struct | accepted_infer_types |
class | AffineBasedEstimator |
| Affine transformation based estimator. More...
class | AffineBestOf2NearestMatcher |
| Features matcher similar to cv::detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher which finds two best matches for each feature and leaves the best one only if the ratio between descriptor distances is greater than the threshold match_conf. More...
class | AffineWarper |
| Affine warper that uses rotations and translations. More...
class | AugmentedUnscentedKalmanFilterParams |
| Augmented Unscented Kalman filter parameters. The class for initialization parameters of Augmented Unscented Kalman filter. More...
class | BaseClassifier |
class | BasicOpaqueRef |
class | BasicVectorRef |
class | BestOf2NearestMatcher |
| Features matcher which finds two best matches for each feature and leaves the best one only if the ratio between descriptor distances is greater than the threshold match_conf. More...
class | BestOf2NearestRangeMatcher |
class | Blender |
| Base class for all blenders. More...
class | BlocksChannelsCompensator |
| Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image block on each channel. More...
class | BlocksCompensator |
| Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image blocks. More...
class | BlocksGainCompensator |
| Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image block intensities, see [279] for details. More...
class | BundleAdjusterAffine |
| Bundle adjuster that expects affine transformation represented in homogeneous coordinates in R for each camera param. Implements camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares. More...
class | BundleAdjusterAffinePartial |
| Bundle adjuster that expects affine transformation with 4 DOF represented in homogeneous coordinates in R for each camera param. Implements camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares. More...
class | BundleAdjusterBase |
| Base class for all camera parameters refinement methods. More...
class | BundleAdjusterRay |
| Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the distances between the rays passing through the camera center and a feature. : More...
class | BundleAdjusterReproj |
| Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares. More...
struct | callCustomGetBorder |
struct | callCustomGetBorder< false, Impl > |
struct | callCustomGetBorder< true, Impl > |
struct | CameraParams |
| Describes camera parameters. More...
class | ChannelsCompensator |
| Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image intensities on each channel independently. More...
class | ClassifierThreshold |
struct | CompileArgTag |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::calib3d::cpu::StereoInitParam > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::GNetPackage > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::ot::ObjectTrackerParams > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::plaidml::config > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::streaming::queue_capacity > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::use_only > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::video::BackgroundSubtractorParams > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::wip::draw::freetype_font > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::wip::ov::benchmark_mode > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::GKernelPackage > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::graph_dump_path > |
struct | CompileArgTag< cv::use_threaded_executor > |
struct | CompileArgTag< gapi::oak::ColorCameraParams > |
struct | CompileArgTag< gapi::oak::EncoderConfig > |
struct | CompileArgTag< gapi::streaming::sync_policy > |
struct | CompileArgTag< GFluidOutputRois > |
struct | CompileArgTag< GFluidParallelFor > |
struct | CompileArgTag< GFluidParallelOutputRois > |
struct | CompressedRectilinearPortraitProjector |
class | CompressedRectilinearPortraitWarper |
struct | CompressedRectilinearProjector |
class | CompressedRectilinearWarper |
struct | contains_shape_field |
struct | contains_shape_field< TaggedTypeCandidate, void_t< decltype(TaggedTypeCandidate::shape)> > |
class | CvFeatureEvaluator |
class | CvFeatureParams |
class | CvHaarEvaluator |
class | CvHaarFeatureParams |
class | CvHOGEvaluator |
struct | CvHOGFeatureParams |
class | CvLBPEvaluator |
struct | CvLBPFeatureParams |
class | CvParams |
struct | CylindricalPortraitProjector |
class | CylindricalPortraitWarper |
struct | CylindricalProjector |
class | CylindricalWarper |
| Warper that maps an image onto the x*x + z*z = 1 cylinder. More...
class | CylindricalWarperGpu |
class | Detector |
class | DisjointSets |
class | DpSeamFinder |
class | EstimatedGaussDistribution |
class | Estimator |
| Rotation estimator base class. More...
class | ExposureCompensator |
| Base class for all exposure compensators. More...
struct | ExtractArgsCallback |
struct | ExtractMetaCallback |
class | FeatherBlender |
| Simple blender which mixes images at its borders. More...
class | FeaturesMatcher |
| Feature matchers base class. More...
