| Mat_ () |
| default constructor More...
| Mat_ (int _rows, int _cols) |
| equivalent to Mat(_rows, _cols, DataType<_Tp>::type) More...
| Mat_ (int _rows, int _cols, const _Tp &value) |
| constructor that sets each matrix element to specified value More...
| Mat_ (Size _size) |
| equivalent to Mat(_size, DataType<_Tp>::type) More...
| Mat_ (Size _size, const _Tp &value) |
| constructor that sets each matrix element to specified value More...
| Mat_ (int _ndims, const int *_sizes) |
| n-dim array constructor More...
| Mat_ (int _ndims, const int *_sizes, const _Tp &value) |
| n-dim array constructor that sets each matrix element to specified value More...
| Mat_ (const Mat &m) |
| copy/conversion constructor. If m is of different type, it's converted More...
| Mat_ (const Mat_ &m) |
| copy constructor More...
| Mat_ (int _rows, int _cols, _Tp *_data, size_t _step=AUTO_STEP) |
| constructs a matrix on top of user-allocated data. step is in bytes(!!!), regardless of the type More...
| Mat_ (int _ndims, const int *_sizes, _Tp *_data, const size_t *_steps=0) |
| constructs n-dim matrix on top of user-allocated data. steps are in bytes(!!!), regardless of the type More...
| Mat_ (const Mat_ &m, const Range &rowRange, const Range &colRange=Range::all()) |
| selects a submatrix More...
| Mat_ (const Mat_ &m, const Rect &roi) |
| selects a submatrix More...
| Mat_ (const Mat_ &m, const Range *ranges) |
| selects a submatrix, n-dim version More...
| Mat_ (const Mat_ &m, const std::vector< Range > &ranges) |
| selects a submatrix, n-dim version More...
| Mat_ (const MatExpr &e) |
| from a matrix expression More...
| Mat_ (const std::vector< _Tp > &vec, bool copyData=false) |
| makes a matrix out of Vec, std::vector, Point_ or Point3_. The matrix will have a single column More...
template<int n> |
| Mat_ (const Vec< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, n > &vec, bool copyData=true) |
template<int m, int n> |
| Mat_ (const Matx< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, m, n > &mtx, bool copyData=true) |
| Mat_ (const Point_< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type > &pt, bool copyData=true) |
| Mat_ (const Point3_< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type > &pt, bool copyData=true) |
| Mat_ (const MatCommaInitializer_< _Tp > &commaInitializer) |
Mat_ & | adjustROI (int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright) |
| some more overridden methods More...
iterator | begin () |
| iterators; they are smart enough to skip gaps in the end of rows More...
const_iterator | begin () const |
int | channels () const |
Mat_ | clone () const CV_NODISCARD |
Mat_ | col (int x) const |
void | create (int _rows, int _cols) |
| equivalent to Mat::create(_rows, _cols, DataType<_Tp>::type) More...
void | create (Size _size) |
| equivalent to Mat::create(_size, DataType<_Tp>::type) More...
void | create (int _ndims, const int *_sizes) |
| equivalent to Mat::create(_ndims, _sizes, DatType<_Tp>::type) More...
Mat_ | cross (const Mat_ &m) const |
| cross-product More...
int | depth () const |
Mat_ | diag (int d=0) const |
size_t | elemSize () const |
| overridden forms of Mat::elemSize() etc. More...
size_t | elemSize1 () const |
iterator | end () |
const_iterator | end () const |
template<typename Functor > |
void | forEach (const Functor &operation) |
| template methods for for operation over all matrix elements. More...
template<typename Functor > |
void | forEach (const Functor &operation) const |
template<typename T2 > |
| operator Mat_< T2 > () const |
| data type conversion More...
template<int m, int n> |
| operator Matx< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, m, n > () const |
| conversion to Matx More...
| operator std::vector< _Tp > () const |
| conversion to vector. More...
template<int n> |
| operator Vec< typename DataType< _Tp >::channel_type, n > () const |
| conversion to Vec More...
