stage, it refers to a part of the Inner Plexiform layer of the retina, it allows high contours sensitivity in foveal vision.
setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Setup the OPL and IPL parvo channels (see biologocal model) OPL is referred as Outer Plexiform Layer of the retina, it allows the spatio-temporal filtering which withens the spectrum and reduces spatio-temporal noise while attenuating global luminance (low frequency energy) IPL parvo is the OPL next processing stage, it refers to a part of the Inner Plexiform layer of the retina, it allows high contours sensitivity in foveal vision.
setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel(boolean, boolean, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Setup the OPL and IPL parvo channels (see biologocal model) OPL is referred as Outer Plexiform Layer of the retina, it allows the spatio-temporal filtering which withens the spectrum and reduces spatio-temporal noise while attenuating global luminance (low frequency energy) IPL parvo is the OPL next processing stage, it refers to a part of the Inner Plexiform layer of the retina, it allows high contours sensitivity in foveal vision.
setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel(boolean, boolean, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Setup the OPL and IPL parvo channels (see biologocal model) OPL is referred as Outer Plexiform Layer of the retina, it allows the spatio-temporal filtering which withens the spectrum and reduces spatio-temporal noise while attenuating global luminance (low frequency energy) IPL parvo is the OPL next processing stage, it refers to a part of the Inner Plexiform layer of the retina, it allows high contours sensitivity in foveal vision.
setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel(boolean, boolean, float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Setup the OPL and IPL parvo channels (see biologocal model) OPL is referred as Outer Plexiform Layer of the retina, it allows the spatio-temporal filtering which withens the spectrum and reduces spatio-temporal noise while attenuating global luminance (low frequency energy) IPL parvo is the OPL next processing stage, it refers to a part of the Inner Plexiform layer of the retina, it allows high contours sensitivity in foveal vision.
setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel(boolean, boolean, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Setup the OPL and IPL parvo channels (see biologocal model) OPL is referred as Outer Plexiform Layer of the retina, it allows the spatio-temporal filtering which withens the spectrum and reduces spatio-temporal noise while attenuating global luminance (low frequency energy) IPL parvo is the OPL next processing stage, it refers to a part of the Inner Plexiform layer of the retina, it allows high contours sensitivity in foveal vision.
setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel(boolean, boolean, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Setup the OPL and IPL parvo channels (see biologocal model) OPL is referred as Outer Plexiform Layer of the retina, it allows the spatio-temporal filtering which withens the spectrum and reduces spatio-temporal noise while attenuating global luminance (low frequency energy) IPL parvo is the OPL next processing stage, it refers to a part of the Inner Plexiform layer of the retina, it allows high contours sensitivity in foveal vision.
setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel(boolean, boolean, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Setup the OPL and IPL parvo channels (see biologocal model) OPL is referred as Outer Plexiform Layer of the retina, it allows the spatio-temporal filtering which withens the spectrum and reduces spatio-temporal noise while attenuating global luminance (low frequency energy) IPL parvo is the OPL next processing stage, it refers to a part of the Inner Plexiform layer of the retina, it allows high contours sensitivity in foveal vision.
setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel(boolean, boolean, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Setup the OPL and IPL parvo channels (see biologocal model) OPL is referred as Outer Plexiform Layer of the retina, it allows the spatio-temporal filtering which withens the spectrum and reduces spatio-temporal noise while attenuating global luminance (low frequency energy) IPL parvo is the OPL next processing stage, it refers to a part of the Inner Plexiform layer of the retina, it allows high contours sensitivity in foveal vision.
setUpright(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
setUpright(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
setUse1SERule(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
getUse1SERule SEE: getUse1SERule
setUseAlignmentMarkers(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
use markers to improve the position of the corners of the QR code alignmentMarkers using by default
setUseGlobalSmootherFilter() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Sets whether the fastGlobalSmootherFilter() post-processing is employed.
setUseGlobalSmootherFilter(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Sets whether the fastGlobalSmootherFilter() post-processing is employed.
setUseHistory(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
Sets if we're giving a pixel credit for being stable for a long time.
setUseIPP(boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
setUseIPP_NotExact(boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
setUseMeanNormalization(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
getUseMeanNormalization SEE: getUseMeanNormalization
setUseNormalizeDescriptor(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
setUseNormalizeImage(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
setUseOptimized(boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Enables or disables the optimized code.
setUseOrientation(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BriefDescriptorExtractor
setUseOrientation(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
setUsePostProcessing(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
Sets whether the fastGlobalSmootherFilter() post-processing is employed.
setUseScaleOrientation(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
setUseScaleOrientation(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
setUseSpatialPropagation(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
getUseSpatialPropagation SEE: getUseSpatialPropagation
setUseSurrogates(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
getUseSurrogates SEE: getUseSurrogates
setUseVariationalRefinement() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter to choose wether the VariationalRefinement post-processing is employed.
setUseVariationalRefinement(boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
Parameter to choose wether the VariationalRefinement post-processing is employed.
setV(T) - Method in interface org.opencv.core.Mat.Atable
setV2c(Mat.Tuple2<T>) - Method in interface org.opencv.core.Mat.Atable
setV3c(Mat.Tuple3<T>) - Method in interface org.opencv.core.Mat.Atable
setV4c(Mat.Tuple4<T>) - Method in interface org.opencv.core.Mat.Atable
setVariationalRefinementAlpha(float) - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
getVariationalRefinementAlpha SEE: getVariationalRefinementAlpha
setVariationalRefinementDelta(float) - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
getVariationalRefinementDelta SEE: getVariationalRefinementDelta
setVariationalRefinementGamma(float) - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
getVariationalRefinementGamma SEE: getVariationalRefinementGamma
setVariationalRefinementIterations(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
getGradientDescentIterations SEE: getGradientDescentIterations
setVarInit(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Sets the initial variance of each gaussian component
setVarMax(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
setVarMin(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
setVarThreshold(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Sets the variance threshold for the pixel-model match
setVarThresholdGen(double) - Method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
Sets the variance threshold for the pixel-model match used for new mixture component generation
setViewParams(MatOfFloat, MatOfFloat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.AffineFeature
setVocabulary(List<String>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
Set the vocabulary for recognition.
setVocabulary(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
Sets a visual vocabulary.
