Class Img_hash

  • public class Img_hash
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void averageHash​(Mat inputArr, Mat outputArr)
      Calculates img_hash::AverageHash in one call
      static void blockMeanHash​(Mat inputArr, Mat outputArr)
      Computes block mean hash of the input image
      static void blockMeanHash​(Mat inputArr, Mat outputArr, int mode)
      Computes block mean hash of the input image
      static void colorMomentHash​(Mat inputArr, Mat outputArr)
      Computes color moment hash of the input, the algorithm is come from the paper "Perceptual Hashing for Color Images Using Invariant Moments"
      static void marrHildrethHash​(Mat inputArr, Mat outputArr)
      Computes average hash value of the input image
      static void marrHildrethHash​(Mat inputArr, Mat outputArr, float alpha)
      Computes average hash value of the input image
      static void marrHildrethHash​(Mat inputArr, Mat outputArr, float alpha, float scale)
      Computes average hash value of the input image
      static void pHash​(Mat inputArr, Mat outputArr)
      Computes pHash value of the input image
      static void radialVarianceHash​(Mat inputArr, Mat outputArr)
      Computes radial variance hash of the input image
      static void radialVarianceHash​(Mat inputArr, Mat outputArr, double sigma)
      Computes radial variance hash of the input image
      static void radialVarianceHash​(Mat inputArr, Mat outputArr, double sigma, int numOfAngleLine)
      Computes radial variance hash of the input image
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Img_hash

        public Img_hash()
    • Method Detail

      • colorMomentHash

        public static void colorMomentHash​(Mat inputArr,
                                           Mat outputArr)
        Computes color moment hash of the input, the algorithm is come from the paper "Perceptual Hashing for Color Images Using Invariant Moments"
        inputArr - input image want to compute hash value, type should be CV_8UC4, CV_8UC3 or CV_8UC1.
        outputArr - 42 hash values with type CV_64F(double)
      • averageHash

        public static void averageHash​(Mat inputArr,
                                       Mat outputArr)
        Calculates img_hash::AverageHash in one call
        inputArr - input image want to compute hash value, type should be CV_8UC4, CV_8UC3 or CV_8UC1.
        outputArr - Hash value of input, it will contain 16 hex decimal number, return type is CV_8U
      • blockMeanHash

        public static void blockMeanHash​(Mat inputArr,
                                         Mat outputArr,
                                         int mode)
        Computes block mean hash of the input image
        inputArr - input image want to compute hash value, type should be CV_8UC4, CV_8UC3 or CV_8UC1.
        outputArr - Hash value of input, it will contain 16 hex decimal number, return type is CV_8U
        mode - the mode
      • blockMeanHash

        public static void blockMeanHash​(Mat inputArr,
                                         Mat outputArr)
        Computes block mean hash of the input image
        inputArr - input image want to compute hash value, type should be CV_8UC4, CV_8UC3 or CV_8UC1.
        outputArr - Hash value of input, it will contain 16 hex decimal number, return type is CV_8U
      • pHash

        public static void pHash​(Mat inputArr,
                                 Mat outputArr)
        Computes pHash value of the input image
        inputArr - input image want to compute hash value, type should be CV_8UC4, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC1.
        outputArr - Hash value of input, it will contain 8 uchar value
      • radialVarianceHash

        public static void radialVarianceHash​(Mat inputArr,
                                              Mat outputArr,
                                              double sigma,
                                              int numOfAngleLine)
        Computes radial variance hash of the input image
        inputArr - input image want to compute hash value, type should be CV_8UC4, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC1.
        outputArr - Hash value of input
        sigma - Gaussian kernel standard deviation
        numOfAngleLine - The number of angles to consider
      • radialVarianceHash

        public static void radialVarianceHash​(Mat inputArr,
                                              Mat outputArr,
                                              double sigma)
        Computes radial variance hash of the input image
        inputArr - input image want to compute hash value, type should be CV_8UC4, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC1.
        outputArr - Hash value of input
        sigma - Gaussian kernel standard deviation
      • radialVarianceHash

        public static void radialVarianceHash​(Mat inputArr,
                                              Mat outputArr)
        Computes radial variance hash of the input image
        inputArr - input image want to compute hash value, type should be CV_8UC4, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC1.
        outputArr - Hash value of input
      • marrHildrethHash

        public static void marrHildrethHash​(Mat inputArr,
                                            Mat outputArr,
                                            float alpha,
                                            float scale)
        Computes average hash value of the input image
        inputArr - input image want to compute hash value, type should be CV_8UC4, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC1.
        outputArr - Hash value of input, it will contain 16 hex decimal number, return type is CV_8U
        alpha - int scale factor for marr wavelet (default=2).
        scale - int level of scale factor (default = 1)
      • marrHildrethHash

        public static void marrHildrethHash​(Mat inputArr,
                                            Mat outputArr,
                                            float alpha)
        Computes average hash value of the input image
        inputArr - input image want to compute hash value, type should be CV_8UC4, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC1.
        outputArr - Hash value of input, it will contain 16 hex decimal number, return type is CV_8U
        alpha - int scale factor for marr wavelet (default=2).
      • marrHildrethHash

        public static void marrHildrethHash​(Mat inputArr,
                                            Mat outputArr)
        Computes average hash value of the input image
        inputArr - input image want to compute hash value, type should be CV_8UC4, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC1.
        outputArr - Hash value of input, it will contain 16 hex decimal number, return type is CV_8U