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gpu/include/opencv2/gpu/gpu.hpp File Reference
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <iosfwd>
#include "opencv2/core/gpumat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp"
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"


class  cv::gpu::CudaMem
class  cv::gpu::Stream
class  cv::gpu::BaseRowFilter_GPU
class  cv::gpu::BaseColumnFilter_GPU
class  cv::gpu::BaseFilter_GPU
class  cv::gpu::FilterEngine_GPU
struct  cv::gpu::ConvolveBuf
struct  cv::gpu::MatchTemplateBuf
class  cv::gpu::FastNonLocalMeansDenoising
 Fast (but approximate)version of non-local means algorith similar to CPU function (running sums technique) More...
struct  cv::gpu::CannyBuf
class  cv::gpu::ImagePyramid
struct  cv::gpu::HoughLinesBuf
 HoughLines. More...
struct  cv::gpu::HoughCirclesBuf
 HoughCircles. More...
class  cv::gpu::GeneralizedHough_GPU
class  cv::gpu::CLAHE
class  cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU
class  cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation
class  cv::gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP
class  cv::gpu::DisparityBilateralFilter
struct  cv::gpu::HOGConfidence
struct  cv::gpu::HOGDescriptor
class  cv::gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU_base
class  cv::gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU< Distance >
class  cv::gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU< L1< T > >
class  cv::gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU< L2< T > >
class  cv::gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU< Hamming >
class  cv::gpu::BFMatcher_GPU
class  cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU
class  cv::gpu::FAST_GPU
class  cv::gpu::ORB_GPU
class  cv::gpu::BroxOpticalFlow
class  cv::gpu::GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector_GPU
class  cv::gpu::PyrLKOpticalFlow
class  cv::gpu::FarnebackOpticalFlow
class  cv::gpu::OpticalFlowDual_TVL1_GPU
class  cv::gpu::FastOpticalFlowBM
class  cv::gpu::FGDStatModel
struct  cv::gpu::FGDStatModel::Params
class  cv::gpu::MOG_GPU
class  cv::gpu::MOG2_GPU
class  cv::gpu::GMG_GPU
class  cv::gpu::VideoWriter_GPU
struct  cv::gpu::VideoWriter_GPU::EncoderParams
class  cv::gpu::VideoWriter_GPU::EncoderCallBack
class  cv::gpu::VideoReader_GPU
struct  cv::gpu::VideoReader_GPU::FormatInfo
class  cv::gpu::VideoReader_GPU::VideoSource




#define throw_notbb()   CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "The library is compiled without TBB support")


enum  {
  cv::gpu::ALPHA_OVER, cv::gpu::ALPHA_IN, cv::gpu::ALPHA_OUT, cv::gpu::ALPHA_ATOP,
  cv::gpu::ALPHA_XOR, cv::gpu::ALPHA_PLUS, cv::gpu::ALPHA_OVER_PREMUL, cv::gpu::ALPHA_IN_PREMUL,
enum  {
  cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerBG2BGR_MHT = 256, cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerGB2BGR_MHT = 257, cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerRG2BGR_MHT = 258, cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerGR2BGR_MHT = 259,
  cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerBG2RGB_MHT = COLOR_BayerRG2BGR_MHT, cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerGB2RGB_MHT = COLOR_BayerGR2BGR_MHT, cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerRG2RGB_MHT = COLOR_BayerBG2BGR_MHT, cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerGR2RGB_MHT = COLOR_BayerGB2BGR_MHT,
  cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerBG2GRAY_MHT = 260, cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerGB2GRAY_MHT = 261, cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerRG2GRAY_MHT = 262, cv::gpu::COLOR_BayerGR2GRAY_MHT = 263


void cv::gpu::registerPageLocked (Mat &m)
void cv::gpu::unregisterPageLocked (Mat &m)
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createFilter2D_GPU (const Ptr< BaseFilter_GPU > &filter2D, int srcType, int dstType)
 returns the non-separable filter engine with the specified filter More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createSeparableFilter_GPU (const Ptr< BaseRowFilter_GPU > &rowFilter, const Ptr< BaseColumnFilter_GPU > &columnFilter, int srcType, int bufType, int dstType)
 returns the separable filter engine with the specified filters More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createSeparableFilter_GPU (const Ptr< BaseRowFilter_GPU > &rowFilter, const Ptr< BaseColumnFilter_GPU > &columnFilter, int srcType, int bufType, int dstType, GpuMat &buf)
Ptr< BaseRowFilter_GPU > cv::gpu::getRowSumFilter_GPU (int srcType, int sumType, int ksize, int anchor=-1)
Ptr< BaseColumnFilter_GPU > cv::gpu::getColumnSumFilter_GPU (int sumType, int dstType, int ksize, int anchor=-1)
Ptr< BaseFilter_GPU > cv::gpu::getBoxFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Size &ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1))
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createBoxFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Size &ksize, const Point &anchor=Point(-1,-1))
 returns box filter engine More...
