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cv::ocl Namespace Reference


struct  Accumulator
struct  Accumulator< char >
struct  Accumulator< short >
struct  Accumulator< unsigned char >
struct  Accumulator< unsigned short >
class  BackgroundSubtractor
class  BaseColumnFilter_GPU
class  BaseFilter_GPU
class  BaseRowFilter_GPU
class  BFMatcher_OCL
class  BruteForceMatcher_OCL
class  BruteForceMatcher_OCL< Hamming >
class  BruteForceMatcher_OCL< L1< T > >
class  BruteForceMatcher_OCL< L2< T > >
class  BruteForceMatcher_OCL_base
struct  CannyBuf
class  Context
class  CvSVM_OCL
struct  DeviceInfo
class  FarnebackOpticalFlow
class  FilterEngine_GPU
class  GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector_OCL
struct  Hamming
struct  HOGDescriptor
class  KalmanFilter
class  KNearestNeighbour
struct  L1
struct  L2
struct  MatchTemplateBuf
class  MOG
class  MOG2
class  OclCascadeClassifier
class  OclCascadeClassifierBuf
class  oclMat
class  oclMatExpr
class  OpticalFlowDual_TVL1_OCL
struct  PlatformInfo
struct  ProgramSource
class  PyrLKOpticalFlow
class  StereoBeliefPropagation
class  StereoBM_OCL
class  StereoConstantSpaceBP
class  SURF_OCL
 Speeded up robust features, port from GPU module. /////////////////////////////// SURF //////////////////////////////////////////. More...


typedef std::vector< const PlatformInfo * > PlatformsInfo
typedef std::vector< const DeviceInfo * > DevicesInfo


