Package org.opencv.features
Class SimpleBlobDetector
- java.lang.Object
- org.opencv.core.Algorithm
- org.opencv.features.Feature2D
- org.opencv.features.SimpleBlobDetector
public class SimpleBlobDetector extends Feature2D
Class for extracting blobs from an image. : The class implements a simple algorithm for extracting blobs from an image: 1. Convert the source image to binary images by applying thresholding with several thresholds from minThreshold (inclusive) to maxThreshold (exclusive) with distance thresholdStep between neighboring thresholds. 2. Extract connected components from every binary image by findContours and calculate their centers. 3. Group centers from several binary images by their coordinates. Close centers form one group that corresponds to one blob, which is controlled by the minDistBetweenBlobs parameter. 4. From the groups, estimate final centers of blobs and their radiuses and return as locations and sizes of keypoints. This class performs several filtrations of returned blobs. You should set filterBy\* to true/false to turn on/off corresponding filtration. Available filtrations:- By color. This filter compares the intensity of a binary image at the center of a blob to blobColor. If they differ, the blob is filtered out. Use blobColor = 0 to extract dark blobs and blobColor = 255 to extract light blobs.
- By area. Extracted blobs have an area between minArea (inclusive) and maxArea (exclusive).
By circularity. Extracted blobs have circularity
) between minCircularity (inclusive) and maxCircularity (exclusive). - By ratio of the minimum inertia to maximum inertia. Extracted blobs have this ratio between minInertiaRatio (inclusive) and maxInertiaRatio (exclusive).
- By convexity. Extracted blobs have convexity (area / area of blob convex hull) between minConvexity (inclusive) and maxConvexity (exclusive).
Constructor Summary
Constructors Modifier Constructor Description protected
SimpleBlobDetector(long addr)
Method Summary
All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description static SimpleBlobDetector
__fromPtr__(long addr)
static SimpleBlobDetector
static SimpleBlobDetector
create(SimpleBlobDetector_Params parameters)
protected void
Returns the algorithm string identifier.SimpleBlobDetector_Params
setParams(SimpleBlobDetector_Params params)
Methods inherited from class org.opencv.features.Feature2D
compute, compute, defaultNorm, descriptorSize, descriptorType, detect, detect, detect, detect, detectAndCompute, detectAndCompute, empty, read, write
Methods inherited from class org.opencv.core.Algorithm
clear, getNativeObjAddr, save
Method Detail
public static SimpleBlobDetector __fromPtr__(long addr)
public static SimpleBlobDetector create(SimpleBlobDetector_Params parameters)
public static SimpleBlobDetector create()
public void setParams(SimpleBlobDetector_Params params)
public SimpleBlobDetector_Params getParams()
public java.lang.String getDefaultName()
Description copied from class:Algorithm
Returns the algorithm string identifier. This string is used as top level xml/yml node tag when the object is saved to a file or string.- Overrides:
in classFeature2D
- Returns:
- automatically generated
public java.util.List<MatOfPoint> getBlobContours()