void | bilateralFilter (InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int d, float sigmaColor, float sigmaSpace, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
| Applies Bilateral filter to an image considering d-pixel diameter of each pixel's neighborhood. This filter does not work inplace.
void | bilateralRecursive (cv::InputArray src, cv::OutputArray dst, float sigmaColor=0.03f, float sigmaSpace=0.1f) |
| Recursive Bilateral Filtering.
void | clusterEuclidean (InputArray points, InputArray clusterCenters, OutputArray newClusterCenters, OutputArray clusterSizes, OutputArray clusterBindings, OutputArray clusterSumDists, int numPointsUsed=-1) |
| Clusterizes N input points in D-dimensional space into K clusters.
void | FAST10 (InputArray src, InputArray mask, OutputArray coords, OutputArray scores, int barrier, int border, bool nmsEnabled) |
| Extracts FAST corners and scores from the image based on the mask. The mask specifies pixels to be ignored by the detector.
void | FFT (InputArray src, OutputArray dst) |
| Computes the 1D or 2D Fast Fourier Transform of a real valued matrix. For the 2D case, the width and height of the input and output matrix must be powers of 2. For the 1D case, the height of the matrices must be 1, while the width must be a power of 2.
void | fillConvexPoly (InputOutputArray img, InputArray pts, Scalar color) |
| Draw convex polygon This function fills the interior of a convex polygon with the specified color.
void | houghLines (InputArray src, OutputArray lines, double threshold=0.25) |
| Performs Hough Line detection.
void | IFFT (InputArray src, OutputArray dst) |
| Computes the 1D or 2D Inverse Fast Fourier Transform of a complex valued matrix. For the 2D case, The width and height of the input and output matrix must be powers of 2. For the 1D case, the height of the matrices must be 1, while the width must be a power of 2.
void | matmuls8s32 (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst) |
| Matrix multiplication of two int8_t type matrices.
int | meanShift (InputArray src, Rect &rect, TermCriteria termCrit) |
| Applies the meanshift procedure and obtains the final converged position. This function applies the meanshift procedure to an original image (usually a probability image) and obtains the final converged position. The converged position search will stop either it has reached the required accuracy or the maximum number of iterations.
cv::Moments | moments (InputArray _src, bool binary) |
| Calculates all of the moments up to the third order of the image pixels' intensities The results are returned in the structure cv::Moments.
void | MSER (InputArray src, std::vector< std::vector< Point > > &contours, std::vector< cv::Rect > &boundingBoxes, std::vector< ContourData > &contourData, unsigned int numNeighbors=4, unsigned int delta=2, unsigned int minArea=30, unsigned int maxArea=14400, float maxVariation=0.15f, float minDiversity=0.2f) |
| Runs MSER blob detector on the grayscale image.
void | MSER (InputArray src, std::vector< std::vector< Point > > &contours, std::vector< cv::Rect > &boundingBoxes, unsigned int numNeighbors=4, unsigned int delta=2, unsigned int minArea=30, unsigned int maxArea=14400, float maxVariation=0.15f, float minDiversity=0.2f) |
| This is an overload for MSER() function.
void | MSER (InputArray src, std::vector< std::vector< Point > > &contours, unsigned int numNeighbors=4, unsigned int delta=2, unsigned int minArea=30, unsigned int maxArea=14400, float maxVariation=0.15f, float minDiversity=0.2f) |
| This is an overload for MSER() function.
void | remap (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray map1, InputArray map2, int interpolation, int borderValue=0) |
| Applies a generic geometrical transformation to a greyscale CV_8UC1 image.
void | remapRGBA (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray map1, InputArray map2, int interpolation) |
| Applies a generic geometrical transformation to a 4-channel CV_8UC4 image with bilinear or nearest neighbor interpolation.
void | resizeDownBy2 (cv::InputArray _src, cv::OutputArray _dst) |
| Down-scale the image by averaging each 2x2 pixel block.
void | resizeDownBy4 (cv::InputArray _src, cv::OutputArray _dst) |
| Down-scale the image by averaging each 4x4 pixel block.
void | thresholdRange (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, uint8_t lowThresh, uint8_t highThresh, uint8_t trueValue, uint8_t falseValue) |
| Binarizes a grayscale image based on a pair of threshold values. The binarized image will be in the two values selected by user.