OpenCV  4.10.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
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imgproc.hpp File Reference
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <utility>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gkernel.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gmat.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gscalar.hpp>
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namespace  cv
namespace  cv::gapi
namespace  cv::gapi::imgproc
 This namespace contains G-API Operation Types for OpenCV ImgProc module functionality.


using cv::gapi::imgproc::ContMethod = ContourApproximationModes
using cv::gapi::imgproc::GFindContoursOutput = std::tuple< GArray< GArray< Point > >, GArray< Vec4i > >
using cv::gapi::imgproc::GMat2 = std::tuple< GMat, GMat >
using cv::gapi::imgproc::GMat3 = std::tuple< GMat, GMat, GMat >
using cv::gapi::imgproc::RetrMode = RetrievalModes


GMat cv::gapi::BayerGR2RGB (const GMat &src_gr)
 Converts an image from BayerGR color space to RGB. The function converts an input image from BayerGR color space to RGB. The conventional ranges for G, R, and B channel values are 0 to 255.
GMat cv::gapi::BGR2Gray (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from BGR color space to gray-scaled.
GMat cv::gapi::BGR2I420 (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from BGR color space to I420 color space.
GMat cv::gapi::BGR2LUV (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from BGR color space to LUV color space.
GMat cv::gapi::BGR2RGB (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from BGR color space to RGB color space.
GMat cv::gapi::BGR2YUV (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from BGR color space to YUV color space.
GMat cv::gapi::bilateralFilter (const GMat &src, int d, double sigmaColor, double sigmaSpace, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 Applies the bilateral filter to an image.
GMat cv::gapi::blur (const GMat &src, const Size &ksize, const Point &anchor=Point(-1,-1), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, const Scalar &borderValue=Scalar(0))
 Blurs an image using the normalized box filter.
GOpaque< Rectcv::gapi::boundingRect (const GArray< Point2f > &src)
GOpaque< Rectcv::gapi::boundingRect (const GArray< Point2i > &src)
GOpaque< Rectcv::gapi::boundingRect (const GMat &src)
 Calculates the up-right bounding rectangle of a point set or non-zero pixels of gray-scale image.
GMat cv::gapi::boxFilter (const GMat &src, int dtype, const Size &ksize, const Point &anchor=Point(-1,-1), bool normalize=true, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, const Scalar &borderValue=Scalar(0))
 Blurs an image using the box filter.
GMat cv::gapi::Canny (const GMat &image, double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize=3, bool L2gradient=false)
 Finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm.
GMat cv::gapi::dilate (const GMat &src, const Mat &kernel, const Point &anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1, int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue())
 Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
GMat cv::gapi::dilate3x3 (const GMat &src, int iterations=1, int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue())
 Dilates an image by using 3 by 3 rectangular structuring element.
GMat cv::gapi::equalizeHist (const GMat &src)
GMat cv::gapi::erode (const GMat &src, const Mat &kernel, const Point &anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1, int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue())
 Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
GMat cv::gapi::erode3x3 (const GMat &src, int iterations=1, int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue())
 Erodes an image by using 3 by 3 rectangular structuring element.
GMat cv::gapi::filter2D (const GMat &src, int ddepth, const Mat &kernel, const Point &anchor=Point(-1,-1), const Scalar &delta=Scalar(0), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, const Scalar &borderValue=Scalar(0))
 Convolves an image with the kernel.
GArray< GArray< Point > > cv::gapi::findContours (const GMat &src, const RetrievalModes mode, const ContourApproximationModes method)
GArray< GArray< Point > > cv::gapi::findContours (const GMat &src, const RetrievalModes mode, const ContourApproximationModes method, const GOpaque< Point > &offset)
 Finds contours in a binary image.
std::tuple< GArray< GArray< Point > >, GArray< Vec4i > > cv::gapi::findContoursH (const GMat &src, const RetrievalModes mode, const ContourApproximationModes method)
std::tuple< GArray< GArray< Point > >, GArray< Vec4i > > cv::gapi::findContoursH (const GMat &src, const RetrievalModes mode, const ContourApproximationModes method, const GOpaque< Point > &offset)
 Finds contours and their hierarchy in a binary image.
GOpaque< Vec4fcv::gapi::fitLine2D (const GArray< Point2d > &src, const DistanceTypes distType, const double param=0., const double reps=0., const double aeps=0.)
GOpaque< Vec4fcv::gapi::fitLine2D (const GArray< Point2f > &src, const DistanceTypes distType, const double param=0., const double reps=0., const double aeps=0.)
GOpaque< Vec4fcv::gapi::fitLine2D (const GArray< Point2i > &src, const DistanceTypes distType, const double param=0., const double reps=0., const double aeps=0.)
GOpaque< Vec4fcv::gapi::fitLine2D (const GMat &src, const DistanceTypes distType, const double param=0., const double reps=0., const double aeps=0.)
 Fits a line to a 2D point set.
GOpaque< Vec6fcv::gapi::fitLine3D (const GArray< Point3d > &src, const DistanceTypes distType, const double param=0., const double reps=0., const double aeps=0.)
GOpaque< Vec6fcv::gapi::fitLine3D (const GArray< Point3f > &src, const DistanceTypes distType, const double param=0., const double reps=0., const double aeps=0.)
GOpaque< Vec6fcv::gapi::fitLine3D (const GArray< Point3i > &src, const DistanceTypes distType, const double param=0., const double reps=0., const double aeps=0.)
GOpaque< Vec6fcv::gapi::fitLine3D (const GMat &src, const DistanceTypes distType, const double param=0., const double reps=0., const double aeps=0.)
 Fits a line to a 3D point set.
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBayerGR2RGB,< cv::GMat(cv::GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.bayergr2rgb")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBGR2Gray,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.bgr2gray")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBGR2I420,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.bgr2i420")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBGR2LUV,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.bgr2luv")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBGR2RGB,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.bgr2rgb")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBGR2YUV,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.bgr2yuv")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBilateralFilter,< GMat(GMat, int, double, double, int)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.bilateralfilter")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBlur,< GMat(GMat, Size, Point, int, Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.blur")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBoundingRectMat,< GOpaque< Rect >(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.boundingRectMat")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBoundingRectVector32F,< GOpaque< Rect >(GArray< Point2f >)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.boundingRectVector32F")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBoundingRectVector32S,< GOpaque< Rect >(GArray< Point2i >)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.boundingRectVector32S")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GBoxFilter,< GMat(GMat, int, Size, Point, bool, int, Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.boxfilter")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GCanny,< GMat(GMat, double, double, int, bool)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.feature.canny")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GDilate,< GMat(GMat, Mat, Point, int, int, Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.dilate")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GEqHist,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.equalizeHist")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GErode,< GMat(GMat, Mat, Point, int, int, Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.erode")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFilter2D,< GMat(GMat, int, Mat, Point, Scalar, int, Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.filter2D")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFindContours,< GArray< GArray< Point > >(GMat, RetrMode, ContMethod, GOpaque< Point >)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContours")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFindContoursH,< GFindContoursOutput(GMat, RetrMode, ContMethod, GOpaque< Point >)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContoursH")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFindContoursHNoOffset,< GFindContoursOutput(GMat, RetrMode, ContMethod)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContoursHNoOffset")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFindContoursNoOffset,< GArray< GArray< Point > >(GMat, RetrMode, ContMethod)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContoursNoOffset")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFitLine2DMat,< GOpaque< Vec4f >(GMat, DistanceTypes, double, double, double)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.fitLine2DMat")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFitLine2DVector32F,< GOpaque< Vec4f >(GArray< Point2f >, DistanceTypes, double, double, double)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.fitLine2DVector32F")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFitLine2DVector32S,< GOpaque< Vec4f >(GArray< Point2i >, DistanceTypes, double, double, double)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.fitLine2DVector32S")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFitLine2DVector64F,< GOpaque< Vec4f >(GArray< Point2d >, DistanceTypes, double, double, double)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.fitLine2DVector64F")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFitLine3DMat,< GOpaque< Vec6f >(GMat, DistanceTypes, double, double, double)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.fitLine3DMat")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFitLine3DVector32F,< GOpaque< Vec6f >(GArray< Point3f >, DistanceTypes, double, double, double)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.fitLine3DVector32F")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFitLine3DVector32S,< GOpaque< Vec6f >(GArray< Point3i >, DistanceTypes, double, double, double)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.fitLine3DVector32S")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GFitLine3DVector64F,< GOpaque< Vec6f >(GArray< Point3d >, DistanceTypes, double, double, double)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.shape.fitLine3DVector64F")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GGaussBlur,< GMat(GMat, Size, double, double, int, Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.gaussianBlur")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GGoodFeatures,< cv::GArray< cv::Point2f >(GMat, int, double, double, Mat, int, bool, double)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.feature.goodFeaturesToTrack")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GI4202BGR,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.i4202bgr")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GI4202RGB,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.i4202rgb")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GLaplacian,< GMat(GMat, int, int, double, double, int)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.laplacian")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GLUV2BGR,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.luv2bgr")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GMedianBlur,< GMat(GMat, int)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.medianBlur")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GMorphologyEx,< GMat(GMat, MorphTypes, Mat, Point, int, BorderTypes, Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.morphologyEx")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GNV12toBGR,< GMat(GMat, GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.nv12tobgr")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GNV12toBGRp,< GMatP(GMat, GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.nv12tobgrp")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GNV12toGray,< GMat(GMat, GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.nv12togray")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GNV12toRGB,< GMat(GMat, GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.nv12torgb")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GNV12toRGBp,< GMatP(GMat, GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.nv12torgbp")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GResize,< GMat(GMat, Size, double, double, int)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.transform.resize")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GResizeP,< GMatP(GMatP, Size, int)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.transform.resizeP")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GRGB2Gray,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.rgb2gray")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GRGB2GrayCustom,< GMat(GMat, float, float, float)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.rgb2graycustom")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GRGB2HSV,< cv::GMat(cv::GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.rgb2hsv")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GRGB2I420,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.rgb2i420")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GRGB2Lab,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.rgb2lab")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GRGB2YUV,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.rgb2yuv")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GRGB2YUV422,< cv::GMat(cv::GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.rgb2yuv422")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GSepFilter,< GMat(GMat, int, Mat, Mat, Point, Scalar, int, Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.sepfilter")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GSobel,< GMat(GMat, int, int, int, int, double, double, int, Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.sobel")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GYUV2BGR,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.yuv2bgr")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL (GYUV2RGB,< GMat(GMat)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.yuv2rgb")
 cv::gapi::imgproc::G_TYPED_KERNEL_M (GSobelXY,< GMat2(GMat, int, int, int, double, double, int, Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.sobelxy")
GMat cv::gapi::gaussianBlur (const GMat &src, const Size &ksize, double sigmaX, double sigmaY=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, const Scalar &borderValue=Scalar(0))
 Blurs an image using a Gaussian filter.
GArray< Point2fcv::gapi::goodFeaturesToTrack (const GMat &image, int maxCorners, double qualityLevel, double minDistance, const Mat &mask=Mat(), int blockSize=3, bool useHarrisDetector=false, double k=0.04)
 Determines strong corners on an image.
GMat cv::gapi::I4202BGR (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from I420 color space to BGR color space.
GMat cv::gapi::I4202RGB (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from I420 color space to BGR color space.
GMat cv::gapi::Laplacian (const GMat &src, int ddepth, int ksize=1, double scale=1, double delta=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)
 Calculates the Laplacian of an image.
