.. _Table-Of-Content-Introduction: Introduction to OpenCV ----------------------------------------------------------- Here you can read tutorials about how to set up your computer to work with the OpenCV library. Additionaly you can find a few very basic sample source code that will let introduce you to the world of the OpenCV. .. include:: ../../definitions/tocDefinitions.rst * **Linux** .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =========== ====================================================== |Install_1| **Title:** :ref:`Linux-Installation` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 *Author:* |Author_AnaH| We will learn how to setup OpenCV in your computer! =========== ====================================================== .. |Install_1| image:: images/ubuntu-logo.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =========== ====================================================== |Usage_1| **Title:** :ref:`Linux_GCC_Usage` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 *Author:* |Author_AnaH| We will learn how to compile your first project using gcc and CMake =========== ====================================================== .. |Usage_1| image:: images/gccegg-65.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =========== ====================================================== |Usage_2| **Title:** :ref:`Linux_Eclipse_Usage` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 *Author:* |Author_AnaH| We will learn how to compile your first project using the Eclipse environment =========== ====================================================== .. |Usage_2| image:: images/eclipse_cpp_logo.jpeg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt * **Windows** .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =========== ====================================================== |WinInstal| **Title:** :ref:`Windows_Installation` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 *Author:* |Author_BernatG| You will learn how to setup OpenCV in your Windows Operating System! =========== ====================================================== .. |WinInstal| image:: images/windows_logo.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =========== ====================================================== |WinVSHowT| **Title:** :ref:`Windows_Visual_Studio_How_To` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 *Author:* |Author_BernatG| You will learn what steps you need to perform in order to use the OpenCV library inside a new Microsoft Visual Studio project. =========== ====================================================== .. |WinVSHowT| image:: images/visual-studio-2010-logo.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt * **Android** .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ================ ====================================================== |AndroidBinPack| **Title:** :ref:`Android_Binary_Package` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.3.1 *Author:* |Author_AndreyK| You will learn how to setup OpenCV for Android platform! ================ ====================================================== .. |AndroidBinPack| image:: images/android_logo.png :height: 90pt :width: 90pt .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ================ ====================================================== |AndroidNDKPack| **Title:** :ref:`Android_Binary_Package_with_NDK` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.3.1 *Author:* |Author_LeonidBLB| You will learn how to work with C++ OpenCV code for Android platform ================ ====================================================== .. |AndroidNDKPack| image:: images/android_logo.png :height: 90pt :width: 90pt * **From where to start?** .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv ============= ====================================================== |Beginners_1| **Title:** :ref:`Display_Image` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 *Author:* |Author_AnaH| We will learn how to display an image using OpenCV ============= ====================================================== .. |Beginners_1| image:: images/Display_Image_Tutorial_Result.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt .. tabularcolumns:: m{100pt} m{300pt} .. cssclass:: toctableopencv =============== ====================================================== |Beginners_2| **Title:** :ref:`Load_Save_Image` *Compatibility:* > OpenCV 2.0 *Author:* |Author_AnaH| We will learn how to save an Image in OpenCV...plus a small conversion to grayscale =============== ====================================================== .. |Beginners_2| image:: images/Load_Save_Image_Result_1.jpg :height: 90pt :width: 90pt .. raw:: latex \pagebreak .. We use a custom table of content format and as the table of content only imforms Sphinx about the hierarchy of the files, no need to show it. .. toctree:: :hidden: ../linux_install/linux_install ../linux_gcc_cmake/linux_gcc_cmake ../linux_eclipse/linux_eclipse ../windows_install/windows_install ../windows_visual_studio_Opencv/windows_visual_studio_Opencv ../android_binary_package/android_binary_package ../android_binary_package/android_binary_package_using_with_NDK ../display_image/display_image ../load_save_image/load_save_image