To do the tracking we need a video and object position on the first frame.
To run the code you have to specify input (camera id or video_file). Then, select a bounding box with the mouse, and press any key to start tracking
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "stats.h"
#include "utils.h"
const double akaze_thresh = 3e-4;
const double ransac_thresh = 2.5f;
const double nn_match_ratio = 0.8f;
const int bb_min_inliers = 100;
const int stats_update_period = 10;
namespace example {
void setFirstFrame(
const Mat frame, vector<Point2f> bb,
string title, Stats& stats);
Mat process(
const Mat frame, Stats& stats);
return detector;
Mat first_frame, first_desc;
vector<KeyPoint> first_kp;
vector<Point2f> object_bb;
void Tracker::setFirstFrame(
const Mat frame, vector<Point2f> bb,
string title, Stats& stats)
const Point* ptContain = { &ptMask[0] };
int iSize = static_cast<int>(bb.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<bb.size(); i++) {
x =
y =
first_frame = frame.
detector->detectAndCompute(first_frame, matMask, first_kp, first_desc);
stats.keypoints = (int)first_kp.size();
drawBoundingBox(first_frame, bb);
putText(first_frame, title,
Point(0, 60), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 5, Scalar::all(0), 4);
object_bb = bb;
delete[] ptMask;
Mat Tracker::process(
const Mat frame, Stats& stats)
vector<KeyPoint> kp;
noArray(), kp, desc);
stats.keypoints = (int)kp.size();
vector< vector<DMatch> > matches;
vector<KeyPoint> matched1, matched2;
matcher->knnMatch(first_desc, desc, matches, 2);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
if(matches[i][0].distance < nn_match_ratio * matches[i][1].distance) {
matched2.push_back( kp[matches[i][0].trainIdx]);
stats.matches = (int)matched1.size();
Mat inlier_mask, homography;
vector<KeyPoint> inliers1, inliers2;
vector<DMatch> inlier_matches;
if(matched1.size() >= 4) {
RANSAC, ransac_thresh, inlier_mask);
if(matched1.size() < 4 || homography.
empty()) {
stats.inliers = 0;
stats.ratio = 0;
return res;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < matched1.size(); i++) {
int new_i = static_cast<int>(inliers1.size());
DMatch(new_i, new_i, 0));
stats.inliers = (int)inliers1.size();
stats.ratio = stats.inliers * 1.0 / stats.matches;
vector<Point2f> new_bb;
if(stats.inliers >= bb_min_inliers) {
drawBoundingBox(frame_with_bb, new_bb);
drawMatches(first_frame, inliers1, frame_with_bb, inliers2,
inlier_matches, res,
return res;
int main(
int argc,
char **argv)
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv,
"{@input_path |0|input path can be a camera id, like 0,1,2 or a video filename}");
string input_path = parser.get<string>(0);
string video_name = input_path;
if ( ( isdigit(input_path[0]) && input_path.size() == 1 ) )
int camera_no = input_path[0] - '0';
open( camera_no );
else {
cerr << "Couldn't open " << video_name << endl;
return 1;
Stats stats, akaze_stats, orb_stats;
example::Tracker akaze_tracker(akaze, matcher);
example::Tracker orb_tracker(orb, matcher);
cout << "\nPress any key to stop the video and select a bounding box" << endl;
video_in >> frame;
vector<Point2f> bb;
akaze_tracker.setFirstFrame(frame, bb, "AKAZE", stats);
orb_tracker.setFirstFrame(frame, bb, "ORB", stats);
Stats akaze_draw_stats, orb_draw_stats;
Mat akaze_res, orb_res, res_frame;
int i = 0;
for(;;) {
bool update_stats = (i % stats_update_period == 0);
video_in >> frame;
if(frame.empty()) break;
akaze_res = akaze_tracker.process(frame, stats);
akaze_stats += stats;
if(update_stats) {
akaze_draw_stats = stats;
orb_res = orb_tracker.process(frame, stats);
orb_stats += stats;
if(update_stats) {
orb_draw_stats = stats;
drawStatistics(akaze_res, akaze_draw_stats);
drawStatistics(orb_res, orb_draw_stats);
vconcat(akaze_res, orb_res, res_frame);
akaze_stats /= i - 1;
orb_stats /= i - 1;
printStatistics("AKAZE", akaze_stats);
printStatistics("ORB", orb_stats);
return 0;
Designed for command line parsing.
