OpenCV 4.12.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
No Matches
cv::mcc::DetectorParameters Struct Reference

Parameters for the detectMarker process: More...

#include <opencv2/mcc/checker_detector.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for cv::mcc::DetectorParameters:

Public Member Functions

 DetectorParameters ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Ptr< DetectorParameterscreate ()

Public Attributes

double adaptiveThreshConstant
int adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax
int adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin
int adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep
float B0factor
int borderWidth
double confidenceThreshold
double findCandidatesApproxPolyDPEpsMultiplier
float maxError
int minContourLengthAllowed
int minContourPointsAllowed
double minContoursArea
double minContoursAreaRate
double minContourSolidity
unsigned minGroupSize
int minImageSize
int minInterCheckerDistance
int minInterContourDistance

Detailed Description

Parameters for the detectMarker process:

  • int adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin : minimum window size for adaptive thresholding before finding contours (default 23).
  • int adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax : maximum window size for adaptive thresholding before finding contours (default 153).
  • int adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep : increments from adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin to adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax during the thresholding (default 16).
  • double adaptiveThreshConstant : constant for adaptive thresholding before finding contours (default 7)
  • double minContoursAreaRate : determine minimum area for marker contour to be detected. This is defined as a rate respect to the area of the input image. Used only if neural network is used (default 0.003).
  • double minContoursArea : determine minimum area for marker contour to be detected. This is defined as the actual area. Used only if neural network is not used (default 100).
  • double confidenceThreshold : minimum confidence for a bounding box detected by neural network to classify as detection.(default 0.5) (0<=confidenceThreshold<=1)
  • double minContourSolidity : minimum solidity of a contour for it be detected as a square in the chart. (default 0.9).
  • double findCandidatesApproxPolyDPEpsMultiplier : multipler to be used in cv::ApproxPolyDP function (default 0.05)
  • int borderWidth : width of the padding used to pass the inital neural network detection in the succeeding system.(default 0)
  • float B0factor : distance between two neighbours squares of the same chart. Defined as the ratio between distance and large dimension of square (default 1.25)
  • float maxError : maximum allowed error in the detection of a chart. default(0.1)
  • int minContourPointsAllowed : minium points in a detected contour. default(4)
  • int minContourLengthAllowed : minimum length of a countour. default(100)
  • int minInterContourDistance : minimum distance between two contours. default(100)
  • int minInterCheckerDistance : minimum distance between two checkers. default(10000)
  • int minImageSize : minimum size of the smaller dimension of the image. default(1000)
  • unsigned minGroupSize : minimum number of a squared of a chart that must be detected. default(4)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DetectorParameters()

cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::DetectorParameters ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ create()

static Ptr< DetectorParameters > cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::create ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ adaptiveThreshConstant

double cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::adaptiveThreshConstant

◆ adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax

int cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax

◆ adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin

int cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin

◆ adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep

int cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep

◆ B0factor

float cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::B0factor

◆ borderWidth

int cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::borderWidth

◆ confidenceThreshold

double cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::confidenceThreshold

◆ findCandidatesApproxPolyDPEpsMultiplier

double cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::findCandidatesApproxPolyDPEpsMultiplier

◆ maxError

float cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::maxError

◆ minContourLengthAllowed

int cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::minContourLengthAllowed

◆ minContourPointsAllowed

int cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::minContourPointsAllowed

◆ minContoursArea

double cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::minContoursArea

◆ minContoursAreaRate

double cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::minContoursAreaRate

◆ minContourSolidity

double cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::minContourSolidity

◆ minGroupSize

unsigned cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::minGroupSize

◆ minImageSize

int cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::minImageSize

◆ minInterCheckerDistance

int cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::minInterCheckerDistance

◆ minInterContourDistance

int cv::mcc::DetectorParameters::minInterContourDistance

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: