OpenCV  2.4.13
Open Source Computer Vision
cv::ocl::SURF_OCL Member List

This is the complete list of members for cv::ocl::SURF_OCL, including all inherited members.

_create(const string &name)cv::Algorithmstatic
ANGLE_ROW enum valuecv::ocl::SURF_OCL
compute(const Mat &image, CV_OUT CV_IN_OUT std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, CV_OUT Mat &descriptors) const cv::Feature2D
cv::DescriptorExtractor::compute(const vector< Mat > &images, vector< vector< KeyPoint > > &keypoints, vector< Mat > &descriptors) const cv::DescriptorExtractor
computeImpl(const Mat &image, vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, Mat &descriptors) const cv::ocl::SURF_OCLprotectedvirtual
Constructor typedefcv::Algorithm
create(const string &name)cv::Feature2Dstatic
descriptorSize() const cv::ocl::SURF_OCLvirtual
descriptorType() const cv::ocl::SURF_OCLvirtual
detect(const Mat &image, CV_OUT vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, const Mat &mask=Mat()) const cv::FeatureDetector
detect(const vector< Mat > &images, vector< vector< KeyPoint > > &keypoints, const vector< Mat > &masks=vector< Mat >()) const cv::FeatureDetector
detectImpl(const Mat &image, vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, const Mat &mask) const cv::ocl::SURF_OCLprotectedvirtual
downloadDescriptors(const oclMat &descriptorsocl, vector< float > &descriptors)cv::ocl::SURF_OCL
downloadKeypoints(const oclMat &keypointsocl, vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints)cv::ocl::SURF_OCL
cv::empty() const cv::FeatureDetectorvirtual
cv::DescriptorExtractor::empty() const cv::DescriptorExtractorvirtual
get(const string &name) const cv::Algorithminline
get(const char *name) const cv::Algorithminline
getAlgorithm(const string &name) const cv::Algorithm
getBool(const string &name) const cv::Algorithm
getDouble(const string &name) const cv::Algorithm
getInt(const string &name) const cv::Algorithm
getList(CV_OUT vector< string > &algorithms)cv::Algorithmstatic
getMat(const string &name) const cv::Algorithm
getMatVector(const string &name) const cv::Algorithm
getParams(CV_OUT vector< string > &names) const cv::Algorithm
getString(const string &name) const cv::Algorithm
Getter typedefcv::Algorithm
HESSIAN_ROW enum valuecv::ocl::SURF_OCL
info() const cv::ocl::SURF_OCLvirtual
KeypointLayout enum namecv::ocl::SURF_OCL
LAPLACIAN_ROW enum valuecv::ocl::SURF_OCL
name() const cv::Algorithm
OCTAVE_ROW enum valuecv::ocl::SURF_OCL
operator()(const oclMat &img, const oclMat &mask, oclMat &keypoints)cv::ocl::SURF_OCL
operator()(const oclMat &img, const oclMat &mask, oclMat &keypoints, oclMat &descriptors, bool useProvidedKeypoints=false)cv::ocl::SURF_OCL
operator()(const oclMat &img, const oclMat &mask, std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints)cv::ocl::SURF_OCL
operator()(const oclMat &img, const oclMat &mask, std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, oclMat &descriptors, bool useProvidedKeypoints=false)cv::ocl::SURF_OCL
operator()(const oclMat &img, const oclMat &mask, std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, std::vector< float > &descriptors, bool useProvidedKeypoints=false)cv::ocl::SURF_OCL
operator()(InputArray img, InputArray mask, CV_OUT vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints) const cv::ocl::SURF_OCL
operator()(InputArray img, InputArray mask, CV_OUT vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, OutputArray descriptors, bool useProvidedKeypoints=false) const cv::ocl::SURF_OCLvirtual
paramHelp(const string &name) const cv::Algorithm
paramType(const char *name) const cv::Algorithm
paramType(const string &name) const cv::Algorithm
read(const FileNode &fn)cv::Algorithmvirtual
removeBorderKeypoints(vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, Size imageSize, int borderSize)cv::DescriptorExtractorprotectedstatic
removeInvalidPoints(const Mat &mask, vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints)cv::FeatureDetectorprotectedstatic
ROWS_COUNT enum valuecv::ocl::SURF_OCL
set(const string &name, int value)cv::Algorithm
set(const string &name, double value)cv::Algorithm
set(const string &name, bool value)cv::Algorithm
set(const string &name, const string &value)cv::Algorithm
set(const string &name, const Mat &value)cv::Algorithm
set(const string &name, const vector< Mat > &value)cv::Algorithm
set(const string &name, const Ptr< Algorithm > &value)cv::Algorithm
set(const string &name, const Ptr< _Tp > &value)cv::Algorithminline
set(const char *name, int value)cv::Algorithm
set(const char *name, double value)cv::Algorithm
set(const char *name, bool value)cv::Algorithm
set(const char *name, const string &value)cv::Algorithm
set(const char *name, const Mat &value)cv::Algorithm
set(const char *name, const vector< Mat > &value)cv::Algorithm
set(const char *name, const Ptr< Algorithm > &value)cv::Algorithm
set(const char *name, const Ptr< _Tp > &value)cv::Algorithminline
setAlgorithm(const string &name, const Ptr< Algorithm > &value)cv::Algorithm
setAlgorithm(const string &name, const Ptr< _Tp > &value)cv::Algorithminline
setAlgorithm(const char *name, const Ptr< Algorithm > &value)cv::Algorithm
setAlgorithm(const char *name, const Ptr< _Tp > &value)cv::Algorithminline
setBool(const string &name, bool value)cv::Algorithm
setBool(const char *name, bool value)cv::Algorithm
setDouble(const string &name, double value)cv::Algorithm
setDouble(const char *name, double value)cv::Algorithm
setInt(const string &name, int value)cv::Algorithm
setInt(const char *name, int value)cv::Algorithm
setMat(const string &name, const Mat &value)cv::Algorithm
setMat(const char *name, const Mat &value)cv::Algorithm
setMatVector(const string &name, const vector< Mat > &value)cv::Algorithm
setMatVector(const char *name, const vector< Mat > &value)cv::Algorithm
setString(const string &name, const string &value)cv::Algorithm
setString(const char *name, const string &value)cv::Algorithm
Setter typedefcv::Algorithm
SIZE_ROW enum valuecv::ocl::SURF_OCL
SURF_OCL(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves=4, int _nOctaveLayers=2, bool _extended=true, float _keypointsRatio=0.01f, bool _upright=false)cv::ocl::SURF_OCLexplicit
uploadKeypoints(const vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keypoints, oclMat &keypointsocl)cv::ocl::SURF_OCL
write(FileStorage &fs) const cv::Algorithmvirtual
X_ROW enum valuecv::ocl::SURF_OCL
Y_ROW enum valuecv::ocl::SURF_OCL