CvPOSITObject * | cvCreatePOSITObject (CvPoint3D32f *points, int point_count) |
void | cvPOSIT (CvPOSITObject *posit_object, CvPoint2D32f *image_points, double focal_length, CvTermCriteria criteria, float *rotation_matrix, float *translation_vector) |
void | cvReleasePOSITObject (CvPOSITObject **posit_object) |
int | cvRANSACUpdateNumIters (double p, double err_prob, int model_points, int max_iters) |
void | cvConvertPointsHomogeneous (const CvMat *src, CvMat *dst) |
int | cvFindFundamentalMat (const CvMat *points1, const CvMat *points2, CvMat *fundamental_matrix, int method CV_DEFAULT(8), double param1 CV_DEFAULT(3.), double param2 CV_DEFAULT(0.99), CvMat *status CV_DEFAULT(NULL)) |
void | cvComputeCorrespondEpilines (const CvMat *points, int which_image, const CvMat *fundamental_matrix, CvMat *correspondent_lines) |
void | cvTriangulatePoints (CvMat *projMatr1, CvMat *projMatr2, CvMat *projPoints1, CvMat *projPoints2, CvMat *points4D) |
void | cvCorrectMatches (CvMat *F, CvMat *points1, CvMat *points2, CvMat *new_points1, CvMat *new_points2) |
void | cvGetOptimalNewCameraMatrix (const CvMat *camera_matrix, const CvMat *dist_coeffs, CvSize image_size, double alpha, CvMat *new_camera_matrix, CvSize new_imag_size CV_DEFAULT(cvSize(0, 0)), CvRect *valid_pixel_ROI CV_DEFAULT(0), int center_principal_point CV_DEFAULT(0)) |
int | cvRodrigues2 (const CvMat *src, CvMat *dst, CvMat *jacobian CV_DEFAULT(0)) |
int | cvFindHomography (const CvMat *src_points, const CvMat *dst_points, CvMat *homography, int method CV_DEFAULT(0), double ransacReprojThreshold CV_DEFAULT(3), CvMat *mask CV_DEFAULT(0)) |
void | cvRQDecomp3x3 (const CvMat *matrixM, CvMat *matrixR, CvMat *matrixQ, CvMat *matrixQx CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat *matrixQy CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat *matrixQz CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvPoint3D64f *eulerAngles CV_DEFAULT(NULL)) |
void | cvDecomposeProjectionMatrix (const CvMat *projMatr, CvMat *calibMatr, CvMat *rotMatr, CvMat *posVect, CvMat *rotMatrX CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat *rotMatrY CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat *rotMatrZ CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvPoint3D64f *eulerAngles CV_DEFAULT(NULL)) |
void | cvCalcMatMulDeriv (const CvMat *A, const CvMat *B, CvMat *dABdA, CvMat *dABdB) |
void | cvComposeRT (const CvMat *_rvec1, const CvMat *_tvec1, const CvMat *_rvec2, const CvMat *_tvec2, CvMat *_rvec3, CvMat *_tvec3, CvMat *dr3dr1 CV_DEFAULT(0), CvMat *dr3dt1 CV_DEFAULT(0), CvMat *dr3dr2 CV_DEFAULT(0), CvMat *dr3dt2 CV_DEFAULT(0), CvMat *dt3dr1 CV_DEFAULT(0), CvMat *dt3dt1 CV_DEFAULT(0), CvMat *dt3dr2 CV_DEFAULT(0), CvMat *dt3dt2 CV_DEFAULT(0)) |
void | cvProjectPoints2 (const CvMat *object_points, const CvMat *rotation_vector, const CvMat *translation_vector, const CvMat *camera_matrix, const CvMat *distortion_coeffs, CvMat *image_points, CvMat *dpdrot CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat *dpdt CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat *dpdf CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat *dpdc CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat *dpddist CV_DEFAULT(NULL), double aspect_ratio CV_DEFAULT(0)) |
void | cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2 (const CvMat *object_points, const CvMat *image_points, const CvMat *camera_matrix, const CvMat *distortion_coeffs, CvMat *rotation_vector, CvMat *translation_vector, int use_extrinsic_guess CV_DEFAULT(0)) |
