▼Ncv | "black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk |
Nalphamat | |
Naruco | |
Nbarcode | |
Nbgsegm | |
Nbioinspired | |
Nccalib | |
Nccm | |
Ncolored_kinfu | |
Ncuda | |
Ncudacodec | |
►Ncudev | |
Nfunctional_detail | |
Nvec_math_detail | |
Ndatasets | |
►Ndetail | |
►Ntracking | |
Ncontrib_feature | |
Nkalman_filters | |
Nonline_boosting | |
Ntbm | |
Ntld | |
Ndetails | |
►Ndirectx | |
Nocl | |
►Ndnn | |
Ndetails | |
Ndnn_objdetect | |
Ndnn_superres | |
Ndpm | |
Ndynafu | |
NError | |
Nface | |
Nfisheye | The methods in this namespace use a so-called fisheye camera model |
Nflann | |
Nfreetype | |
Nft | |
►Ngapi | |
►Ncalib3d | This namespace contains G-API Operation Types for Stereo and related functionality |
Ncpu | |
Ncompound | |
►Ncore | This namespace contains G-API Operation Types for OpenCV Core module functionality |
Ncpu | |
Nfluid | |
Ngpu | |
Nocl | |
Nplaidml | |
Ncpu | This namespace contains G-API CPU backend functions, structures, and symbols |
Nfluid | This namespace contains G-API Fluid backend functions, structures, and symbols |
►Nie | This namespace contains G-API OpenVINO backend functions, structures, and symbols |
Ndetail | |
►Nimgproc | This namespace contains G-API Operation Types for OpenCV ImgProc module functionality |
Ncpu | |
Nfluid | |
Ngpu | |
Nocl | |
►Nnn | |
Nparsers | |
Nocl | This namespace contains G-API OpenCL backend functions, structures, and symbols |
►Nonnx | This namespace contains G-API ONNX Runtime backend functions, structures, and symbols |
Ndetail | |
►Nown | This namespace contains G-API own data structures used in its standalone mode build |
Ndetail | |
Nplaidml | This namespace contains G-API PlaidML backend functions, structures, and symbols |
Npython | This namespace contains G-API Python backend functions, structures, and symbols |
►Nrender | This namespace contains G-API CPU rendering backend functions, structures, and symbols. See G-API Drawing and composition functionality for details |
Nocv | |
►Ns11n | This namespace contains G-API serialization and deserialization functions and data structures |
Ndetail | |
►Nstreaming | This namespace contains G-API functions, structures, and symbols related to the Streaming execution mode |
Ndetail | |
Nmeta_tag | |
►Nvideo | This namespace contains G-API Operations and functions for video-oriented algorithms, like optical flow and background subtraction |
Ncpu | |
►Nwip | This namespace contains experimental G-API functionality, functions or structures in this namespace are subjects to change or removal in the future releases. This namespace also contains functions which API is not stabilized yet |
Ndraw | |
Nonevpl | |
►Ngimpl | |
►Nrender | |
Nocv | |
Nhal | |
Nhdf | |
Nhfs | |
Nimg_hash | |
Ninstr | |
Nintensity_transform | |
Ninternal | |
Njulia | |
►Nkinfu | |
Ndetail | |
Nlarge_kinfu | |
Nlegacy | |
Nline_descriptor | |
Nlinemod | |
Nmcc | |
Nml | |
Nmotempl | |
Nmulticalib | |
Nocl | |
►Nogl | |
Nocl | |
►Nomnidir | |
Ninternal | |
Noptflow | |
Novis | |
►Nparallel | |
Nopenmp | |
Ntbb | |
Nphase_unwrapping | |
Nplot | |
Nppf_match_3d | |
►Nquality | |
Nquality_utils | |
Nrandpattern | |
Nrapid | |
Nreg | |
Nrgbd | |
Nsaliency | |
Nsamples | |
Nsegmentation | |
Nsfm | |
Nstereo | |
Nstructured_light | |
Nsuperres | |
Ntext | |
Ntraits | |
►Nutil | |
Ndetail | |
►Nutils | |
Nfs | |
►Nlogging | |
Ninternal | |
Ntrace | |
►Nva_intel | |
Nocl | |
Nvideoio_registry | |
Nvideostab | |
Nviz | |
Nwechat_qrcode | |
Nxfeatures2d | |
►Nximgproc | |
Nrl | |
Nsegmentation | |
Nxobjdetect | |
Nxphoto | |
Ncvflann | |
▼Ncvv | |
Nimpl | |
NNcvCTprep | |
▼Nplaidml | |
Nedsl | |
Nsimd512 | |