OpenCV  4.9.0
Open Source Computer Vision
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
fourier_descriptors.hpp File Reference
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>


class  cv::ximgproc::ContourFitting
 Class for ContourFitting algorithms. ContourFitting match two contours \( z_a \) and \( z_b \) minimizing distance

\[ d(z_a,z_b)=\sum (a_n - s b_n e^{j(n \alpha +\phi )})^2 \]

where \( a_n \) and \( b_n \) are Fourier descriptors of \( z_a \) and \( z_b \) and s is a scaling factor and \( \phi \) is angle rotation and \( \alpha \) is starting point factor adjustement. More...



 "black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk.


void cv::ximgproc::contourSampling (InputArray src, OutputArray out, int nbElt)
 Contour sampling . More...
Ptr< ContourFitting > cv::ximgproc::createContourFitting (int ctr=1024, int fd=16)
 create ContourFitting algorithm object More...
void cv::ximgproc::fourierDescriptor (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int nbElt=-1, int nbFD=-1)
 Fourier descriptors for planed closed curves. More...
void cv::ximgproc::transformFD (InputArray src, InputArray t, OutputArray dst, bool fdContour=true)
 transform a contour More...