OpenCV  4.10.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
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cudaarithm.hpp File Reference
#include "opencv2/core/cuda.hpp"
Include dependency graph for cudaarithm.hpp:


class  cv::cuda::Convolution
 Base class for convolution (or cross-correlation) operator. : More...
class  cv::cuda::DFT
 Base class for DFT operator as a cv::Algorithm. : More...
class  cv::cuda::LookUpTable
 Base class for transform using lookup table. More...


namespace  cv
 "black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk.
namespace  cv::cuda


void cv::cuda::abs (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes an absolute value of each matrix element.
void cv::cuda::absdiff (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes per-element absolute difference of two matrices (or of a matrix and scalar).
Scalar cv::cuda::absSum (InputArray src, InputArray mask=noArray())
 Returns the sum of absolute values for matrix elements.
void cv::cuda::add (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray(), int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes a matrix-matrix or matrix-scalar sum.
void cv::cuda::addWeighted (InputArray src1, double alpha, InputArray src2, double beta, double gamma, OutputArray dst, int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes the weighted sum of two arrays.
void cv::cuda::bitwise_and (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Performs a per-element bitwise conjunction of two matrices (or of matrix and scalar).
void cv::cuda::bitwise_not (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Performs a per-element bitwise inversion.
void cv::cuda::bitwise_or (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Performs a per-element bitwise disjunction of two matrices (or of matrix and scalar).
void cv::cuda::bitwise_xor (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Performs a per-element bitwise exclusive or operation of two matrices (or of matrix and scalar).
void cv::cuda::calcAbsSum (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::calcNorm (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int normType, InputArray mask=noArray(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::calcNormDiff (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, int normType=NORM_L2, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::calcSqrSum (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::calcSum (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::cartToPolar (InputArray x, InputArray y, OutputArray magnitude, OutputArray angle, bool angleInDegrees=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Converts Cartesian coordinates into polar.
void cv::cuda::cartToPolar (InputArray xy, OutputArray magnitude, OutputArray angle, bool angleInDegrees=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Converts Cartesian coordinates into polar.
void cv::cuda::cartToPolar (InputArray xy, OutputArray magnitudeAngle, bool angleInDegrees=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Converts Cartesian coordinates into polar.
void cv::cuda::compare (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, int cmpop, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Compares elements of two matrices (or of a matrix and scalar).
void cv::cuda::copyMakeBorder (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int borderType, Scalar value=Scalar(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Forms a border around an image.
int cv::cuda::countNonZero (InputArray src)
 Counts non-zero matrix elements.
void cv::cuda::countNonZero (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
Ptr< Convolutioncv::cuda::createConvolution (Size user_block_size=Size())
 Creates implementation for cuda::Convolution .
Ptr< DFTcv::cuda::createDFT (Size dft_size, int flags)
 Creates implementation for cuda::DFT.
Ptr< LookUpTablecv::cuda::createLookUpTable (InputArray lut)
 Creates implementation for cuda::LookUpTable .
void cv::cuda::dft (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size dft_size, int flags=0, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Performs a forward or inverse discrete Fourier transform (1D or 2D) of the floating point matrix.
void cv::cuda::divide (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, double scale=1, int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes a matrix-matrix or matrix-scalar division.
void cv::cuda::exp (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes an exponent of each matrix element.
void cv::cuda::findMinMax (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::findMinMaxLoc (InputArray src, OutputArray minMaxVals, OutputArray loc, InputArray mask=noArray(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::flip (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int flipCode, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Flips a 2D matrix around vertical, horizontal, or both axes.
void cv::cuda::gemm (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, double alpha, InputArray src3, double beta, OutputArray dst, int flags=0, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Performs generalized matrix multiplication.
void cv::cuda::inRange (InputArray src, const Scalar &lowerb, const Scalar &upperb, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Checks if array elements lie between two scalars.
void cv::cuda::integral (InputArray src, OutputArray sum, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes an integral image.
void cv::cuda::log (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes a natural logarithm of absolute value of each matrix element.
void cv::cuda::lshift (InputArray src, Scalar val, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::lshift (InputArray src, Scalar_< int > val, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Performs pixel by pixel right left of an image by a constant value.
void cv::cuda::magnitude (InputArray x, InputArray y, OutputArray magnitude, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::magnitude (InputArray xy, OutputArray magnitude, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes magnitudes of complex matrix elements.