Ptr< BaseFilter_GPU > cv::gpu::getMorphologyFilter_GPU (int op, int type, const Mat &kernel, const Size &ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1))
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createMorphologyFilter_GPU (int op, int type, const Mat &kernel, const Point &anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1)
 returns morphological filter engine. Only MORPH_ERODE and MORPH_DILATE are supported. More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createMorphologyFilter_GPU (int op, int type, const Mat &kernel, GpuMat &buf, const Point &anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1)
Ptr< BaseFilter_GPU > cv::gpu::getLinearFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Mat &kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createLinearFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Mat &kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 returns the non-separable linear filter engine More...
Ptr< BaseRowFilter_GPU > cv::gpu::getLinearRowFilter_GPU (int srcType, int bufType, const Mat &rowKernel, int anchor=-1, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
Ptr< BaseColumnFilter_GPU > cv::gpu::getLinearColumnFilter_GPU (int bufType, int dstType, const Mat &columnKernel, int anchor=-1, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Mat &rowKernel, const Mat &columnKernel, const Point &anchor=Point(-1,-1), int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1)
 returns the separable linear filter engine More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Mat &rowKernel, const Mat &columnKernel, GpuMat &buf, const Point &anchor=Point(-1,-1), int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1)
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createDerivFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, int dx, int dy, int ksize, int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1)
 returns filter engine for the generalized Sobel operator More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createDerivFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, int dx, int dy, int ksize, GpuMat &buf, int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1)
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createGaussianFilter_GPU (int type, Size ksize, double sigma1, double sigma2=0, int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1)
 returns the Gaussian filter engine More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPU > cv::gpu::createGaussianFilter_GPU (int type, Size ksize, GpuMat &buf, double sigma1, double sigma2=0, int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1)
Ptr< BaseFilter_GPU > cv::gpu::getMaxFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Size &ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1))
 returns maximum filter More...
Ptr< BaseFilter_GPU > cv::gpu::getMinFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Size &ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1))
 returns minimum filter More...
void cv::gpu::boxFilter (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int ddepth, Size ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::erode (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, const Mat &kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int iterations=1)
 erodes the image (applies the local minimum operator) More...
void cv::gpu::erode (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, const Mat &kernel, GpuMat &buf, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int iterations=1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::dilate (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, const Mat &kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int iterations=1)
 dilates the image (applies the local maximum operator) More...
void cv::gpu::dilate (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, const Mat &kernel, GpuMat &buf, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int iterations=1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::morphologyEx (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int op, const Mat &kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int iterations=1)
 applies an advanced morphological operation to the image More...
void cv::gpu::morphologyEx (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int op, const Mat &kernel, GpuMat &buf1, GpuMat &buf2, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int iterations=1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::filter2D (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int ddepth, const Mat &kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 applies non-separable 2D linear filter to the image More...
void cv::gpu::sepFilter2D (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int ddepth, const Mat &kernelX, const Mat &kernelY, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1)
 applies separable 2D linear filter to the image More...
void cv::gpu::sepFilter2D (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int ddepth, const Mat &kernelX, const Mat &kernelY, GpuMat &buf, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::Sobel (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, int ksize=3, double scale=1, int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1)
 applies generalized Sobel operator to the image More...
void cv::gpu::Sobel (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, GpuMat &buf, int ksize=3, double scale=1, int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::Scharr (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, double scale=1, int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1)
 applies the vertical or horizontal Scharr operator to the image More...
