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Open Source Computer Vision
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Optical flow is the pattern of apparent motion of image objects between two consecutive frames caused by the movement of object or camera. It is 2D vector field where each vector is a displacement vector showing the movement of points from first frame to second. Consider the image below (Image Courtesy: Wikipedia article on Optical Flow).
It shows a ball moving in 5 consecutive frames. The arrow shows its displacement vector. Optical flow has many applications in areas like :
Optical flow works on several assumptions:
Consider a pixel
Then take taylor series approximation of right-hand side, remove common terms and divide by
Above equation is called Optical Flow equation. In it, we can find
We have seen an assumption before, that all the neighbouring pixels will have similar motion. Lucas-Kanade method takes a 3x3 patch around the point. So all the 9 points have the same motion. We can find
( Check similarity of inverse matrix with Harris corner detector. It denotes that corners are better points to be tracked.)
So from the user point of view, the idea is simple, we give some points to track, we receive the optical flow vectors of those points. But again there are some problems. Until now, we were dealing with small motions, so it fails when there is a large motion. To deal with this we use pyramids. When we go up in the pyramid, small motions are removed and large motions become small motions. So by applying Lucas-Kanade there, we get optical flow along with the scale.
OpenCV provides all these in a single function, cv.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(). Here, we create a simple application which tracks some points in a video. To decide the points, we use cv.goodFeaturesToTrack(). We take the first frame, detect some Shi-Tomasi corner points in it, then we iteratively track those points using Lucas-Kanade optical flow. For the function cv.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK() we pass the previous frame, previous points and next frame. It returns next points along with some status numbers which has a value of 1 if next point is found, else zero. We iteratively pass these next points as previous points in next step. See the code below:
(This code doesn't check how correct are the next keypoints. So even if any feature point disappears in image, there is a chance that optical flow finds the next point which may look close to it. So actually for a robust tracking, corner points should be detected in particular intervals. OpenCV samples comes up with such a sample which finds the feature points at every 5 frames. It also run a backward-check of the optical flow points got to select only good ones. Check samples/python/lk_track.py).
See the results we got:
Lucas-Kanade method computes optical flow for a sparse feature set (in our example, corners detected using Shi-Tomasi algorithm). OpenCV provides another algorithm to find the dense optical flow. It computes the optical flow for all the points in the frame. It is based on Gunnar Farneback's algorithm which is explained in "Two-Frame Motion Estimation Based on Polynomial Expansion" by Gunnar Farneback in 2003.
Below sample shows how to find the dense optical flow using above algorithm. We get a 2-channel array with optical flow vectors,
See the result below: