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highgui.hpp File Reference
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
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struct  cv::QtFont
 QtFont available only for Qt. See cv::fontQt. More...


namespace  cv


typedef void(* cv::ButtonCallback) (int state, void *userdata)
 Callback function for a button created by cv::createButton.
typedef void(* cv::MouseCallback) (int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *userdata)
 Callback function for mouse events. see cv::setMouseCallback.
typedef void(* cv::OpenGlDrawCallback) (void *userdata)
 Callback function defined to be called every frame. See cv::setOpenGlDrawCallback.
typedef void(* cv::TrackbarCallback) (int pos, void *userdata)
 Callback function for Trackbar see cv::createTrackbar.


enum  cv::MouseEventFlags {
 Mouse Event Flags see cv::MouseCallback. More...
enum  cv::MouseEventTypes {
 Mouse Events see cv::MouseCallback. More...
enum  cv::QtButtonTypes {
  cv::QT_PUSH_BUTTON = 0 ,
  cv::QT_CHECKBOX = 1 ,
  cv::QT_RADIOBOX = 2 ,
  cv::QT_NEW_BUTTONBAR = 1024
 Qt "button" type. More...
enum  cv::QtFontStyles {
  cv::QT_STYLE_NORMAL = 0 ,
  cv::QT_STYLE_ITALIC = 1 ,
 Qt font style. More...
enum  cv::QtFontWeights {
  cv::QT_FONT_LIGHT = 25 ,
  cv::QT_FONT_NORMAL = 50 ,
  cv::QT_FONT_DEMIBOLD = 63 ,
  cv::QT_FONT_BOLD = 75 ,
  cv::QT_FONT_BLACK = 87
 Qt font weight. More...
enum  cv::WindowFlags {
  cv::WINDOW_NORMAL = 0x00000000 ,
  cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE = 0x00000001 ,
  cv::WINDOW_OPENGL = 0x00001000 ,
  cv::WINDOW_FREERATIO = 0x00000100 ,
  cv::WINDOW_KEEPRATIO = 0x00000000 ,
  cv::WINDOW_GUI_EXPANDED =0x00000000 ,
  cv::WINDOW_GUI_NORMAL = 0x00000010
 Flags for cv::namedWindow. More...
enum  cv::WindowPropertyFlags {
  cv::WND_PROP_OPENGL = 3 ,
  cv::WND_PROP_VISIBLE = 4 ,
  cv::WND_PROP_TOPMOST = 5 ,
  cv::WND_PROP_VSYNC = 6
 Flags for cv::setWindowProperty / cv::getWindowProperty. More...


void cv::addText (const Mat &img, const String &text, Point org, const QtFont &font)
 Draws a text on the image.
void cv::addText (const Mat &img, const String &text, Point org, const String &nameFont, int pointSize=-1, Scalar color=Scalar::all(0), int weight=QT_FONT_NORMAL, int style=QT_STYLE_NORMAL, int spacing=0)
 Draws a text on the image.
int cv::createButton (const String &bar_name, ButtonCallback on_change, void *userdata=0, int type=QT_PUSH_BUTTON, bool initial_button_state=false)
 Attaches a button to the control panel.
int cv::createTrackbar (const String &trackbarname, const String &winname, int *value, int count, TrackbarCallback onChange=0, void *userdata=0)
 Creates a trackbar and attaches it to the specified window.
const std::string cv::currentUIFramework ()
 HighGUI backend used.
void cv::destroyAllWindows ()
 Destroys all of the HighGUI windows.
void cv::destroyWindow (const String &winname)
 Destroys the specified window.
void cv::displayOverlay (const String &winname, const String &text, int delayms=0)
 Displays a text on a window image as an overlay for a specified duration.
void cv::displayStatusBar (const String &winname, const String &text, int delayms=0)
 Displays a text on the window statusbar during the specified period of time.
QtFont cv::fontQt (const String &nameFont, int pointSize=-1, Scalar color=Scalar::all(0), int weight=QT_FONT_NORMAL, int style=QT_STYLE_NORMAL, int spacing=0)
 Creates the font to draw a text on an image.
int cv::getMouseWheelDelta (int flags)
 Gets the mouse-wheel motion delta, when handling mouse-wheel events cv::EVENT_MOUSEWHEEL and cv::EVENT_MOUSEHWHEEL.
int cv::getTrackbarPos (const String &trackbarname, const String &winname)
 Returns the trackbar position.
Rect cv::getWindowImageRect (const String &winname)
 Provides rectangle of image in the window.
double cv::getWindowProperty (const String &winname, int prop_id)
 Provides parameters of a window.
void cv::imshow (const String &winname, const ogl::Texture2D &tex)
 Displays OpenGL 2D texture in the specified window.
void cv::imshow (const String &winname, InputArray mat)
 Displays an image in the specified window.
void cv::loadWindowParameters (const String &windowName)
 Loads parameters of the specified window.
void cv::moveWindow (const String &winname, int x, int y)
 Moves the window to the specified position.
void cv::namedWindow (const String &winname, int flags=WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
 Creates a window.
int cv::pollKey ()
 Polls for a pressed key.
void cv::resizeWindow (const String &winname, const cv::Size &size)
void cv::resizeWindow (const String &winname, int width, int height)
 Resizes the window to the specified size.
void cv::saveWindowParameters (const String &windowName)
 Saves parameters of the specified window.
Rect cv::selectROI (const String &windowName, InputArray img, bool showCrosshair=true, bool fromCenter=false, bool printNotice=true)
 Allows users to select a ROI on the given image.
Rect cv::selectROI (InputArray img, bool showCrosshair=true, bool fromCenter=false, bool printNotice=true)
void cv::selectROIs (const String &windowName, InputArray img, std::vector< Rect > &boundingBoxes, bool showCrosshair=true, bool fromCenter=false, bool printNotice=true)
 Allows users to select multiple ROIs on the given image.
void cv::setMouseCallback (const String &winname, MouseCallback onMouse, void *userdata=0)
 Sets mouse handler for the specified window.
void cv::setOpenGlContext (const String &winname)
 Sets the specified window as current OpenGL context.
void cv::setOpenGlDrawCallback (const String &winname, OpenGlDrawCallback onOpenGlDraw, void *userdata=0)
 Sets a callback function to be called to draw on top of displayed image.
void cv::setTrackbarMax (const String &trackbarname, const String &winname, int maxval)
 Sets the trackbar maximum position.
void cv::setTrackbarMin (const String &trackbarname, const String &winname, int minval)
 Sets the trackbar minimum position.
void cv::setTrackbarPos (const String &trackbarname, const String &winname, int pos)
 Sets the trackbar position.
void cv::setWindowProperty (const String &winname, int prop_id, double prop_value)
 Changes parameters of a window dynamically.
void cv::setWindowTitle (const String &winname, const String &title)
 Updates window title.
int cv::startLoop (int(*pt2Func)(int argc, char *argv[]), int argc, char *argv[])
int cv::startWindowThread ()
void cv::stopLoop ()
void cv::updateWindow (const String &winname)
 Force window to redraw its context and call draw callback ( See cv::setOpenGlDrawCallback ).
int cv::waitKey (int delay=0)
 Waits for a pressed key.
int cv::waitKeyEx (int delay=0)
 Similar to waitKey, but returns full key code.