OpenCV 4.12.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
No Matches
twist.hpp File Reference
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
Include dependency graph for twist.hpp:


namespace  cv
namespace  cv::detail
namespace  cv::detail::tracking


void cv::detail::tracking::computeInteractionMatrix (const cv::Mat &uv, const cv::Mat &depths, const cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &J)
 Compute the interaction matrix ( [132] [52] [53] ) for a set of 2D pixels. This is usually used in visual servoing applications to command a robot to move at desired pixel locations/velocities. By inverting this matrix, one can estimate camera spatial velocity i.e., the twist.
cv::Vec6d cv::detail::tracking::computeTwist (const cv::Mat &uv, const cv::Mat &duv, const cv::Mat &depths, const cv::Mat &K)
 Compute the camera twist from a set of 2D pixel locations, their velocities, depth values and intrinsic parameters of the camera. The pixel velocities are usually obtained from optical flow algorithms, both dense and sparse flow can be used to compute the flow between images and duv computed by dividing the flow by the time interval between the images.