Class Animation

  • public class Animation
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents an animation with multiple frames. The Animation struct is designed to store and manage data for animated sequences such as those from animated formats (e.g., GIF, AVIF, APNG, WebP). It provides support for looping, background color settings, frame timing, and frame storage.
    • Field Detail

      • nativeObj

        protected final long nativeObj
    • Constructor Detail

      • Animation

        protected Animation​(long addr)
      • Animation

        public Animation​(int loopCount,
                         Scalar bgColor)
        Constructs an Animation object with optional loop count and background color.
        loopCount - An integer representing the number of times the animation should loop:
        • 0 (default) indicates infinite looping, meaning the animation will replay continuously.
        • Positive values denote finite repeat counts, allowing the animation to play a limited number of times.
        • If a negative value or a value beyond the maximum of 0xffff (65535) is provided, it is reset to 0 (infinite looping) to maintain valid bounds.
        bgColor - A Scalar object representing the background color in BGR format:
        • Defaults to Scalar(), indicating an empty color (usually transparent if supported).
        • This background color provides a solid fill behind frames that have transparency, ensuring a consistent display appearance.
      • Animation

        public Animation​(int loopCount)
        Constructs an Animation object with optional loop count and background color.
        loopCount - An integer representing the number of times the animation should loop:
        • 0 (default) indicates infinite looping, meaning the animation will replay continuously.
        • Positive values denote finite repeat counts, allowing the animation to play a limited number of times.
        • If a negative value or a value beyond the maximum of 0xffff (65535) is provided, it is reset to 0 (infinite looping) to maintain valid bounds.
        • Defaults to Scalar(), indicating an empty color (usually transparent if supported).
        • This background color provides a solid fill behind frames that have transparency, ensuring a consistent display appearance.
      • Animation

        public Animation()
        Constructs an Animation object with optional loop count and background color.
        • 0 (default) indicates infinite looping, meaning the animation will replay continuously.
        • Positive values denote finite repeat counts, allowing the animation to play a limited number of times.
        • If a negative value or a value beyond the maximum of 0xffff (65535) is provided, it is reset to 0 (infinite looping) to maintain valid bounds.
        • Defaults to Scalar(), indicating an empty color (usually transparent if supported).
        • This background color provides a solid fill behind frames that have transparency, ensuring a consistent display appearance.
    • Method Detail

      • getNativeObjAddr

        public long getNativeObjAddr()
      • __fromPtr__

        public static Animation __fromPtr__​(long addr)
      • get_loop_count

        public int get_loop_count()
      • set_loop_count

        public void set_loop_count​(int loop_count)
      • get_bgcolor

        public Scalar get_bgcolor()
      • set_bgcolor

        public void set_bgcolor​(Scalar bgcolor)
      • get_durations

        public MatOfInt get_durations()
      • set_durations

        public void set_durations​(MatOfInt durations)
      • get_frames

        public java.util.List<Mat> get_frames()
      • set_frames

        public void set_frames​(java.util.List<Mat> frames)
      • finalize

        protected void finalize()
                         throws java.lang.Throwable
        finalize in class java.lang.Object