Mat_ | operator() (const Range &rowRange, const Range &colRange) const |
Mat_ | operator() (const Rect &roi) const |
Mat_ | operator() (const Range *ranges) const |
Mat_ | operator() (const std::vector< Range > &ranges) const |
_Tp & | operator() (const int *idx) |
| returns reference to the specified element More...
const _Tp & | operator() (const int *idx) const |
| returns read-only reference to the specified element More...
template<int n> |
_Tp & | operator() (const Vec< int, n > &idx) |
| returns reference to the specified element More...
template<int n> |
const _Tp & | operator() (const Vec< int, n > &idx) const |
| returns read-only reference to the specified element More...
_Tp & | operator() (int idx0) |
| returns reference to the specified element (1D case) More...
const _Tp & | operator() (int idx0) const |
| returns read-only reference to the specified element (1D case) More...
_Tp & | operator() (int row, int col) |
| returns reference to the specified element (2D case) More...
const _Tp & | operator() (int row, int col) const |
| returns read-only reference to the specified element (2D case) More...
_Tp & | operator() (int idx0, int idx1, int idx2) |
| returns reference to the specified element (3D case) More...
const _Tp & | operator() (int idx0, int idx1, int idx2) const |
| returns read-only reference to the specified element (3D case) More...
_Tp & | operator() (Point pt) |
const _Tp & | operator() (Point pt) const |
Mat_ & | operator= (const Mat &m) |
Mat_ & | operator= (const Mat_ &m) |
Mat_ & | operator= (const _Tp &s) |
| set all the elements to s. More...
Mat_ & | operator= (const MatExpr &e) |
| assign a matrix expression More...
_Tp * | operator[] (int y) |
| more convenient forms of row and element access operators More...
const _Tp * | operator[] (int y) const |
void | release () |
| equivalent to Mat::release() More...
Mat_ | row (int y) const |
| overridden forms of Mat::row() etc. More...
size_t | step1 (int i=0) const |
size_t | stepT (int i=0) const |
| returns step()/sizeof(_Tp) More...
int | type () const |
| Mat () |
| Mat (int rows, int cols, int type) |
| Mat (Size size, int type) |
| Mat (int rows, int cols, int type, const Scalar &s) |
| Mat (Size size, int type, const Scalar &s) |
| Mat (int ndims, const int *sizes, int type) |
| Mat (const std::vector< int > &sizes, int type) |
| Mat (int ndims, const int *sizes, int type, const Scalar &s) |
| Mat (const std::vector< int > &sizes, int type, const Scalar &s) |
| Mat (const Mat &m) |
| Mat (int rows, int cols, int type, void *data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP) |
| Mat (Size size, int type, void *data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP) |
| Mat (int ndims, const int *sizes, int type, void *data, const size_t *steps=0) |
| Mat (const std::vector< int > &sizes, int type, void *data, const size_t *steps=0) |
| Mat (const Mat &m, const Range &rowRange, const Range &colRange=Range::all()) |
| Mat (const Mat &m, const Rect &roi) |
| Mat (const Mat &m, const Range *ranges) |
| Mat (const Mat &m, const std::vector< Range > &ranges) |
template<typename _Tp > |
| Mat (const std::vector< _Tp > &vec, bool copyData=false) |
template<typename _Tp , int n> |
| Mat (const Vec< _Tp, n > &vec, bool copyData=true) |
template<typename _Tp , int m, int n> |
| Mat (const Matx< _Tp, m, n > &mtx, bool copyData=true) |
template<typename _Tp > |
| Mat (const Point_< _Tp > &pt, bool copyData=true) |
template<typename _Tp > |
| Mat (const Point3_< _Tp > &pt, bool copyData=true) |
template<typename _Tp > |
| Mat (const MatCommaInitializer_< _Tp > &commaInitializer) |
| Mat (const cuda::GpuMat &m) |
| download data from GpuMat More...
| ~Mat () |
| destructor - calls release() More...
void | addref () |
| Increments the reference counter. More...
Mat & | adjustROI (int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright) |
| Adjusts a submatrix size and position within the parent matrix. More...
void | assignTo (Mat &m, int type=-1) const |
| Provides a functional form of convertTo. More...
template<typename _Tp > |
_Tp & | at (int i0=0) |
| Returns a reference to the specified array element. More...
template<typename _Tp > |
const _Tp & | at (int i0=0) const |
template<typename _Tp > |
_Tp & | at (int row, int col) |
template<typename _Tp > |
const _Tp & | at (int row, int col) const |
template<typename _Tp > |
_Tp & | at (int i0, int i1, int i2) |
template<typename _Tp > |
const _Tp & | at (int i0, int i1, int i2) const |
template<typename _Tp > |
_Tp & | at (const int *idx) |
template<typename _Tp > |
const _Tp & | at (const int *idx) const |
template<typename _Tp , int n> |
_Tp & | at (const Vec< int, n > &idx) |
template<typename _Tp , int n> |
const _Tp & | at (const Vec< int, n > &idx) const |
template<typename _Tp > |
_Tp & | at (Point pt) |
template<typename _Tp > |
const _Tp & | at (Point pt) const |
template<typename _Tp > |
MatIterator_< _Tp > | begin () |
| Returns the matrix iterator and sets it to the first matrix element. More...
template<typename _Tp > |
MatConstIterator_< _Tp > | begin () const |
int | channels () const |
| Returns the number of matrix channels. More...
int | checkVector (int elemChannels, int depth=-1, bool requireContinuous=true) const |
Mat | clone () const CV_NODISCARD |
| Creates a full copy of the array and the underlying data. More...
Mat | col (int x) const |
| Creates a matrix header for the specified matrix column. More...
Mat | colRange (int startcol, int endcol) const |
| Creates a matrix header for the specified column span. More...
Mat | colRange (const Range &r) const |
void | convertTo (OutputArray m, int rtype, double alpha=1, double beta=0) const |
| Converts an array to another data type with optional scaling. More...
void | copySize (const Mat &m) |
| internal use function; properly re-allocates _size, _step arrays More...
void | copyTo (OutputArray m) const |
| Copies the matrix to another one. More...
void | copyTo (OutputArray m, InputArray mask) const |
void | create (int rows, int cols, int type) |
| Allocates new array data if needed. More...
void | create (Size size, int type) |
void | create (int ndims, const int *sizes, int type) |
void | create (const std::vector< int > &sizes, int type) |
Mat | cross (InputArray m) const |
| Computes a cross-product of two 3-element vectors. More...
void | deallocate () |
| internal use function, consider to use 'release' method instead; deallocates the matrix data More...
int | depth () const |
| Returns the depth of a matrix element. More...
Mat | diag (int d=0) const |
| Extracts a diagonal from a matrix. More...
double | dot (InputArray m) const |
| Computes a dot-product of two vectors. More...
size_t | elemSize () const |
| Returns the matrix element size in bytes. More...
size_t | elemSize1 () const |
| Returns the size of each matrix element channel in bytes. More...
bool | empty () const |
| Returns true if the array has no elements. More...
template<typename _Tp > |
MatIterator_< _Tp > | end () |
| Returns the matrix iterator and sets it to the after-last matrix element. More...
template<typename _Tp > |
MatConstIterator_< _Tp > | end () const |
template<typename _Tp , typename Functor > |
void | forEach (const Functor &operation) |
| Runs the given functor over all matrix elements in parallel. More...
template<typename _Tp , typename Functor > |
void | forEach (const Functor &operation) const |
UMat | getUMat (int accessFlags, UMatUsageFlags usageFlags=USAGE_DEFAULT) const |
| retrieve UMat from Mat More...
MatExpr | inv (int method=DECOMP_LU) const |
| Inverses a matrix. More...
bool | isContinuous () const |
| Reports whether the matrix is continuous or not. More...
bool | isSubmatrix () const |
| returns true if the matrix is a submatrix of another matrix More...
void | locateROI (Size &wholeSize, Point &ofs) const |
| Locates the matrix header within a parent matrix. More...