void cv::gpu::Scharr (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, GpuMat &buf, double scale=1, int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::GaussianBlur (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, Size ksize, double sigma1, double sigma2=0, int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1)
 smooths the image using Gaussian filter. More...
void cv::gpu::GaussianBlur (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, Size ksize, GpuMat &buf, double sigma1, double sigma2=0, int rowBorderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, int columnBorderType=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::Laplacian (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int ddepth, int ksize=1, double scale=1, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::gemm (const GpuMat &src1, const GpuMat &src2, double alpha, const GpuMat &src3, double beta, GpuMat &dst, int flags=0, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 implements generalized matrix product algorithm GEMM from BLAS More...
void cv::gpu::transpose (const GpuMat &src1, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::flip (const GpuMat &a, GpuMat &b, int flipCode, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::LUT (const GpuMat &src, const Mat &lut, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::merge (const GpuMat *src, size_t n, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 makes multi-channel array out of several single-channel arrays More...
void cv::gpu::merge (const std::vector< GpuMat > &src, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 makes multi-channel array out of several single-channel arrays More...
void cv::gpu::split (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat *dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 copies each plane of a multi-channel array to a dedicated array More...
void cv::gpu::split (const GpuMat &src, std::vector< GpuMat > &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 copies each plane of a multi-channel array to a dedicated array More...
void cv::gpu::magnitude (const GpuMat &xy, GpuMat &magnitude, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::magnitudeSqr (const GpuMat &xy, GpuMat &magnitude, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::magnitude (const GpuMat &x, const GpuMat &y, GpuMat &magnitude, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::magnitudeSqr (const GpuMat &x, const GpuMat &y, GpuMat &magnitude, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::phase (const GpuMat &x, const GpuMat &y, GpuMat &angle, bool angleInDegrees=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::cartToPolar (const GpuMat &x, const GpuMat &y, GpuMat &magnitude, GpuMat &angle, bool angleInDegrees=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::polarToCart (const GpuMat &magnitude, const GpuMat &angle, GpuMat &x, GpuMat &y, bool angleInDegrees=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::normalize (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, double alpha=1, double beta=0, int norm_type=NORM_L2, int dtype=-1, const GpuMat &mask=GpuMat())
 scales and shifts array elements so that either the specified norm (alpha) or the minimum (alpha) and maximum (beta) array values get the specified values More...
void cv::gpu::normalize (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, double a, double b, int norm_type, int dtype, const GpuMat &mask, GpuMat &norm_buf, GpuMat &cvt_buf)
void cv::gpu::add (const GpuMat &a, const GpuMat &b, GpuMat &c, const GpuMat &mask=GpuMat(), int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 adds one matrix to another (c = a + b) More...
void cv::gpu::add (const GpuMat &a, const Scalar &sc, GpuMat &c, const GpuMat &mask=GpuMat(), int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 adds scalar to a matrix (c = a + s) More...
void cv::gpu::subtract (const GpuMat &a, const GpuMat &b, GpuMat &c, const GpuMat &mask=GpuMat(), int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 subtracts one matrix from another (c = a - b) More...
void cv::gpu::subtract (const GpuMat &a, const Scalar &sc, GpuMat &c, const GpuMat &mask=GpuMat(), int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 subtracts scalar from a matrix (c = a - s) More...
void cv::gpu::multiply (const GpuMat &a, const GpuMat &b, GpuMat &c, double scale=1, int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes element-wise weighted product of the two arrays (c = scale * a * b) More...
void cv::gpu::multiply (const GpuMat &a, const Scalar &sc, GpuMat &c, double scale=1, int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 weighted multiplies matrix to a scalar (c = scale * a * s) More...
void cv::gpu::divide (const GpuMat &a, const GpuMat &b, GpuMat &c, double scale=1, int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes element-wise weighted quotient of the two arrays (c = a / b) More...
void cv::gpu::divide (const GpuMat &a, const Scalar &sc, GpuMat &c, double scale=1, int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes element-wise weighted quotient of matrix and scalar (c = a / s) More...
void cv::gpu::divide (double scale, const GpuMat &b, GpuMat &c, int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes element-wise weighted reciprocal of an array (dst = scale/src2) More...
void cv::gpu::addWeighted (const GpuMat &src1, double alpha, const GpuMat &src2, double beta, double gamma, GpuMat &dst, int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes the weighted sum of two arrays (dst = alpha*src1 + beta*src2 + gamma) More...