setVotesThreshold(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughBallard
setWeakCount(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
getWeakCount SEE: getWeakCount
setWeight(int, float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space.
setWeightA(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
setWeightB(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
setWeightContrast(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
setWeightEntropy(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
setWeightL(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
setWeights(float, float, float) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
Specify weights of feature functions Consider keeping weights normalized (sum of weights equals to 1.0) Discrete dynamic programming (DP) goal is minimization of costs between pixels.
setWeights(MatOfFloat) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space.
setWeightTrimRate(double) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
getWeightTrimRate SEE: getWeightTrimRate
setWeightX(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
setWeightY(float) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast.
setWhiteList(String) - Method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
setWhiteThreshold(long) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.GrayCodePattern
Sets the value for white threshold, needed for decoding.
setWindowRadius(int) - Method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
Size of the texture sampling window used to compute contrast and entropy (center of the window is always in the pixel selected by x,y coordinates of the corresponding feature sample).
setWinSize(int) - Method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
setWinSize(Size) - Method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
setWTA_K(int) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
setXi(double) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
SGD - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
shift(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Range
shiftMat(Mat, Mat, Point) - Method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
Helper function, that shift Mat filling new regions with zeros.
shrinkCaffeModel(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Convert all weights of Caffe network to half precision floating point.
shrinkCaffeModel(String, String, List<String>) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Convert all weights of Caffe network to half precision floating point.
shuffleTrainTest() - Method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
SIFT - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Class for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors using the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm by D.
SIFT(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
SIGMOID - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
SIGMOID_SYM - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
SimpleBlobDetector - Class in org.opencv.features2d
Class for extracting blobs from an image.
SimpleBlobDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector
SimpleBlobDetector_Params - Class in org.opencv.features2d
SimpleBlobDetector_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
SimpleBlobDetector_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
SimpleWB - Class in org.opencv.xphoto
A simple white balance algorithm that works by independently stretching each of the input image channels to the specified range.
SimpleWB(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
SinusoidalPattern - Class in org.opencv.structured_light
Class implementing Fourier transform profilometry (FTP) , phase-shifting profilometry (PSP) and Fourier-assisted phase-shifting profilometry (FAPS) based on CITE: faps.
SinusoidalPattern(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
SinusoidalPattern_Params - Class in org.opencv.structured_light
Parameters of SinusoidalPattern constructor width Projector's width.
SinusoidalPattern_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
SinusoidalPattern_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
size - Variable in class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
Diameter of the useful keypoint adjacent area.
size - Variable in class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
size() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
size() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Range
size() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect
size() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
size(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
Size - Class in org.opencv.core
Size() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Size
Size(double[]) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Size
Size(double, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Size
Size(Point) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Size
SIZE_256_BITS - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BEBLID
SIZE_256_BITS - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TEBLID
SIZE_512_BITS - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BEBLID
SIZE_512_BITS - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TEBLID
SIZE_ROW - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
SLIC - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
SLICO - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Sobel(Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator.
Sobel(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator.
Sobel(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator.
Sobel(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator.
Sobel(Mat, Mat, int, int, int, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator.
SOBEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
SOFT_MARGIN - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
softNMSBoxes(MatOfRect, MatOfFloat, MatOfFloat, float, float, MatOfInt) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Performs soft non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores.
softNMSBoxes(MatOfRect, MatOfFloat, MatOfFloat, float, float, MatOfInt, long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Performs soft non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores.
softNMSBoxes(MatOfRect, MatOfFloat, MatOfFloat, float, float, MatOfInt, long, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Performs soft non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores.
SoftNMSMethod_SOFTNMS_GAUSSIAN - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
SoftNMSMethod_SOFTNMS_LINEAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
solve(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Solves one or more linear systems or least-squares problems.
solve(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Solves one or more linear systems or least-squares problems.
solveCubic(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Finds the real roots of a cubic equation.
solveP3P(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3 3D-2D point correspondences.
solvePnP(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
solvePnP(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
solvePnP(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
SOLVEPNP_AP3P - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SOLVEPNP_DLS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SOLVEPNP_EPNP - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SOLVEPNP_IPPE - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SOLVEPNP_IPPE_SQUARE - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SOLVEPNP_MAX_COUNT - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SOLVEPNP_P3P - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SOLVEPNP_SQPNP - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
SOLVEPNP_UPNP - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
solvePnPGeneric(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
solvePnPGeneric(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
solvePnPGeneric(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
solvePnPGeneric(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, boolean, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
solvePnPGeneric(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, boolean, int, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
solvePnPGeneric(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, boolean, int, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences.
solvePnPRansac(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences using the RANSAC scheme.
solvePnPRansac(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences using the RANSAC scheme.
solvePnPRansac(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences using the RANSAC scheme.
solvePnPRansac(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat, boolean, int, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences using the RANSAC scheme.
solvePnPRansac(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat, boolean, int, float, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences using the RANSAC scheme.
solvePnPRansac(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat, boolean, int, float, double, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences using the RANSAC scheme.
solvePnPRansac(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat, boolean, int, float, double, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences using the RANSAC scheme.
solvePnPRansac(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
solvePnPRansac(MatOfPoint3f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, MatOfDouble, Mat, Mat, Mat, UsacParams) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
solvePnPRefineLM(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Refine a pose (the translation and the rotation that transform a 3D point expressed in the object coordinate frame to the camera coordinate frame) from a 3D-2D point correspondences and starting from an initial solution.
solvePnPRefineLM(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Refine a pose (the translation and the rotation that transform a 3D point expressed in the object coordinate frame to the camera coordinate frame) from a 3D-2D point correspondences and starting from an initial solution.
solvePnPRefineVVS(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Refine a pose (the translation and the rotation that transform a 3D point expressed in the object coordinate frame to the camera coordinate frame) from a 3D-2D point correspondences and starting from an initial solution.
solvePnPRefineVVS(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Refine a pose (the translation and the rotation that transform a 3D point expressed in the object coordinate frame to the camera coordinate frame) from a 3D-2D point correspondences and starting from an initial solution.
solvePnPRefineVVS(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, TermCriteria, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Refine a pose (the translation and the rotation that transform a 3D point expressed in the object coordinate frame to the camera coordinate frame) from a 3D-2D point correspondences and starting from an initial solution.
solvePoly(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Finds the real or complex roots of a polynomial equation.
solvePoly(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Finds the real or complex roots of a polynomial equation.
sort(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Sorts each row or each column of a matrix.
