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class  cv::ximgproc::AdaptiveManifoldFilter
 Interface for Adaptive Manifold Filter realizations. More...
class  cv::ximgproc::DTFilter
 Interface for realizations of Domain Transform filter. More...
class  cv::ximgproc::GuidedFilter
 Interface for realizations of Guided Filter. More...


enum  cv::ximgproc::EdgeAwareFiltersList {


void cv::ximgproc::amFilter (InputArray joint, InputArray src, OutputArray dst, double sigma_s, double sigma_r, bool adjust_outliers=false)
 Simple one-line Adaptive Manifold Filter call. More...
Ptr< AdaptiveManifoldFilter > cv::ximgproc::createAMFilter (double sigma_s, double sigma_r, bool adjust_outliers=false)
 Factory method, create instance of AdaptiveManifoldFilter and produce some initialization routines. More...
Ptr< DTFilter > cv::ximgproc::createDTFilter (InputArray guide, double sigmaSpatial, double sigmaColor, int mode=DTF_NC, int numIters=3)
 Factory method, create instance of DTFilter and produce initialization routines. More...
Ptr< GuidedFilter > cv::ximgproc::createGuidedFilter (InputArray guide, int radius, double eps)
 Factory method, create instance of GuidedFilter and produce initialization routines. More...
void cv::ximgproc::dtFilter (InputArray guide, InputArray src, OutputArray dst, double sigmaSpatial, double sigmaColor, int mode=DTF_NC, int numIters=3)
 Simple one-line Domain Transform filter call. If you have multiple images to filter with the same guided image then use DTFilter interface to avoid extra computations on initialization stage. More...
void cv::ximgproc::guidedFilter (InputArray guide, InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int radius, double eps, int dDepth=-1)
 Simple one-line Guided Filter call. More...
void cv::ximgproc::jointBilateralFilter (InputArray joint, InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int d, double sigmaColor, double sigmaSpace, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 Applies the joint bilateral filter to an image. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation


Function Documentation

void cv::ximgproc::amFilter ( InputArray  joint,
InputArray  src,
OutputArray  dst,
double  sigma_s,
double  sigma_r,
bool  adjust_outliers = false 

Simple one-line Adaptive Manifold Filter call.

jointjoint (also called as guided) image or array of images with any numbers of channels.
srcfiltering image with any numbers of channels.
dstoutput image.
sigma_sspatial standard deviation.
sigma_rcolor space standard deviation, it is similar to the sigma in the color space into bilateralFilter.
adjust_outliersoptional, specify perform outliers adjust operation or not, (Eq. 9) in the original paper.
Joint images with CV_8U and CV_16U depth converted to images with CV_32F depth and [0; 1] color range before processing. Hence color space sigma sigma_r must be in [0; 1] range, unlike same sigmas in bilateralFilter and dtFilter functions.
See also
bilateralFilter, dtFilter, guidedFilter
Ptr<AdaptiveManifoldFilter> cv::ximgproc::createAMFilter ( double  sigma_s,
double  sigma_r,
bool  adjust_outliers = false 

Factory method, create instance of AdaptiveManifoldFilter and produce some initialization routines.

sigma_sspatial standard deviation.
sigma_rcolor space standard deviation, it is similar to the sigma in the color space into bilateralFilter.
adjust_outliersoptional, specify perform outliers adjust operation or not, (Eq. 9) in the original paper.

For more details about Adaptive Manifold Filter parameters, see the original article [50] .

Joint images with CV_8U and CV_16U depth converted to images with CV_32F depth and [0; 1] color range before processing. Hence color space sigma sigma_r must be in [0; 1] range, unlike same sigmas in bilateralFilter and dtFilter functions.
Ptr<DTFilter> cv::ximgproc::createDTFilter ( InputArray  guide,
double  sigmaSpatial,
double  sigmaColor,
int  mode = DTF_NC,
int  numIters = 3 

Factory method, create instance of DTFilter and produce initialization routines.

guideguided image (used to build transformed distance, which describes edge structure of guided image).
sigmaSpatial{\sigma}_H parameter in the original article, it's similar to the sigma in the coordinate space into bilateralFilter.
sigmaColor{\sigma}_r parameter in the original article, it's similar to the sigma in the color space into bilateralFilter.
modeone form three modes DTF_NC, DTF_RF and DTF_IC which corresponds to three modes for filtering 2D signals in the article.
numItersoptional number of iterations used for filtering, 3 is quite enough.