void cv::gpu::absdiff (const GpuMat &a, const GpuMat &b, GpuMat &c, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes element-wise absolute difference of two arrays (c = abs(a - b)) More...
void cv::gpu::absdiff (const GpuMat &a, const Scalar &s, GpuMat &c, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes element-wise absolute difference of array and scalar (c = abs(a - s)) More...
void cv::gpu::abs (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::sqr (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::sqrt (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::exp (const GpuMat &a, GpuMat &b, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::log (const GpuMat &a, GpuMat &b, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::pow (const GpuMat &src, double power, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes power of each matrix element: More...
void cv::gpu::compare (const GpuMat &a, const GpuMat &b, GpuMat &c, int cmpop, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 compares elements of two arrays (c = a <cmpop> b) More...
void cv::gpu::compare (const GpuMat &a, Scalar sc, GpuMat &c, int cmpop, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::bitwise_not (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, const GpuMat &mask=GpuMat(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 performs per-elements bit-wise inversion More...
void cv::gpu::bitwise_or (const GpuMat &src1, const GpuMat &src2, GpuMat &dst, const GpuMat &mask=GpuMat(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 calculates per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays More...
void cv::gpu::bitwise_or (const GpuMat &src1, const Scalar &sc, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::bitwise_and (const GpuMat &src1, const GpuMat &src2, GpuMat &dst, const GpuMat &mask=GpuMat(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 calculates per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays More...
void cv::gpu::bitwise_and (const GpuMat &src1, const Scalar &sc, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::bitwise_xor (const GpuMat &src1, const GpuMat &src2, GpuMat &dst, const GpuMat &mask=GpuMat(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 calculates per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation More...
void cv::gpu::bitwise_xor (const GpuMat &src1, const Scalar &sc, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::rshift (const GpuMat &src, Scalar_< int > sc, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::lshift (const GpuMat &src, Scalar_< int > sc, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::min (const GpuMat &src1, const GpuMat &src2, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes per-element minimum of two arrays (dst = min(src1, src2)) More...
void cv::gpu::min (const GpuMat &src1, double src2, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes per-element minimum of array and scalar (dst = min(src1, src2)) More...
void cv::gpu::max (const GpuMat &src1, const GpuMat &src2, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes per-element maximum of two arrays (dst = max(src1, src2)) More...
void cv::gpu::max (const GpuMat &src1, double src2, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes per-element maximum of array and scalar (dst = max(src1, src2)) More...
void cv::gpu::alphaComp (const GpuMat &img1, const GpuMat &img2, GpuMat &dst, int alpha_op, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::remap (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, const GpuMat &xmap, const GpuMat &ymap, int interpolation, int borderMode=BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar borderValue=Scalar(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::meanShiftFiltering (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int sp, int sr, TermCriteria criteria=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Does mean shift filtering on GPU. More...
void cv::gpu::meanShiftProc (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dstr, GpuMat &dstsp, int sp, int sr, TermCriteria criteria=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Does mean shift procedure on GPU. More...
void cv::gpu::meanShiftSegmentation (const GpuMat &src, Mat &dst, int sp, int sr, int minsize, TermCriteria criteria=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1))
 Does mean shift segmentation with elimination of small regions. More...
void cv::gpu::drawColorDisp (const GpuMat &src_disp, GpuMat &dst_disp, int ndisp, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::reprojectImageTo3D (const GpuMat &disp, GpuMat &xyzw, const Mat &Q, int dst_cn=4, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::cvtColor (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int code, int dcn=0, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 converts image from one color space to another More...
void cv::gpu::demosaicing (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int code, int dcn=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::swapChannels (GpuMat &image, const int dstOrder[4], Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::gammaCorrection (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, bool forward=true, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Routines for correcting image color gamma. More...
double cv::gpu::threshold (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, double thresh, double maxval, int type, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 applies fixed threshold to the image More...