SORT_ASCENDING - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
SORT_DESCENDING - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
SORT_EVERY_COLUMN - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
SORT_EVERY_ROW - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
sortIdx(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Sorts each row or each column of a matrix.
SparseMatchInterpolator - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Main interface for all filters, that take sparse matches as an input and produce a dense per-pixel matching (optical flow) as an output.
SparseMatchInterpolator(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.SparseMatchInterpolator
SparseOpticalFlow - Class in org.opencv.video
Base interface for sparse optical flow algorithms.
SparseOpticalFlow(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.SparseOpticalFlow
SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow - Class in org.opencv.video
Class used for calculating a sparse optical flow.
SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
spatialGradient(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first order image derivative in both x and y using a Sobel operator Equivalent to calling: Sobel( src, dx, CV_16SC1, 1, 0, 3 ); Sobel( src, dy, CV_16SC1, 0, 1, 3 );
spatialGradient(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first order image derivative in both x and y using a Sobel operator Equivalent to calling: Sobel( src, dx, CV_16SC1, 1, 0, 3 ); Sobel( src, dy, CV_16SC1, 0, 1, 3 );
spatialGradient(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the first order image derivative in both x and y using a Sobel operator Equivalent to calling: Sobel( src, dx, CV_16SC1, 1, 0, 3 ); Sobel( src, dy, CV_16SC1, 0, 1, 3 );
split(Mat, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
sqrBoxFilter(Mat, Mat, int, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the normalized sum of squares of the pixel values overlapping the filter.
sqrBoxFilter(Mat, Mat, int, Size, Point) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the normalized sum of squares of the pixel values overlapping the filter.
sqrBoxFilter(Mat, Mat, int, Size, Point, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the normalized sum of squares of the pixel values overlapping the filter.
sqrBoxFilter(Mat, Mat, int, Size, Point, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Calculates the normalized sum of squares of the pixel values overlapping the filter.
sqrt(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates a square root of array elements.
stackBlur(Mat, Mat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Blurs an image using the stackBlur.
StandardCollector - Class in org.opencv.face
Default predict collector Trace minimal distance with treshhold checking (that is default behavior for most predict logic)
StandardCollector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.face.StandardCollector
StarDetector - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
The class implements the keypoint detector introduced by CITE: Agrawal08, synonym of StarDetector.
StarDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
start - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Range
start() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
START_AUTO_STEP - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.EM
START_E_STEP - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.EM
START_M_STEP - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.EM
StatModel - Class in org.opencv.ml
Base class for statistical models in OpenCV ML.
StatModel(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
step1() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
step1(int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
StereoBM - Class in org.opencv.calib3d
Class for computing stereo correspondence using the block matching algorithm, introduced and contributed to OpenCV by K.
StereoBM(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
stereoCalibrate(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
stereoCalibrateExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calibrates a stereo camera set up.
stereoCalibrateExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calibrates a stereo camera set up.
stereoCalibrateExtended(List<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, List<Mat>, List<Mat>, Mat, int, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Calibrates a stereo camera set up.
StereoMatcher - Class in org.opencv.calib3d
The base class for stereo correspondence algorithms.
StereoMatcher(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
stereoRectify(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes rectification transforms for each head of a calibrated stereo camera.
stereoRectify(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes rectification transforms for each head of a calibrated stereo camera.
stereoRectify(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes rectification transforms for each head of a calibrated stereo camera.
stereoRectify(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes rectification transforms for each head of a calibrated stereo camera.
stereoRectify(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, Size, Rect) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes rectification transforms for each head of a calibrated stereo camera.
stereoRectify(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, Size, Rect, Rect) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes rectification transforms for each head of a calibrated stereo camera.
stereoRectifyUncalibrated(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes a rectification transform for an uncalibrated stereo camera.
stereoRectifyUncalibrated(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, Mat, Mat, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes a rectification transform for an uncalibrated stereo camera.
StereoSGBM - Class in org.opencv.calib3d
The class implements the modified H.
StereoSGBM(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
stop() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
Structured_light - Class in org.opencv.structured_light
Structured_light() - Constructor for class org.opencv.structured_light.Structured_light
StructuredEdgeDetection - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Class implementing edge detection algorithm from CITE: Dollar2013 :
StructuredEdgeDetection(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.StructuredEdgeDetection
StructuredLightPattern - Class in org.opencv.structured_light
Abstract base class for generating and decoding structured light patterns.
StructuredLightPattern(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.structured_light.StructuredLightPattern
StsAssert - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsAutoTrace - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsBackTrace - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsBadArg - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsBadFlag - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsBadFunc - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsBadMask - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsBadMemBlock - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsBadPoint - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsBadSize - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsDivByZero - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsError - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsFilterOffsetErr - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsFilterStructContentErr - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsInplaceNotSupported - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsInternal - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsKernelStructContentErr - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsNoConv - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsNoMem - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsNotImplemented - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsNullPtr - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsObjectNotFound - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsOk - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsOutOfRange - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsParseError - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsUnmatchedFormats - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsUnmatchedSizes - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsUnsupportedFormat - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
StsVecLengthErr - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
stylization(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Stylization aims to produce digital imagery with a wide variety of effects not focused on photorealism.
stylization(Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Stylization aims to produce digital imagery with a wide variety of effects not focused on photorealism.
stylization(Mat, Mat, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
Stylization aims to produce digital imagery with a wide variety of effects not focused on photorealism.
Subdiv2D - Class in org.opencv.imgproc
Subdiv2D() - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
creates an empty Subdiv2D object.
Subdiv2D(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
Subdiv2D(Rect) - Constructor for class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
submat(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
submat(Range[]) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
submat(Range, Range) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
submat(Rect) - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
subtract(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element difference between two arrays or array and a scalar.
subtract(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element difference between two arrays or array and a scalar.
subtract(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the per-element difference between two arrays or array and a scalar.
subtract(Mat, Scalar, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
subtract(Mat, Scalar, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
subtract(Mat, Scalar, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
sumElems(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Calculates the sum of array elements.
