.. _Table-Of-Content-Contrib: *contrib* module. The additional contributions made available ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Here you will learn how to use additional modules of OpenCV defined in the "contrib" module. .. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst + .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =============== ====================================================== |RetinaDemoImg| **Title:** :ref:`Retina_Model` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.4 *Author:* |Author_AlexB| You will learn how to process images and video streams with a model of retina filter for details enhancement, spatio-temporal noise removal, luminance correction and spatio-temporal events detection. =============== ====================================================== .. |RetinaDemoImg| image:: images/retina_TreeHdr_small.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt .. raw:: latex \pagebreak .. toctree:: :hidden: ../retina_model/retina_model