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Open Source Computer Vision
#include "opencv2/core/core_c.h"
Classes | |
class | CvLevMarq |
struct | CvStereoBMState |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct CvPOSITObject | CvPOSITObject |
Enumerations | |
enum | { CV_ITERATIVE = 0, CV_EPNP = 1, CV_P3P = 2, CV_DLS = 3 } |
Functions | |
void | cvCalcMatMulDeriv (const CvMat *A, const CvMat *B, CvMat *dABdA, CvMat *dABdB) |
double | cvCalibrateCamera2 (const CvMat *object_points, const CvMat *image_points, const CvMat *point_counts, CvSize image_size, CvMat *camera_matrix, CvMat *distortion_coeffs, CvMat *rotation_vectors=NULL, CvMat *translation_vectors=NULL, int flags=0, CvTermCriteria term_crit=cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 30, DBL_EPSILON)) |
void | cvCalibrationMatrixValues (const CvMat *camera_matrix, CvSize image_size, double aperture_width=0, double aperture_height=0, double *fovx=NULL, double *fovy=NULL, double *focal_length=NULL, CvPoint2D64f *principal_point=NULL, double *pixel_aspect_ratio=NULL) |
int | cvCheckChessboard (IplImage *src, CvSize size) |
void | cvComposeRT (const CvMat *_rvec1, const CvMat *_tvec1, const CvMat *_rvec2, const CvMat *_tvec2, CvMat *_rvec3, CvMat *_tvec3, CvMat *dr3dr1=0, CvMat *dr3dt1=0, CvMat *dr3dr2=0, CvMat *dr3dt2=0, CvMat *dt3dr1=0, CvMat *dt3dt1=0, CvMat *dt3dr2=0, CvMat *dt3dt2=0) |
void | cvComputeCorrespondEpilines (const CvMat *points, int which_image, const CvMat *fundamental_matrix, CvMat *correspondent_lines) |
void | cvConvertPointsHomogeneous (const CvMat *src, CvMat *dst) |
void | cvCorrectMatches (CvMat *F, CvMat *points1, CvMat *points2, CvMat *new_points1, CvMat *new_points2) |
CvPOSITObject * | cvCreatePOSITObject (CvPoint3D32f *points, int point_count) |
CvStereoBMState * | cvCreateStereoBMState (int preset=0, int numberOfDisparities=0) |
void | cvDecomposeProjectionMatrix (const CvMat *projMatr, CvMat *calibMatr, CvMat *rotMatr, CvMat *posVect, CvMat *rotMatrX=NULL, CvMat *rotMatrY=NULL, CvMat *rotMatrZ=NULL, CvPoint3D64f *eulerAngles=NULL) |
void | cvDrawChessboardCorners (CvArr *image, CvSize pattern_size, CvPoint2D32f *corners, int count, int pattern_was_found) |
int | cvFindChessboardCorners (const void *image, CvSize pattern_size, CvPoint2D32f *corners, int *corner_count=NULL, int flags=1+2) |
void | cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2 (const CvMat *object_points, const CvMat *image_points, const CvMat *camera_matrix, const CvMat *distortion_coeffs, CvMat *rotation_vector, CvMat *translation_vector, int use_extrinsic_guess=0) |
int | cvFindFundamentalMat (const CvMat *points1, const CvMat *points2, CvMat *fundamental_matrix, int method=8, double param1=3., double param2=0.99, CvMat *status=NULL) |
int | cvFindHomography (const CvMat *src_points, const CvMat *dst_points, CvMat *homography, int method=0, double ransacReprojThreshold=3, CvMat *mask=0, int maxIters=2000, double confidence=0.995) |
void | cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM (const CvArr *left, const CvArr *right, CvArr *disparity, CvStereoBMState *state) |
void | cvGetOptimalNewCameraMatrix (const CvMat *camera_matrix, const CvMat *dist_coeffs, CvSize image_size, double alpha, CvMat *new_camera_matrix, CvSize new_imag_size=cvSize(0, 0), CvRect *valid_pixel_ROI=0, int center_principal_point=0) |
