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An example program illustrates the use of findContours and drawContours in python

1#!/usr/bin/env python
4This program illustrates the use of findContours and drawContours.
5The original image is put up along with the image of drawn contours.
9A trackbar is put up which controls the contour level from -3 to 3
12import numpy as np
13import cv2 as cv
15def make_image():
16 img = np.zeros((500, 500), np.uint8)
17 black, white = 0, 255
18 for i in range(6):
19 dx = int((i%2)*250 - 30)
20 dy = int((i/2.)*150)
22 if i == 0:
23 for j in range(11):
24 angle = (j+5)*np.pi/21
25 c, s = np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)
26 x1, y1 = np.int32([dx+100+j*10-80*c, dy+100-90*s])
27 x2, y2 = np.int32([dx+100+j*10-30*c, dy+100-30*s])
28 cv.line(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), white)
30 cv.ellipse( img, (dx+150, dy+100), (100,70), 0, 0, 360, white, -1 )
31 cv.ellipse( img, (dx+115, dy+70), (30,20), 0, 0, 360, black, -1 )
32 cv.ellipse( img, (dx+185, dy+70), (30,20), 0, 0, 360, black, -1 )
33 cv.ellipse( img, (dx+115, dy+70), (15,15), 0, 0, 360, white, -1 )
34 cv.ellipse( img, (dx+185, dy+70), (15,15), 0, 0, 360, white, -1 )
35 cv.ellipse( img, (dx+115, dy+70), (5,5), 0, 0, 360, black, -1 )
36 cv.ellipse( img, (dx+185, dy+70), (5,5), 0, 0, 360, black, -1 )
37 cv.ellipse( img, (dx+150, dy+100), (10,5), 0, 0, 360, black, -1 )
38 cv.ellipse( img, (dx+150, dy+150), (40,10), 0, 0, 360, black, -1 )
39 cv.ellipse( img, (dx+27, dy+100), (20,35), 0, 0, 360, white, -1 )
40 cv.ellipse( img, (dx+273, dy+100), (20,35), 0, 0, 360, white, -1 )
41 return img
43def main():
44 img = make_image()
45 h, w = img.shape[:2]
47 contours0, hierarchy = cv.findContours( img.copy(), cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
48 contours = [cv.approxPolyDP(cnt, 3, True) for cnt in contours0]
50 def update(levels):
51 vis = np.zeros((h, w, 3), np.uint8)
52 levels = levels - 3
53 cv.drawContours( vis, contours, (-1, 2)[levels <= 0], (128,255,255),
54 3, cv.LINE_AA, hierarchy, abs(levels) )
55 cv.imshow('contours', vis)
56 update(3)
57 cv.createTrackbar( "levels+3", "contours", 3, 7, update )
58 cv.imshow('image', img)
60 print('Done')
63if __name__ == '__main__':
64 print(__doc__)
65 main()
void imshow(const String &winname, InputArray mat)
Displays an image in the specified window.
int waitKey(int delay=0)
Waits for a pressed key.
void destroyAllWindows()
Destroys all of the HighGUI windows.
int createTrackbar(const String &trackbarname, const String &winname, int *value, int count, TrackbarCallback onChange=0, void *userdata=0)
Creates a trackbar and attaches it to the specified window.
void ellipse(InputOutputArray img, Point center, Size axes, double angle, double startAngle, double endAngle, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0)
Draws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector.
void line(InputOutputArray img, Point pt1, Point pt2, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0)
Draws a line segment connecting two points.
void drawContours(InputOutputArray image, InputArrayOfArrays contours, int contourIdx, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, InputArray hierarchy=noArray(), int maxLevel=INT_MAX, Point offset=Point())
Draws contours outlines or filled contours.
void approxPolyDP(InputArray curve, OutputArray approxCurve, double epsilon, bool closed)
Approximates a polygonal curve(s) with the specified precision.
void findContours(InputArray image, OutputArrayOfArrays contours, OutputArray hierarchy, int mode, int method, Point offset=Point())
Finds contours in a binary image.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition highgui_qt.cpp:3