For more details about Domain Transform filter parameters, see the original article [49] and Domain Transform filter homepage.

Ptr<GuidedFilter> cv::ximgproc::createGuidedFilter ( InputArray  guide,
int  radius,
double  eps 

Factory method, create instance of GuidedFilter and produce initialization routines.

guideguided image (or array of images) with up to 3 channels, if it have more then 3 channels then only first 3 channels will be used.
radiusradius of Guided Filter.
epsregularization term of Guided Filter. {eps}^2 is similar to the sigma in the color space into bilateralFilter.

For more details about Guided Filter parameters, see the original article [59] .

void cv::ximgproc::dtFilter ( InputArray  guide,
InputArray  src,
OutputArray  dst,
double  sigmaSpatial,
double  sigmaColor,
int  mode = DTF_NC,
int  numIters = 3 

Simple one-line Domain Transform filter call. If you have multiple images to filter with the same guided image then use DTFilter interface to avoid extra computations on initialization stage.

guideguided image (also called as joint image) with unsigned 8-bit or floating-point 32-bit depth and up to 4 channels.
srcfiltering image with unsigned 8-bit or floating-point 32-bit depth and up to 4 channels.
sigmaSpatial{\sigma}_H parameter in the original article, it's similar to the sigma in the coordinate space into bilateralFilter.
sigmaColor{\sigma}_r parameter in the original article, it's similar to the sigma in the color space into bilateralFilter.
modeone form three modes DTF_NC, DTF_RF and DTF_IC which corresponds to three modes for filtering 2D signals in the article.
numItersoptional number of iterations used for filtering, 3 is quite enough.
See also
bilateralFilter, guidedFilter, amFilter
void cv::ximgproc::guidedFilter ( InputArray  guide,
InputArray  src,
OutputArray  dst,
int  radius,
double  eps,
int  dDepth = -1 

Simple one-line Guided Filter call.

If you have multiple images to filter with the same guided image then use GuidedFilter interface to avoid extra computations on initialization stage.

guideguided image (or array of images) with up to 3 channels, if it have more then 3 channels then only first 3 channels will be used.
srcfiltering image with any numbers of channels.
dstoutput image.
radiusradius of Guided Filter.
epsregularization term of Guided Filter. {eps}^2 is similar to the sigma in the color space into bilateralFilter.
dDepthoptional depth of the output image.
See also
bilateralFilter, dtFilter, amFilter
void cv::ximgproc::jointBilateralFilter ( InputArray  joint,
InputArray  src,
OutputArray  dst,
int  d,
double  sigmaColor,
double  sigmaSpace,
int  borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT 

Applies the joint bilateral filter to an image.

jointJoint 8-bit or floating-point, 1-channel or 3-channel image.
srcSource 8-bit or floating-point, 1-channel or 3-channel image with the same depth as joint image.
dstDestination image of the same size and type as src .
dDiameter of each pixel neighborhood that is used during filtering. If it is non-positive, it is computed from sigmaSpace .
sigmaColorFilter sigma in the color space. A larger value of the parameter means that farther colors within the pixel neighborhood (see sigmaSpace ) will be mixed together, resulting in larger areas of semi-equal color.
sigmaSpaceFilter sigma in the coordinate space. A larger value of the parameter means that farther pixels will influence each other as long as their colors are close enough (see sigmaColor ). When d>0 , it specifies the neighborhood size regardless of sigmaSpace . Otherwise, d is proportional to sigmaSpace .
bilateralFilter and jointBilateralFilter use L1 norm to compute difference between colors.
See also
bilateralFilter, amFilter