struct | FisheyeProjector |
class | FisheyeWarper |
struct | flatten_g |
struct | flatten_g< cv::GMat > |
struct | flatten_g< cv::GScalar > |
struct | flatten_g< GArray< T > > |
struct | fluid_get_in |
struct | fluid_get_in< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | fluid_get_in< cv::GMat > |
struct | fluid_get_in< cv::GOpaque< U > > |
struct | fluid_get_in< cv::GScalar > |
struct | FluidCallHelper |
struct | FluidCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... >, UseScratch > |
class | GainCompensator |
| Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image intensities, see [41] and [305] for details. More...
class | GArrayU |
struct | GCompoundCallHelper |
struct | GCompoundCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > |
struct | GCompoundContext |
class | GCompoundKernel |
class | GCompoundKernelImpl |
struct | get_border_helper |
struct | get_border_helper< false, Impl, Ins... > |
struct | get_border_helper< true, Impl, Ins... > |
struct | get_compound_in |
struct | get_compound_in< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | get_compound_in< cv::GMatP > |
struct | get_compound_in< cv::GOpaque< U > > |
struct | get_in |
struct | get_in< cv::GArray< cv::GArray< U > > > |
struct | get_in< cv::GArray< cv::GMat > > |
struct | get_in< cv::GArray< cv::GScalar > > |
struct | get_in< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | get_in< cv::GFrame > |
struct | get_in< cv::GMat > |
struct | get_in< cv::GMatP > |
struct | get_in< cv::GOpaque< cv::GMat > > |
struct | get_in< cv::GOpaque< cv::GScalar > > |
struct | get_in< cv::GOpaque< U > > |
struct | get_in< cv::GScalar > |
struct | get_out |
struct | get_out< cv::GArray< cv::GArray< U > > > |
struct | get_out< cv::GArray< cv::GMat > > |
struct | get_out< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | get_out< cv::GFrame > |
struct | get_out< cv::GMat > |
struct | get_out< cv::GMatP > |
struct | get_out< cv::GOpaque< U > > |
struct | get_out< cv::GScalar > |
struct | get_window_helper |
struct | get_window_helper< false, Impl, Ins... > |
struct | get_window_helper< true, Impl, Ins... > |
class | GInferInputsTyped |
class | GInferOutputsTyped |
struct | GObtainCtor |
struct | GObtainCtor< GArray< T > > |
struct | GObtainCtor< GOpaque< T > > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< bool > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< cv::GMat > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< cv::Mat > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< cv::Point > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< cv::Point2f > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< cv::Point3f > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< cv::Rect > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< cv::Scalar > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< cv::Size > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< double > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< float > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< int > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< int64_t > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< std::string > |
struct | GOpaqueTraits< uint64_t > |
class | GOpaqueU |
class | Graph |
class | GraphCutSeamFinder |
| Minimum graph cut-based seam estimator. See details in [152] . More...
class | GraphCutSeamFinderBase |
| Base class for all minimum graph-cut-based seam estimators. More...
struct | GraphEdge |
struct | GTypeOf |
struct | GTypeOf< cv::gapi::wip::IStreamSource::Ptr > |
struct | GTypeOf< cv::Mat > |
struct | GTypeOf< cv::MediaFrame > |
struct | GTypeOf< cv::RMat > |
struct | GTypeOf< cv::Scalar > |
struct | GTypeOf< cv::UMat > |
struct | GTypeOf< std::vector< U > > |
struct | GTypeTraits |
struct | GTypeTraits< cv::GArray< T > > |
struct | GTypeTraits< cv::GFrame > |
struct | GTypeTraits< cv::GMat > |
struct | GTypeTraits< cv::GMatP > |
struct | GTypeTraits< cv::GOpaque< T > > |
struct | GTypeTraits< cv::GScalar > |
struct | has_custom_wrap |
struct | has_gshape |
struct | has_Window |
class | HomographyBasedEstimator |
| Homography based rotation estimator. More...
struct | ImageFeatures |
| Structure containing image keypoints and descriptors. More...
