OpenCV  4.9.0
Open Source Computer Vision
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
cann.hpp File Reference
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/cann.inl.hpp"


class  cv::cann::AscendMat::Allocator
class  cv::cann::AscendEvent
 AscendEvent to synchronize between different streams. More...
class  cv::cann::AscendMat
class  cv::cann::AscendStream
 In AscendCL Stream(AscendStream) is a task queue. Stream is used to manage the parallelism of tasks. The tasks inside a Stream are executed sequentially, that is, the Stream executes sequentially according to the sent tasks; the tasks in different Streams are executed in parallel. More...


 "black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk.


void cv::cann::finalizeAcl ()
 finalize AscendCL. More...
int32_t cv::cann::getDevice ()
 Get current Ascend device. More...
AscendMat cv::cann::getInputMat (InputArray src, AscendStream &stream)
 Get Ascend matrix object from Input array, upload matrix memory if need. (Non-Blocking call) More...
AscendMat cv::cann::getOutputMat (OutputArray dst, int rows, int cols, int type, AscendStream &stream)
 Get Ascend matrix object from Output array, upload matrix memory if need. More...
void cv::cann::initAcl ()
 init AscendCL. More...
void cv::cann::resetDevice ()
 Clear all context created in current Ascend device. More...
void cv::cann::setDevice (int device)
 Choose Ascend npu device. More...
void cv::cann::syncOutput (const AscendMat &dst, OutputArray _dst, AscendStream &stream)
 Sync output matrix to Output array, download matrix memory if need. More...
AscendStream cv::cann::wrapStream (size_t AscendStreamAddress)
 Bindings overload to create a Stream object from the address stored in an existing CANN Runtime API stream pointer (aclrtStream). More...