******************************************************* datasets. Framework for working with different datasets ******************************************************* .. highlight:: cpp The datasets module includes classes for working with different datasets: load data, evaluate different algorithms on them, contains benchmarks, etc. It is planned to have: * basic: loading code for all datasets to help start work with them. * next stage: quick benchmarks for all datasets to show how to solve them using OpenCV and implement evaluation code. * finally: implement on OpenCV state-of-the-art algorithms, which solve these tasks. .. toctree:: :hidden: ar_hmdb ar_sports fr_adience fr_lfw gr_chalearn gr_skig hpe_humaneva hpe_parse ir_affine ir_robot is_bsds is_weizmann msm_epfl msm_middlebury or_imagenet or_mnist or_sun pd_caltech slam_kitti slam_tumindoor tr_chars tr_svt Action Recognition ------------------ :doc:`ar_hmdb` [#f1]_ :doc:`ar_sports` Face Recognition ---------------- :doc:`fr_adience` :doc:`fr_lfw` [#f1]_ Gesture Recognition ------------------- :doc:`gr_chalearn` :doc:`gr_skig` Human Pose Estimation --------------------- :doc:`hpe_humaneva` :doc:`hpe_parse` Image Registration ------------------ :doc:`ir_affine` :doc:`ir_robot` Image Segmentation ------------------ :doc:`is_bsds` :doc:`is_weizmann` Multiview Stereo Matching ------------------------- :doc:`msm_epfl` :doc:`msm_middlebury` Object Recognition ------------------ :doc:`or_imagenet` :doc:`or_mnist` [#f2]_ :doc:`or_sun` Pedestrian Detection -------------------- :doc:`pd_caltech` [#f2]_ SLAM ---- :doc:`slam_kitti` :doc:`slam_tumindoor` Text Recognition ---------------- :doc:`tr_chars` :doc:`tr_svt` [#f1]_ *Footnotes* .. [#f1] Benchmark implemented .. [#f2] Not used in Vision Challenge