►CUDA-accelerated Computer Vision | |
►Core part | |
Initialization and Information | |
Data Structures | |
►Operations on Matrices | |
Core Operations on Matrices | |
Per-element Operations | |
Matrix Reductions | |
Arithm Operations on Matrices | |
Background Segmentation | |
Video Encoding/Decoding | |
Feature Detection and Description | |
Image Filtering | |
►Image Processing | |
Color space processing | |
Histogram Calculation | |
Hough Transform | |
Feature Detection | |
►Legacy support | |
NPPST Core | |
NPPST Image Processing | |
NPPST Signal Processing | |
Object Detection | |
Optical Flow | |
Stereo Correspondence | |
Image Warping | |
Device layer | |
►Core functionality | |
Basic structures | |
►C structures and operations | |
Connections with C++ | |
Operations on arrays | |
Asynchronous API | |
XML/YAML Persistence | |
Clustering | |
►Utility and system functions and macros | |
Logging facilities | |
SSE utilities | |
NEON utilities | |
VSX utilities | |
Softfloat support | |
Utility functions for OpenCV samples | |
OpenGL interoperability | |
Intel IPP Asynchronous C/C++ Converters | |
Optimization Algorithms | |
DirectX interoperability | |
Eigen support | |
OpenCL support | |
Intel VA-API/OpenCL (CL-VA) interoperability | |
►Hardware Acceleration Layer | |
Functions | |
►Interface | |
Element-wise add and subtract | |
Element-wise minimum or maximum | |
Element-wise absolute difference | |
Bitwise logical operations | |
Element-wise compare | |
Element-wise multiply | |
Element-wise divide | |
Element-wise reciprocial | |
Element-wise weighted sum | |
Channel split | |
Channel merge | |
Atan calculation | |
Magnitude calculation | |
Inverse square root calculation | |
Square root calculation | |
Natural logarithm calculation | |
Exponent calculation | |
LU matrix decomposition | |
Cholesky matrix decomposition | |
Singular value matrix decomposition | |
QR matrix decomposition | |
Matrix multiplication | |
►Universal intrinsics | |
Private implementation helpers | |
Low-level API for external libraries / plugins | |
►Image Processing | |
Image Filtering | |
Geometric Image Transformations | |
Miscellaneous Image Transformations | |
Drawing Functions | |
Color Space Conversions | |
ColorMaps in OpenCV | |
Planar Subdivision | |
Histograms | |
Structural Analysis and Shape Descriptors | |
Motion Analysis and Object Tracking | |
Feature Detection | |
Object Detection | |
C API | |
►Hardware Acceleration Layer | |
Functions | |
Interface | |
►Image file reading and writing | |
C API | |
Flags used for image file reading and writing | |
iOS glue | |
MacOS(OSX) glue | |
►Video I/O | Read and write video or images sequence with OpenCV |
Flags for video I/O | |
Additional flags for video I/O API backends | |
C API for video I/O | |
iOS glue for video I/O | |
WinRT glue for video I/O | |
Query I/O API backends registry | |
►High-level GUI | |
Flags related creating and manipulating HighGUI windows and mouse events | |
OpenGL support | |
Qt New Functions | |
WinRT support | |
C API | |
►Video Analysis | |
Motion Analysis | |
Object Tracking | |
C API | |
►Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction | |
Fisheye camera model | |
C API | |
►2D Features Framework | |
Feature Detection and Description | |
Descriptor Matchers | |
Drawing Function of Keypoints and Matches | |
Object Categorization | |
►Hardware Acceleration Layer | |
Interface | |
►Object Detection | |
C API | |
►Deep Neural Network module | |
Partial List of Implemented Layers | |
Utilities for New Layers Registration | |
Machine Learning | |
Clustering and Search in Multi-Dimensional Spaces | |
►Computational Photography | |
Inpainting | |
Denoising | |
HDR imaging | |
Contrast Preserving Decolorization | |
Seamless Cloning | |
Non-Photorealistic Rendering | |
C API | |
►Images stitching | |
Features Finding and Images Matching | |
Rotation Estimation | |