SuperpixelLSC - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Class implementing the LSC (Linear Spectral Clustering) superpixels algorithm described in CITE: LiCVPR2015LSC.
SuperpixelLSC(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelLSC
SuperpixelSEEDS - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Class implementing the SEEDS (Superpixels Extracted via Energy-Driven Sampling) superpixels algorithm described in CITE: VBRV14 .
SuperpixelSEEDS(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSEEDS
SuperpixelSLIC - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Class implementing the SLIC (Simple Linear Iterative Clustering) superpixels algorithm described in CITE: Achanta2012.
SuperpixelSLIC(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSLIC
SURF - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features from an image CITE: Bay06 .
SURF(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
SURF_CUDA - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class used for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) from an image.
SURF_CUDA(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
SVBackSubst(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
wrap SVD::backSubst
SVD_FULL_UV - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
SVD_MODIFY_A - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
SVD_NO_UV - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
SVDecomp(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
wrap SVD::compute
SVDecomp(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
wrap SVD::compute
SVM - Class in org.opencv.ml
Support Vector Machines.
SVM(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.SVM
SVMSGD - Class in org.opencv.ml
*************************************************************************************\ Stochastic Gradient Descent SVM Classifier * \***************************************************************************************
SVMSGD(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
switchToSelectiveSearchFast() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Initialize the class with the 'Selective search fast' parameters describled in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
switchToSelectiveSearchFast(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Initialize the class with the 'Selective search fast' parameters describled in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
switchToSelectiveSearchFast(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Initialize the class with the 'Selective search fast' parameters describled in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
switchToSelectiveSearchFast(int, int, float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Initialize the class with the 'Selective search fast' parameters describled in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
switchToSelectiveSearchQuality() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Initialize the class with the 'Selective search fast' parameters describled in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
switchToSelectiveSearchQuality(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Initialize the class with the 'Selective search fast' parameters describled in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
switchToSelectiveSearchQuality(int, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Initialize the class with the 'Selective search fast' parameters describled in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
switchToSelectiveSearchQuality(int, int, float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Initialize the class with the 'Selective search fast' parameters describled in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
switchToSingleStrategy() - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Initialize the class with the 'Single stragegy' parameters describled in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
switchToSingleStrategy(int) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Initialize the class with the 'Single stragegy' parameters describled in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
switchToSingleStrategy(int, float) - Method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
Initialize the class with the 'Single stragegy' parameters describled in CITE: uijlings2013selective.
symEdge(int) - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
SyntheticSequenceGenerator - Class in org.opencv.bgsegm
Synthetic frame sequence generator for testing background subtraction algorithms.
SyntheticSequenceGenerator(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.bgsegm.SyntheticSequenceGenerator
SyntheticSequenceGenerator(Mat, Mat, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.bgsegm.SyntheticSequenceGenerator
Creates an instance of SyntheticSequenceGenerator.


t() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
TBMR - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing the Tree Based Morse Regions (TBMR) as described in CITE: Najman2014 extended with scaled extraction ability.
TBMR(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
TEBLID - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing TEBLID (Triplet-based Efficient Binary Local Image Descriptor), described in CITE: Suarez2021TEBLID.
TEBLID(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TEBLID
TermCriteria - Class in org.opencv.core
TermCriteria() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
Termination criteria for iterative algorithms.
TermCriteria(double[]) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
TermCriteria(int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
Termination criteria for iterative algorithms.
TEST_ERROR - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.Ml
testCharucoCornersCollinear(CharucoBoard, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.Aruco
Use CharucoBoard::checkCharucoCornersCollinear
Text - Class in org.opencv.text
Text() - Constructor for class org.opencv.text.Text
TextDetectionModel - Class in org.opencv.dnn
Base class for text detection networks
TextDetectionModel(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel
TextDetectionModel_DB - Class in org.opencv.dnn
This class represents high-level API for text detection DL networks compatible with DB model.
TextDetectionModel_DB(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
TextDetectionModel_DB(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
Create text detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
TextDetectionModel_DB(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
Create text detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
TextDetectionModel_DB(Net) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
Create text detection algorithm from deep learning network.
TextDetectionModel_EAST - Class in org.opencv.dnn
This class represents high-level API for text detection DL networks compatible with EAST model.
TextDetectionModel_EAST(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_EAST
TextDetectionModel_EAST(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_EAST
Create text detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
TextDetectionModel_EAST(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_EAST
Create text detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
TextDetectionModel_EAST(Net) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_EAST
Create text detection algorithm from deep learning network
TextDetector - Class in org.opencv.text
An abstract class providing interface for text detection algorithms
TextDetector(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.text.TextDetector
TextDetectorCNN - Class in org.opencv.text
TextDetectorCNN class provides the functionallity of text bounding box detection.
TextDetectorCNN(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.text.TextDetectorCNN
TextRecognitionModel - Class in org.opencv.dnn
This class represents high-level API for text recognition networks.
TextRecognitionModel(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
TextRecognitionModel(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
Create text recognition model from network represented in one of the supported formats Call setDecodeType() and setVocabulary() after constructor to initialize the decoding method
TextRecognitionModel(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
Create text recognition model from network represented in one of the supported formats Call setDecodeType() and setVocabulary() after constructor to initialize the decoding method
TextRecognitionModel(Net) - Constructor for class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
Create Text Recognition model from deep learning network Call setDecodeType() and setVocabulary() after constructor to initialize the decoding method
textureFlattening(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
By retaining only the gradients at edge locations, before integrating with the Poisson solver, one washes out the texture of the selected region, giving its contents a flat aspect.
textureFlattening(Mat, Mat, Mat, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
By retaining only the gradients at edge locations, before integrating with the Poisson solver, one washes out the texture of the selected region, giving its contents a flat aspect.
textureFlattening(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, float) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
By retaining only the gradients at edge locations, before integrating with the Poisson solver, one washes out the texture of the selected region, giving its contents a flat aspect.
textureFlattening(Mat, Mat, Mat, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Photo
By retaining only the gradients at edge locations, before integrating with the Poisson solver, one washes out the texture of the selected region, giving its contents a flat aspect.
thinning(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies a binary blob thinning operation, to achieve a skeletization of the input image.
thinning(Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies a binary blob thinning operation, to achieve a skeletization of the input image.