void cv::cuda::magnitudeSqr (InputArray x, InputArray y, OutputArray magnitude, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::magnitudeSqr (InputArray xy, OutputArray magnitude, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes squared magnitudes of complex matrix elements.
void cv::cuda::max (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes the per-element maximum of two matrices (or a matrix and a scalar).
void cv::cuda::meanStdDev (InputArray mtx, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::meanStdDev (InputArray mtx, Scalar &mean, Scalar &stddev)
void cv::cuda::meanStdDev (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes a mean value and a standard deviation of matrix elements.
void cv::cuda::meanStdDev (InputArray src, Scalar &mean, Scalar &stddev, InputArray mask)
void cv::cuda::merge (const GpuMat *src, size_t n, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Makes a multi-channel matrix out of several single-channel matrices.
void cv::cuda::merge (const std::vector< GpuMat > &src, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::min (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes the per-element minimum of two matrices (or a matrix and a scalar).
void cv::cuda::minMax (InputArray src, double *minVal, double *maxVal, InputArray mask=noArray())
 Finds global minimum and maximum matrix elements and returns their values.
void cv::cuda::minMaxLoc (InputArray src, double *minVal, double *maxVal, Point *minLoc, Point *maxLoc, InputArray mask=noArray())
 Finds global minimum and maximum matrix elements and returns their values with locations.
void cv::cuda::mulAndScaleSpectrums (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, int flags, float scale, bool conjB=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Performs a per-element multiplication of two Fourier spectrums and scales the result.
void cv::cuda::mulSpectrums (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, int flags, bool conjB=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Performs a per-element multiplication of two Fourier spectrums.
void cv::cuda::multiply (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, double scale=1, int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes a matrix-matrix or matrix-scalar per-element product.
double cv::cuda::norm (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, int normType=NORM_L2)
 Returns the difference of two matrices.
double cv::cuda::norm (InputArray src1, int normType, InputArray mask=noArray())
 Returns the norm of a matrix (or difference of two matrices).
void cv::cuda::normalize (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, double alpha, double beta, int norm_type, int dtype, InputArray mask=noArray(), Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Normalizes the norm or value range of an array.
void cv::cuda::phase (InputArray x, InputArray y, OutputArray angle, bool angleInDegrees=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes polar angles of complex matrix elements.
void cv::cuda::phase (InputArray xy, OutputArray angle, bool angleInDegrees=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes polar angles of complex matrix elements.
void cv::cuda::polarToCart (InputArray magnitude, InputArray angle, OutputArray x, OutputArray y, bool angleInDegrees=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Converts polar coordinates into Cartesian.
void cv::cuda::polarToCart (InputArray magnitude, InputArray angle, OutputArray xy, bool angleInDegrees=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Converts polar coordinates into Cartesian.
void cv::cuda::polarToCart (InputArray magnitudeAngle, OutputArray xy, bool angleInDegrees=false, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Converts polar coordinates into Cartesian.
void cv::cuda::pow (InputArray src, double power, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Raises every matrix element to a power.
void cv::cuda::rectStdDev (InputArray src, InputArray sqr, OutputArray dst, Rect rect, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes a standard deviation of integral images.
void cv::cuda::reduce (InputArray mtx, OutputArray vec, int dim, int reduceOp, int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Reduces a matrix to a vector.
void cv::cuda::rshift (InputArray src, Scalar val, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::rshift (InputArray src, Scalar_< int > val, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Performs pixel by pixel right shift of an image by a constant value.
static void cv::cuda::scaleAdd (InputArray src1, double alpha, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 adds scaled array to another one (dst = alpha*src1 + src2)
void cv::cuda::split (InputArray src, GpuMat *dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Copies each plane of a multi-channel matrix into an array.
void cv::cuda::split (InputArray src, std::vector< GpuMat > &dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
void cv::cuda::sqr (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes a square value of each matrix element.
void cv::cuda::sqrIntegral (InputArray src, OutputArray sqsum, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes a squared integral image.
Scalar cv::cuda::sqrSum (InputArray src, InputArray mask=noArray())
 Returns the squared sum of matrix elements.
void cv::cuda::sqrt (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes a square root of each matrix element.
void cv::cuda::subtract (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray(), int dtype=-1, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Computes a matrix-matrix or matrix-scalar difference.
Scalar cv::cuda::sum (InputArray src, InputArray mask=noArray())
 Returns the sum of matrix elements.
double cv::cuda::threshold (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, double thresh, double maxval, int type, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Applies a fixed-level threshold to each array element.
void cv::cuda::transpose (InputArray src1, OutputArray dst, Stream &stream=Stream::Null())
 Transposes a matrix.