Autocalibration | |
Images Warping | |
Seam Estimation | |
Exposure Compensation | |
Image Blenders | |
►G-API Core functionality | |
Graph API: Math operations | |
Graph API: Pixelwise operations | |
Graph API: Operations on matrices | |
Graph API: Image and channel composition functions | |
►G-API Image processing functionality | |
Graph API: Image filters | |
Graph API: Converting image from one color space to another | |
Graph API: Image Feature Detection | |
Graph API: Image Structural Analysis and Shape Descriptors | |
►G-API Drawing and composition functionality | Functions for in-graph drawing |
Drawing primitives | |
Drawing operations and functions | |
G-API Video processing functionality | |
►G-API framework | |
G-API Main Classes | G-API classes for constructed and compiled graphs |
►G-API Data Types | G-API data objects used to build G-API expressions |
G-API Metadata Descriptors | |
G-API Standard Backends | G-API backends available in this OpenCV version |
G-API Graph Compilation Arguments | Compilation arguments: data structures controlling the compilation process |
Alpha Matting | |
ArUco Marker Detection | |
Improved Background-Foreground Segmentation Methods | |
Biologically inspired vision models and derivated tools | |
Custom Calibration Pattern for 3D reconstruction | |
3D object recognition and pose estimation API | |
GUI for Interactive Visual Debugging of Computer Vision Programs | |
►Framework for working with different datasets | |
Action Recognition | |
Face Recognition | |
Gesture Recognition | |
Human Pose Estimation | |
Image Registration | |
Image Segmentation | |
Multiview Stereo Matching | |
Object Recognition | |
Pedestrian Detection | |
SLAM | |
Super Resolution | |
Text Recognition | |
Tracking | |
DNN used for object detection | |
DNN used for super resolution | |
Deformable Part-based Models | |
Face Analysis | |
Drawing UTF-8 strings with freetype/harfbuzz | |
►Image processing based on fuzzy mathematics | |
Math with F0-transform support | |
Math with F1-transform support | |
Fuzzy image processing | |
►Hierarchical Data Format I/O routines | |
Hierarchical Data Format version 5 | |
Hierarchical Feature Selection for Efficient Image Segmentation | |
The module brings implementations of different image hashing algorithms. | |
The module brings implementations of intensity transformation algorithms to adjust image contrast. | |
Julia bindings for OpenCV | |
Binary descriptors for lines extracted from an image | |
►Macbeth Chart module | |
Color Correction Model | |
Optical Flow Algorithms | |
OGRE 3D Visualiser | |
Phase Unwrapping API | |
Plot function for Mat data | |
Image Quality Analysis (IQA) API | |
silhouette based 3D object tracking | |
Image Registration | |
RGB-Depth Processing | |
Saliency API | |
►Structure From Motion | |
Conditioning | |
Fundamental | |
Input/Output | |
Numeric | |
Projection | |
Robust Estimation | |
Triangulation | |
Reconstruction | |
Simple Pipeline | |
Shape Distance and Matching | |
Stereo Correspondance Algorithms | |
Structured Light API | |
Super Resolution | |
Surface Matching | |
►Scene Text Detection and Recognition | |
Scene Text Detection | |
Scene Text Recognition | |
►Tracking API | |
Tracking API implementation details | |
Legacy Tracking API | |
►Video Stabilization | |
Global Motion Estimation | |
Fast Marching Method | |
►3D Visualizer | |
Widget | |
►Extra 2D Features Framework | |
Experimental 2D Features Algorithms | |
Non-free 2D Features Algorithms | |
Experimental 2D Features Matching Algorithm | |
►Extended Image Processing | |
Structured forests for fast edge detection | |
EdgeBoxes | |
Filters | |
Superpixels | |
Image segmentation | |
Fast line detector | |
Fourier descriptors | |
Binary morphology on run-length encoded image | |
Extended object detection | |
Additional photo processing algorithms | |
Kinect_fusion | |