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The Chars74K Dataset

TUMindoor Dataset

class SLAM_tumindoor

Implements loading dataset:

“TUMindoor Dataset”:



  1. From link above download dataset files: dslr\info\ladybug\pointcloud.tar.bz2 for each dataset: 11-11-28 (1st floor)\11-12-13 (1st floor N1)\11-12-17a (4th floor)\11-12-17b (3rd floor)\11-12-17c (Ground I)\11-12-18a (Ground II)\11-12-18b (2nd floor)
  2. Unpack them in separate folder for each dataset. dslr.tar.bz2 -> dslr/, info.tar.bz2 -> info/, ladybug.tar.bz2 -> ladybug/, pointcloud.tar.bz2 -> pointcloud/.
  3. To load each dataset run: ./opencv/build/bin/example_datasets_slam_tumindoor -p=/home/user/path_to_unpacked_folders/


  1. Huitl and G. Schroth and S. Hilsenbeck and F. Schweiger and E. Steinbach. {TUM}indoor: An Extensive Image and Point Cloud Dataset for Visual Indoor Localization and Mapping. 2012