OpenCV 4.12.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
No Matches
Using Wayland highgui-backend in Ubuntu

Prev Tutorial: Using Creative Senz3D and other Intel RealSense SDK compatible depth sensors

Original author Kumataro
Compatibility OpenCV >= 4.10
Ubuntu 24.04


This tutorial is to use Wayland highgui-backend in Ubuntu 24.04.

Wayland highgui-backend is experimental implementation.


  • Setup Ubuntu 24.04.
  • sudo apt install build-essential git cmake to build OpenCV.
  • sudo apt install libwayland-dev wayland-protocols libxkbcommon-dev to enable Wayland highgui-backend.
  • (Option) sudo apt install ninja-build (or remove -GNinja option for cmake command).
  • (Option) sudo apt install libwayland-egl1 to enable Wayland EGL library.

Get OpenCV from GitHub

mkdir work
cd work
git clone --depth=1
--depth=1 option is to limit downloading commits. If you want to see more commit history, please remove this option.

Build/Install OpenCV with Wayland highgui-backend

Run cmake with -DWITH_WAYLAND=ON option to configure OpenCV.

cmake -S opencv -B build4-main -DWITH_WAYLAND=ON -GNinja

If succeeded, Wayland Client/Cursor/Protocols and Xkbcommon versions are shown. Wayland EGL is option.

-- GUI: Wayland
-- Wayland: (Experimental) YES
-- Wayland Client: YES (ver 1.22.0)
-- Wayland Cursor: YES (ver 1.22.0)
-- Wayland Protocols: YES (ver 1.34)
-- Xkbcommon: YES (ver 1.6.0)
-- Wayland EGL(Option): YES (ver 18.1.0)
-- GTK+: NO
-- VTK support: NO

Run cmake --build to build, and sudo cmake --install to install into your system.

cmake --build build4-main
sudo cmake --install build4-main
sudo ldconfig

Simple Application to try Wayland highgui-backend

Try this code, so you can see name of currentUIFrramework() and OpenCV logo window with Wayland highgui-backend.

// g++ main.cpp -o a.out -I /usr/local/include/opencv4 -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_imgcodecs
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main(void)
std::cout << "cv::currentUIFramework() returns " << cv::currentUIFramework() << std::endl;
cv::Mat src;
src = cv::imread("opencv-logo.png");
int key = 0;
cv::imshow("src", src );
key = cv::waitKey(50);
} while( key != 'q' );
return 0;

Limitation/Known problem