OpenCV 4.12.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
No Matches
cv::gapi::wip::draw Namespace Reference


struct  Circle
 This structure represents a circle to draw. More...
struct  freetype_font
 This structure specifies which FreeType font to use by FText primitives. More...
struct  FText
 This structure represents a text string to draw using FreeType renderer. More...
struct  Image
 This structure represents an image to draw. More...
struct  Line
 This structure represents a line to draw. More...
struct  Mosaic
 This structure represents a mosaicing operation. More...
struct  Poly
 This structure represents a polygon to draw. More...
struct  Rect
 This structure represents a rectangle to draw. More...
struct  Text
 This structure represents a text string to draw. More...


using GMat2 = std::tuple<cv::GMat,cv::GMat>
using GMatDesc2 = std::tuple<cv::GMatDesc,cv::GMatDesc>
using Prim
using Prims = std::vector<Prim>


void render (cv::Mat &bgr, const Prims &prims, cv::GCompileArgs &&args={})
 The function renders on the input image passed drawing primitivies.
void render (cv::Mat &y_plane, cv::Mat &uv_plane, const Prims &prims, cv::GCompileArgs &&args={})
 The function renders on two NV12 planes passed drawing primitivies.
void render (cv::MediaFrame &frame, const Prims &prims, cv::GCompileArgs &&args={})
 The function renders on the input media frame passed drawing primitivies.
GMat render3ch (const GMat &src, const GArray< Prim > &prims)
 Renders on 3 channels input.
GFrame renderFrame (const GFrame &m_frame, const GArray< Prim > &prims)
 Renders Media Frame.
GMat2 renderNV12 (const GMat &y, const GMat &uv, const GArray< Prim > &prims)
 Renders on two planes.

Typedef Documentation

◆ GMat2

◆ GMatDesc2