Class | Description |
Algorithm |
This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV
especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.
Core | |
Core.MinMaxLocResult | |
CvType | |
DMatch |
Structure for matching: query descriptor index, train descriptor index, train
image index and distance between descriptors.
KeyPoint | |
Mat | |
MatOfByte | |
MatOfDMatch | |
MatOfDouble | |
MatOfFloat | |
MatOfFloat4 | |
MatOfFloat6 | |
MatOfInt | |
MatOfInt4 | |
MatOfKeyPoint | |
MatOfPoint | |
MatOfPoint2f | |
MatOfPoint3 | |
MatOfPoint3f | |
MatOfRect | |
MatOfRect2d | |
MatOfRotatedRect | |
Point | |
Point3 | |
Range | |
Rect | |
Rect2d | |
RotatedRect | |
Scalar | |
Size | |
TermCriteria | |
TickMeter |
a Class to measure passing time.
Exception | Description |
CvException |
Generated on Wed Oct 9 2019 23:24:43 UTC / OpenCV 4.1.2