enum  DeviceType {
enum  DevMemType {
enum  {


int getOpenCLPlatforms (PlatformsInfo &platforms)
int getOpenCLDevices (DevicesInfo &devices, int deviceType=CVCL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, const PlatformInfo *platform=NULL)
void setDevice (const DeviceInfo *info)
void initializeContext (void *pClPlatform, void *pClContext, void *pClDevice)
void error (const char *error_string, const char *file, const int line, const char *func)
const voidgetClContextPtr ()
const voidgetClCommandQueuePtr ()
bool supportsFeature (FEATURE_TYPE featureType)
void finish ()
void setBinaryDiskCache (int mode=CACHE_RELEASE, cv::String path="./")
 Enable or disable OpenCL program binary caching onto local disk. More...
void setBinaryPath (const char *path)
 set where binary cache to be saved to More...
void openCLExecuteKernelInterop (Context *clCxt, const cv::ocl::ProgramSource &source, string kernelName, size_t globalThreads[3], size_t localThreads[3], std::vector< std::pair< size_t, const void *> > &args, int channels, int depth, const char *build_options)
oclMatgetOclMatRef (InputArray src)
oclMatgetOclMatRef (OutputArray src)
void merge (const oclMat *src, size_t n, oclMat &dst)
void merge (const vector< oclMat > &src, oclMat &dst)
void split (const oclMat &src, oclMat *dst)
 Divides multi-channel array into several single-channel arrays. More...
void split (const oclMat &src, vector< oclMat > &dst)
void addWeighted (const oclMat &src1, double alpha, const oclMat &src2, double beta, double gama, oclMat &dst)
 adds one matrix to another with scale (dst = src1 * alpha + src2 * beta + gama) More...
void add (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, oclMat &dst, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
 adds one matrix to another (dst = src1 + src2) More...
void add (const oclMat &src1, const Scalar &s, oclMat &dst, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
 adds scalar to a matrix (dst = src1 + s) More...
void subtract (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, oclMat &dst, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
 subtracts one matrix from another (dst = src1 - src2) More...
void subtract (const oclMat &src1, const Scalar &s, oclMat &dst, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
 subtracts scalar from a matrix (dst = src1 - s) More...
void multiply (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, oclMat &dst, double scale=1)
 computes element-wise product of the two arrays (dst = src1 * scale * src2) More...
void multiply (double scalar, const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst)
 multiplies matrix to a number (dst = scalar * src) More...
void divide (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, oclMat &dst, double scale=1)
 computes element-wise quotient of the two arrays (dst = src1 * scale / src2) More...
void divide (double scale, const oclMat &src1, oclMat &dst)
 computes element-wise quotient of the two arrays (dst = scale / src) More...
void min (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, oclMat &dst)
 computes element-wise minimum of the two arrays (dst = min(src1, src2)) More...
void max (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, oclMat &dst)
 computes element-wise maximum of the two arrays (dst = max(src1, src2)) More...
void compare (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, oclMat &dst, int cmpop)
 compares elements of two arrays (dst = src1 More...
void transpose (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst)
 transposes the matrix More...
void abs (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst)
 computes element-wise absolute values of an array (dst = abs(src)) More...
void absdiff (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, oclMat &dst)
 computes element-wise absolute difference of two arrays (dst = abs(src1 - src2)) More...
void absdiff (const oclMat &src1, const Scalar &s, oclMat &dst)
 computes element-wise absolute difference of array and scalar (dst = abs(src1 - s)) More...
void meanStdDev (const oclMat &mtx, Scalar &mean, Scalar &stddev)
 computes mean value and standard deviation of all or selected array elements More...
double norm (const oclMat &src1, int normType=NORM_L2)
 computes norm of array More...
double norm (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, int normType=NORM_L2)
 computes norm of the difference between two arrays More...
void flip (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int flipCode)
 reverses the order of the rows, columns or both in a matrix More...
Scalar sum (const oclMat &m)
 computes sum of array elements More...
Scalar absSum (const oclMat &m)
Scalar sqrSum (const oclMat &m)
void minMax (const oclMat &src, double *minVal, double *maxVal=0, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
 finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values More...
void minMaxLoc (const oclMat &src, double *minVal, double *maxVal=0, Point *minLoc=0, Point *maxLoc=0, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
 finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values with locations More...
int countNonZero (const oclMat &src)
 counts non-zero array elements More...
void LUT (const oclMat &src, const oclMat &lut, oclMat &dst)
 transforms 8-bit unsigned integers using lookup table: dst(i)=lut(src(i)) More...
void calcHist (const oclMat &mat_src, oclMat &mat_hist)
 only 8UC1 and 256 bins is supported now More...
void equalizeHist (const oclMat &mat_src, oclMat &mat_dst)
 only 8UC1 and 256 bins is supported now More...
Ptr< cv::CLAHEcreateCLAHE (double clipLimit=40.0, Size tileGridSize=Size(8, 8))
 only 8UC1 is supported now More...
void bilateralFilter (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int d, double sigmaColor, double sigmaSpace, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 bilateralFilter More...
void adaptiveBilateralFilter (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, Size ksize, double sigmaSpace, double maxSigmaColor=20.0, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 Applies an adaptive bilateral filter to the input image. More...
void exp (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst)
 computes exponent of each matrix element (dst = e**src) More...
void log (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst)
 computes natural logarithm of absolute value of each matrix element: dst = log(abs(src)) More...
void magnitude (const oclMat &x, const oclMat &y, oclMat &magnitude)
 computes magnitude of each (x(i), y(i)) vector More...
void phase (const oclMat &x, const oclMat &y, oclMat &angle, bool angleInDegrees=false)
 computes angle (angle(i)) of each (x(i), y(i)) vector More...
void pow (const oclMat &x, double p, oclMat &y)
 the function raises every element of tne input array to p More...
void cartToPolar (const oclMat &x, const oclMat &y, oclMat &magnitude, oclMat &angle, bool angleInDegrees=false)
 converts Cartesian coordinates to polar More...
void polarToCart (const oclMat &magnitude, const oclMat &angle, oclMat &x, oclMat &y, bool angleInDegrees=false)
 converts polar coordinates to Cartesian More...
void bitwise_not (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst)
 perfroms per-elements bit-wise inversion More...
void bitwise_or (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, oclMat &dst, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
 calculates per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays More...
void bitwise_or (const oclMat &src1, const Scalar &s, oclMat &dst, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
void bitwise_and (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, oclMat &dst, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
 calculates per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays More...
void bitwise_and (const oclMat &src1, const Scalar &s, oclMat &dst, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
void bitwise_xor (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, oclMat &dst, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
 calculates per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation More...
void bitwise_xor (const oclMat &src1, const Scalar &s, oclMat &dst, const oclMat &mask=oclMat())
oclMat operator~ (const oclMat &)
 Logical operators. More...
oclMat operator| (const oclMat &, const oclMat &)
oclMat operator& (const oclMat &, const oclMat &)
oclMat operator^ (const oclMat &, const oclMat &)
oclMatExpr operator+ (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2)
 Mathematics operators. More...
oclMatExpr operator- (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2)
oclMatExpr operator* (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2)
oclMatExpr operator/ (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2)
void convolve (const oclMat &image, const oclMat &temp1, oclMat &result)
 computes convolution of two images More...
void cvtColor (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int code, int dcn=0)
void setIdentity (oclMat &src, const Scalar &val=Scalar(1))
 initializes a scaled identity matrix More...
void repeat (const oclMat &src, int ny, int nx, oclMat &dst)
 fills the output array with repeated copies of the input array More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPUcreateFilter2D_GPU (const Ptr< BaseFilter_GPU > filter2D)
 returns the non-separable filter engine with the specified filter More...
Ptr< BaseRowFilter_GPUgetLinearRowFilter_GPU (int srcType, int bufType, const Mat &rowKernel, int anchor=-1, int bordertype=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 returns the primitive row filter with the specified kernel More...
Ptr< BaseColumnFilter_GPUgetLinearColumnFilter_GPU (int bufType, int dstType, const Mat &columnKernel, int anchor=-1, int bordertype=BORDER_DEFAULT, double delta=0.0)
 returns the primitive column filter with the specified kernel More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPUcreateSeparableLinearFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Mat &rowKernel, const Mat &columnKernel, const Point &anchor=Point(-1, -1), double delta=0.0, int bordertype=BORDER_DEFAULT, Size imgSize=Size(-1,-1))
 returns the separable linear filter engine More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPUcreateSeparableFilter_GPU (const Ptr< BaseRowFilter_GPU > &rowFilter, const Ptr< BaseColumnFilter_GPU > &columnFilter)