struct | in_variant |
struct | in_variant< T, util::variant< Types... > > |
struct | InferROITraits |
struct | InferROITraits< GInferListBase > |
struct | InferROITraits< GInferROIBase > |
struct | InOutInfo |
struct | is_gmat_type |
struct | is_meta_descr |
struct | is_meta_descr< GArrayDesc > |
struct | is_meta_descr< GMatDesc > |
struct | is_meta_descr< GOpaqueDesc > |
struct | is_meta_descr< GScalarDesc > |
struct | KernelTag |
class | KernelTypeMedium |
class | KernelTypeMedium< K, std::function< R(Args...)> > |
class | KernelTypeMedium< K, std::function< std::tuple< R... >(Args...)> > |
struct | last_type |
struct | last_type< T > |
struct | last_type< T, Ts... > |
struct | MatchesInfo |
| Structure containing information about matches between two images. More...
struct | MercatorProjector |
class | MercatorWarper |
struct | MetaHelper |
struct | MetaHelper< K, std::tuple< Ins... >, Out > |
struct | MetaHelper< K, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > |
struct | MetaType |
struct | MetaType< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | MetaType< cv::GFrame > |
struct | MetaType< cv::GMat > |
struct | MetaType< cv::GMatP > |
struct | MetaType< cv::GOpaque< U > > |
struct | MetaType< cv::GScalar > |
class | MultiBandBlender |
| Blender which uses multi-band blending algorithm (see [45]). More...
class | NoBundleAdjuster |
| Stub bundle adjuster that does nothing. More...
class | NoExposureCompensator |
| Stub exposure compensator which does nothing. More...
class | NoSeamFinder |
| Stub seam estimator which does nothing. More...
struct | NoTag |
struct | ocl_get_in |
struct | ocl_get_in< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | ocl_get_in< cv::GFrame > |
struct | ocl_get_in< cv::GMat > |
struct | ocl_get_in< cv::GOpaque< U > > |
struct | ocl_get_in< cv::GScalar > |
struct | ocl_get_out |
struct | ocl_get_out< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | ocl_get_out< cv::GMat > |
struct | ocl_get_out< cv::GOpaque< U > > |
struct | ocl_get_out< cv::GScalar > |
struct | OCLCallHelper |
struct | OCLCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > |
struct | OCVCallHelper |
struct | OCVCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > |
struct | OCVSetupHelper |
struct | OCVSetupHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... > > |
struct | OCVStCallHelper |
struct | OCVStCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > |
class | OpaqueRef |
class | OpaqueRefT |
struct | OptRef |
class | PairwiseSeamFinder |
| Base class for all pairwise seam estimators. More...
struct | PaniniPortraitProjector |
class | PaniniPortraitWarper |
struct | PaniniProjector |
class | PaniniWarper |
struct | plaidml_get_in |
struct | plaidml_get_in< cv::GMat > |
struct | plaidml_get_out |
struct | plaidml_get_out< cv::GMat > |
struct | PlaidMLCallHelper |
struct | PlaidMLCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > |
struct | PlanePortraitProjector |
class | PlanePortraitWarper |
struct | PlaneProjector |
class | PlaneWarper |
| Warper that maps an image onto the z = 1 plane. More...
class | PlaneWarperGpu |
struct | ProjectorBase |
| Base class for warping logic implementation. More...
struct | ProtoToMeta |
struct | ProtoToMeta< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | ProtoToMeta< cv::GMat > |
struct | ProtoToMeta< cv::GOpaque< U > > |
struct | ProtoToMeta< cv::GScalar > |
struct | ProtoToParam |
struct | ProtoToParam< cv::GArray< cv::GMat > > |
struct | ProtoToParam< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | ProtoToParam< cv::GMat > |
struct | ProtoToParam< cv::GOpaque< U > > |
struct | ProtoToParam< cv::GScalar > |
class | RotationWarper |
| Rotation-only model image warper interface. More...
class | RotationWarperBase |
| Base class for rotation-based warper using a detail::ProjectorBase_ derived class. More...
struct | scratch_helper |
struct | scratch_helper< false, Impl, Ins... > |
struct | scratch_helper< true, Impl, Ins... > |
class | SeamFinder |
| Base class for a seam estimator. More...
struct | SphericalPortraitProjector |
class | SphericalPortraitWarper |
struct | SphericalProjector |
class | SphericalWarper |
| Warper that maps an image onto the unit sphere located at the origin. More...
