OpenCV  4.10.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
No Matches
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ot.hpp File Reference
#include <opencv2/gapi.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/s11n.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gkernel.hpp>
Include dependency graph for ot.hpp:


struct  cv::detail::CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::ot::ObjectTrackerParams >
struct  cv::gapi::ot::ObjectTrackerParams
struct  cv::gapi::s11n::detail::S11N< cv::gapi::ot::ObjectTrackerParams >


namespace  cv
namespace  cv::detail
namespace  cv::gapi
namespace  cv::gapi::ot
 This namespace contains G-API Operation Types for VAS Object Tracking module functionality.
namespace  cv::gapi::s11n
 This namespace contains G-API serialization and deserialization functions and data structures.
namespace  cv::gapi::s11n::detail


using cv::gapi::ot::GTrackedInfo = std::tuple< cv::GArray< cv::Rect >, cv::GArray< int32_t >, cv::GArray< uint64_t >, cv::GArray< int > >


enum  cv::gapi::ot::TrackingStatus {
  cv::gapi::ot::NEW = 0 ,
  cv::gapi::ot::TRACKED ,


std::tuple< cv::GArray< cv::Rect >, cv::GArray< int >, cv::GArray< uint64_t >, cv::GArray< int > > cv::gapi::ot::track (const cv::GFrame &frame, const cv::GArray< cv::Rect > &detected_rects, const cv::GArray< int > &detected_class_labels, float delta)
 Tracks objects with video frames. Overload of track(...) for frame as GFrame.
std::tuple< cv::GArray< cv::Rect >, cv::GArray< int >, cv::GArray< uint64_t >, cv::GArray< int > > cv::gapi::ot::track (const cv::GMat &mat, const cv::GArray< cv::Rect > &detected_rects, const cv::GArray< int > &detected_class_labels, float delta)
 Tracks objects with video frames. If a detected object is overlapped enough with one of tracked object, the tracked object's informationis updated with the input detected object. On the other hand, if a detected object is overlapped with none of tracked objects, the detected object is newly added and ObjectTracker starts to track the object. In zero term tracking type, ObjectTracker clears tracked objects in case that empty list of detected objects is passed in.