GMat cv::gapi::LUV2BGR (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from LUV color space to BGR color space.
GMat cv::gapi::medianBlur (const GMat &src, int ksize)
 Blurs an image using the median filter.
GMat cv::gapi::morphologyEx (const GMat &src, const MorphTypes op, const Mat &kernel, const Point &anchor=Point(-1,-1), const int iterations=1, const BorderTypes borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue())
 Performs advanced morphological transformations.
GMat cv::gapi::NV12toBGR (const GMat &src_y, const GMat &src_uv)
 Converts an image from NV12 (YUV420p) color space to BGR. The function converts an input image from NV12 color space to RGB. The conventional ranges for Y, U, and V channel values are 0 to 255.
GMatP cv::gapi::NV12toBGRp (const GMat &src_y, const GMat &src_uv)
 Converts an image from NV12 (YUV420p) color space to BGR. The function converts an input image from NV12 color space to BGR. The conventional ranges for Y, U, and V channel values are 0 to 255.
GMat cv::gapi::NV12toGray (const GMat &src_y, const GMat &src_uv)
 Converts an image from NV12 (YUV420p) color space to gray-scaled. The function converts an input image from NV12 color space to gray-scaled. The conventional ranges for Y, U, and V channel values are 0 to 255.
GMat cv::gapi::NV12toRGB (const GMat &src_y, const GMat &src_uv)
 Converts an image from NV12 (YUV420p) color space to RGB. The function converts an input image from NV12 color space to RGB. The conventional ranges for Y, U, and V channel values are 0 to 255.
GMatP cv::gapi::NV12toRGBp (const GMat &src_y, const GMat &src_uv)
 Converts an image from NV12 (YUV420p) color space to RGB. The function converts an input image from NV12 color space to RGB. The conventional ranges for Y, U, and V channel values are 0 to 255.
GMat cv::gapi::resize (const GMat &src, const Size &dsize, double fx=0, double fy=0, int interpolation=INTER_LINEAR)
 Resizes an image.
GMatP cv::gapi::resizeP (const GMatP &src, const Size &dsize, int interpolation=cv::INTER_LINEAR)
 Resizes a planar image.
GMat cv::gapi::RGB2Gray (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from RGB color space to gray-scaled.
GMat cv::gapi::RGB2Gray (const GMat &src, float rY, float gY, float bY)
GMat cv::gapi::RGB2HSV (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from RGB color space to HSV. The function converts an input image from RGB color space to HSV. The conventional ranges for R, G, and B channel values are 0 to 255.
GMat cv::gapi::RGB2I420 (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from RGB color space to I420 color space.
GMat cv::gapi::RGB2Lab (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from RGB color space to Lab color space.
GMat cv::gapi::RGB2YUV (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from RGB color space to YUV color space.
GMat cv::gapi::RGB2YUV422 (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from RGB color space to YUV422. The function converts an input image from RGB color space to YUV422. The conventional ranges for R, G, and B channel values are 0 to 255.
GMat cv::gapi::sepFilter (const GMat &src, int ddepth, const Mat &kernelX, const Mat &kernelY, const Point &anchor, const Scalar &delta, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, const Scalar &borderValue=Scalar(0))
 Applies a separable linear filter to a matrix(image).
GMat cv::gapi::Sobel (const GMat &src, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, int ksize=3, double scale=1, double delta=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, const Scalar &borderValue=Scalar(0))
 Calculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator.
std::tuple< GMat, GMatcv::gapi::SobelXY (const GMat &src, int ddepth, int order, int ksize=3, double scale=1, double delta=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT, const Scalar &borderValue=Scalar(0))
 Calculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator.
GMat cv::gapi::YUV2BGR (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from YUV color space to BGR color space.
GMat cv::gapi::YUV2RGB (const GMat &src)
 Converts an image from YUV color space to RGB. The function converts an input image from YUV color space to RGB. The conventional ranges for Y, U, and V channel values are 0 to 255.