 returns the separable filter engine with the specified filters More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPUcreateGaussianFilter_GPU (int type, Size ksize, double sigma1, double sigma2=0, int bordertype=BORDER_DEFAULT, Size imgSize=Size(-1,-1))
 returns the Gaussian filter engine More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPUcreateDerivFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, int dx, int dy, int ksize, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, Size imgSize=Size(-1,-1))
 returns filter engine for the generalized Sobel operator More...
void Laplacian (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int ddepth, int ksize=1, double scale=1, double delta=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 applies Laplacian operator to the image More...
Ptr< BaseFilter_GPUgetBoxFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Size &ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 returns 2D box filter More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPUcreateBoxFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Size &ksize, const Point &anchor=Point(-1, -1), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 returns box filter engine More...
Ptr< BaseFilter_GPUgetLinearFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Mat &kernel, const Size &ksize, const Point &anchor=Point(-1, -1), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 returns 2D filter with the specified kernel More...
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPUcreateLinearFilter_GPU (int srcType, int dstType, const Mat &kernel, const Point &anchor=Point(-1, -1), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 returns the non-separable linear filter engine More...
void boxFilter (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int ddepth, Size ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 smooths the image using the normalized box filter More...
Ptr< BaseFilter_GPUgetMorphologyFilter_GPU (int op, int type, const Mat &kernel, const Size &ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1))
Ptr< FilterEngine_GPUcreateMorphologyFilter_GPU (int op, int type, const Mat &kernel, const Point &anchor=Point(-1, -1), int iterations=1)
 returns morphological filter engine. Only MORPH_ERODE and MORPH_DILATE are supported. More...
void filter2D (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int ddepth, const Mat &kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), double delta=0.0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 applies non-separable 2D linear filter to the image More...
void sepFilter2D (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int ddepth, const Mat &kernelX, const Mat &kernelY, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), double delta=0.0, int bordertype=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 applies separable 2D linear filter to the image More...
void Sobel (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, int ksize=3, double scale=1, double delta=0.0, int bordertype=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 applies generalized Sobel operator to the image More...
void Scharr (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, double scale=1, double delta=0.0, int bordertype=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 applies the vertical or horizontal Scharr operator to the image More...
void GaussianBlur (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, Size ksize, double sigma1, double sigma2=0, int bordertype=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 smooths the image using Gaussian filter. More...
void erode (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, const Mat &kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int iterations=1, int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue())
 erodes the image (applies the local minimum operator) More...
void dilate (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, const Mat &kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int iterations=1, int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue())
 dilates the image (applies the local maximum operator) More...
void morphologyEx (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int op, const Mat &kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), int iterations=1, int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue())
 applies an advanced morphological operation to the image More...
void meanShiftFiltering (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int sp, int sr, TermCriteria criteria=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1))
void meanShiftProc (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dstr, oclMat &dstsp, int sp, int sr, TermCriteria criteria=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1))
 Does mean shift procedure on GPU. More...
void meanShiftSegmentation (const oclMat &src, Mat &dst, int sp, int sr, int minsize, TermCriteria criteria=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1))
 Does mean shift segmentation with elimiation of small regions. More...
double threshold (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, double thresh, double maxVal, int type=THRESH_TRUNC)
 applies fixed threshold to the image. More...
void resize (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, Size dsize, double fx=0, double fy=0, int interpolation=INTER_LINEAR)
 resizes the image More...
void remap (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, oclMat &map1, oclMat &map2, int interpolation, int bordertype, const Scalar &value=Scalar())
 Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image. More...
void copyMakeBorder (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int boardtype, const Scalar &value=Scalar())
 copies 2D array to a larger destination array and pads borders with user-specifiable constant More...
void medianFilter (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int m)
 Smoothes image using median filter. More...
void warpAffine (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, const Mat &M, Size dsize, int flags=INTER_LINEAR)
 warps the image using affine transformation More...
void warpPerspective (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, const Mat &M, Size dsize, int flags=INTER_LINEAR)
 warps the image using perspective transformation More...
void integral (const oclMat &src, oclMat &sum, oclMat &sqsum)
 computes the integral image and integral for the squared image More...
void integral (const oclMat &src, oclMat &sum)
void cornerHarris (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int bordertype=cv::BORDER_DEFAULT)
void cornerHarris_dxdy (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, oclMat &Dx, oclMat &Dy, int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int bordertype=cv::BORDER_DEFAULT)
void cornerMinEigenVal (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int blockSize, int ksize, int bordertype=cv::BORDER_DEFAULT)
void cornerMinEigenVal_dxdy (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, oclMat &Dx, oclMat &Dy, int blockSize, int ksize, int bordertype=cv::BORDER_DEFAULT)
void distanceToCenters (const oclMat &src, const oclMat &centers, Mat &dists, Mat &labels, int distType=NORM_L2SQR)
 Compute closest centers for each lines in source and lable it after center's index. More...
double kmeans (const oclMat &src, int K, oclMat &bestLabels, TermCriteria criteria, int attemps, int flags, oclMat &centers)
 Does k-means procedure on GPU. More...
void pyrDown (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst)
void pyrUp (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst)
 upsamples the source image and then smoothes it More...
void blendLinear (const oclMat &img1, const oclMat &img2, const oclMat &weights1, const oclMat &weights2, oclMat &result)
void columnSum (const oclMat &src, oclMat &sum)
 computes vertical sum, supports only CV_32FC1 images More...
void matchTemplate (const oclMat &image, const oclMat &templ, oclMat &result, int method)
 computes the proximity map for the raster template and the image where the template is searched for More...
void matchTemplate (const oclMat &image, const oclMat &templ, oclMat &result, int method, MatchTemplateBuf &buf)
 computes the proximity map for the raster template and the image where the template is searched for More...
void Canny (const oclMat &image, oclMat &edges, double low_thresh, double high_thresh, int apperture_size=3, bool L2gradient=false)
 compute edges of the input image using Canny operator More...
void Canny (const oclMat &image, CannyBuf &buf, oclMat &edges, double low_thresh, double high_thresh, int apperture_size=3, bool L2gradient=false)
void Canny (const oclMat &dx, const oclMat &dy, oclMat &edges, double low_thresh, double high_thresh, bool L2gradient=false)
void Canny (const oclMat &dx, const oclMat &dy, CannyBuf &buf, oclMat &edges, double low_thresh, double high_thresh, bool L2gradient=false)
void dft (const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, Size dft_size=Size(), int flags=0)
void gemm (const oclMat &src1, const oclMat &src2, double alpha, const oclMat &src3, double beta, oclMat &dst, int flags=0)
 implements generalized matrix product algorithm GEMM from BLAS More...
void buildWarpPlaneMaps (Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat &K, const Mat &R, const Mat &T, float scale, oclMat &map_x, oclMat &map_y)
void buildWarpCylindricalMaps (Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat &K, const Mat &R, float scale, oclMat &map_x, oclMat &map_y)
 builds cylindrical warping maps More...
void buildWarpSphericalMaps (Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat &K, const Mat &R, float scale, oclMat &map_x, oclMat &map_y)
 builds spherical warping maps More...
void buildWarpAffineMaps (const Mat &M, bool inverse, Size dsize, oclMat &xmap, oclMat &ymap)
 builds Affine warping maps More...
void buildWarpPerspectiveMaps (const Mat &M, bool inverse, Size dsize, oclMat &xmap, oclMat &ymap)
 builds Perspective warping maps More...
void interpolateFrames (const oclMat &frame0, const oclMat &frame1, const oclMat &fu, const oclMat &fv, const oclMat &bu, const oclMat &bv, float pos, oclMat &newFrame, oclMat &buf)
Moments ocl_moments (InputArray contour)
Moments ocl_moments (oclMat &src, bool binary)
void sortByKey (oclMat &keys, oclMat &values, int method, bool isGreaterThan=false)
 Returns the sorted result of all the elements in input based on equivalent keys. More...
void ensureSizeIsEnough (int rows, int cols, int type, oclMat &m)
void ensureSizeIsEnough (Size size, int type, oclMat &m)