THINNING_GUOHALL - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
THINNING_ZHANGSUEN - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
THRESH_BINARY - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
THRESH_BINARY_INV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
THRESH_MASK - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
THRESH_OTSU - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
THRESH_TOZERO - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
THRESH_TOZERO_INV - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
THRESH_TRIANGLE - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
THRESH_TRUNC - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
threshold(Mat, Mat, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a fixed-level threshold to each array element.
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
TickMeter - Class in org.opencv.core
a Class to measure passing time.
TickMeter() - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
TickMeter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
tl() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect
tl() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
TM_CCOEFF - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
TM_CCOEFF_NORMED - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
TM_CCORR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
TM_CCORR_NORMED - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
TM_SQDIFF - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
TM_SQDIFF_NORMED - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDouble
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat4
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat6
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt4
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect2d
toArray() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRotatedRect
toBufferedImage(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfByte
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfDouble
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat4
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat6
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfInt4
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRect2d
toList() - Method in class org.opencv.core.MatOfRotatedRect
Tonemap - Class in org.opencv.photo
Base class for tonemapping algorithms - tools that are used to map HDR image to 8-bit range.
Tonemap(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.Tonemap
TonemapDrago - Class in org.opencv.photo
Adaptive logarithmic mapping is a fast global tonemapping algorithm that scales the image in logarithmic domain.
TonemapDrago(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.TonemapDrago
TonemapDurand - Class in org.opencv.xphoto
This algorithm decomposes image into two layers: base layer and detail layer using bilateral filter and compresses contrast of the base layer thus preserving all the details.
TonemapDurand(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xphoto.TonemapDurand
TonemapMantiuk - Class in org.opencv.photo
This algorithm transforms image to contrast using gradients on all levels of gaussian pyramid, transforms contrast values to HVS response and scales the response.
TonemapMantiuk(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.TonemapMantiuk
TonemapReinhard - Class in org.opencv.photo
This is a global tonemapping operator that models human visual system.
TonemapReinhard(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.photo.TonemapReinhard
toString() - Method in exception org.opencv.core.CvException
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.DMatch
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.KeyPoint
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Point3
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Range
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Scalar
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Size
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
toString() - Method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Moments
total() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
trace(Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns the trace of a matrix.
Tracker - Class in org.opencv.video
Base abstract class for the long-term tracker
Tracker(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.Tracker
TrackerContribSamplerCSC_MODE_DETECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
TrackerContribSamplerCSC_MODE_INIT_NEG - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
TrackerContribSamplerCSC_MODE_INIT_POS - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
TrackerContribSamplerCSC_MODE_TRACK_NEG - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
TrackerContribSamplerCSC_MODE_TRACK_POS - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
TrackerCSRT - Class in org.opencv.tracking
the CSRT tracker The implementation is based on CITE: Lukezic_IJCV2018 Discriminative Correlation Filter with Channel and Spatial Reliability
TrackerCSRT(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT
TrackerCSRT_Params - Class in org.opencv.tracking
TrackerCSRT_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
TrackerCSRT_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
TrackerDaSiamRPN - Class in org.opencv.video
TrackerDaSiamRPN(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN
TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params - Class in org.opencv.video
TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
TrackerGOTURN - Class in org.opencv.video
the GOTURN (Generic Object Tracking Using Regression Networks) tracker GOTURN (CITE: GOTURN) is kind of trackers based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).
TrackerGOTURN(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN
TrackerGOTURN_Params - Class in org.opencv.video
TrackerGOTURN_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN_Params
TrackerGOTURN_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN_Params
TrackerKCF - Class in org.opencv.tracking
the KCF (Kernelized Correlation Filter) tracker KCF is a novel tracking framework that utilizes properties of circulant matrix to enhance the processing speed.
TrackerKCF(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF
TrackerKCF_Params - Class in org.opencv.tracking
TrackerKCF_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
TrackerKCF_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
TrackerMIL - Class in org.opencv.video
The MIL algorithm trains a classifier in an online manner to separate the object from the background.
TrackerMIL(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL
TrackerMIL_Params - Class in org.opencv.video
TrackerMIL_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
TrackerMIL_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
TrackerNano - Class in org.opencv.video
the Nano tracker is a super lightweight dnn-based general object tracking.
TrackerNano(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano
TrackerNano_Params - Class in org.opencv.video
TrackerNano_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
TrackerNano_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
TrackerSamplerCS_MODE_CLASSIFY - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
TrackerSamplerCS_MODE_NEGATIVE - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
TrackerSamplerCS_MODE_POSITIVE - Static variable in class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
TrackerSamplerCSC_MODE_DETECT - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
TrackerSamplerCSC_MODE_INIT_NEG - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
TrackerSamplerCSC_MODE_INIT_POS - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
TrackerSamplerCSC_MODE_TRACK_NEG - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
TrackerSamplerCSC_MODE_TRACK_POS - Static variable in class org.opencv.video.Video
TrackerVit - Class in org.opencv.video
the VIT tracker is a super lightweight dnn-based general object tracking.
TrackerVit(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit
TrackerVit_Params - Class in org.opencv.video
TrackerVit_Params() - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
TrackerVit_Params(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
Tracking - Class in org.opencv.tracking
Tracking() - Constructor for class org.opencv.tracking.Tracking
train() - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
Trains a descriptor matcher Trains a descriptor matcher (for example, the flann index).
train(List<Mat>) - Method in class org.opencv.face.MACE
train it on positive features compute the mace filter: h = D(-1) * X * (X(+) * D(-1) * X)(-1) * C also calculate a minimal threshold for this class, the smallest self-similarity from the train images
train(List<Mat>, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
Trains a FaceRecognizer with given data and associated labels.
train(Mat, int, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
Trains the statistical model
train(TrainData) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
Trains the statistical model
train(TrainData, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
Trains the statistical model
TRAIN_ERROR - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.Ml
trainAuto(Mat, int, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Trains an %SVM with optimal parameters
trainAuto(Mat, int, Mat, int) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Trains an %SVM with optimal parameters
trainAuto(Mat, int, Mat, int, ParamGrid) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Trains an %SVM with optimal parameters
trainAuto(Mat, int, Mat, int, ParamGrid, ParamGrid) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Trains an %SVM with optimal parameters
trainAuto(Mat, int, Mat, int, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Trains an %SVM with optimal parameters
trainAuto(Mat, int, Mat, int, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Trains an %SVM with optimal parameters
trainAuto(Mat, int, Mat, int, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Trains an %SVM with optimal parameters
trainAuto(Mat, int, Mat, int, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Trains an %SVM with optimal parameters
trainAuto(Mat, int, Mat, int, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, ParamGrid, boolean) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
Trains an %SVM with optimal parameters
TrainData - Class in org.opencv.ml
Class encapsulating training data.