void | cvInitIntrinsicParams2D (const CvMat *object_points, const CvMat *image_points, const CvMat *npoints, CvSize image_size, CvMat *camera_matrix, double aspect_ratio CV_DEFAULT(1.)) |
int | cvCheckChessboard (IplImage *src, CvSize size) |
int | cvFindChessboardCorners (const void *image, CvSize pattern_size, CvPoint2D32f *corners, int *corner_count CV_DEFAULT(NULL), int flags CV_DEFAULT(1+2)) |
void | cvDrawChessboardCorners (CvArr *image, CvSize pattern_size, CvPoint2D32f *corners, int count, int pattern_was_found) |
double | cvCalibrateCamera2 (const CvMat *object_points, const CvMat *image_points, const CvMat *point_counts, CvSize image_size, CvMat *camera_matrix, CvMat *distortion_coeffs, CvMat *rotation_vectors CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvMat *translation_vectors CV_DEFAULT(NULL), int flags CV_DEFAULT(0), CvTermCriteria term_crit CV_DEFAULT(cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 30, DBL_EPSILON))) |
void | cvCalibrationMatrixValues (const CvMat *camera_matrix, CvSize image_size, double aperture_width CV_DEFAULT(0), double aperture_height CV_DEFAULT(0), double *fovx CV_DEFAULT(NULL), double *fovy CV_DEFAULT(NULL), double *focal_length CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvPoint2D64f *principal_point CV_DEFAULT(NULL), double *pixel_aspect_ratio CV_DEFAULT(NULL)) |
double | cvStereoCalibrate (const CvMat *object_points, const CvMat *image_points1, const CvMat *image_points2, const CvMat *npoints, CvMat *camera_matrix1, CvMat *dist_coeffs1, CvMat *camera_matrix2, CvMat *dist_coeffs2, CvSize image_size, CvMat *R, CvMat *T, CvMat *E CV_DEFAULT(0), CvMat *F CV_DEFAULT(0), CvTermCriteria term_crit CV_DEFAULT(cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 30, 1e-6)), int flags CV_DEFAULT(256)) |
void | cvStereoRectify (const CvMat *camera_matrix1, const CvMat *camera_matrix2, const CvMat *dist_coeffs1, const CvMat *dist_coeffs2, CvSize image_size, const CvMat *R, const CvMat *T, CvMat *R1, CvMat *R2, CvMat *P1, CvMat *P2, CvMat *Q CV_DEFAULT(0), int flags CV_DEFAULT(1024), double alpha CV_DEFAULT(-1), CvSize new_image_size CV_DEFAULT(cvSize(0, 0)), CvRect *valid_pix_ROI1 CV_DEFAULT(0), CvRect *valid_pix_ROI2 CV_DEFAULT(0)) |
int | cvStereoRectifyUncalibrated (const CvMat *points1, const CvMat *points2, const CvMat *F, CvSize img_size, CvMat *H1, CvMat *H2, double threshold CV_DEFAULT(5)) |
CvStereoBMState * | cvCreateStereoBMState (int preset CV_DEFAULT(0), int numberOfDisparities CV_DEFAULT(0)) |
void | cvReleaseStereoBMState (CvStereoBMState **state) |
void | cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM (const CvArr *left, const CvArr *right, CvArr *disparity, CvStereoBMState *state) |
CvRect | cvGetValidDisparityROI (CvRect roi1, CvRect roi2, int minDisparity, int numberOfDisparities, int SADWindowSize) |
void | cvValidateDisparity (CvArr *disparity, const CvArr *cost, int minDisparity, int numberOfDisparities, int disp12MaxDiff CV_DEFAULT(1)) |
void | cvReprojectImageTo3D (const CvArr *disparityImage, CvArr *_3dImage, const CvMat *Q, int handleMissingValues CV_DEFAULT(0)) |
void | cv::Rodrigues (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, OutputArray jacobian=noArray()) |
| converts rotation vector to rotation matrix or vice versa using Rodrigues transformation More...
Mat | cv::findHomography (InputArray srcPoints, InputArray dstPoints, int method=0, double ransacReprojThreshold=3, OutputArray mask=noArray()) |
| computes the best-fit perspective transformation mapping srcPoints to dstPoints. More...