Typedef Documentation

§ DevicesInfo

typedef std::vector<const DeviceInfo*> cv::ocl::DevicesInfo

§ PlatformsInfo

typedef std::vector<const PlatformInfo*> cv::ocl::PlatformsInfo

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

§ anonymous enum

anonymous enum



§ DeviceType


§ DevMemRW


§ DevMemType




Function Documentation

§ abs()

void cv::ocl::abs ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst 

computes element-wise absolute values of an array (dst = abs(src))

§ absdiff() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::absdiff ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
oclMat dst 

computes element-wise absolute difference of two arrays (dst = abs(src1 - src2))

§ absdiff() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::absdiff ( const oclMat src1,
const Scalar s,
oclMat dst 

computes element-wise absolute difference of array and scalar (dst = abs(src1 - s))

§ absSum()

Scalar cv::ocl::absSum ( const oclMat m)

§ adaptiveBilateralFilter()

void cv::ocl::adaptiveBilateralFilter ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
Size  ksize,
double  sigmaSpace,
double  maxSigmaColor = 20.0,
Point  anchor = Point(-1, -1),
int  borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT 

Applies an adaptive bilateral filter to the input image.

§ add() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::add ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
oclMat dst,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

adds one matrix to another (dst = src1 + src2)

§ add() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::add ( const oclMat src1,
const Scalar s,
oclMat dst,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

adds scalar to a matrix (dst = src1 + s)

§ addWeighted()

void cv::ocl::addWeighted ( const oclMat src1,
double  alpha,
const oclMat src2,
double  beta,
double  gama,
oclMat dst 

adds one matrix to another with scale (dst = src1 * alpha + src2 * beta + gama)

§ bilateralFilter()

void cv::ocl::bilateralFilter ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  d,
double  sigmaColor,
double  sigmaSpace,
int  borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT 


§ bitwise_and() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::bitwise_and ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
oclMat dst,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

calculates per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays

§ bitwise_and() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::bitwise_and ( const oclMat src1,
const Scalar s,
oclMat dst,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

§ bitwise_not()

void cv::ocl::bitwise_not ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst 

perfroms per-elements bit-wise inversion

§ bitwise_or() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::bitwise_or ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
oclMat dst,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

calculates per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays

§ bitwise_or() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::bitwise_or ( const oclMat src1,
const Scalar s,
oclMat dst,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

§ bitwise_xor() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::bitwise_xor ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
oclMat dst,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

calculates per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation

§ bitwise_xor() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::bitwise_xor ( const oclMat src1,
const Scalar s,
oclMat dst,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

§ blendLinear()

void cv::ocl::blendLinear ( const oclMat img1,
const oclMat img2,
const oclMat weights1,
const oclMat weights2,
oclMat result 

performs linear blending of two images to avoid accuracy errors sum of weigths shouldn't be very close to zero

§ boxFilter()

void cv::ocl::boxFilter ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  ddepth,
Size  ksize,
Point  anchor = Point(-1, -1),
int  borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT 

smooths the image using the normalized box filter

§ buildWarpAffineMaps()

void cv::ocl::buildWarpAffineMaps ( const Mat M,
bool  inverse,
Size  dsize,
oclMat xmap,
oclMat ymap 

builds Affine warping maps

§ buildWarpCylindricalMaps()

void cv::ocl::buildWarpCylindricalMaps ( Size  src_size,
Rect  dst_roi,
const Mat K,
const Mat R,
float  scale,
oclMat map_x,
oclMat map_y 

builds cylindrical warping maps

§ buildWarpPerspectiveMaps()

void cv::ocl::buildWarpPerspectiveMaps ( const Mat M,
bool  inverse,
Size  dsize,
oclMat xmap,
oclMat ymap 

builds Perspective warping maps

§ buildWarpPlaneMaps()

void cv::ocl::buildWarpPlaneMaps ( Size  src_size,
Rect  dst_roi,
const Mat K,
const Mat R,
const Mat T,
float  scale,
oclMat map_x,
oclMat map_y 