MatExpr | mul (InputArray m, double scale=1) const |
| Performs an element-wise multiplication or division of the two matrices. More...
template<typename _Tp , int m, int n> |
| operator Matx< _Tp, m, n > () const |
template<typename _Tp > |
| operator std::vector< _Tp > () const |
template<typename _Tp , int n> |
| operator Vec< _Tp, n > () const |
Mat | operator() (Range rowRange, Range colRange) const |
| Extracts a rectangular submatrix. More...
Mat | operator() (const Rect &roi) const |
Mat | operator() (const Range *ranges) const |
Mat | operator() (const std::vector< Range > &ranges) const |
Mat & | operator= (const Mat &m) |
| assignment operators More...
Mat & | operator= (const MatExpr &expr) |
Mat & | operator= (const Scalar &s) |
| Sets all or some of the array elements to the specified value. More...
void | pop_back (size_t nelems=1) |
| Removes elements from the bottom of the matrix. More...
uchar * | ptr (int i0=0) |
| Returns a pointer to the specified matrix row. More...
const uchar * | ptr (int i0=0) const |
uchar * | ptr (int row, int col) |
const uchar * | ptr (int row, int col) const |
uchar * | ptr (int i0, int i1, int i2) |
const uchar * | ptr (int i0, int i1, int i2) const |
uchar * | ptr (const int *idx) |
const uchar * | ptr (const int *idx) const |
template<int n> |
uchar * | ptr (const Vec< int, n > &idx) |
template<int n> |
const uchar * | ptr (const Vec< int, n > &idx) const |
template<typename _Tp > |
_Tp * | ptr (int i0=0) |
template<typename _Tp > |
const _Tp * | ptr (int i0=0) const |
template<typename _Tp > |
_Tp * | ptr (int row, int col) |
template<typename _Tp > |
const _Tp * | ptr (int row, int col) const |
template<typename _Tp > |
_Tp * | ptr (int i0, int i1, int i2) |
template<typename _Tp > |
const _Tp * | ptr (int i0, int i1, int i2) const |
template<typename _Tp > |
_Tp * | ptr (const int *idx) |
template<typename _Tp > |
const _Tp * | ptr (const int *idx) const |
template<typename _Tp , int n> |
_Tp * | ptr (const Vec< int, n > &idx) |
template<typename _Tp , int n> |
const _Tp * | ptr (const Vec< int, n > &idx) const |
template<typename _Tp > |
void | push_back (const _Tp &elem) |
| Adds elements to the bottom of the matrix. More...
template<typename _Tp > |
void | push_back (const Mat_< _Tp > &elem) |
template<typename _Tp > |
void | push_back (const std::vector< _Tp > &elem) |
void | push_back (const Mat &m) |
void | push_back_ (const void *elem) |
| internal function More...
void | release () |
| Decrements the reference counter and deallocates the matrix if needed. More...
void | reserve (size_t sz) |
| Reserves space for the certain number of rows. More...
void | reserveBuffer (size_t sz) |
| Reserves space for the certain number of bytes. More...
Mat | reshape (int cn, int rows=0) const |
| Changes the shape and/or the number of channels of a 2D matrix without copying the data. More...
Mat | reshape (int cn, int newndims, const int *newsz) const |
Mat | reshape (int cn, const std::vector< int > &newshape) const |
void | resize (size_t sz) |
| Changes the number of matrix rows. More...
void | resize (size_t sz, const Scalar &s) |
Mat | row (int y) const |
| Creates a matrix header for the specified matrix row. More...
Mat | rowRange (int startrow, int endrow) const |
| Creates a matrix header for the specified row span. More...
Mat | rowRange (const Range &r) const |
Mat & | setTo (InputArray value, InputArray mask=noArray()) |
| Sets all or some of the array elements to the specified value. More...
size_t | step1 (int i=0) const |
| Returns a normalized step. More...
MatExpr | t () const |
| Transposes a matrix. More...
size_t | total () const |
| Returns the total number of array elements. More...
size_t | total (int startDim, int endDim=INT_MAX) const |
| Returns the total number of array elements. More...
int | type () const |
| Returns the type of a matrix element. More...
void | updateContinuityFlag () |
| internal use method: updates the continuity flag More...