Mat | cv::findHomography (InputArray srcPoints, InputArray dstPoints, OutputArray mask, int method=0, double ransacReprojThreshold=3) |
| variant of findHomography for backward compatibility More...
Vec3d | cv::RQDecomp3x3 (InputArray src, OutputArray mtxR, OutputArray mtxQ, OutputArray Qx=noArray(), OutputArray Qy=noArray(), OutputArray Qz=noArray()) |
| Computes RQ decomposition of 3x3 matrix. More...
void | cv::decomposeProjectionMatrix (InputArray projMatrix, OutputArray cameraMatrix, OutputArray rotMatrix, OutputArray transVect, OutputArray rotMatrixX=noArray(), OutputArray rotMatrixY=noArray(), OutputArray rotMatrixZ=noArray(), OutputArray eulerAngles=noArray()) |
| Decomposes the projection matrix into camera matrix and the rotation martix and the translation vector. More...
void | cv::matMulDeriv (InputArray A, InputArray B, OutputArray dABdA, OutputArray dABdB) |
| computes derivatives of the matrix product w.r.t each of the multiplied matrix coefficients More...
void | cv::composeRT (InputArray rvec1, InputArray tvec1, InputArray rvec2, InputArray tvec2, OutputArray rvec3, OutputArray tvec3, OutputArray dr3dr1=noArray(), OutputArray dr3dt1=noArray(), OutputArray dr3dr2=noArray(), OutputArray dr3dt2=noArray(), OutputArray dt3dr1=noArray(), OutputArray dt3dt1=noArray(), OutputArray dt3dr2=noArray(), OutputArray dt3dt2=noArray()) |
| composes 2 [R|t] transformations together. Also computes the derivatives of the result w.r.t the arguments More...
void | cv::projectPoints (InputArray objectPoints, InputArray rvec, InputArray tvec, InputArray cameraMatrix, InputArray distCoeffs, OutputArray imagePoints, OutputArray jacobian=noArray(), double aspectRatio=0) |
| projects points from the model coordinate space to the image coordinates. Also computes derivatives of the image coordinates w.r.t the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters More...
bool | cv::solvePnP (InputArray objectPoints, InputArray imagePoints, InputArray cameraMatrix, InputArray distCoeffs, OutputArray rvec, OutputArray tvec, bool useExtrinsicGuess=false, int flags=ITERATIVE) |
void | cv::solvePnPRansac (InputArray objectPoints, InputArray imagePoints, InputArray cameraMatrix, InputArray distCoeffs, OutputArray rvec, OutputArray tvec, bool useExtrinsicGuess=false, int iterationsCount=100, float reprojectionError=8.0, int minInliersCount=100, OutputArray inliers=noArray(), int flags=ITERATIVE) |
| computes the camera pose from a few 3D points and the corresponding projections. The outliers are possible. More...
Mat | cv::initCameraMatrix2D (InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints, Size imageSize, double aspectRatio=1.) |
| initializes camera matrix from a few 3D points and the corresponding projections. More...
bool | cv::findChessboardCorners (InputArray image, Size patternSize, OutputArray corners, int flags=CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH+CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE) |
| finds checkerboard pattern of the specified size in the image More...
bool | cv::find4QuadCornerSubpix (InputArray img, InputOutputArray corners, Size region_size) |
| finds subpixel-accurate positions of the chessboard corners More...
void | cv::drawChessboardCorners (InputOutputArray image, Size patternSize, InputArray corners, bool patternWasFound) |
| draws the checkerboard pattern (found or partly found) in the image More...
bool | cv::findCirclesGrid (InputArray image, Size patternSize, OutputArray centers, int flags=CALIB_CB_SYMMETRIC_GRID, const Ptr< FeatureDetector > &blobDetector=new SimpleBlobDetector()) |
| finds circles' grid pattern of the specified size in the image More...
bool | cv::findCirclesGridDefault (InputArray image, Size patternSize, OutputArray centers, int flags=CALIB_CB_SYMMETRIC_GRID) |
| the deprecated function. Use findCirclesGrid() instead of it. More...