build warping maps //////////////////// builds plane warping maps

§ buildWarpSphericalMaps()

void cv::ocl::buildWarpSphericalMaps ( Size  src_size,
Rect  dst_roi,
const Mat K,
const Mat R,
float  scale,
oclMat map_x,
oclMat map_y 

builds spherical warping maps

§ calcHist()

void cv::ocl::calcHist ( const oclMat mat_src,
oclMat mat_hist 

only 8UC1 and 256 bins is supported now

§ Canny() [1/4]

void cv::ocl::Canny ( const oclMat image,
oclMat edges,
double  low_thresh,
double  high_thresh,
int  apperture_size = 3,
bool  L2gradient = false 

compute edges of the input image using Canny operator

§ Canny() [2/4]

void cv::ocl::Canny ( const oclMat image,
CannyBuf buf,
oclMat edges,
double  low_thresh,
double  high_thresh,
int  apperture_size = 3,
bool  L2gradient = false 

§ Canny() [3/4]

void cv::ocl::Canny ( const oclMat dx,
const oclMat dy,
oclMat edges,
double  low_thresh,
double  high_thresh,
bool  L2gradient = false 

§ Canny() [4/4]

void cv::ocl::Canny ( const oclMat dx,
const oclMat dy,
CannyBuf buf,
oclMat edges,
double  low_thresh,
double  high_thresh,
bool  L2gradient = false 

§ cartToPolar()

void cv::ocl::cartToPolar ( const oclMat x,
const oclMat y,
oclMat magnitude,
oclMat angle,
bool  angleInDegrees = false 

converts Cartesian coordinates to polar

§ columnSum()

void cv::ocl::columnSum ( const oclMat src,
oclMat sum 

computes vertical sum, supports only CV_32FC1 images

§ compare()

void cv::ocl::compare ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
oclMat dst,
int  cmpop 

compares elements of two arrays (dst = src1



§ convolve()

void cv::ocl::convolve ( const oclMat image,
const oclMat temp1,
oclMat result 

computes convolution of two images

§ copyMakeBorder()

void cv::ocl::copyMakeBorder ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  top,
int  bottom,
int  left,
int  right,
int  boardtype,
const Scalar value = Scalar() 

copies 2D array to a larger destination array and pads borders with user-specifiable constant

§ cornerHarris()

void cv::ocl::cornerHarris ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  blockSize,
int  ksize,
double  k,
int  bordertype = cv::BORDER_DEFAULT 

§ cornerHarris_dxdy()

void cv::ocl::cornerHarris_dxdy ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
oclMat Dx,
oclMat Dy,
int  blockSize,
int  ksize,
double  k,
int  bordertype = cv::BORDER_DEFAULT 

§ cornerMinEigenVal()

void cv::ocl::cornerMinEigenVal ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  blockSize,
int  ksize,
int  bordertype = cv::BORDER_DEFAULT 

§ cornerMinEigenVal_dxdy()

void cv::ocl::cornerMinEigenVal_dxdy ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
oclMat Dx,
oclMat Dy,
int  blockSize,
int  ksize,
int  bordertype = cv::BORDER_DEFAULT 

§ countNonZero()

int cv::ocl::countNonZero ( const oclMat src)

counts non-zero array elements

§ createBoxFilter_GPU()

Ptr<FilterEngine_GPU> cv::ocl::createBoxFilter_GPU ( int  srcType,
int  dstType,
const Size ksize,
const Point anchor = Point(-1, -1),
int  borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT 

returns box filter engine

§ createCLAHE()

Ptr<cv::CLAHE> cv::ocl::createCLAHE ( double  clipLimit = 40.0,
Size  tileGridSize = Size(8, 8) 

only 8UC1 is supported now

§ createDerivFilter_GPU()

Ptr<FilterEngine_GPU> cv::ocl::createDerivFilter_GPU ( int  srcType,
int  dstType,
int  dx,
int  dy,
int  ksize,
int  borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT,
Size  imgSize = Size(-1,-1) 

returns filter engine for the generalized Sobel operator

§ createFilter2D_GPU()

Ptr<FilterEngine_GPU> cv::ocl::createFilter2D_GPU ( const Ptr< BaseFilter_GPU filter2D)

returns the non-separable filter engine with the specified filter

§ createGaussianFilter_GPU()

Ptr<FilterEngine_GPU> cv::ocl::createGaussianFilter_GPU ( int  type,
Size  ksize,
double  sigma1,
double  sigma2 = 0,
int  bordertype = BORDER_DEFAULT,
Size  imgSize = Size(-1,-1) 

returns the Gaussian filter engine

§ createLinearFilter_GPU()

Ptr<FilterEngine_GPU> cv::ocl::createLinearFilter_GPU ( int  srcType,
int  dstType,
const Mat kernel,
const Point anchor = Point(-1, -1),
int  borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT 

returns the non-separable linear filter engine

§ createMorphologyFilter_GPU()

Ptr<FilterEngine_GPU> cv::ocl::createMorphologyFilter_GPU ( int  op,
int  type,
const Mat kernel,
const Point anchor = Point(-1, -1),
int  iterations = 1 

returns morphological filter engine. Only MORPH_ERODE and MORPH_DILATE are supported.