void cv::gpu::resize (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, Size dsize, double fx=0, double fy=0, int interpolation=INTER_LINEAR, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::warpAffine (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, const Mat &M, Size dsize, int flags=INTER_LINEAR, int borderMode=BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar borderValue=Scalar(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::buildWarpAffineMaps (const Mat &M, bool inverse, Size dsize, GpuMat &xmap, GpuMat &ymap, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::warpPerspective (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, const Mat &M, Size dsize, int flags=INTER_LINEAR, int borderMode=BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar borderValue=Scalar(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::buildWarpPerspectiveMaps (const Mat &M, bool inverse, Size dsize, GpuMat &xmap, GpuMat &ymap, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::buildWarpPlaneMaps (Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat &K, const Mat &R, const Mat &T, float scale, GpuMat &map_x, GpuMat &map_y, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 builds plane warping maps More...
void cv::gpu::buildWarpCylindricalMaps (Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat &K, const Mat &R, float scale, GpuMat &map_x, GpuMat &map_y, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 builds cylindrical warping maps More...
void cv::gpu::buildWarpSphericalMaps (Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat &K, const Mat &R, float scale, GpuMat &map_x, GpuMat &map_y, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 builds spherical warping maps More...
void cv::gpu::rotate (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, Size dsize, double angle, double xShift=0, double yShift=0, int interpolation=INTER_LINEAR, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::copyMakeBorder (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int borderType, const Scalar &value=Scalar(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 copies 2D array to a larger destination array and pads borders with user-specifiable constant More...
void cv::gpu::integral (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &sum, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::integralBuffered (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &sum, GpuMat &buffer, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 buffered version More...
void cv::gpu::sqrIntegral (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &sqsum, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::columnSum (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &sum)
 computes vertical sum, supports only CV_32FC1 images More...
void cv::gpu::rectStdDev (const GpuMat &src, const GpuMat &sqr, GpuMat &dst, const Rect &rect, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::cornerHarris (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int borderType=BORDER_REFLECT101)
 computes Harris cornerness criteria at each image pixel More...
void cv::gpu::cornerHarris (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, GpuMat &Dx, GpuMat &Dy, int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int borderType=BORDER_REFLECT101)
void cv::gpu::cornerHarris (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, GpuMat &Dx, GpuMat &Dy, GpuMat &buf, int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int borderType=BORDER_REFLECT101, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::cornerMinEigenVal (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int blockSize, int ksize, int borderType=BORDER_REFLECT101)
 computes minimum eigen value of 2x2 derivative covariation matrix at each pixel - the cornerness criteria More...
void cv::gpu::cornerMinEigenVal (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, GpuMat &Dx, GpuMat &Dy, int blockSize, int ksize, int borderType=BORDER_REFLECT101)
void cv::gpu::cornerMinEigenVal (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, GpuMat &Dx, GpuMat &Dy, GpuMat &buf, int blockSize, int ksize, int borderType=BORDER_REFLECT101, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::mulSpectrums (const GpuMat &a, const GpuMat &b, GpuMat &c, int flags, bool conjB=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::mulAndScaleSpectrums (const GpuMat &a, const GpuMat &b, GpuMat &c, int flags, float scale, bool conjB=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::dft (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, Size dft_size, int flags=0, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::convolve (const GpuMat &image, const GpuMat &templ, GpuMat &result, bool ccorr=false)
void cv::gpu::convolve (const GpuMat &image, const GpuMat &templ, GpuMat &result, bool ccorr, ConvolveBuf &buf, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::matchTemplate (const GpuMat &image, const GpuMat &templ, GpuMat &result, int method, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes the proximity map for the raster template and the image where the template is searched for More...
void cv::gpu::matchTemplate (const GpuMat &image, const GpuMat &templ, GpuMat &result, int method, MatchTemplateBuf &buf, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 computes the proximity map for the raster template and the image where the template is searched for More...
void cv::gpu::pyrDown (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 smoothes the source image and downsamples it More...
void cv::gpu::pyrUp (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 upsamples the source image and then smoothes it More...
void cv::gpu::blendLinear (const GpuMat &img1, const GpuMat &img2, const GpuMat &weights1, const GpuMat &weights2, GpuMat &result, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::bilateralFilter (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, int kernel_size, float sigma_color, float sigma_spatial, int borderMode=BORDER_DEFAULT, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Performa bilateral filtering of passsed image. More...
void cv::gpu::nonLocalMeans (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, float h, int search_window=21, int block_size=7, int borderMode=BORDER_DEFAULT, Stream &s=Stream::Null())
 Brute force non-local means algorith (slow but universal) More...