double | cv::calibrateCamera (InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints, Size imageSize, CV_OUT InputOutputArray cameraMatrix, CV_OUT InputOutputArray distCoeffs, OutputArrayOfArrays rvecs, OutputArrayOfArrays tvecs, int flags=0, TermCriteria criteria=TermCriteria( TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 30, DBL_EPSILON)) |
| finds intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters from several fews of a known calibration pattern. More...
void | cv::calibrationMatrixValues (InputArray cameraMatrix, Size imageSize, double apertureWidth, double apertureHeight, CV_OUT double &fovx, CV_OUT double &fovy, CV_OUT double &focalLength, CV_OUT Point2d &principalPoint, CV_OUT double &aspectRatio) |
| computes several useful camera characteristics from the camera matrix, camera frame resolution and the physical sensor size. More...
double | cv::stereoCalibrate (InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints1, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints2, CV_OUT InputOutputArray cameraMatrix1, CV_OUT InputOutputArray distCoeffs1, CV_OUT InputOutputArray cameraMatrix2, CV_OUT InputOutputArray distCoeffs2, Size imageSize, OutputArray R, OutputArray T, OutputArray E, OutputArray F, TermCriteria criteria=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 1e-6), int flags=CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC) |
| finds intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of a stereo camera More...
void | cv::stereoRectify (InputArray cameraMatrix1, InputArray distCoeffs1, InputArray cameraMatrix2, InputArray distCoeffs2, Size imageSize, InputArray R, InputArray T, OutputArray R1, OutputArray R2, OutputArray P1, OutputArray P2, OutputArray Q, int flags=CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY, double alpha=-1, Size newImageSize=Size(), CV_OUT Rect *validPixROI1=0, CV_OUT Rect *validPixROI2=0) |
| computes the rectification transformation for a stereo camera from its intrinsic and extrinsic parameters More...
bool | cv::stereoRectifyUncalibrated (InputArray points1, InputArray points2, InputArray F, Size imgSize, OutputArray H1, OutputArray H2, double threshold=5) |
| computes the rectification transformation for an uncalibrated stereo camera (zero distortion is assumed) More...
float | cv::rectify3Collinear (InputArray cameraMatrix1, InputArray distCoeffs1, InputArray cameraMatrix2, InputArray distCoeffs2, InputArray cameraMatrix3, InputArray distCoeffs3, InputArrayOfArrays imgpt1, InputArrayOfArrays imgpt3, Size imageSize, InputArray R12, InputArray T12, InputArray R13, InputArray T13, OutputArray R1, OutputArray R2, OutputArray R3, OutputArray P1, OutputArray P2, OutputArray P3, OutputArray Q, double alpha, Size newImgSize, CV_OUT Rect *roi1, CV_OUT Rect *roi2, int flags) |
| computes the rectification transformations for 3-head camera, where all the heads are on the same line. More...
Mat | cv::getOptimalNewCameraMatrix (InputArray cameraMatrix, InputArray distCoeffs, Size imageSize, double alpha, Size newImgSize=Size(), CV_OUT Rect *validPixROI=0, bool centerPrincipalPoint=false) |
| returns the optimal new camera matrix More...
void | cv::convertPointsToHomogeneous (InputArray src, OutputArray dst) |
| converts point coordinates from normal pixel coordinates to homogeneous coordinates ((x,y)->(x,y,1)) More...
void | cv::convertPointsFromHomogeneous (InputArray src, OutputArray dst) |
| converts point coordinates from homogeneous to normal pixel coordinates ((x,y,z)->(x/z, y/z)) More...
void | cv::convertPointsHomogeneous (InputArray src, OutputArray dst) |
| for backward compatibility More...
Mat | cv::findFundamentalMat (InputArray points1, InputArray points2, int method=FM_RANSAC, double param1=3., double param2=0.99, OutputArray mask=noArray()) |
| finds fundamental matrix from a set of corresponding 2D points More...