§ createSeparableFilter_GPU()

Ptr<FilterEngine_GPU> cv::ocl::createSeparableFilter_GPU ( const Ptr< BaseRowFilter_GPU > &  rowFilter,
const Ptr< BaseColumnFilter_GPU > &  columnFilter 

returns the separable filter engine with the specified filters

§ createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU()

Ptr<FilterEngine_GPU> cv::ocl::createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU ( int  srcType,
int  dstType,
const Mat rowKernel,
const Mat columnKernel,
const Point anchor = Point(-1, -1),
double  delta = 0.0,
int  bordertype = BORDER_DEFAULT,
Size  imgSize = Size(-1,-1) 

returns the separable linear filter engine

§ cvtColor()

void cv::ocl::cvtColor ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  code,
int  dcn = 0 

§ dft()

void cv::ocl::dft ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
Size  dft_size = Size(),
int  flags = 0 

clAmdFft related ///////////////////////////////////////// Performs a forward or inverse discrete Fourier transform (1D or 2D) of floating point matrix. Param dft_size is the size of DFT transform.

For complex-to-real transform it is assumed that the source matrix is packed in CLFFT's format.

§ dilate()

void cv::ocl::dilate ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
const Mat kernel,
Point  anchor = Point(-1, -1),
int  iterations = 1,
int  borderType = BORDER_CONSTANT,
const Scalar borderValue = morphologyDefaultBorderValue() 

dilates the image (applies the local maximum operator)

§ distanceToCenters()

void cv::ocl::distanceToCenters ( const oclMat src,
const oclMat centers,
Mat dists,
Mat labels,
int  distType = NORM_L2SQR 

Compute closest centers for each lines in source and lable it after center's index.

§ divide() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::divide ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
oclMat dst,
double  scale = 1 

computes element-wise quotient of the two arrays (dst = src1 * scale / src2)

§ divide() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::divide ( double  scale,
const oclMat src1,
oclMat dst 

computes element-wise quotient of the two arrays (dst = scale / src)

§ ensureSizeIsEnough() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::ensureSizeIsEnough ( int  rows,
int  cols,
int  type,
oclMat m 

§ ensureSizeIsEnough() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::ensureSizeIsEnough ( Size  size,
int  type,
oclMat m 

§ equalizeHist()

void cv::ocl::equalizeHist ( const oclMat mat_src,
oclMat mat_dst 

only 8UC1 and 256 bins is supported now

§ erode()

void cv::ocl::erode ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
const Mat kernel,
Point  anchor = Point(-1, -1),
int  iterations = 1,
int  borderType = BORDER_CONSTANT,
const Scalar borderValue = morphologyDefaultBorderValue() 

erodes the image (applies the local minimum operator)

§ error()

void cv::ocl::error ( const char *  error_string,
const char *  file,
const int  line,
const char *  func 

§ exp()

void cv::ocl::exp ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst 

computes exponent of each matrix element (dst = e**src)

§ filter2D()

void cv::ocl::filter2D ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  ddepth,
const Mat kernel,
Point  anchor = Point(-1, -1),
double  delta = 0.0,
int  borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT 

applies non-separable 2D linear filter to the image

§ finish()

void cv::ocl::finish ( )

§ flip()

void cv::ocl::flip ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  flipCode 

reverses the order of the rows, columns or both in a matrix

§ GaussianBlur()

void cv::ocl::GaussianBlur ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
Size  ksize,
double  sigma1,
double  sigma2 = 0,
int  bordertype = BORDER_DEFAULT 

smooths the image using Gaussian filter.

§ gemm()

void cv::ocl::gemm ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
double  alpha,
const oclMat src3,
double  beta,
oclMat dst,
int  flags = 0 

implements generalized matrix product algorithm GEMM from BLAS

§ getBoxFilter_GPU()

Ptr<BaseFilter_GPU> cv::ocl::getBoxFilter_GPU ( int  srcType,
int  dstType,
const Size ksize,
Point  anchor = Point(-1, -1),
int  borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT 

returns 2D box filter

§ getClCommandQueuePtr()

const void* cv::ocl::getClCommandQueuePtr ( )

§ getClContextPtr()

const void* cv::ocl::getClContextPtr ( )

§ getLinearColumnFilter_GPU()

Ptr<BaseColumnFilter_GPU> cv::ocl::getLinearColumnFilter_GPU ( int  bufType,
int  dstType,
const Mat columnKernel,
int  anchor = -1,
int  bordertype = BORDER_DEFAULT,
double  delta = 0.0 

returns the primitive column filter with the specified kernel

§ getLinearFilter_GPU()

Ptr<BaseFilter_GPU> cv::ocl::getLinearFilter_GPU ( int  srcType,
int  dstType,
const Mat kernel,
const Size ksize,
const Point anchor = Point(-1, -1),
int  borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT 

returns 2D filter with the specified kernel

§ getLinearRowFilter_GPU()

Ptr<BaseRowFilter_GPU> cv::ocl::getLinearRowFilter_GPU ( int  srcType,
int  bufType,
const Mat rowKernel,
int  anchor = -1,
int  bordertype = BORDER_DEFAULT 

returns the primitive row filter with the specified kernel

§ getMorphologyFilter_GPU()

Ptr<BaseFilter_GPU> cv::ocl::getMorphologyFilter_GPU ( int  op,
int  type,
const Mat kernel,
const Size ksize,
Point  anchor = Point(-1, -1) 

returns 2D morphological filter only MORPH_ERODE and MORPH_DILATE are supported

§ getOclMatRef() [1/2]

oclMat& cv::ocl::getOclMatRef ( InputArray  src)

§ getOclMatRef() [2/2]

oclMat& cv::ocl::getOclMatRef ( OutputArray  src)

§ getOpenCLDevices()

int cv::ocl::getOpenCLDevices ( DevicesInfo devices,
int  deviceType = CVCL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU,
const PlatformInfo platform = NULL 

§ getOpenCLPlatforms()

int cv::ocl::getOpenCLPlatforms ( PlatformsInfo platforms)