CvRect | cvGetValidDisparityROI (CvRect roi1, CvRect roi2, int minDisparity, int numberOfDisparities, int SADWindowSize) |
void | cvInitIntrinsicParams2D (const CvMat *object_points, const CvMat *image_points, const CvMat *npoints, CvSize image_size, CvMat *camera_matrix, double aspect_ratio=1.) |
void | cvInitUndistortMap (const CvMat *camera_matrix, const CvMat *distortion_coeffs, CvArr *mapx, CvArr *mapy) |
Computes transformation map from intrinsic camera parameters that can used by cvRemap. More... | |
void | cvInitUndistortRectifyMap (const CvMat *camera_matrix, const CvMat *dist_coeffs, const CvMat *R, const CvMat *new_camera_matrix, CvArr *mapx, CvArr *mapy) |
Computes undistortion+rectification map for a head of stereo camera. More... | |
void | cvPOSIT (CvPOSITObject *posit_object, CvPoint2D32f *image_points, double focal_length, CvTermCriteria criteria, float *rotation_matrix, float *translation_vector) |
void | cvProjectPoints2 (const CvMat *object_points, const CvMat *rotation_vector, const CvMat *translation_vector, const CvMat *camera_matrix, const CvMat *distortion_coeffs, CvMat *image_points, CvMat *dpdrot=NULL, CvMat *dpdt=NULL, CvMat *dpdf=NULL, CvMat *dpdc=NULL, CvMat *dpddist=NULL, double aspect_ratio=0) |
int | cvRANSACUpdateNumIters (double p, double err_prob, int model_points, int max_iters) |
void | cvReleasePOSITObject (CvPOSITObject **posit_object) |
void | cvReleaseStereoBMState (CvStereoBMState **state) |
void | cvReprojectImageTo3D (const CvArr *disparityImage, CvArr *_3dImage, const CvMat *Q, int handleMissingValues=0) |
int | cvRodrigues2 (const CvMat *src, CvMat *dst, CvMat *jacobian=0) |
void | cvRQDecomp3x3 (const CvMat *matrixM, CvMat *matrixR, CvMat *matrixQ, CvMat *matrixQx=NULL, CvMat *matrixQy=NULL, CvMat *matrixQz=NULL, CvPoint3D64f *eulerAngles=NULL) |
double | cvStereoCalibrate (const CvMat *object_points, const CvMat *image_points1, const CvMat *image_points2, const CvMat *npoints, CvMat *camera_matrix1, CvMat *dist_coeffs1, CvMat *camera_matrix2, CvMat *dist_coeffs2, CvSize image_size, CvMat *R, CvMat *T, CvMat *E=0, CvMat *F=0, int flags=256, CvTermCriteria term_crit=cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 30, 1e-6)) |
void | cvStereoRectify (const CvMat *camera_matrix1, const CvMat *camera_matrix2, const CvMat *dist_coeffs1, const CvMat *dist_coeffs2, CvSize image_size, const CvMat *R, const CvMat *T, CvMat *R1, CvMat *R2, CvMat *P1, CvMat *P2, CvMat *Q=0, int flags=1024, double alpha=-1, CvSize new_image_size=cvSize(0, 0), CvRect *valid_pix_ROI1=0, CvRect *valid_pix_ROI2=0) |
int | cvStereoRectifyUncalibrated (const CvMat *points1, const CvMat *points2, const CvMat *F, CvSize img_size, CvMat *H1, CvMat *H2, double threshold=5) |
void | cvTriangulatePoints (CvMat *projMatr1, CvMat *projMatr2, CvMat *projPoints1, CvMat *projPoints2, CvMat *points4D) |
void | cvUndistort2 (const CvArr *src, CvArr *dst, const CvMat *camera_matrix, const CvMat *distortion_coeffs, const CvMat *new_camera_matrix=0) |
Transforms the input image to compensate lens distortion. More... | |
void | cvUndistortPoints (const CvMat *src, CvMat *dst, const CvMat *camera_matrix, const CvMat *dist_coeffs, const CvMat *R=0, const CvMat *P=0) |
Computes the original (undistorted) feature coordinates from the observed (distorted) coordinates. More... | |
void | cvValidateDisparity (CvArr *disparity, const CvArr *cost, int minDisparity, int numberOfDisparities, int disp12MaxDiff=1) |