TrainData(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
trainE(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainE(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainE(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainE(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainE(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainE(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainEM(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainEM(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainEM(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainEM(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainIdx - Variable in class org.opencv.core.DMatch
Train descriptor index.
trainM(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainM(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainM(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
trainM(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
Estimate the Gaussian mixture parameters from a samples set.
transform(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Performs the matrix transformation of every array element.
transformFD(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
transform a contour
transformFD(Mat, Mat, Mat, boolean) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
transform a contour
TransientAreasSegmentationModule - Class in org.opencv.bioinspired
class which provides a transient/moving areas segmentation module perform a locally adapted segmentation by using the retina magno input data Based on Alexandre BENOIT thesis: "Le système visuel humain au secours de la vision par ordinateur" 3 spatio temporal filters are used: a first one which filters the noise and local variations of the input motion energy a second (more powerfull low pass spatial filter) which gives the neighborhood motion energy the segmentation consists in the comparison of these both outputs, if the local motion energy is higher to the neighborhood otion energy, then the area is considered as moving and is segmented a stronger third low pass filter helps decision by providing a smooth information about the "motion context" in a wider area
TransientAreasSegmentationModule(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
transpose(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Transposes a matrix.
transposeND(Mat, MatOfInt, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Transpose for n-dimensional matrices.
triangulatePoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
This function reconstructs 3-dimensional points (in homogeneous coordinates) by using their observations with a stereo camera.
Tuple2(T, T) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple2
Tuple3(T, T, T) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple3
Tuple4(T, T, T, T) - Constructor for class org.opencv.core.Mat.Tuple4
type - Variable in class org.opencv.core.TermCriteria
type() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
TYPE_5_8 - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
TYPE_7_12 - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
TYPE_9_16 - Static variable in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
typeToString(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.CvType


undistort(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Transforms an image to compensate for lens distortion.
undistort(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Transforms an image to compensate for lens distortion.
undistortImagePoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Compute undistorted image points position
undistortImagePoints(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Compute undistorted image points position
undistortPoints(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes the ideal point coordinates from the observed point coordinates.
undistortPoints(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes the ideal point coordinates from the observed point coordinates.
undistortPoints(MatOfPoint2f, MatOfPoint2f, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Computes the ideal point coordinates from the observed point coordinates.
undistortPointsIter(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, TermCriteria) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
Note: Default version of #undistortPoints does 5 iterations to compute undistorted points.
UNIFORM - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
unwrapPhaseMap(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.PhaseUnwrapping
Unwraps a 2D phase map.
unwrapPhaseMap(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.PhaseUnwrapping
Unwraps a 2D phase map.
unwrapPhaseMap(Mat, Mat, Size) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
Unwrap the wrapped phase map to remove phase ambiguities.
unwrapPhaseMap(Mat, Mat, Size, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
Unwrap the wrapped phase map to remove phase ambiguities.
update(List<Mat>, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
Updates a FaceRecognizer with given data and associated labels.
update(Mat, MatOfRect2d) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_MultiTracker
Update the current tracking status.
update(Mat, Rect) - Method in class org.opencv.video.Tracker
Update the tracker, find the new most likely bounding box for the target
update(Mat, Rect2d) - Method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_Tracker
Update the tracker, find the new most likely bounding box for the target
UPDATE_MODEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
UPDATE_WEIGHTS - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
upsample(Mat, Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
Upsample via neural network
upsampleMultioutput(Mat, List<Mat>, MatOfInt, List<String>) - Method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
Upsample via neural network of multiple outputs
USAC_ACCURATE - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
USAC_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
USAC_FAST - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
USAC_FM_8PTS - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
USAC_MAGSAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
USAC_PARALLEL - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
USAC_PROSAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
UsacParams - Class in org.opencv.calib3d
UsacParams() - Constructor for class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
UsacParams(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
useIPP() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
proxy for hal::Cholesky
useIPP_NotExact() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
useOptimized() - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
Returns the status of optimized code usage.


val - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Scalar
validateDisparity(Mat, Mat, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
validateDisparity(Mat, Mat, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d
VAR_CATEGORICAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.Ml
VAR_NUMERICAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.Ml
VAR_ORDERED - Static variable in class org.opencv.ml.Ml
VariationalRefinement - Class in org.opencv.video
Variational optical flow refinement This class implements variational refinement of the input flow field, i.e.
VariationalRefinement(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
vconcat(List<Mat>, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Core
std::vector<cv::Mat> matrices = { cv::Mat(1, 4, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(1)), cv::Mat(1, 4, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(2)), cv::Mat(1, 4, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(3)),}; cv::Mat out; cv::vconcat( matrices, out ); //out: //[1, 1, 1, 1; // 2, 2, 2, 2; // 3, 3, 3, 3]
vector_char_to_Mat(List<Byte>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_DMatch_to_Mat(List<DMatch>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_double_to_Mat(List<Double>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_float_to_Mat(List<Float>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_int_to_Mat(List<Integer>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_KeyPoint_to_Mat(List<KeyPoint>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_Mat_to_Mat(List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_Point_to_Mat(List<Point>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_Point_to_Mat(List<Point>, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_Point2d_to_Mat(List<Point>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_Point2f_to_Mat(List<Point>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_Point3_to_Mat(List<Point3>, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_Point3d_to_Mat(List<Point3>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_Point3f_to_Mat(List<Point3>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_Point3i_to_Mat(List<Point3>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_Rect_to_Mat(List<Rect>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_Rect2d_to_Mat(List<Rect2d>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_RotatedRect_to_Mat(List<RotatedRect>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_uchar_to_Mat(List<Byte>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_vector_char_to_Mat(List<MatOfByte>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_vector_DMatch_to_Mat(List<MatOfDMatch>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_vector_KeyPoint_to_Mat(List<MatOfKeyPoint>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_vector_Point_to_Mat(List<MatOfPoint>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_vector_Point2f_to_Mat(List<MatOfPoint2f>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
vector_vector_Point3f_to_Mat(List<MatOfPoint3f>, List<Mat>) - Static method in class org.opencv.utils.Converters
VERSION - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
VERSION_MAJOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
VERSION_MINOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
VERSION_REVISION - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
VERSION_STATUS - Static variable in class org.opencv.core.Core
VGG - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Class implementing VGG (Oxford Visual Geometry Group) descriptor trained end to end using "Descriptor Learning Using Convex Optimisation" (DLCO) aparatus described in CITE: Simonyan14.