§ initializeContext()

void cv::ocl::initializeContext ( void pClPlatform,
void pClContext,
void pClDevice 

§ integral() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::integral ( const oclMat src,
oclMat sum,
oclMat sqsum 

computes the integral image and integral for the squared image

§ integral() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::integral ( const oclMat src,
oclMat sum 

§ interpolateFrames()

void cv::ocl::interpolateFrames ( const oclMat frame0,
const oclMat frame1,
const oclMat fu,
const oclMat fv,
const oclMat bu,
const oclMat bv,
float  pos,
oclMat newFrame,
oclMat buf 

interpolate frames ////////////////////////////////////////////// Interpolate frames (images) using provided optical flow (displacement field). frame0 - frame 0 (32-bit floating point images, single channel) frame1 - frame 1 (the same type and size) fu - forward horizontal displacement fv - forward vertical displacement bu - backward horizontal displacement bv - backward vertical displacement pos - new frame position newFrame - new frame buf - temporary buffer, will have width x 6*height size, CV_32FC1 type and contain 6 oclMat; occlusion masks 0, occlusion masks 1, interpolated forward flow 0, interpolated forward flow 1, interpolated backward flow 0, interpolated backward flow 1

§ kmeans()

double cv::ocl::kmeans ( const oclMat src,
int  K,
oclMat bestLabels,
TermCriteria  criteria,
int  attemps,
int  flags,
oclMat centers 

Does k-means procedure on GPU.

§ Laplacian()

void cv::ocl::Laplacian ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  ddepth,
int  ksize = 1,
double  scale = 1,
double  delta = 0,
int  borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT 

applies Laplacian operator to the image

§ log()

void cv::ocl::log ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst 

computes natural logarithm of absolute value of each matrix element: dst = log(abs(src))

§ LUT()

void cv::ocl::LUT ( const oclMat src,
const oclMat lut,
oclMat dst 

transforms 8-bit unsigned integers using lookup table: dst(i)=lut(src(i))

§ magnitude()

void cv::ocl::magnitude ( const oclMat x,
const oclMat y,
oclMat magnitude 

computes magnitude of each (x(i), y(i)) vector

§ matchTemplate() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::matchTemplate ( const oclMat image,
const oclMat templ,
oclMat result,
int  method 

computes the proximity map for the raster template and the image where the template is searched for

§ matchTemplate() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::matchTemplate ( const oclMat image,
const oclMat templ,
oclMat result,
int  method,
MatchTemplateBuf buf 

computes the proximity map for the raster template and the image where the template is searched for

§ max()

void cv::ocl::max ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
oclMat dst 

computes element-wise maximum of the two arrays (dst = max(src1, src2))

§ meanShiftFiltering()

void cv::ocl::meanShiftFiltering ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  sp,
int  sr,
TermCriteria  criteria = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1) 

Image processing ////////////////////////////// Does mean shift filtering on GPU.

§ meanShiftProc()

void cv::ocl::meanShiftProc ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dstr,
oclMat dstsp,
int  sp,
int  sr,
TermCriteria  criteria = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1) 

Does mean shift procedure on GPU.

§ meanShiftSegmentation()

void cv::ocl::meanShiftSegmentation ( const oclMat src,
Mat dst,
int  sp,
int  sr,
int  minsize,
TermCriteria  criteria = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1) 

Does mean shift segmentation with elimiation of small regions.

§ meanStdDev()

void cv::ocl::meanStdDev ( const oclMat mtx,
Scalar mean,
Scalar stddev 

computes mean value and standard deviation of all or selected array elements

§ medianFilter()

void cv::ocl::medianFilter ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  m 

Smoothes image using median filter.

§ merge() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::merge ( const oclMat src,
size_t  n,
oclMat dst 

mat split and merge ///////////////////////////////// Compose a multi-channel array from several single-channel arrays

§ merge() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::merge ( const vector< oclMat > &  src,
oclMat dst 

§ min()

void cv::ocl::min ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
oclMat dst 

computes element-wise minimum of the two arrays (dst = min(src1, src2))

§ minMax()

void cv::ocl::minMax ( const oclMat src,
double *  minVal,
double *  maxVal = 0,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values

§ minMaxLoc()

void cv::ocl::minMaxLoc ( const oclMat src,
double *  minVal,
double *  maxVal = 0,
Point minLoc = 0,
Point maxLoc = 0,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values with locations

§ morphologyEx()

void cv::ocl::morphologyEx ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  op,
const Mat kernel,
Point  anchor = Point(-1, -1),
int  iterations = 1,
int  borderType = BORDER_CONSTANT,
const Scalar borderValue = morphologyDefaultBorderValue() 

applies an advanced morphological operation to the image

§ multiply() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::multiply ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
oclMat dst,
double  scale = 1 

computes element-wise product of the two arrays (dst = src1 * scale * src2)

§ multiply() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::multiply ( double  scalar,
const oclMat src,
oclMat dst 

multiplies matrix to a number (dst = scalar * src)

§ norm() [1/2]

double cv::ocl::norm ( const oclMat src1,
int  normType = NORM_L2 

computes norm of array

§ norm() [2/2]

double cv::ocl::norm ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
int  normType = NORM_L2 

computes norm of the difference between two arrays

§ ocl_moments() [1/2]

Moments cv::ocl::ocl_moments ( InputArray  contour)

computes moments of the rasterized shape or a vector of points _array should be a vector a points standing for the contour

§ ocl_moments() [2/2]

Moments cv::ocl::ocl_moments ( oclMat src,
bool  binary 

src should be a general image uploaded to the GPU. the supported oclMat type are CV_8UC1, CV_16UC1, CV_16SC1, CV_32FC1 and CV_64FC1 to use type of CV_64FC1, the GPU should support CV_64FC1

