.. _PY_Table-Of-Content-Calib: Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction ---------------------------------------------- * :ref:`calibration` .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =========== ====================================================== |calib_1| Let's find how good is our camera. Is there any distortion in images taken with it? If so how to correct it? =========== ====================================================== .. |calib_1| image:: images/calibration_icon.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt * :ref:`pose_estimation` .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =========== ====================================================== |calib_2| This is a small section which will help you to create some cool 3D effects with calib module. =========== ====================================================== .. |calib_2| image:: images/pose_icon.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt * :ref:`epipolar_geometry` .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =========== ====================================================== |calib_3| Let's understand epipolar geometry and epipolar constraint. =========== ====================================================== .. |calib_3| image:: images/epipolar_icon.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt * :ref:`py_depthmap` .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =========== ====================================================== |calib_4| Extract depth information from 2D images. =========== ====================================================== .. |calib_4| image:: images/depthmap_icon.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt .. raw:: latex \pagebreak .. We use a custom table of content format and as the table of content only informs Sphinx about the hierarchy of the files, no need to show it. .. toctree:: :hidden: ../py_calibration/py_calibration ../py_pose/py_pose ../py_epipolar_geometry/py_epipolar_geometry ../py_depthmap/py_depthmap