Mat | cv::findFundamentalMat (InputArray points1, InputArray points2, OutputArray mask, int method=FM_RANSAC, double param1=3., double param2=0.99) |
| variant of findFundamentalMat for backward compatibility More...
void | cv::computeCorrespondEpilines (InputArray points, int whichImage, InputArray F, OutputArray lines) |
| finds coordinates of epipolar lines corresponding the specified points More...
void | cv::triangulatePoints (InputArray projMatr1, InputArray projMatr2, InputArray projPoints1, InputArray projPoints2, OutputArray points4D) |
void | cv::correctMatches (InputArray F, InputArray points1, InputArray points2, OutputArray newPoints1, OutputArray newPoints2) |
void | cv::filterSpeckles (InputOutputArray img, double newVal, int maxSpeckleSize, double maxDiff, InputOutputArray buf=noArray()) |
| filters off speckles (small regions of incorrectly computed disparity) More...
Rect | cv::getValidDisparityROI (Rect roi1, Rect roi2, int minDisparity, int numberOfDisparities, int SADWindowSize) |
| computes valid disparity ROI from the valid ROIs of the rectified images (that are returned by cv::stereoRectify()) More...
void | cv::validateDisparity (InputOutputArray disparity, InputArray cost, int minDisparity, int numberOfDisparities, int disp12MaxDisp=1) |
| validates disparity using the left-right check. The matrix "cost" should be computed by the stereo correspondence algorithm More...
void | cv::reprojectImageTo3D (InputArray disparity, OutputArray _3dImage, InputArray Q, bool handleMissingValues=false, int ddepth=-1) |
| reprojects disparity image to 3D: (x,y,d)->(X,Y,Z) using the matrix Q returned by cv::stereoRectify More...
int | cv::estimateAffine3D (InputArray src, InputArray dst, OutputArray out, OutputArray inliers, double ransacThreshold=3, double confidence=0.99) |
void | cv::fisheye::projectPoints (InputArray objectPoints, OutputArray imagePoints, const Affine3d &affine, InputArray K, InputArray D, double alpha=0, OutputArray jacobian=noArray()) |
| projects 3D points using fisheye model More...
void | cv::fisheye::projectPoints (InputArray objectPoints, OutputArray imagePoints, InputArray rvec, InputArray tvec, InputArray K, InputArray D, double alpha=0, OutputArray jacobian=noArray()) |
| projects points using fisheye model More...
void | cv::fisheye::distortPoints (InputArray undistorted, OutputArray distorted, InputArray K, InputArray D, double alpha=0) |
| distorts 2D points using fisheye model More...
void | cv::fisheye::undistortPoints (InputArray distorted, OutputArray undistorted, InputArray K, InputArray D, InputArray R=noArray(), InputArray P=noArray()) |
| undistorts 2D points using fisheye model More...
void | cv::fisheye::initUndistortRectifyMap (InputArray K, InputArray D, InputArray R, InputArray P, const cv::Size &size, int m1type, OutputArray map1, OutputArray map2) |
void | cv::fisheye::undistortImage (InputArray distorted, OutputArray undistorted, InputArray K, InputArray D, InputArray Knew=cv::noArray(), const Size &new_size=Size()) |
| undistorts image, optionally changes resolution and camera matrix. If Knew zero identity matrix is used More...
void | cv::fisheye::estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify (InputArray K, InputArray D, const Size &image_size, InputArray R, OutputArray P, double balance=0.0, const Size &new_size=Size(), double fov_scale=1.0) |
| estimates new camera matrix for undistortion or rectification More...
double | cv::fisheye::calibrate (InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints, const Size &image_size, InputOutputArray K, InputOutputArray D, OutputArrayOfArrays rvecs, OutputArrayOfArrays tvecs, int flags=0, TermCriteria criteria=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 100, DBL_EPSILON)) |
| performs camera calibaration More...
void | cv::fisheye::stereoRectify (InputArray K1, InputArray D1, InputArray K2, InputArray D2, const Size &imageSize, InputArray R, InputArray tvec, OutputArray R1, OutputArray R2, OutputArray P1, OutputArray P2, OutputArray Q, int flags, const Size &newImageSize=Size(), double balance=0.0, double fov_scale=1.0) |
| stereo rectification estimation More...
double | cv::fisheye::stereoCalibrate (InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints1, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints2, InputOutputArray K1, InputOutputArray D1, InputOutputArray K2, InputOutputArray D2, Size imageSize, OutputArray R, OutputArray T, int flags=CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC, TermCriteria criteria=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 100, DBL_EPSILON)) |
| performs stereo calibaration More...