Field and Description |
please use
CvType.CV_16F |
Method and Description |
org.opencv.aruco.Aruco.drawAxis(Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, Mat, float)
use cv::drawFrameAxes
Current implementation doesn't corresponding to this documentation.
The exact meaning of the return value depends on the threading framework used by OpenCV library:
org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.linearPolar(Mat, Mat, Point, double, int)
This function produces same result as cv::warpPolar(src, dst, src.size(), center, maxRadius, flags)
Transform the source image using the following transformation (See REF: polar_remaps_reference_image "Polar remaps reference image c)"):
dst( \rho , \phi ) = src(x,y) \\
dst.size() \leftarrow src.size()
I = (dx,dy) = (x - center.x,y - center.y) \\
\rho = Kmag \cdot \texttt{magnitude} (I) ,\\
\phi = angle \cdot \texttt{angle} (I)
Kx = src.cols / maxRadius \\
Ky = src.rows / 2\Pi
org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc.logPolar(Mat, Mat, Point, double, int)
This function produces same result as cv::warpPolar(src, dst, src.size(), center, maxRadius, flags+WARP_POLAR_LOG);
Transform the source image using the following transformation (See REF: polar_remaps_reference_image "Polar remaps reference image d)"):
dst( \rho , \phi ) = src(x,y) \\
dst.size() \leftarrow src.size()
I = (dx,dy) = (x - center.x,y - center.y) \\
\rho = M \cdot log_e(\texttt{magnitude} (I)) ,\\
\phi = Kangle \cdot \texttt{angle} (I) \\
M = src.cols / log_e(maxRadius) \\
Kangle = src.rows / 2\Pi \\
The function emulates the human "foveal" vision and can be used for fast scale and
rotation-invariant template matching, for object tracking and so forth.
|<Mat>, List<Mat>, List<Mat>)
This method will be removed in the future release.
Generated on Wed Oct 9 2019 23:24:43 UTC / OpenCV 4.1.2