void cv::gpu::Canny (const GpuMat &image, GpuMat &edges, double low_thresh, double high_thresh, int apperture_size=3, bool L2gradient=false)
void cv::gpu::Canny (const GpuMat &image, CannyBuf &buf, GpuMat &edges, double low_thresh, double high_thresh, int apperture_size=3, bool L2gradient=false)
void cv::gpu::Canny (const GpuMat &dx, const GpuMat &dy, GpuMat &edges, double low_thresh, double high_thresh, bool L2gradient=false)
void cv::gpu::Canny (const GpuMat &dx, const GpuMat &dy, CannyBuf &buf, GpuMat &edges, double low_thresh, double high_thresh, bool L2gradient=false)
void cv::gpu::HoughLines (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &lines, float rho, float theta, int threshold, bool doSort=false, int maxLines=4096)
void cv::gpu::HoughLines (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &lines, HoughLinesBuf &buf, float rho, float theta, int threshold, bool doSort=false, int maxLines=4096)
void cv::gpu::HoughLinesDownload (const GpuMat &d_lines, OutputArray h_lines, OutputArray h_votes=noArray())
void cv::gpu::HoughLinesP (const GpuMat &image, GpuMat &lines, HoughLinesBuf &buf, float rho, float theta, int minLineLength, int maxLineGap, int maxLines=4096)
 HoughLinesP. More...
void cv::gpu::HoughCircles (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &circles, int method, float dp, float minDist, int cannyThreshold, int votesThreshold, int minRadius, int maxRadius, int maxCircles=4096)
void cv::gpu::HoughCircles (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &circles, HoughCirclesBuf &buf, int method, float dp, float minDist, int cannyThreshold, int votesThreshold, int minRadius, int maxRadius, int maxCircles=4096)
void cv::gpu::HoughCirclesDownload (const GpuMat &d_circles, OutputArray h_circles)
void cv::gpu::meanStdDev (const GpuMat &mtx, Scalar &mean, Scalar &stddev)
void cv::gpu::meanStdDev (const GpuMat &mtx, Scalar &mean, Scalar &stddev, GpuMat &buf)
 buffered version More...
double cv::gpu::norm (const GpuMat &src1, int normType=NORM_L2)
double cv::gpu::norm (const GpuMat &src1, int normType, GpuMat &buf)
double cv::gpu::norm (const GpuMat &src1, int normType, const GpuMat &mask, GpuMat &buf)
double cv::gpu::norm (const GpuMat &src1, const GpuMat &src2, int normType=NORM_L2)
Scalar cv::gpu::sum (const GpuMat &src)
Scalar cv::gpu::sum (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &buf)
Scalar cv::gpu::sum (const GpuMat &src, const GpuMat &mask, GpuMat &buf)
Scalar cv::gpu::absSum (const GpuMat &src)
Scalar cv::gpu::absSum (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &buf)
Scalar cv::gpu::absSum (const GpuMat &src, const GpuMat &mask, GpuMat &buf)
Scalar cv::gpu::sqrSum (const GpuMat &src)
Scalar cv::gpu::sqrSum (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &buf)
Scalar cv::gpu::sqrSum (const GpuMat &src, const GpuMat &mask, GpuMat &buf)
void cv::gpu::minMax (const GpuMat &src, double *minVal, double *maxVal=0, const GpuMat &mask=GpuMat())
 finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values More...
void cv::gpu::minMax (const GpuMat &src, double *minVal, double *maxVal, const GpuMat &mask, GpuMat &buf)
void cv::gpu::minMaxLoc (const GpuMat &src, double *minVal, double *maxVal=0, Point *minLoc=0, Point *maxLoc=0, const GpuMat &mask=GpuMat())
 finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values with locations More...
void cv::gpu::minMaxLoc (const GpuMat &src, double *minVal, double *maxVal, Point *minLoc, Point *maxLoc, const GpuMat &mask, GpuMat &valbuf, GpuMat &locbuf)
int cv::gpu::countNonZero (const GpuMat &src)
 counts non-zero array elements More...
int cv::gpu::countNonZero (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &buf)
void cv::gpu::reduce (const GpuMat &mtx, GpuMat &vec, int dim, int reduceOp, int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 reduces a matrix to a vector More...
