OpenCV  4.8.0
Open Source Computer Vision
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
util.hpp File Reference
#include <list>
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "util_inl.hpp"


class  cv::detail::DisjointSets
class  cv::detail::Graph
struct  cv::detail::GraphEdge


 "black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk.


bool cv::detail::overlapRoi (Point tl1, Point tl2, Size sz1, Size sz2, Rect &roi)
Rect cv::detail::resultRoi (const std::vector< Point > &corners, const std::vector< UMat > &images)
Rect cv::detail::resultRoi (const std::vector< Point > &corners, const std::vector< Size > &sizes)
Rect cv::detail::resultRoiIntersection (const std::vector< Point > &corners, const std::vector< Size > &sizes)
Point cv::detail::resultTl (const std::vector< Point > &corners)
void cv::detail::selectRandomSubset (int count, int size, std::vector< int > &subset)
int & cv::detail::stitchingLogLevel ()