VGG(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
Video - Class in org.opencv.video
Video() - Constructor for class org.opencv.video.Video
VIDEO_ACCELERATION_ANY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEO_ACCELERATION_D3D11 - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEO_ACCELERATION_MFX - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEO_ACCELERATION_NONE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEO_ACCELERATION_VAAPI - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VideoCapture - Class in org.opencv.videoio
Class for video capturing from video files, image sequences or cameras.
VideoCapture() - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Default constructor Note: In REF: videoio_c "C API", when you finished working with video, release CvCapture structure with cvReleaseCapture(), or use Ptr<CvCapture> that calls cvReleaseCapture() automatically in the destructor.
VideoCapture(int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a camera for video capturing
VideoCapture(int, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a camera for video capturing
VideoCapture(int, int, MatOfInt) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a camera for video capturing with API Preference and parameters The params parameter allows to specify extra parameters encoded as pairs (paramId_1, paramValue_1, paramId_2, paramValue_2, ...).
VideoCapture(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
VideoCapture(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a video file or a capturing device or an IP video stream for video capturing with API Preference
VideoCapture(String, int) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a video file or a capturing device or an IP video stream for video capturing with API Preference
VideoCapture(String, int, MatOfInt) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
Opens a video file or a capturing device or an IP video stream for video capturing with API Preference and parameters The params parameter allows to specify extra parameters encoded as pairs (paramId_1, paramValue_1, paramId_2, paramValue_2, ...).
Videoio - Class in org.opencv.videoio
Videoio() - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VideoWriter - Class in org.opencv.videoio
Video writer class.
VideoWriter() - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
Default constructors The constructors/functions initialize video writers.
VideoWriter(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
VideoWriter(String, int, double, Size) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
VideoWriter(String, int, double, Size, boolean) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
VideoWriter(String, int, double, Size, MatOfInt) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
The params parameter allows to specify extra encoder parameters encoded as pairs (paramId_1, paramValue_1, paramId_2, paramValue_2, ...
VideoWriter(String, int, int, double, Size) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
The apiPreference parameter allows to specify API backends to use.
VideoWriter(String, int, int, double, Size, boolean) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
The apiPreference parameter allows to specify API backends to use.
VideoWriter(String, int, int, double, Size, MatOfInt) - Constructor for class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_FRAMEBYTES - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_HW_ACCELERATION_USE_OPENCL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_HW_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_IS_COLOR - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_KEY_FLAG - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_KEY_INTERVAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_NSTRIPES - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_QUALITY - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_RAW_VIDEO - Static variable in class org.opencv.videoio.Videoio


waitKey() - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
waitKey(int) - Static method in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
WARP_INVERSE_MAP - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
WARP_POLAR_LINEAR - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
WARP_POLAR_LOG - Static variable in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
warpAffine(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies an affine transformation to an image.
warpAffine(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies an affine transformation to an image.
warpAffine(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies an affine transformation to an image.
warpAffine(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, int, int, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies an affine transformation to an image.
warpPerspective(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a perspective transformation to an image.
warpPerspective(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a perspective transformation to an image.
warpPerspective(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a perspective transformation to an image.
warpPerspective(Mat, Mat, Mat, Size, int, int, Scalar) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Applies a perspective transformation to an image.
warpPolar(Mat, Mat, Size, Point, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Remaps an image to polar or semilog-polar coordinates space polar_remaps_reference_image ![Polar remaps reference](pics/polar_remap_doc.png) Transform the source image using the following transformation: \( dst(\rho , \phi ) = src(x,y) \) where \( \begin{array}{l} \vec{I} = (x - center.x, \;y - center.y) \\ \phi = Kangle \cdot \texttt{angle} (\vec{I}) \\ \rho = \left\{\begin{matrix} Klin \cdot \texttt{magnitude} (\vec{I}) & default \\ Klog \cdot log_e(\texttt{magnitude} (\vec{I})) & if \; semilog \\ \end{matrix}\right.
watershed(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc
Performs a marker-based image segmentation using the watershed algorithm.
Wechat_qrcode - Class in org.opencv.wechat_qrcode
Wechat_qrcode() - Constructor for class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.Wechat_qrcode
WeChatQRCode - Class in org.opencv.wechat_qrcode
WeChat QRCode includes two CNN-based models: A object detection model and a super resolution model.
WeChatQRCode() - Constructor for class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
Initialize the WeChatQRCode.
WeChatQRCode(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
WeChatQRCode(String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
Initialize the WeChatQRCode.
WeChatQRCode(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
Initialize the WeChatQRCode.
WeChatQRCode(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
Initialize the WeChatQRCode.
WeChatQRCode(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
Initialize the WeChatQRCode.
weightedMedianFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies weighted median filter to an image.
weightedMedianFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies weighted median filter to an image.
weightedMedianFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies weighted median filter to an image.
weightedMedianFilter(Mat, Mat, Mat, int, double, int, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Applies weighted median filter to an image.
WhiteBalancer - Class in org.opencv.xphoto
The base class for auto white balance algorithms.