class | SphericalWarperGpu |
struct | StereographicProjector |
class | StereographicWarper |
class | StrongClassifierDirectSelection |
class | Timelapser |
class | TimelapserCrop |
struct | tracked_cv_mat |
struct | tracked_cv_umat |
class | TrackerContribFeature |
| Abstract base class for TrackerContribFeature that represents the feature. More...
class | TrackerContribFeatureHAAR |
| TrackerContribFeature based on HAAR features, used by TrackerMIL and many others algorithms. More...
class | TrackerContribFeatureSet |
| Class that manages the extraction and selection of features. More...
class | TrackerContribSampler |
| Class that manages the sampler in order to select regions for the update the model of the tracker [AAM] Sampling e Labeling. See table I and section III B. More...
class | TrackerContribSamplerAlgorithm |
| Abstract base class for TrackerContribSamplerAlgorithm that represents the algorithm for the specific sampler. More...
class | TrackerContribSamplerCSC |
| TrackerSampler based on CSC (current state centered), used by MIL algorithm TrackerMIL. More...
class | TrackerFeature |
| Abstract base class for TrackerFeature that represents the feature. More...
class | TrackerFeatureFeature2d |
| TrackerContribFeature based on Feature2D. More...
class | TrackerFeatureHOG |
| TrackerContribFeature based on HOG. More...
class | TrackerFeatureLBP |
| TrackerContribFeature based on LBP. More...
class | TrackerFeatureSet |
| Class that manages the extraction and selection of features. More...
class | TrackerModel |
| Abstract class that represents the model of the target. More...
class | TrackerSampler |
| Class that manages the sampler in order to select regions for the update the model of the tracker [AAM] Sampling e Labeling. See table I and section III B. More...
class | TrackerSamplerAlgorithm |
| Abstract base class for TrackerSamplerAlgorithm that represents the algorithm for the specific sampler. More...
class | TrackerSamplerCS |
| TrackerContribSampler based on CS (current state), used by algorithm TrackerBoosting. More...
class | TrackerSamplerCSC |
| TrackerSampler based on CSC (current state centered), used by MIL algorithm TrackerMIL. More...
class | TrackerSamplerPF |
| This sampler is based on particle filtering. More...
class | TrackerStateEstimator |
| Abstract base class for TrackerStateEstimator that estimates the most likely target state. More...
class | TrackerStateEstimatorAdaBoosting |
| TrackerStateEstimatorAdaBoosting based on ADA-Boosting. More...
class | TrackerStateEstimatorSVM |
| TrackerStateEstimator based on SVM. More...
class | TrackerTargetState |
| Abstract base class for TrackerTargetState that represents a possible state of the target. More...
struct | TransformTag |
struct | TransHelper |
struct | TransHelper< K, std::tuple< Ins... >, Out > |
struct | TransverseMercatorProjector |
class | TransverseMercatorWarper |
struct | TypeHint |
struct | TypeHintBase |
class | UkfSystemModel |
| Model of dynamical system for Unscented Kalman filter. The interface for dynamical system model. It contains functions for computing the next state and the measurement. It must be inherited for using UKF. More...
class | UnscentedKalmanFilter |
| The interface for Unscented Kalman filter and Augmented Unscented Kalman filter. More...
class | UnscentedKalmanFilterParams |
| Unscented Kalman filter parameters. The class for initialization parameters of Unscented Kalman filter. More...
struct | valid_infer2_types |
struct | valid_infer2_types< std::tuple< cv::GMat >, std::tuple< T > > |
struct | valid_infer2_types< std::tuple< cv::GMat, Ns... >, std::tuple< T, Ts... > > |
struct | valid_infer2_types< std::tuple< Ns... >, std::tuple<> > |
struct | valid_infer2_types< std::tuple<>, std::tuple< Ts... > > |
class | VectorRef |
class | VectorRefT |
class | VoronoiSeamFinder |
| Voronoi diagram-based seam estimator. More...
class | WeakClassifierHaarFeature |
struct | WrapValue |
struct | WrapValue< T, typename std::enable_if< has_custom_wrap< T >::value >::type > |
struct | wref_spec |
struct | wref_spec< std::vector< T > > |
struct | Yield |
struct | Yield< cv::GArray< U > > |
struct | Yield< cv::GMat > |
struct | Yield< cv::GMatP > |
struct | Yield< cv::GOpaque< U > > |
struct | Yield< cv::GScalar > |
struct | Yield< GFrame > |