Definition utility.hpp:890
Class for matching keypoint descriptors.
Definition types.hpp:849
n-dimensional dense array class
Definition mat.hpp:829
CV_NODISCARD_STD Mat clone() const
Creates a full copy of the array and the underlying data.
MatSize size
Definition mat.hpp:2177
static CV_NODISCARD_STD MatExpr zeros(int rows, int cols, int type)
Returns a zero array of the specified size and type.
_Tp & at(int i0=0)
Returns a reference to the specified array element.
bool empty() const
Returns true if the array has no elements.
_Tp y
y coordinate of the point
Definition types.hpp:202
_Tp x
x coordinate of the point
Definition types.hpp:201
Template class for 2D rectangles.
Definition types.hpp:444
_Tp x
x coordinate of the top-left corner
Definition types.hpp:487
_Tp y
y coordinate of the top-left corner
Definition types.hpp:488
_Tp width
width of the rectangle
Definition types.hpp:489
_Tp height
height of the rectangle
Definition types.hpp:490
static Scalar_< double > all(double v0)
a Class to measure passing time.
Definition utility.hpp:326
void start()
starts counting ticks.
Definition utility.hpp:335
double getTimeSec() const
returns passed time in seconds.
Definition utility.hpp:371
void stop()
stops counting ticks.
Definition utility.hpp:341
Base abstract class for the long-term tracker.
Definition tracking.hpp:729
Class for video capturing from video files, image sequences or cameras.
Definition videoio.hpp:766
virtual bool open(const String &filename, int apiPreference=CAP_ANY)
Opens a video file or a capturing device or an IP video stream for video capturing.
virtual bool isOpened() const
Returns true if video capturing has been initialized already.
Mat findHomography(InputArray srcPoints, InputArray dstPoints, int method=0, double ransacReprojThreshold=3, OutputArray mask=noArray(), const int maxIters=2000, const double confidence=0.995)
Finds a perspective transformation between two planes.
void vconcat(const Mat *src, size_t nsrc, OutputArray dst)
Applies vertical concatenation to given matrices.
void perspectiveTransform(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray m)
Performs the perspective matrix transformation of vectors.
void hconcat(const Mat *src, size_t nsrc, OutputArray dst)
Applies horizontal concatenation to given matrices.
std::shared_ptr< _Tp > Ptr
Definition cvstd_wrapper.hpp:23
InputOutputArray noArray()
Returns an empty InputArray or OutputArray.
unsigned char uchar
Definition interface.h:51
#define CV_8UC1
Definition interface.h:88
void drawMatches(InputArray img1, const std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints1, InputArray img2, const std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints2, const std::vector< DMatch > &matches1to2, InputOutputArray outImg, const Scalar &matchColor=Scalar::all(-1), const Scalar &singlePointColor=Scalar::all(-1), const std::vector< char > &matchesMask=std::vector< char >(), DrawMatchesFlags flags=DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT)
Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images.
void imshow(const String &winname, InputArray mat)
Displays an image in the specified window.
int waitKey(int delay=0)
Waits for a pressed key.
void namedWindow(const String &winname, int flags=WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
Creates a window.
void resizeWindow(const String &winname, int width, int height)
Resizes the window to the specified size.
Rect selectROI(const String &windowName, InputArray img, bool showCrosshair=true, bool fromCenter=false, bool printNotice=true)
Allows users to select a ROI on the given image.
void fillPoly(InputOutputArray img, InputArrayOfArrays pts, const Scalar &color, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0, Point offset=Point())
Fills the area bounded by one or more polygons.
void putText(InputOutputArray img, const String &text, Point org, int fontFace, double fontScale, Scalar color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, bool bottomLeftOrigin=false)
Draws a text string.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition highgui_qt.cpp:3
This class implements algorithm described abobve using given feature detector and descriptor matcher.