§ openCLExecuteKernelInterop()

void cv::ocl::openCLExecuteKernelInterop ( Context clCxt,
const cv::ocl::ProgramSource source,
string  kernelName,
size_t  globalThreads[3],
size_t  localThreads[3],
std::vector< std::pair< size_t, const void *> > &  args,
int  channels,
int  depth,
const char *  build_options 

Calls OpenCL kernel. Pass globalThreads = NULL, and cleanUp = true, to finally clean-up without executing. Deprecated, will be replaced

§ operator&()

oclMat cv::ocl::operator & ( const oclMat ,
const oclMat  

§ operator*()

oclMatExpr cv::ocl::operator* ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2 

§ operator+()

oclMatExpr cv::ocl::operator+ ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2 

Mathematics operators.

§ operator-()

oclMatExpr cv::ocl::operator- ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2 

§ operator/()

oclMatExpr cv::ocl::operator/ ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2 

§ operator^()

oclMat cv::ocl::operator^ ( const oclMat ,
const oclMat  

§ operator|()

oclMat cv::ocl::operator| ( const oclMat ,
const oclMat  

§ operator~()

oclMat cv::ocl::operator~ ( const oclMat )

Logical operators.

§ phase()

void cv::ocl::phase ( const oclMat x,
const oclMat y,
oclMat angle,
bool  angleInDegrees = false 

computes angle (angle(i)) of each (x(i), y(i)) vector

§ polarToCart()

void cv::ocl::polarToCart ( const oclMat magnitude,
const oclMat angle,
oclMat x,
oclMat y,
bool  angleInDegrees = false 

converts polar coordinates to Cartesian

§ pow()

void cv::ocl::pow ( const oclMat x,
double  p,
oclMat y 

the function raises every element of tne input array to p

§ pyrDown()

void cv::ocl::pyrDown ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst 

§ pyrUp()

void cv::ocl::pyrUp ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst 

upsamples the source image and then smoothes it

§ remap()

void cv::ocl::remap ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
oclMat map1,
oclMat map2,
int  interpolation,
int  bordertype,
const Scalar value = Scalar() 

Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.

§ repeat()

void cv::ocl::repeat ( const oclMat src,
int  ny,
int  nx,
oclMat dst 

fills the output array with repeated copies of the input array

§ resize()

void cv::ocl::resize ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
Size  dsize,
double  fx = 0,
double  fy = 0,
int  interpolation = INTER_LINEAR 

resizes the image

§ Scharr()

void cv::ocl::Scharr ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  ddepth,
int  dx,
int  dy,
double  scale = 1,
double  delta = 0.0,
int  bordertype = BORDER_DEFAULT 

applies the vertical or horizontal Scharr operator to the image

§ sepFilter2D()

void cv::ocl::sepFilter2D ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  ddepth,
const Mat kernelX,
const Mat kernelY,
Point  anchor = Point(-1, -1),
double  delta = 0.0,
int  bordertype = BORDER_DEFAULT 

applies separable 2D linear filter to the image

§ setBinaryDiskCache()

void cv::ocl::setBinaryDiskCache ( int  mode = CACHE_RELEASE,
cv::String  path = "./" 

Enable or disable OpenCL program binary caching onto local disk.

§ setBinaryPath()

void cv::ocl::setBinaryPath ( const char *  path)

set where binary cache to be saved to

§ setDevice()

void cv::ocl::setDevice ( const DeviceInfo info)

§ setIdentity()

void cv::ocl::setIdentity ( oclMat src,
const Scalar val = Scalar(1) 

initializes a scaled identity matrix

§ Sobel()

void cv::ocl::Sobel ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
int  ddepth,
int  dx,
int  dy,
int  ksize = 3,
double  scale = 1,
double  delta = 0.0,
int  bordertype = BORDER_DEFAULT 

applies generalized Sobel operator to the image

§ sortByKey()

void cv::ocl::sortByKey ( oclMat keys,
oclMat values,
int  method,
bool  isGreaterThan = false 

Returns the sorted result of all the elements in input based on equivalent keys.

§ split() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::split ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst 

Divides multi-channel array into several single-channel arrays.

§ split() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::split ( const oclMat src,
vector< oclMat > &  dst 

§ sqrSum()

Scalar cv::ocl::sqrSum ( const oclMat m)

§ subtract() [1/2]

void cv::ocl::subtract ( const oclMat src1,
const oclMat src2,
oclMat dst,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

subtracts one matrix from another (dst = src1 - src2)

§ subtract() [2/2]

void cv::ocl::subtract ( const oclMat src1,
const Scalar s,
oclMat dst,
const oclMat mask = oclMat() 

subtracts scalar from a matrix (dst = src1 - s)

§ sum()

Scalar cv::ocl::sum ( const oclMat m)

computes sum of array elements

§ supportsFeature()

bool cv::ocl::supportsFeature ( FEATURE_TYPE  featureType)

§ threshold()

double cv::ocl::threshold ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
double  thresh,
double  maxVal,
int  type = THRESH_TRUNC 

applies fixed threshold to the image.

§ transpose()

void cv::ocl::transpose ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst 

transposes the matrix

§ warpAffine()

void cv::ocl::warpAffine ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
const Mat M,
Size  dsize,
int  flags = INTER_LINEAR 

warps the image using affine transformation

§ warpPerspective()

void cv::ocl::warpPerspective ( const oclMat src,
oclMat dst,
const Mat M,
Size  dsize,
int  flags = INTER_LINEAR 

warps the image using perspective transformation