WhiteBalancer(long) - Constructor for class org.opencv.xphoto.WhiteBalancer
width - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Rect
width - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
width - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Size
width - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
width() - Method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
WINDOW_AUTOSIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
WINDOW_AUTOSIZE - Static variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
WINDOW_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
WINDOW_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
windows - Static variable in class org.opencv.highgui.HighGui
windowToBeResized - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
WMF_COS - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
WMF_EXP - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
WMF_IV1 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
WMF_IV2 - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
WMF_JAC - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
WMF_OFF - Static variable in class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
write(String) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
Write xml/yml formated parameters information
write(String) - Method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
write xml/yml formated parameters information
write(String) - Method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
Saves a FaceRecognizer and its model state.
write(String) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
write(String) - Method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
write(Mat) - Method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
Writes the next video frame
writeOpticalFlow(String, Mat) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Video
Write a .flo to disk
writeTextGraph(String, String) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Dnn
Create a text representation for a binary network stored in protocol buffer format.


x - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Point
x - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Point3
x - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Rect
x - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
x - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
X_ROW - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
Xfeatures2d - Class in org.opencv.xfeatures2d
Xfeatures2d() - Constructor for class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.Xfeatures2d
Ximgproc - Class in org.opencv.ximgproc
Ximgproc() - Constructor for class org.opencv.ximgproc.Ximgproc
Xphoto - Class in org.opencv.xphoto
Xphoto() - Constructor for class org.opencv.xphoto.Xphoto


y - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Point
y - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Point3
y - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Rect
y - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Rect2d
y - Variable in class org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow
Y_ROW - Static variable in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA


z - Variable in class org.opencv.core.Point3
zeros(int[], int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
zeros(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Mat
zeros(Size, int) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Mat


__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.aruco.EstimateParameters
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorCNT
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGMG
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorGSOC
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorLSBP
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorLSBPDesc
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.BackgroundSubtractorMOG
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.bgsegm.SyntheticSequenceGenerator
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.Retina
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.RetinaFastToneMapping
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.bioinspired.TransientAreasSegmentationModule
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoBM
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoMatcher
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.StereoSGBM
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.calib3d.UsacParams
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.Algorithm
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.core.TickMeter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.ClassificationModel
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.DetectionModel
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.DictValue
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Image2BlobParams
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.KeypointsModel
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Layer
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Model
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.Net
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.SegmentationModel
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_EAST
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.BasicFaceRecognizer
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.BIF
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.EigenFaceRecognizer
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.Facemark
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.FacemarkAAM
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.FacemarkKazemi
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.FacemarkLBF
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.FacemarkTrain
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.FaceRecognizer
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.FisherFaceRecognizer
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.MACE
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.PredictCollector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.face.StandardCollector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AffineFeature
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AgastFeatureDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.AKAZE
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BFMatcher
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWKMeansTrainer
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BOWTrainer
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.BRISK
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.FastFeatureDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.Feature2D
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.FlannBasedMatcher
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.GFTTDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.KAZE
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.MSER
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.ORB
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SIFT
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.features2d.SimpleBlobDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.AverageHash
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.BlockMeanHash
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.ColorMomentHash
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.ImgHashBase
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.MarrHildrethHash
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.PHash
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.img_hash.RadialVarianceHash
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.CLAHE
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHough
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughBallard
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.GeneralizedHoughGuil
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.LineSegmentDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.imgproc.Subdiv2D
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.ANN_MLP
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.Boost
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.DTrees
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.EM
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.KNearest
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.LogisticRegression
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.NormalBayesClassifier
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.ParamGrid
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.RTrees
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.StatModel
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.SVM
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.SVMSGD
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ml.TrainData
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.ArucoDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.BarcodeDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.BaseCascadeClassifier
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Board
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoBoard
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.CharucoParameters
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.DetectorParameters
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.Dictionary
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.FaceRecognizerSF
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GraphicalCodeDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.GridBoard
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.HOGDescriptor
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeDetectorAruco
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.QRCodeEncoder
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.objdetect.RefineParameters
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.HistogramPhaseUnwrapping
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.phase_unwrapping.PhaseUnwrapping
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignExposures
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.AlignMTB
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateCRF
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateDebevec
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.CalibrateRobertson
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeDebevec
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeExposures
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeMertens
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.MergeRobertson
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.Tonemap
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapDrago
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapMantiuk
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.photo.TonemapReinhard
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.plot.Plot2d
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.structured_light.GrayCodePattern
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.structured_light.SinusoidalPattern
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.structured_light.StructuredLightPattern
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.BaseOCR
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.ERFilter_Callback
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.ERFilter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder_ClassifierCallback
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRBeamSearchDecoder
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder_ClassifierCallback
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRHMMDecoder
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.OCRTesseract
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.TextDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.text.TextDetectorCNN
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_MultiTracker
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_Tracker
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerBoosting
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerCSRT
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerKCF
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMedianFlow
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMIL
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerMOSSE
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.legacy_TrackerTLD
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerCSRT
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.tracking.TrackerKCF
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractor
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorKNN
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.DenseOpticalFlow
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.DISOpticalFlow
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.FarnebackOpticalFlow
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.KalmanFilter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.SparseOpticalFlow
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.Tracker
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerDaSiamRPN
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerGOTURN
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerMIL
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerNano
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.TrackerVit
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.video.VariationalRefinement
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.videoio.VideoWriter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.wechat_qrcode.WeChatQRCode
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.AffineFeature2D
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BEBLID
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BoostDesc
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.BriefDescriptorExtractor
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.DAISY
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.FREAK
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LATCH
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.LUCID
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.MSDDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignatures
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.PCTSignaturesSQFD
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.StarDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF_CUDA
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.SURF
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TBMR
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.TEBLID
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xfeatures2d.VGG
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.AdaptiveManifoldFilter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ContourFitting
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityFilter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DisparityWLSFilter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.DTFilter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeAwareInterpolator
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeBoxes
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing_Params
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.EdgeDrawing
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastBilateralSolverFilter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastGlobalSmootherFilter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.FastLineDetector
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GraphSegmentation
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.GuidedFilter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RFFeatureGetter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RICInterpolator
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.RidgeDetectionFilter
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.ScanSegment
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentation
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyColor
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyFill
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyMultiple
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategySize
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategyTexture
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SparseMatchInterpolator
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.StructuredEdgeDetection
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelLSC
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSEEDS
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.ximgproc.SuperpixelSLIC
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.GrayworldWB
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.LearningBasedWB
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.SimpleWB
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.TonemapDurand
__fromPtr__(long) - Static method in class org.opencv.xphoto.WhiteBalancer
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