ArucoDetector |
The main functionality of ArucoDetector class is detection of markers in an image with detectMarkers() method.
BarcodeDetector |
BaseCascadeClassifier |
Board |
Board of ArUco markers
A board is a set of markers in the 3D space with a common coordinate system.
CascadeClassifier |
Cascade classifier class for object detection.
CharucoBoard |
ChArUco board is a planar chessboard where the markers are placed inside the white squares of a chessboard.
CharucoDetector |
CharucoParameters |
DetectorParameters |
struct DetectorParameters is used by ArucoDetector
Dictionary |
Dictionary/Set of markers, it contains the inner codification
BytesList contains the marker codewords where:
- bytesList.rows is the dictionary size
- each marker is encoded using nbytes = ceil(markerSize*markerSize/8.)
- each row contains all 4 rotations of the marker, so its length is 4*nbytes
bytesList.ptr(i)[k*nbytes + j] is then the j-th byte of i-th marker, in its k-th rotation.
FaceDetectorYN |
DNN-based face detector
model download link:
FaceRecognizerSF |
DNN-based face recognizer
model download link:
GraphicalCodeDetector |
GridBoard |
Planar board with grid arrangement of markers
More common type of board.
HOGDescriptor |
Implementation of HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) descriptor and object detector.
Objdetect |
QRCodeDetector |
QRCodeDetectorAruco |
QRCodeDetectorAruco_Params |
QRCodeEncoder |
Groups the object candidate rectangles.
QRCodeEncoder_Params |
QR code encoder parameters.
RefineParameters |
struct RefineParameters is used by ArucoDetector