void cv::gpu::transformPoints (const GpuMat &src, const Mat &rvec, const Mat &tvec, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::projectPoints (const GpuMat &src, const Mat &rvec, const Mat &tvec, const Mat &camera_mat, const Mat &dist_coef, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::solvePnPRansac (const Mat &object, const Mat &image, const Mat &camera_mat, const Mat &dist_coef, Mat &rvec, Mat &tvec, bool use_extrinsic_guess=false, int num_iters=100, float max_dist=8.0, int min_inlier_count=100, std::vector< int > *inliers=NULL)
void cv::gpu::graphcut (GpuMat &terminals, GpuMat &leftTransp, GpuMat &rightTransp, GpuMat &top, GpuMat &bottom, GpuMat &labels, GpuMat &buf, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 performs labeling via graph cuts of a 2D regular 4-connected graph. More...
void cv::gpu::graphcut (GpuMat &terminals, GpuMat &leftTransp, GpuMat &rightTransp, GpuMat &top, GpuMat &topLeft, GpuMat &topRight, GpuMat &bottom, GpuMat &bottomLeft, GpuMat &bottomRight, GpuMat &labels, GpuMat &buf, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 performs labeling via graph cuts of a 2D regular 8-connected graph. More...
void cv::gpu::connectivityMask (const GpuMat &image, GpuMat &mask, const cv::Scalar &lo, const cv::Scalar &hi, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 compute mask for Generalized Flood fill componetns labeling. More...
void cv::gpu::labelComponents (const GpuMat &mask, GpuMat &components, int flags=0, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 performs connected componnents labeling. More...
void cv::gpu::evenLevels (GpuMat &levels, int nLevels, int lowerLevel, int upperLevel)
 Compute levels with even distribution. levels will have 1 row and nLevels cols and CV_32SC1 type. More...
void cv::gpu::histEven (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &hist, int histSize, int lowerLevel, int upperLevel, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::histEven (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &hist, GpuMat &buf, int histSize, int lowerLevel, int upperLevel, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::histEven (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat hist[4], int histSize[4], int lowerLevel[4], int upperLevel[4], Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::histEven (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat hist[4], GpuMat &buf, int histSize[4], int lowerLevel[4], int upperLevel[4], Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::histRange (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &hist, const GpuMat &levels, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::histRange (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &hist, const GpuMat &levels, GpuMat &buf, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::histRange (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat hist[4], const GpuMat levels[4], Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::histRange (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat hist[4], const GpuMat levels[4], GpuMat &buf, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::calcHist (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &hist, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::calcHist (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &hist, GpuMat &buf, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::equalizeHist (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 normalizes the grayscale image brightness and contrast by normalizing its histogram More...
void cv::gpu::equalizeHist (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, GpuMat &hist, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::equalizeHist (const GpuMat &src, GpuMat &dst, GpuMat &hist, GpuMat &buf, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
Ptr< cv::gpu::CLAHEcv::gpu::createCLAHE (double clipLimit=40.0, Size tileGridSize=Size(8, 8))
void cv::gpu::calcOpticalFlowBM (const GpuMat &prev, const GpuMat &curr, Size block_size, Size shift_size, Size max_range, bool use_previous, GpuMat &velx, GpuMat &vely, GpuMat &buf, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Calculates optical flow for 2 images using block matching algorithm */. More...
void cv::gpu::interpolateFrames (const GpuMat &frame0, const GpuMat &frame1, const GpuMat &fu, const GpuMat &fv, const GpuMat &bu, const GpuMat &bv, float pos, GpuMat &newFrame, GpuMat &buf, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::gpu::createOpticalFlowNeedleMap (const GpuMat &u, const GpuMat &v, GpuMat &vertex, GpuMat &colors)
void cv::gpu::compactPoints (GpuMat &points0, GpuMat &points1, const GpuMat &mask)
 removes points (CV_32FC2, single row matrix) with zero mask value More...
void cv::gpu::calcWobbleSuppressionMaps (int left, int idx, int right, Size size, const Mat &ml, const Mat &mr, GpuMat &mapx, GpuMat &mapy)

Macro Definition Documentation

§ throw_notbb

#define throw_notbb ( )    CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "The library is compiled without TBB support")